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Dee74 01-19-2020 03:02 AM

Welcome freedomfries :)


jr67 01-19-2020 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by dontlookbacchus (Post 7362483)
Hi all

Getting through my sober weekend. Doing well.

Cityboy and DaisyBelle, I have been having headaches too. Some are probably caffeine related as I have been drinking so much coffee and tea.
When I quit last time, I remember a long spell of them. Eventually they went away. A friend on SR at the time suggested the headaches were being caused by our bodies detoxifying. It seemed to make sense.

Wastinglife, my sleep is a lot like yours. I have been sleeping a lot and going to bed really early. Again, I am putting it down to the healing process. Some afternoons at work, last week, I couldn't wait to get home to eat, shower and go to bed. Crazy :)

Have a wonderful day classmates.


Crazy like a fox.
Like detoxification?
Yes. In fact I do.

Not that I want to
make a habit of it if
I can help it, so

maybe this time I'll
stick to my sobriety
And be done with it.

If, however, I
stumble once again some day
I will be back. Word.

Good morning, class. Sometimes jr has to laugh. Sometimes if you don't laugh you have to cry, you know? And sometimes, Janus-like , you have to laugh and cry. Now pay attention. There just might be a quiz a little later on (by popular demand).

The month of January was named for Janus. I just read on the google:

"Janus was the Roman god of doors, choices, beginnings and endings."

Hey look, seventeen
syllables! What are the odds?

So it's kewl that
I happened into the Class
of January.

So as I was saying, sometimes I have to laugh/cry. For example, Wastinglife's regression theory of sleep deprivation rings so true. Makes me jealous, though, Wasting. If my arithmetic is correct, you got 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night. jr, by contrast, got a whopping 4 (again). That's ok, gives me time to hang in SRland for a bit before the sun rises and I have to peek out and see how much snow I have to blow.

Re the headache thing: I've gotten them in the past on occasions when I went cold turkey on caffeine. dlb wonders whether dlb's are due to so much coffee and tea drinking. Go figure.

And if you figure it all out, let us know. The world awaits the Theory of Everything. May as well come from SRland as anywhere else. Wot?

No way that's happening to me now, baby. The cold-turkey on coffee thing, I mean. I've already downed my first cup today, and if my toes weren't so toasty curled up under the blanket here on the living room couch, I'd be well on to my second.

I agree with everybody lol. (How's that for taking a stand?) No, seriously: The brain, like the rest of the body, is bound to bark a bit as it acclimatizes to changes such as the cessation of its accustomed daily ethanol bath.

One solution to try: water. And lots of it. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Each of us is different, but, works for me.

Okey-dokie toesies, we're heading over for that second cup of coffee.

We'll be back.

Cityboy 01-19-2020 04:33 AM

Welcome freedomfries, you've come to the right place. Unbelievable group of people here.

Headache seems to be gone. Coffee, tea, and diet sodas could have been a factor, but that headache was something special.

A little tossing and turning, but a good night's sleep without the kitchen raid and cool-down period in the wee hours. It feels so much better to wake up without even a day 2 hangover.

Second cup of coffee here too. Going to the gym in a bit. Never been in the morning before.

Have gained a few pounds over the last few days. Probably from eating everything in arms reach. That's a problem I can work with.

I think the dogs can sense something is different. They are so perceptive though so no surprise there.

silversky 01-19-2020 05:00 AM

I am also noticing headaches in the last 4 days or so. Trying to watch the caffeine and push water too. They seem to be worse when laying down, not sure what that's about. My sleep has been very wonky the last few nights so I'm feeling sluggish.

Today I have a basic plan for the day so I won't feel so lost and wasteful of my time like yesterday.

Here we go day 16.

fishkiller 01-19-2020 05:11 AM

Morning all and congrats on another sober day!

jr67 01-19-2020 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by freedomfries (Post 7362487)
Just joined. On Day 4. On a librium detox so that's nice. Feeling good.

