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Pilgrim 07-27-2007 11:15 PM

Hi Jen,

There will be lots of people at the meeting who will know what you should do. I am pleased you found one to go to.

You have had lots of advice about not detoxing on your own. Did you tell the people in your house to keep an eye on you?

stone 07-27-2007 11:15 PM

Mornin ((((((Barb!)))))) *yawn* Just woke up....

...too early for questions lol!

Hi Jen! :hug:

barb dwyer 07-27-2007 11:18 PM

hi ************ stone }}}}}}


barb dwyer 07-27-2007 11:23 PM


I just sat back down and may well have broken my dang TOE on the desk ...

omg that hurt ... wait ... brb

stone 07-27-2007 11:27 PM

Thats a pleasant start to your shift Barb...:eek:

I hope youre ok hun?

stone 07-27-2007 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by barb dwyer (Post 1428878)
hi ************ stone }}}}}}


Foul temptress! I am not allowed coffee, it makes me WEIRD! :hypnotize

I may still have some tho...

barb dwyer 07-27-2007 11:37 PM

ok - back ... injured... but back.

LOL stone - spoken like a true alcoholic

Pilgrim 07-27-2007 11:41 PM

go visible

stone 07-27-2007 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by barb dwyer (Post 1428888)
ok - back ... injured... but back.

LOL stone - spoken like a true alcoholic

Poor Barbs :hug:

Yes, spoken like a true eejit!

I am gonna watch this step dvd so I will be popping in and out.

stone 07-27-2007 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by Pilgrim (Post 1428893)
go visible


barb dwyer 07-27-2007 11:50 PM


I must get a different kind of screen than y'all - what does it matter if visible or not?

barb dwyer 07-27-2007 11:51 PM

*puts part of removed townail in baggie for Rowan's next batch of popcorn*

She'll appreciate I saved that for her.

barb dwyer 07-27-2007 11:52 PM

hey **{Pilgrim}} sorry

stone 07-27-2007 11:53 PM


As for invisible, it just means you appear offline and your name doesnt show up.

Its a bad habit I picked up from IO and Arura!

barb dwyer 07-27-2007 11:57 PM



I know - I read that and winced, myself ... but posted it anyway.

I never remember to look to see if someone's on or not ... ok - they just want to see the little green light, is that it?

Dee74 07-28-2007 12:08 AM

hi all


Arura 07-28-2007 12:08 AM


Were's that COFFEE.....?


Mornin ...Folks ....:D

barb dwyer 07-28-2007 12:10 AM

****************** arura }}}}}}}}}} ******************** dee }}}}}}}}}}

stone is making coffee, I think ...

St_Kurt 07-28-2007 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by igetallnumb (Post 1428552)
my body has built such a tolerance that i was up to 10+ a day with a half a bottle of absolute

I know I'm coming in kind of late to this and it has nothing to do with Stone or anything, but since the subject is up, I would like to offer another reason why it is important to see a doctor and be absolutely honest (no pun intended) with them.

Vicoden has Tylenol in it - which is a liver toxin. And benzodiazapines use the same part of the cytochrome P450 system in the liver that is used to de-toxify alcohol. Plus, both of these, when mixed with alcohol cause long lasting and deadly damage to the liver.

Quick lesson in liver physiology: The liver has specific enzymes for each of the specific toxins that it encounters as a whole they are known as "the cytochrome P450 system" or CYP450. Many of these "toxins" are drugs and whether used as prescribed or abused - and the liver must break them down. Many drugs are not effective until the liver has had its "first pass" at them - this is a well known phenomena and used when formulating drugs. It's why many drugs you see that are administered orally have an HCl after them. (Like benedryl says "diphenhydramine HCl") The hydrochloride group is there as kind of a decoy for the liver detoxifying enzymes to keep the drug from being rendered ineffective.

Certain combinations of drugs in the liver at the same time can do more damage than they do alone.

Tylenol is the number one cause of liver failure in the united states. Tylenol, not alcohol. And vicoden has A LOT of tylenol in it (more tylenol than hydrocodone). When you take two 5/500 vicodens you are taking 1000mg of Tylenol. If you take 10 plus pills, then that's over 5000mg which is well above the daily recommended safe dose for a human liver.

Taken with alcohol, the Tylenol and alcohol battle for the same group of de-toxification enzymes, creating a very toxic chemical called N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI for short). NAPQI knocks out a very important enzyme called "glutathione", which is responsible for nearly every detox activity your liver does (which is basically ALL your liver does - to the liver even a meal needs to be "detoxed".) The result - even with moderate Tylenol use, mixed with alcohol, it is a fast track to liver failure.

Add in the benzodiazpines and the problem is further compounded. Benzos look like alcohol to the liver. The liver doesn't know whether it came in liquid or pill form and doesn't care - it does it's job just the same either way. That's why alcoholics have high tolerances to benzodiazapines and vice versa.

This is not medical advice. It is an explanation of biochemistry and physiology. I'm not a doctor.

However, regardless of how you feel while detoxing, you do need to see a doctor. If you've been mixing these three drugs for 3 years at the quantities that you describe, medical statistics say that if you are not already in liver failure, then there is a very good possibility that you soon will be if you go without treatment. Even if you quit using. The liver is very forgiving, but it is not all-powerful and it can be damaged. Unfortunately, you happened to pick a combo that is highly liver unfriendly.

I wish you lots of luck with your health and recovery. Please see a physician as soon as you can. If I have scared you into doing so then I am glad. If you come back with a clean bill of health and say "that St_Kurt's full of crap!" then I will be even happier. :)


Arura 07-28-2007 12:22 AM

Hi Kurt ....Its abit early in the mornin for me ....soz hon....:)

I Just need to wake up abit ...but im sure someone more awake can answear that one .....:)

Pass the coffee Stoney.....;)

Tyenol is Paracetamol aint it ....?
if so yep ....Major Damage the liver ....!!!

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