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PalmerSage 03-29-2019 04:39 AM

Hi all, I'm still here, just sidetracked by life and not posting as much! One thing I've been thinking about is the importance of exercise, it's discouraging how UNmotivated I am all the time, even though I know it would be so beneficial! The other night, one of my kids had soccer and there was a track nearby - it was so nice to do some speed walking and I was hoping it would inspire me to continue, but no. ;) Any tips?

Dee74 03-29-2019 05:40 AM

LOL I'm not the person to ask PS,


Numblady 03-30-2019 05:23 AM

Good to see you PS!

I actually think you said this yourself and it’s very astute. If you just talk yourself into starting, into 5-10 minutes and then you can quit if you don’t want to keep going, generally you’ll keep going. I know for me with life being the way it is I also have to make sure I work out at the beginning of the day or I won’t do it. I don’t think that’s your jam but it’s something to consider. I also find it really helpful when there’s something “new” about. It. Whether it’s trying a new YouTube video or a new coach, or a new yoga class (n person or at home), that does sometimes help to snap me out of a motivational funk at least long enough to complete a workout. And I love how efficient some of the workouts are. Seriously in 15-20 minutes you can have a fantastic workout and energy shift. Finally, for me I also just suck at limiting calories so for me the part of the equation that it has proven more successful in the long term to adjust is exercise. If Ikeep everything else pretty much the same but can subtract some calories through a workout that works for me. And the harder I work the more yummy stuff I get to consume. Simplistic but has beeen effective for me.

How’s everybody else?

I am. Exhausted. Hard to put into words what my job is like lately but I think I’ve generally likened it to it constantly being like the air traffic controller in Airplane. And then the personalities on top of it can be so difficult. I am glad we are in the second half of our legislative session though next week promises to be as brutal or more so as the last with me having to cover hearings for bills that arent’ really even my area of expertise and where the members kind of hate our that should be awesome. Oh and one of the days it will probably also mean going down at strange hours and staying late because you have to wait until the members are done on the floor. And that day they have something hugely controversial. Back to back days of that.

But for today I’m just focusing on (or trying to focus on) things besides work. Going on bike ride with girlfriends. Then hanging with kids Then date night. Then early to bed and hopefully early to rise for a workout and then going into the office (that part’s not that exciting) Sunday. Then maybe a bit of spring cleaning/sorting and prep for our household swap in a few weeks.

Have a great day!

Sunflower79 03-31-2019 08:22 AM

Hi all quick check in. Hope everyone is ok 💕

PalmerSage 04-01-2019 06:32 AM

Hi all! Checking in, I keep starting posts and then deleting them because I can't seem to put my thoughts into anything coherent - too much going on right now. Numblady, thank you so much for the great advice about exercise. It's basically the opposite of alcohol - it energizes me, boosts my mood, clears my head. Maybe a desire for a "summer body" will be the thing to kick me into gear? Because Body by Cadbury Eggs is not gonna cut it.

Hi to Sunflower, NewChapter, Scotty and Dee too! :)

NewChapterJan18 04-01-2019 07:20 AM

Hi All!! Apologies again for being MIA - things have been crazy busy and to top it all off I’ve been plagued by every type of annoying illness and quirk due to being so run down right now. Thinking of you all and I promise I’ll be back in the next day or two to catch up properly!

NewChapterJan18 04-02-2019 03:29 AM

Hi Class,

Still totally wiped with these ailments. Hoping it passes off soon. Working from home today at least to try and get some rest. Hope everyone is doing great!

Numblady 04-02-2019 04:21 AM

Hi everyone! Love seeing folks at least drive by here :) That’s what I’m doing as well. Just a quick hello before a crazy long day where i am supposed to be point person on some difficult controversial bills (supposed to be but in what is a rather dispiriting statement on the state of affairs they lined up some men to speak too because that’s what this particular committee chair seems to respond best to. Or at least responds not as poorly as he does to women). We’re there all day and part of the night with long gaps in between where I always hope to get stuff done but regularly find it difficult. Tomorrow same thing only this time I am mostly on my own and we have to wait until the members a very controversial topic on the floor so I may not even go down to start until the middle of the damn night.

I’ll be back though. Eventually.

PS I am obsessed with Cadbury mini eggs.

