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Peterson 04-09-2007 09:29 AM

Ayla your pics are getting awesome! I have to go to the Post Office catch you guys later. Miss you all!!!!!!!

ayla zaire 04-09-2007 09:31 AM

thanks petie

jackie 04-09-2007 09:35 AM

i wonder if you can mail small pets also---my cat !!!
maybe i can get a group rate!!!!!

NYCGirl 04-09-2007 09:52 AM

It better to just list them on ebay that way the buyer pays the shipping

ayla zaire 04-09-2007 09:58 AM

good idea......except as soon as they got there the buyer would send them back COD.....hehe

NYCGirl 04-09-2007 10:06 AM

Yeah I get one of those bad transaction marks

pookielolo 04-09-2007 10:38 AM

Hi all!!

I have spent awhile trying to read back, om my!!, lol

I took off today, Becca, was not any better, still high fever after toggling Motrin and Tylenol every 3 hours,I have been up for two days. dr looked at the report form the ED visit and said she thinks it may be a strep pneumonia(she has absolutely no symptoms of pneumonia?) and septicemia, OMG, so she was going to put her on IV antibiotic, but instead put gave her a shot will a powerful strength antibiotic, and said she should respond by tomorrow, PRAYING. I look like a pot head my eyes are so red from crying

Mist-FLOAM, I got it for Dan for Christmas, do not let it get on the carpet!! When it dries, it will NOT come off

Lollipop- prayers to your friend~!!

Tam, beautiful family picture

Ayla, keep the beautiful art coming!!

Jane -prayer to your girl, my goodness, she sounds like quite the trooper

Jackie, thanks for all your concern and love, you rock!!! danny is trying to take a cute picture of himself for Brionna, heheh

Everyone else, Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!

ayla zaire 04-09-2007 10:46 AM

lol....thanks pookie....the art is someone elses, i just steal it and mash it together....hehe...

brynn38 04-09-2007 10:49 AM

Hi everybody...Jonathan just popped in a little bit I feel some better. I just typed another post(not too long)..but I was thanking everyone for your support and kind words of understanding and a few other things that I don't remember of course!
Liss, Hope you are able to keep us posted about your friend...still praying!
NYC, glad your headache is better!
Mist, congrats on the 90 days...just thinking about when I first joined this site, your posts were some of the first i read and I remember being able to relate to how you were going through all the w.d's..except you lasted much longer than I did when I tried cold turkey. I'm so proud of are such a strong managed to do that and do it at a very tough time in your fact, I admire you very much. Hope that you can do something really nice for yourself to deserve it! Wish I could send you a gift certificate for a full day of pampering at a spa...and babysit for you while you were there..unfortunately, I can' imagine it's the thought that counts, isn't it? hehe!
Jane..prayers for your DD also..can totally relate to wanting to take the hurt yourself...I always feel like that when one of my guys is sick or hurting. I'm sure she'll recover quickly...just don't seem like it can be quick enough, huh?
Petie...loved the pic of the baby in the mailbox...too cute! and now the coke head! where do you find this stuff? If I could find it, I wouldn't know how to share it!
I know I have forgotten alot of what I said..but the most important thing is that I jsut wanted to say thanks to all of you for being such good friends!
Jonathan is going to check on a new job today...that one is really bothering me...he got evicted..has a puppy with him...Lucy's not happy about that...the Landlady won't let him move back in here...please pray for this one to turn out really good really fast! Please???
He just showed me Hannah's(his girlfriend and probably soon to be fiance's graduation picture...she's lost some weight since the picture was taken and he said her face looks alot slimmer than in the picture...I haven't seen her in several weeks...but I scanned the picture and if I can remember how Misti told me to do this..I'll post if for you all...this may be my future and first daughter-in-law..possibly the future mother of my first grandchild! hey....that's a thought...just not right now! hehe!!
Okay..I'm gonna try to do this....

h4lov909 04-09-2007 10:50 AM

Did everone see what ayla made did yad, did ya??? Love it!!! I made it the background on my desktop too, Thanks agian Ayla... (hope u feel happier today)
Jane glad you daughters ok, but sorry she will have to be in pain for a few days.
nyc glad your headaches gone is you mil still there??
Alex anyone is welcom if u can put up with us LOL
Bryn and lollipop I am enjoyng reading your posts and getting to know you we all grow from all of our drama!!!
beezy I miss you I am sorry you are feeling down we all have our times.

pookielolo 04-09-2007 10:51 AM

Ayla, still, that is beautiful how you do it, and BTW, the pic of you Mom and the kids was just beautiful

I had trouble yesterday with dealing with the loss of my Aunt, who I named Becca after, she was gone and Becca was so sick:(

h4lov909 04-09-2007 10:55 AM

pookie hope your dauter is feeling better
Liss good vibes to your friend

3 WEEKS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel good powerful and to top off a GREAT weekend my husband may stay with me no hugs kisses or love but if he stays I am positve it will grow back. Love you all and think of you often

brynn38 04-09-2007 11:23 AM

Oops! sorry...wasn't expecting it to be sooooo big! But you get the picture! no pun intended!

mikiglen 04-09-2007 11:24 AM

woo hoo...i got my money, and i'm broke again, but it's such a good broke :)

janeeyre 04-09-2007 11:54 AM

(((Pookie))) I'll be praying for your little Becca--that sounds scary, but I am sure she will be fine before too long. :hug:

Go figure--yesterday it was snowing, today it is sunny and gorgeous--temp in the high 60's. (????)

Peterson 04-09-2007 12:22 PM

I made it one month yesterday! I was all concerned that I would be faced with the bar situation on Sat. The BF's brother wanted to go have a beer.

So I said I can do this, If I really want one I'll just have an odouls. But then I remembered someones advice from here, sorry I can't remember who, that those are not good for the psyche, even though my dad was fine with them for 25 years.

So I convinced my sweety that staying in and cuddling was much better. And it was if you know what I mean!!!!! HeHe.

So I made it 1 month! Congrats Melody to you for 3 weeks. Happy your feeling better my Jackie-poo and 90 days is awesome too. Way to go Misti!

Peterson 04-09-2007 12:23 PM

They are predicting 3-5 inches here starting tomorrow. :(

jackie 04-09-2007 12:35 PM

good job petie and mist and h4 on your sobriety--i should keep up with mine but i don't!!! i feel s if i don't deserve a sobriety date with painkillers it is kind of hard for me to have one since i have taken them here and there---but mostly i haven't went back to abusing that is the main thing!!! that is my goal just not to abuse!!! EVER AGAIN!!!!

NYCGirl 04-09-2007 12:51 PM

Thanks all. headaches gone... need to get back to treadmilling..

h4... sorry I missed you in my long post MIL only lives about 10 minutes away... she made a great dinner it was actully kind of nice IO didn't have to cook so I got clean.. oh if you call that a break ..... but atleast my house got clean... still laundry to do, my laundry multiplies like rabbits. Good goung on the three weeks, if he's staying there must be a reason.

Congrats on the month Petie

Hi Scoot

Candy... saw ya earlier where'd you go.... miss you... my 11 yo is hoping to qualify tio level 6 before the summer she's going to gymanastic camp for a week...

jackie 04-09-2007 01:00 PM

nyc glad your headache is gone---i hate being in pain!!!!! it sucks!!!!---- are you back at school ???? or is it still spring break for you?? we had ours 3 weeks ago --- conner and i went and ate lunch with brionna at school today it was nice they had pizza!!!! it seems to have tasted the same way it did 20 years ago!!!!!!! i think school cafeteria food has a universal kind of taste LOL!!!!!

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