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Purplrks3647 09-17-2022 11:30 AM

Awww thanks anyway Sooz :)

I found some on sale at a nearby Shoe Carnival store….I’m not a fan of shopping, so for the first time ever I bought them online and will pick them up when they are ready….we’ll see how that goes :D

Free2bme888 09-17-2022 12:56 PM

Purps, hope you are feeling ok. How scary!

Funny but awful video on person falling. Some of my mums weird British humor coming into play😬🤪. I needed that funny, CK

i wear 8.5 to 10s, depending on shoe type and brand. 😩. Suze, you are so kind

welcome Tanky,

glad Fran is doing well (I hope going up north means far away from hospital)

Saskia, my arm always feel like they’ll fall off after shots.

FBL 09-17-2022 12:59 PM

I don't mean to brag, but I'm a size 13 shoe here. You know what they say, big feet, big...HEART!!! :lmao

SereneEdition 09-17-2022 01:20 PM

Hi Overs -

Ooowwww purps! Glad you are ok!

FBL - yay for sales. Ha ha.

Suze - congrats. You’ve worked hard to make it work. :)

I’m solo parenting with no daycare on a hurt foot with 2 sick kids bc MIL bailed on the last minute (again). I may come here in tears in the next week from being broken from failing to do five things at once all day and night long. Fair warning. (I set expectations low but still)

Bekindalways 09-17-2022 01:23 PM

I'm checking in late here.

I had a charity bike event to go to. It was for cleft pallet kids. I wound up being really lovely. The ride was for 40 miles but my friends and I only did 20. It made me think that I need to do more of these things.

VC, yes perennials will survive the winter if they are in a zone in which they do well. They go dormant for the winter and then grow and bloom the next spring and summer. Annuals will bloom all summer and then not survive the winter while perennials bloom for a short time every summer. I think of perennials being like fire works they go off one at a time. Here we first get crocus then daffodils then tulips then iris then peonies . . . . I try to have ones that bloom at each part of the summer.

My mood was so uplifted by the long bike ride. I will spend the afternoon with a few indoor chores and working on the garden.

Have a good one all.

Dee74 09-17-2022 01:30 PM

Hope you’re ok Purps :)


venuscat 09-17-2022 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by Free2bme888 (Post 7853655)
Purps, hope you are feeling ok. How scary!

Funny but awful video on person falling. Some of my mums weird British humor coming into play😬🤪. I needed that funny, CK

i wear 8.5 to 10s, depending on shoe type and brand. 😩. Suze, you are so kind

welcome Tanky,

glad Fran is doing well (I hope going up north means far away from hospital)

Saskia, my arm always feel like they’ll fall off after shots.

Do you know your size in Steve Madden sneakers? :)

If any of you can fit into the 8.5s, I will happily send them. :) xxxx

Sorry FBL—I don't think they will fit. ;)

venuscat 09-17-2022 01:42 PM

Oh, thank you, BK. I knew that, but I kind of thought there was some magic there that made the perennials stay in bloom through winter. :)
Glad you had a wonderful bikeride! xxxxx

And thank yo Serene honey; I miss you. I have been way too busy to catch up lately. And I am very sorry you are injured and looking after the kids on your own. :( :hug: s xxxxxx

Tanky 09-17-2022 03:00 PM

Hey Overs,

thankyou for all the welcomes . 🤗 & so good to read all your posts.

So I posted elsewhere in SR about why I knew I needed to come back to SR to read & post more - after being away for awhile. Largely because of going through an unexpected shaky patch.

But I guess some of the things that contributed to that are easing for me now. I have been doing a lot of work to stay the course - treating myself like a newcomer, following my program - even though I didn’t want to, and also reading and posting again on SR. and it is helping.

My friend who was out drinking that I posted about? The one who actually helped me get sober in first place. She appears to be back on a recovery path. She has attended a couple of zoom meetings with me. And I think she may have actually stopped drinking. (Not positive on that, though). But I feel like I did everything to connect with her and help her find the door.