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night, freedomfries (depending on where you're at). It's about 9 a.m. Sunday where I am.

So freedomfries, are you French? Just kidding (not that there's anything wrong with that.) Just kidding again.

In fact, I think I'll be going to France this summer, just starting to plan it out. We'll see.

One day at a time, right? I don't know whether you've posted anywhere else yet here on SR (it's hard to keep up sometimes), but I (we) would be interested to hear a bit about you if and when you feel like it.

Good to hear you are going off librium, if that's the thoughtful decision reached by you and your medical providers. I know people go off it, but I'm not familiar with whether it is generally a difficult process. I'm sure that like everything else, it depends on your individual circumstances. Everybody is different (thank the stars; what if we were all alike? perish the thought!).

Oh, my dogs are awake. Time to head outside with them, and to shovel snow.

Au revoir.

Wastinglife 01-19-2020 06:37 AM

Has the Capitol building in D.C. switched the cafeteria menu back to 'French fries" yet? Haha

venuscat 01-19-2020 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by silversky (Post 7362233)
DaisyBelle -- I just pulled a random book off the shelf to start. It's "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult. How about you?

Originally Posted by DaisyBelle7 (Post 7362237)
silversky, oooh, I like her. I almost started another one of hers today - The Storyteller, but I grabbed The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena instead. I have a whole stack of books I’d like to get through.

I also like her, but I couldn't read the one about the school shooting I don't think....boy can we talk books!!! LIsa Gardner anyone? Michael Connelly? Ann Rice? :)

And thank you.....I need a big distraction....I shall re-do my bookshelf today so I can start reading the at least 100 fiction titles I have here to read, plus a zillion other books....

venuscat 01-19-2020 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by Cityboy (Post 7362279)
Though I mostly read guy books, I'm going to stick my neck out and make a recommendation. It's a two-book sequel, historical novel, extremely well researched and written, based on a setting in which I have family history.

Exiles on the St John's, and Raiders on the St John's, Lydia Hawke.

Happy reading.

Is Jack Reacher in the 'guy books' zone? I adore Lee Child. :)

venuscat 01-19-2020 07:05 AM

Hello dear Wasting and jr67. :) ❤️❤️

I agree, lots of water. But I have neck issues so I also get headaches lying down. Just saying. Maybe a good massage if you like massages? :) xxxx

Cityboy 01-19-2020 07:20 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 7362674)
Is Jack Reacher in the 'guy books' zone? I adore Lee Child. :)

Wife and kid like the Jack Reacher movies. Haven't thought about reading Jack Reacher, good idea.

I read a lot of history based fiction or nonfiction.

A land remembered, Patrick Smith, is my favorite book. It's very popular and you guys would probably like it also. It's one of those books that I just could not put down. It has a small bit about quitting alcohol. Many of Smith's books are much too tragic and dark though.

DaisyBelle7 01-19-2020 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by dontlookbacchus (Post 7362483)
Hi all

Getting through my sober weekend. Doing well.

Cityboy and DaisyBelle, I have been having headaches too. Some are probably caffeine related as I have been drinking so much coffee and tea.
When I quit last time, I remember a long spell of them. Eventually they went away. A friend on SR at the time suggested the headaches were being caused by our bodies detoxifying. It seemed to make sense.

I’m hoping we all get through our headache phase. I’ll tell you, I’d much rather have a regular old headache than a hangover.

Originally Posted by freedomfries (Post 7362487)
Just joined. On Day 4. On a librium detox so that's nice. Feeling good.

Welcome freedomfries!

venuscat, yay! Another bookworm! :grouphug:

jr67, I hope you can get more than 4 hours sleep soon. ...and I’m with you, coffee is king in my world.

Morning to everyone else! I’m doing my volunteer job this afternoon. I haven’t been in awhile due to medical reasons (not alcohol related). I’m honestly kind of dreading it. Being AF, I’ve really been embracing my introverted self. It’ll be interesting to see how this goes.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day or night depending on where you call home.

