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venuscat 12-27-2020 11:04 AM

I was waiting for that.....I knew you would see the mistake, but honestly, Pixie is such a cool username..... ;) :) :hug: s ❤️

babycat 12-27-2020 11:08 AM

I have NOT tasted New Zealand cheese? Mmm, yet another reason to visit someday. It is definitely on the list!
A rooftop garden would be so fun! Such a nice little zen getaway. I wish I could have tiny farm on our roof. I am a weirdo in that I love and prefer city life but wish I still lived on a farm. Our's is our apartment complex's so we don't have much control as to what goes up there but they did a lovely job and I don't have to do anything so that is a win too I guess lol!

venuscat 12-27-2020 11:11 AM

Same at heart all the way, but adore city life.
Or maybe that's opposite? But still sounds the same to me. :)
Maybe they will have some NZ aged cheddar at the shop you are going to?
I bet any money they do.... :) :hug: s

babycat 12-27-2020 11:27 AM

I think it's the same haha at least, I get it!
I will definitely look for some NZ cheese. Honestly I never thought about it, so shame on me! I will report back on the cheese status later. :)

venuscat 12-27-2020 11:30 AM

Oooooo....I am excited to hear!! :) xx

ReadyAtLast 12-27-2020 11:54 AM

Glad you had a lovely Christmas babycat 😃

Zura 12-27-2020 01:26 PM

Good Morning All
B2G - congratulations on day 1

lixie - glad you've got some quiet downtime now
babycat - sounds like your having a wonderful time
RAL - haha love it, Xmas is definitely one of those times you need a holiday after a holiday

Venus - good morning lovely
JT - I hope your health isn't as bad as you are worried it may be. I'm with.....I forget who said it....maybe get it checked out. Thats probably terrifying I know but you may find like RAL everything is normal?

Yesterday I had to close the door once and for all on a relationship with someone I love very deeply. They are a very abusive, manipulative person and although we aren't together they are trying to convince me we are. Very messy stuff. I even worry they will come on SR and cause trouble and it's a big reason why I try to remain anonymous, they've came on here during one of my no contact period's and found me in the past. I'm no longer worried for my life as I used to and am working on not letting him control my life in anyway by being open about the situation here, I've been isolated in everyway, even on an anonymous forum. I don't really like to talk about it as it's pretty horrific and traumatising but I felt the need to share.

Lixie 12-27-2020 01:31 PM

Oh, Zura, that sounds dramatic, but I'm sure it is for the best. Good job on putting your foot down.

I'm off to bed, day 30 is in the box.

venuscat 12-27-2020 01:32 PM

Oh love. :hug: s ❤️

Thank you for sharing that....I am so sorry you have been going through all of this xx
I am glad you are no longer afraid in the way you used to be, that is very good.
And I hope he hears you and gets the heck out of your life for good now.
Love you to pieces. :hug: s ❤️❤️

ReadyAtLast 12-27-2020 02:03 PM

Morning aura. I'm so sorry to hear of your difficult situation but Good on you for closing the door.

ReadyAtLast 12-27-2020 02:13 PM

Zura not aura 😃

I seem to be having some difficulty with predictive text and getting peoples names wrong today. Apologies 😃

ReadyAtLast 12-27-2020 02:17 PM

What plans does everyone have for new year ? Is it a big thing for you ? For me not really. Just at home nice meal TV. Dont go out anyway . Even if we did cant this year as whole country in tier 4. All pubs and hospitality venues closed. Cant go to other peoples houses.

despite the awful pandemic i see this as perhaps a great opportunity to avoid temptation. NY day is a big drinking day in Scotland as we get the 1st and 2nd as bank holidays. With the way the days fall this year hols are Friday sat sun and Monday so big drinking weekend for many. But not me.

Zura 12-27-2020 02:18 PM

Thanks All
lixie - definitely for the best. Nigh night
Venus - thanks love, it's not been an easy experience

RAL - thanks hun
Well after dropping that truth bomb I think I'm gunna go hide in my happy place. Planting potatoes and making homemade veggie seedling pods are on the agenda today

Zura 12-27-2020 02:21 PM

No plans for New Year's here. I don't have any memory of ever celebrating it actually......I'm probably a bit boring and will be in bed early like every other night lol

ReadyAtLast 12-27-2020 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by Zura (Post 7564413)
No plans for New Year's here. I don't have any memory of ever celebrating it actually......I'm probably a bit boring and will be in bed early like every other night lol

I'm exactly the same 😂 I am looking forward to waking up on NYd witha clear head 👍

Backtogood 12-27-2020 03:24 PM

Zura, I'm sorry you have to deal that situation, I'm glad you have the strength and courage to move on, even if it's hard.

SunnyCoastK 12-27-2020 03:52 PM

Pixie Lixie - hugs to you! I hope that you are enjoying some peace now that the kids have gone, day 31 is nearly here! :)

B2G - hugs for you sweetie, I hope that things improve for you!

RAL - step away from the chocolate :lmao: wait, have one for me!!! I could go for a huge box of Thornton’s chocolates right now! Hug hug hug!

Zura (Aura) big hugs for you! Thank you for sharing and hooray for cutting a toxic person out of your life. Wish I was there to help you in the garden. What potatoes are you planting? I follow a couple on YouTube who have moved to Alaska and I’m AMAZED at how much they can grow in such a short growing season. Simple Living Alaska. They are remarkable. I want to move to Tasmania and do the same thing they do (minus hunting, I can happily live on plants!)

Venus - big hugs for you too. Thanks for being such an incredible cheerleader for us all and for being so genuine and caring. You are amazing!!

Babycat - what cheese did you get? Don’t leave us in suspense. I’m a fan of Wensleydale with cranberries, triple cream Brie, a STRONG cheddar or a blue. That’s why I’m 20+ kilos overweight tho so no more for now ;)

sorry for missing anyone I’m using my mobile and can’t scroll back. I’m cat sitting as well so I don’t have a pen and paper to write notes on which is what I normally do.

Day 3 for me, I slept so late because a certain cute kitty was up all night which kept me up. But I’m not complaining because she is absolutely gorgeous and sweet which cancels out her annoying “keeping me up all night” antics. Plans for today - a long walk, spray the roses in my landlady’s garden, clean, get more stuff from the shops for a plant based curry, eat lots of yummy plant based meals.

hugs galore for everyone!! Xx

venuscat 12-27-2020 03:58 PM

Awwww, I want a cat again. :)
And ah ha!!! I have never heard of Thorntons but looked it you are a UK implant? :)
What about Quality Street?
Do they not rate anymore???? ;) :hug: s

he he ;)

SunnyCoastK 12-27-2020 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 7564459)
Awwww, I want a cat again. :)
And ah ha!!! I have never heard of Thorntons but looked it you are a UK implant? :)
What about Quality Street?
Do they not rate anymore???? ;) :hug: s

he he ;)

I’m from New England however my dad was born in South Yorkshire so half of my relatives live in England and I was lucky enough to visit there about a dozen times. I think it’s been so easy to adjust to living in Australia thanks to having been exposed to so much of the English culture.

Apparently there’s something added to Cadbury chocolate here to help keep it from melting so it doesn’t have the same mouth feel that Cadbury’s in England does.

I’m a Yank (Septic as my coworkers will call me but it’s very good natured) but hopefully soon I’ll be taking the pledge over here :bbq

venuscat 12-27-2020 04:18 PM

:) OK....awesome to know. Thank you. ❤️

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