Won’t go into all the other stuff going on, but I guess I may be in ‘eye of storm’? or more optimistically - back towards calmer waters.

part of what I am trying to grapple w for myself is to learn a little more that it is not my job to pour myself out into others until there is nothing left. That I have some value beyond what others need from me. This was integral to survival in my past , I guess - but it is no longer so. But embracing that is so damn hard for me.

So this weekend, I am kind of just sad and drained and feeling like there is nothing inside. Maybe a hangover effect from having strong feelings? That there is no me under the onion layers. But I am trying to be okay with those feelings, too. Without turning it into another moral failing.

Apologies for the long winded musing. I may have been sober for nearly 19 months , but I am still very new at emotional sobriety. 😂

Dee74 09-17-2022 03:29 PM

part of what I am trying to grapple w for myself is to learn a little more that it is not my job to pour myself out into others until there is nothing left. That I have some value beyond what others need from me. This was integral to survival in my past , I guess - but it is no longer so. But embracing that is so damn hard for me.
it is hard Tanky - but I found my capacity to be of service to others actually increased in real terms when I had stronger boundaries/left something in the tank for myself.


Tanky 09-17-2022 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 7853740)
it is hard Tanky - but I found my capacity to be of service to others actually increased in real terms when I had stronger boundaries/left something in the tank for myself.


Dearest dee,

missed ya, bro. Xx

This totally makes sense. And intellectually I know these things. About boundaries and not forgetting to put the oxygen mask on me , before I try to help others with theirs.

But I have trouble following my own advice. 😂 progress not perfection , tho.

PhoenixJ 09-17-2022 08:37 PM

Another Uncle has died. Not to be confused by an uncle dying about 2w ago.
Ths uncle was\is married to an aunt who died 3w ago.

This death has more meaning to me tha than other 2 deaths.

Mags1 09-17-2022 09:01 PM

Good Morning Overs:wave:

PJ sending more condolences to you and your family. :hug:

Tanky, is it a human trait to want to give our very last breath to help others whilst we struggle to breathe? :dunno: it took me many years and heeding the wise words of SR members to retrain / rewire my brain to care for me. :dunno:

SE, hope SiSK and BB are soon we’ll again. Come here and shout out whenever you want love. We’ll be here supporting you. :hug:

FBL good work on the book sales. :)

Purps hope you’re not too bruised and battered. :hug: new shoes sound good.

I had to convert shoe sizes to U.K. sizes cos I’ve got diddy feet. I’m a 3/4 in U.K. which is 4/5 in US. Mr. Mags always wonders how I manage not to fall over….oh wait…I did fall over last year and went for a right Burton! :a136: :biglaugh:

Have a good day my friends xxxx

least 09-17-2022 09:18 PM

I haven't been here in a while. Hope everyone is well as can be. :)

No sleep last night so hope to sleep tonight. Counting on snuggling with Billie to help relax me and make me feel peaceful and quiet inside, not tense and wound up.

Purplrks3647 09-18-2022 01:43 AM

(((PJ))) :grouphug:

Thanks again everyone….I think I’m ok…a bit sore here and there, but I’ll need to keep up with my stretches and acupuncture….today I’m helping transport / pet sit for 6 dogs, so it’ll be a Sunday funday…and got my new shoes! FILA sneakers originally $65, on sale for $30! :danse1b:

Free2bme888 09-18-2022 02:52 AM

PJ, I’m so sorry about your uncle. Will there be a service you can get to to later to pay respects?

Mags, your feet are so petite! FBL, you are a GIANT!

least, I hope you get some rest

Bekind, some day I need/ want to split your perennials with me, I’ll get my garden going next spring. I’m going to spread some wild seeds I got from Neil Luncefords nursery in Dillon when we get home next week. I LOVE gardening, and it’s great to have you relatively nearby.

Tanky, sometimes I feel like I’m losing my mind. Some neuroscientists believe it takes about 60 months for us to rewire the damage we’ve done for years…….patience and ODAAT…..