DaisyBelle7 01-19-2020 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by Pelagic263 (Post 7361602)
Up super early this morning. I will be driving to Cleveland in the snow. Yuck!

Did you make it to Cleveland safely? Thinking about you.

venuscat 01-19-2020 07:26 AM

Hope it goes well today dear DaisyBelle. :hug: s xxxxx ❤️

And welcome from me too dear freedomfries. :) :hug: s xxxxx ❤️

venuscat 01-19-2020 07:27 AM

Your reading sounds wonderful and well-rounded Cityboy....I am more fiction and health books. :)

Cityboy 01-19-2020 07:42 AM

Originally Posted by Wastinglife (Post 7362640)
Has the Capitol building in D.C. switched the cafeteria menu back to 'French fries" yet? Haha

Good question. I'll ask my nephew next time I see him. He's put on a few pounds so I'm guessing yes.

time2 01-19-2020 01:42 PM

Hello everyone :wavey:

Today is day 16, in yesterdays post I said it was 16, ha, time flies now. :) A nice blessing actually.

I am enjoying my pink cloud right now, I know it will settle down, but for now I am getting so much done.

Off to do projects, enjoy your sober day everyone.

abraxas69 01-19-2020 02:02 PM

Hello everyone, been a couple of days since I checked in. 18 days almost complete!

I've had what has ended up being quite mixed weekend.

On Saturday I went to the mindful drinking festival in London - not so much for the event itself per se (although it was good to hear Janey Lee Grace on the motivation stage), but for the social aspect. I haven't done anything of the sort for years, so it was quite "a thing" for me. (I have had varying degrees of anxiety over the years, much of which I'm starting to learn is probably very ,much attributable to my drinking).

That evening my (ex) partner [we've agreed to split but still living in the same house until the financials can be sorted out - it's not easy!] had a friend over for a few drinks. I went to my room to do my own thing... anyway they got louder as the evening progressed and I heard them having laughing about how ridiculous the concept of a mindful drinking festival was.

I'm ok with it to a large degree - my ex is a heavy drinker with no interest whatsoever in changing, so I wouldn't expect her to understand. But the inferred hostility to my sobriety was laid bare, and that still stings 24 hours later. Trying to let go of it, but it's still gnawing at me somewhat.

Anyway onwards and upwards , tomorrow is a new day. Take care all:-)

time2 01-19-2020 04:11 PM


That's hard, especially living with your ex at the same time.

Do try to let it go, you are a good person that is working to make your life better, be happy and proud of yourself.

They are probably a little jealous that they can't quit drinking, but wouldn't admit it, and their thinking while under the influence is messed up.

The thing I found for myself living with a hard drinker and all his relatives who are hard drinkers is that they say a lot of sh*t when they are drinking, always making fun of someone, I hate it. But I am finding that it is the drink that is making them lose their manners, plus I don't really give a sh*t what they think of me or say to me anymore, it is what I think of myself that is important. It is very liberating.

Turn it around if you can, stand tall with your decision. It really is sad how we as past drinkers and watching current drinkers, it really is a distorted way to live thinking wise. It is good to be free of it.

sobermafia 01-19-2020 05:35 PM

Hi Everyone!

Day 19 here. Been working all weekend. Work is super busy and stressful, but I am grateful that I am not drinking because I wouldn't be able to get as much done as I am right now hungover. And my head is clearer. I'm supposed to be off tomorrow, but will be working and taking my cats to the vet, and hopefully popping out to check on my Mom if the weather permits. It's been icy/windy and snowing here this weekend.

Finally dropped 2 pounds this week. It would be great if it all came off at once, but at least the scale budged a little. It will be a long journey getting all the weight I put on due to wine/binge drinking and binge eating while drinking, but at least I'm heading int he right direction. Drinking lots of water, working out, and trying to be better about what I am eating.

Welcome to all the newcomers, and congratulations to everyone on another day sober. Celebrate the good choices you are making!

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