PalmerSage 04-02-2019 04:25 AM

Hi all! NewChapter, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! I can imagine that your punishing schedule isn't giving you much time to rest and restore, but I hope you can find time for a few naps here and there. :grouphug:

I was assigned a challenging and very high-profile project at work, which is projected to take 20-40 hours per week for the next 6 months. We had our first meeting yesterday, and I left feeling good, as though my work would have a new sense of purpose. Hopefully, that feeling continues as the people involved are very political and constantly vying to advance their own agenda, but once I have my own team in place I think that I can focus on the work and producing top-quality deliverables. I also applied for another, higher-level job with the organization I interviewed for in January, so we'll see if anything comes of that.

Still not exercising, still eating crap, still no excuses other than pure laziness and an utter lack of focus on the fitness front. I'm trying to make small changes each day, so today it will be drinking lots of water and eating more mindfully, rather than "going facedown in chocolate" as Scotty would say. Wish me luck, and I hope everyone else is doing well!

NewChapterJan18 04-02-2019 08:19 AM

NL: That sounds like an incredibly tough and taxing couple days. I hope that you manage to get at least some quality rest in the downtime, if not productivity! That’s quite saddening to hear about the gender politics, but not surprising unfortunately. I imagine it is incredibly frustrating to have to grin and bear it whilst also bearing the brunt of the actual work efforts involved.

PS: Congratulations on the project assignment - it sounds super exciting! I hope you can manage to ignore for the most part the political agendas of the others and enjoy the challenge and reinvigoration of the process. Best of luck with the job application, also! When do you expect to hear back?

Hi to All!

Dee74 04-02-2019 03:54 PM

get well soon NC :)


NewChapterJan18 04-03-2019 02:37 AM

Thanks Dee! Seems things are finally moving in the right direction, so hopefully will be back to normal in a few days. How is your back pain?

Hi to everyone else, too! Feeling a lot better today, so back in the office with a client presentation this afternoon. Hopefully all goes well.

NL: I hope you survived the long, tiring night OK !

PS: I hope mindful eating goes well today - you got this!!

PalmerSage 04-03-2019 04:19 AM

Hi all! Staying busy, but yesterday was a pretty good day. In addition to the project I'm working on, I'm ramping up something else which will expand one of my teams. We had a good meeting with the new staff person yesterday, and I feel optimistic that she will do a great job. I also saw that I made it through the resume screening step for the other position I applied for, so we'll see if I'm offered an interview. Lots of interesting stuff happening, which is all pretty energizing.

Numblady, once again we posted at the same time! I hope your legislative session passes quickly and easily, it sounds so draining and stressful. I just started watching Mad Men on Netflix and I was thinking of your situation, since the show is set in the 50s/60s and women were totally disrespected in the workplace. I guess we've come a long way in some respects, but the good ol' boy mentality is probably alive and well, especially in Texas? ;)

NewChapter, I'm so happy you're finally feeling a bit better! I did pretty well with eating mindfully yesterday, and plan to continue working on it today.

Hi to everyone else, hope all are well!

NewChapterJan18 04-03-2019 07:06 AM

PS: That’s excellent news! I’m so excited to hear of all the positive events happening for you right now. Well done on the mindful eating front, I’ve no doubt you’ll kill it again today. p.s. I loved Mad Men, such a good show!

Client presentation done and I think it went relatively well though there were some no-shows which was unfortunate. Already I’ve had an enquiry for more business from one of the attendees, however, so I’m very pleased with that!

NewChapterJan18 04-04-2019 03:52 AM

Hi Guys,

I hope everyone is doing well. I ate a tonne of crap last night including ordering a pizza at midnight, and feel like crap today as a result. I guess it's true what they say - you really are what you eat! :lmao

This infection has me feeling sorry for myself and really moody - which is totally out of character for me; even as a teenager, I was never the moody type. Hoping it passes over soon so I can get back to normal - finding mild irritants at work are sending me off the deep end with internal rage! Thankfully I'm at least aware of it, so I am able to manage and curb the internal feelings so I don't snap at anyone.

Hubby and i booked a hotel a while back for tomorrow night with plans to take the day off and relax, get massages, chill at the spa / pool etc. but unfortunately due to this infection, all that is now off limits to me. We decided to still go ahead with it anyway, as I think a little R&R is exactly what I need right now. I plan to switch my phone and emails off for the entire day (crazy, right?!) and just hang around in my robe and read while hubby avails of the spa.

Hi to everyone!

Dee74 04-05-2019 02:46 AM

Sorry looks like I forgot to close this one off - NC your latest post is in the new thread:

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