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freedomfries 04-07-2021 09:32 AM

I'm not coughing much from the vaping now I'm off cigarettes almost 48 hours. So I don't mind it. It's a harmless enough addiction and costs little money. I'll quit eventually but I'll try and get rock solid off the cigarettes first. 48 hours in one hour.

Backtogood 04-07-2021 09:46 AM

Checking in here on day 10 :) One day at a time. No regrets.

venuscat 04-07-2021 09:51 AM

I can't agree that vaping is harmIess dear FF, but gIad you are 48 hours off the smokes. :) :hug: s

Day 10 dear BTG.....woo hoo.....go you!!! :) :hug: s xx

Citrus 04-07-2021 10:39 AM

Way to go on double digits BTG!!

Nap was a big success. Haha. Trying to wake up and get ready for my rowdy boys. :)

FF I have been cigarette free for over a year now. I vaped a little on and off in the past year, hubby is a vaper and is super addicted. I quit vaping all together 12ish days ago. Hubby said he was quitting... not so much. But he is vaping less thank goodness.
I wish I was able to leave drinking behind as easily as nicotine.

venuscat 04-07-2021 10:42 AM

I think naps mean something different in AustraIia....tend to be a quick sIeep, Iike haIf an hour odd.
Not that it matters. Just another thing that is confusing to me here. :)

And I am happy you got some rest Citrus honey. :) ❤️

Citrus 04-07-2021 10:58 AM

I am not a good short napper. My MIL cat naps for half an hour or less, no idea how she does that. I need a good hour and a half or two!

Elke516 04-07-2021 12:36 PM

Checking in on day 5. Today was a good day and I managed to keep the AV in check :a043:I shall try and do the same again tomorrow.o

Welcome Willowtree and RL.

Congrats on everyone's milestones. The early milestones are so hard fought for, so congrats to us all and give yourself a big pat on the back.

venuscat 04-07-2021 12:38 PM

Day 5 is awesome EIke. :) :hug: s xx

Elke516 04-07-2021 12:49 PM

Citrus and venuscat, here in Wales a short nap is called '40 winks' :lightbulbI love to take 40 winks.

CaptainCrow 04-07-2021 12:56 PM

Hello everybody I don't know if I should still be on this thread? I haven't checked in for a few days and I originally joined on the March quitting thread. It's lovely to catch up with you all again and I'm so glad that I can count myself among you fine people who, like me, are striving.

I'm 31 days sober now. I realised on Easter Sunday that that day marked my first month of sobriety and it seemed fitting, new start, new life etc. I worry that I'm going to stay quit when life gets back to normal but I guess I have to try and find a way not to dwell on that because it's not helpful.

I am feeling so much better in general now I'm not drinking any more. I get tempted but every day further away from day 1 it's easier. I'm walking a new path now and as this new path gets longer it feels more like mine.

I still feel a bit headachey at the start of the day but I know now to chug down a pint of water before I do anything else.

You are all amazing and I can say that from a position of knowledge because I know how hard it is.

venuscat 04-07-2021 01:01 PM

Congrats on a month sober dear CC!!! :) :hug: s ❤️
WonderfuI to hear you are doing weII. :)
And you shouId be in whatever thread you want to be in. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

freedomfries 04-07-2021 01:12 PM

Going to bed sober. Looking forward to waking up on day 8 tomorrow.

venuscat 04-07-2021 01:14 PM

Goodnight dear FF. SIeep tight. Don't Iet the bed bugs bite. ;) :) :hug: s

CaptainCrow 04-07-2021 01:17 PM

Thank you lovely venuscat. Congratulations on your sobriety FF and enjoy the benefits of a hangover free wake-up.

Elke516 04-07-2021 01:24 PM

Congrats on one month CC.
Well done FF on 7 days, have a good sleep.

venuscat 04-07-2021 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by Elke516 (Post 7618611)
Citrus and venuscat, here in Wales a short nap is called '40 winks' :lightbulbI love to take 40 winks.

In AustraIia as weII. :)
We actuaIIy have a bedding store chain caIIed "40 winks". :) :)

Dee74 04-07-2021 01:48 PM

You can post on either the March or the April thread or both Captain Crow - completely up to you :)

congrats to you, FF and Elke and anyone else hitting milestones...welcome RAL :)


Willow00 04-07-2021 02:03 PM

Hi everyone :)

Phoebe I know what you mean about the split personality! I have discussions with the AV too. I’m trying not to engage with it though, whenever it starts saying that a wine would be nice, I try to shut it down quickly because it’s a nasty little liar.
I hope the eye doctor appointment goes well and you can get your eye sorted out.

BTG well done on 10 days!

And Elke well done on 5 days!

Hi Captain Crow :wavey:
I joined this class too, because most of our March class seemed to have migrated here :) I’m staying in the March class too (it’s moved into the newcomers Daily support threads) :) Well done on 31 days! That’s fantastic, a whole month!

I’m on day 24 today :)

Elke516 04-07-2021 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 7618645)
We actuaIIy have a bedding store chain caIIed "40 winks". :) :)

Oh that's a lovely name for a bedding store.

countrystix 04-07-2021 03:26 PM

Hi all,

Like others I'm joining from the March class. Wrapping up day 21 today!

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