SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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owen90 07-29-2020 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by Philemon (Post 7485246)
I don't know what bit me. There were loads of midges about. And the dreaded moths (terrified of them since I read a story when I was a kid where they suffocated people in their sleep). I think this day will never end. And the summer since lockdown ended has been rubbish :)

I find that Jungle Formula spray stuff works well in avoiding bites. It just makes you glow radioactive green at night due to the chemicals. 🤣

Welcome to the July train :) I saw that you are struggling with insomnia. I'm only on day 8 and I find it has slowly been getting better from day 5 or so. Hang in there :)

MaximusD 07-29-2020 11:25 AM

Hi to the new member who posted a day or 2 ago and welcome. I scrolled back and can't for the life of me find your name. All is well here. Great job everyone on quitting or requiting. We are about to graduate and move to the other section of the forum. Be aware.

venuscat 07-29-2020 11:27 AM

^^^ Were you looking for Doriss perhaps? :biggrin:

Doriss is now Philemon. :) :hug: s

MaximusD 07-29-2020 12:27 PM

It was someone else who said they had been following the thread but not posting. I think it was someone else anyway.

itsmeagain2020 07-29-2020 12:57 PM

My last beer and cigarette happened on July 21, 2020 so I guess I'm in this class. It's nice to meet everyone.

I've handled things reasonably well so far. It's odd, though, because what I feel aren't necessarily cravings. It's not really the alcohol itself that I miss, it's the routine that I miss. I used to wake up, work, drink, sleep, repeat. Every single day. I looked forward to weekends because I didn't have to get up for work and I could drink all day without consequence. Alcohol (usually beer or wine) became such a part of my routine that I'm not yet feeling cravings for alcohol, I feel like I don't know what to do with my time when I'm not drinking.

I also feel like maybe I quit a week too soon. Like maybe I should have waited until the weather cooled off because now I have no reason to sit out by the pool and enjoy the weather while I have beers and cigarettes. Or I could have waited until.. or until... or until.... The number of times when I was drunk and said that I needed to quit and I was going to quit next weekend. Or next... next... You know the story.

I'm rambling now. It's nice to be here among folks who are struggling with the same thoughts.

venuscat 07-29-2020 01:16 PM

Welcome dear itsmeagain. :) :hug: s ❤️ week, next month, next full moon.....and then before you know it you are about to turn 50 and feel like you are going to die. That was me.

Really glad you joined the group. :) xx

venuscat 07-29-2020 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by MaximusD (Post 7485368)
It was someone else who said they had been following the thread but not posting. I think it was someone else anyway.

Well, hopefully whoever it is will come back.....I am noticing something special today....for a while actually.......lots of SRs makes my heart smile. ❤️

Robbie64 07-29-2020 03:46 PM

I'm doing a check in here, as much as to send a memo to myself to remind myself to beware of the AV.

It's Day 11 for me, soon to be Day 12 in fact, and early this afternoon I had, as best described by Greentree87 on the previous page, "Slight whisperings from the av". Nothing too strong but there were definite thoughts of having a drink. Thankfully the thoughts weren't too bad and I didn't act on them but it's a definite sign that they are there and things are following the usual pattern. It's normally around Day 11 or 12 that I usually start to get an urge to drink so the fact that there was a slight whispering from the AV came as no surprise. It started at the usual time I get them (around 1pm to 2pm) and in pretty much the same circumstances which is

1. I had finished doing all I had to do today so had the rest of the day free
I dealt with this by coming home, doing some work on the computer and went to bed for an hour to "switch off the brain". This worked well as I fell asleep and when I woke any thoughts of drinking had gone and I've had none since then

2. I have a "free day" tomorrow. Nothing planned so having a drink today wouldn't lead to me having to cancel any plans tomorrow
I've dealt with this by planning to do my weekly shopping a couple of days early. I usually do my main weekly shop on a Saturday but if I had drank today I'd probably drink tomorrow and Friday and would be hungover or ill on Saturday morning

3. I've got money in the bank rather than being skint as I was all last weekend
Some of the money is for my shopping so doing number 2 above tomorrow will help. Also had I drank today (and tomorrow and Friday) I wouldn't have enough money left to buy what I need to buy, foodwise and for household things and I'd feel miserable on Saturday

Apologies if the above seems like a random post but I'm posting this now as a memo to myself to remind myself what to do if / when the AV starts whispering again tomorrow.