Saskia 09-18-2022 03:27 AM

Sending many *hugs* to all who want and could use them! :grouphug:

Have a lovely Sunday :ws_flower

venuscat 09-18-2022 06:52 AM

Fantastic bargain, Purps. :) ❤️

More love, dearest PJ. :hug: s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ❤️

And hugs back at you, darling Sass. I hope the weather is gorgeous there today. :) :hug: ❤️

Bekindalways 09-18-2022 09:11 AM

Oh wow Free. I didn't realize you were in the Rocky Mountains too. Do you want some purple iris and/or pink peonies?

We had the balloon festival going on this morning which is lovely. It is supposed to rain later in the week but is sunny today.

Ugh, I have a bunch of house cleaning and indoor tasks to do. Not my favorite. Ugh.

So on to put laundry in dryer, load dishwasher and call my sister.

tootsl1 09-18-2022 11:52 AM

Peej hugs mate, sorry for your loss.

SE gripe away sweetie

Purps, I bet your butt is Purps! Ouch!

Tanky, what Dee said!

Hugs all round to those who need one, Kudos to those who are surviving :)

PhoenixJ 09-18-2022 03:49 PM

prayers to us all.

SereneEdition 09-18-2022 05:01 PM


V - ebb and flow of life. No need to apologize to me
sweetie for being busy (looks in mirror and laughs bc I haven’t brushed my teeth in 2 days) ha ha.

First thing that I’m doing when I drop the kids off on Monday is showing, eating, and sitting my butt down to do paperwork.

good news - I did not lose my cookies today. We may have watched tv and 20 mins to reign in chaos helps!

venuscat 09-18-2022 05:09 PM

So much love, honey. ❤️

You are a wonderful mom; I am sure some self-care will be magnificent tomorrow. :) :hug: s

Itchy 09-18-2022 09:38 PM

Doing a drive by and hope all are well. My 12th year of sobriety comes up this Wednesday. I could not remember whether it was the 20th or 21st. So I came here to be sure. I honestly give no thought to drinking, being around drinkers, or seeing my wife with her evening scotch right next to me. It doesn't register at all. It's Wednesday.

Stay safe, stay sober!

Mags1 09-18-2022 09:57 PM

Good Morning Overs

Good to see you Itchy. :wave: Congratulations on your up coming 12 years! :You_Rock_

Will be watching the Queen’s funeral with mum-in-law later.

It’s still dark here but lovely and warm in the living room. The coal fire is still in from last night. It’s been nice having a fire in the evenings. When I was a kid we used to toast bread with a long toasting fork on the fire. Was good.

Have a good day my friends xxxx :grouphug:

Saskia 09-18-2022 11:15 PM

A *very* early good morning, folks.

PJ, sorry about your uncle. You have lost too many in a very short time.

SE, hope you feel better very soon :hug:

Mags, I’ve seen bits and pieces of news coverage from London. I still find it hard to imagine so many people lined up in one place!

Itchy, good to see you and hear you are doing well.

Toots, thanks and hugs backatcha!

I was exposed to Covid today in a major way - sitting right next to a friend (who had her 5th shot 2 weeks ago). Keeping fingers crossed!

Hi and *hugs* to Bekind, Free, Purps, Suze, Least, Dee and everyone :grouphug:

Mags1 09-18-2022 11:19 PM

Sassy, I hope your vaccines do their work and keep covid at bay from you. :)

Purplrks3647 09-19-2022 02:15 AM

Congrats on your approaching 12 year Soberversary Itchy! :sparkler

Canadian Koala 09-19-2022 02:39 AM

Hello Itchy, funny I was talking about you just the other day!
Glad to see you are sailing on pleasant waters.

Monday ahead, garbage day + recycling bin to take out today.
I have a very exciting life!
To be sober with no hangover is a fantastic life!

Have a good day Overs

FBL 09-19-2022 04:59 AM

PJ :grouphug:

Itch, congrats on the big #12!

I need to work on some of the intro section for my book today. I'm sure we'll do some sort of dedication to Joel.

Have a Marvelous Monday, overs!

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