Dee74 07-29-2020 03:46 PM

Welcome itsmeagain :)
Good idea Robbie,


Willow00 07-29-2020 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 7485390)
Welcome dear itsmeagain. :) :hug: s ❤️ week, next month, next full moon.....and then before you know it you are about to turn 50 and feel like you are going to die. That was me.

Really glad you joined the group. :) xx

Welcome itsmeagain, this is a great place for support :)

That was me too Suze! About to turn 50 and feeling like I was going to die. I had tried to stop many times but only half heartedly in hindsight. Then I joined SR and tried in earnest. I still screwed up lots of times, but I started being able to string sober days together, which I hadn’t been able to do before joining SR :grouphug:

Willow00 07-29-2020 03:59 PM

Robbie it’s really great to remind yourself of the positive effects of not drinking.
I think it’s really helpful to keep us on the sober path.
I also think it’s good to play the tape forward to the negative consequences of drinking too, to remind ourselves why it’s a really really bad idea to drink.

venuscat 07-29-2020 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by Willow68 (Post 7485457)
Welcome itsmeagain, this is a great place for support :)

That was me too Suze! About to turn 50 and feeling like I was going to die. I had tried to stop many times but only half heartedly in hindsight. Then I joined SR and tried in earnest. I still screwed up lots of times, but I started being able to string sober days together, which I hadn’t been able to do before joining SR :grouphug:

Exactly. Because the support here rocks. And we felt it.....feel it.
You know I always say you are my twin.....we are alike in so many ways and have both dealt with the same losses in recent years.
Which is somewhat irrelevant....but makes me feel so connected.....which is not irrelevant.

Look at us Willow.....we are survivors.

Let us all be survivors. :) :grouphug:

venuscat 07-29-2020 04:11 PM

I love your post dear Robbie......I love the thoughtfulness and I love the plans. :)
And 11 days is awesome. :) :hug: xx

Dee74 07-29-2020 06:04 PM

for those who have never been in a 'Class' thread before, we will move this thread to The Daily Support Forum at the end of the month.

This is to allow the new class of newcomers - the Class of August 2020 - to take your place here.

Nothing else changes but the location- this July 2020 thread will continue on :)


Scott2295 07-29-2020 07:08 PM

Hi All - Just finishing day 9 here. It’s been a very busy day for me. The kids and I cleaned the finished part of the basement and got rid of a lot of accumulated stuff. It feels really good to be able to use it again. Welcome to the new comers!

Philemon 07-29-2020 10:14 PM

Well I'm on not just quite 24 hours. If you could feel how I do you would remember why drinking is not a good idea!! Pity I didn't remember it before I started. It's so not worth it.

Willow00 07-30-2020 01:24 AM

Yes Suze, we are survivors :hug:
And that feeling of connection is so important ❤️ xxxx
SR is wonderful for bringing all of us together. And together we’re stronger :grouphug:

Day 9 is great Scott :)

Philemon, well done on getting through your first day! It gets so much better :hug:

Greentree87 07-30-2020 02:18 AM

Morning all, day 11 I didn't drink yesterday I went for an 8 mile walk but the thought was in the background again, even later on at night the av was like but heres what you could have won with thoughts of alcohol. I put that shutter back down, it would only end in disaster again I only have to think of the last two times, sick in the bath and drunk asleep under a tree in the woods. I've promised my kids a day out today so I'm pretty busy today.

Sounds like a great plan robbie thinking ahead and recognising those patterns/traps we fall into.

Keep going Philemon, you don't ever have to feel like this again. We don't ever need a day 1 again. Just hold on through these early days and it will feel better. How are you feeling this morning x

Its good to keep to busy Scott in the early days and get those jobs done we have been putting off

good to see you here Itsmeagain rambling is fine if it helps you to get it all down.

Well done and keep going owen, and willow, max

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Stay sober and safe xx

itsmeagain2020 07-30-2020 02:24 AM

Awesome, Greentree! Congratulations. I just rolled into day 8 sober. This is the best I've felt in a decade. My work performance has improved dramatically. I'm a better example for my kids. Also, I lost six pounds already.

Last night I didn't so much feel cravings, like a desire to drink, but my head felt foggy as if booze and cigarettes would have cleared it up. I drank a bunch of water and took the dog for a walk every time I wanted to drink. The dog's going to be ready for a marathon if this keeps up.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day today!

Philemon 07-30-2020 02:27 AM

I feel beyond rough, thanks for asking Greentree :) And thanks for the insect advice owen, my sleep is very iffy anyway.

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