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courage2 11-11-2018 12:32 PM

A little carried away today. I don't know when the last time was that I gave the kitchen floor a real scrub. Maybe when we moved in, 2011? So today I threw every toxic chemical in the apartment at it. Feeling a little queasy now....

Gilmer 11-11-2018 04:34 PM

I find that my credit card is missing.

I am certain that it has not been stolen, and I am confident that there will be no fraudulent use.

I know in the back of my mind that I lent it out to someone, perhaps so they could run out and pick something up for me.

But it's not my husband or my kids.

And I've looked at my calendar for the last two weeks--and it's been pretty much empty except for hospice personnel.


I think it might have been two weeks ago. I remember the transaction being a hurried one. plus, I remember thinking when the person got back, "Make sure you get the credit card back!"

I'm just going to let it go for tonight.

Several months ago I must have gone to a bad site online once, because I kept getting fraudulent charges over and over again.

My husband managed to clear everything out, and I haven't had any trouble with this new card at all.

How I hate breaking a new number in!

But the good news is that when I was just scrounging around the dining room looking for the card, I happened to find my lost keys!

Since I've stopped driving, I seem to have lost control of my world!

Gilmer 11-11-2018 04:48 PM

UPDATE: Great news!

Whoever I let borrow my credit card apparently returned it to my husband, not to me. So he's been walking around with both mine and his in his wallet! He just happened to find out tonight when he treated his friend to dinner at a restaurant!

I'm so glad that I don't have to memorize another new set of numbers!

courage2 11-11-2018 06:24 PM

^^^ seems like to celebrate you ought to do a little online shopping?

Gilmer 11-12-2018 02:51 AM

I bought some stamps. Does that count? :lmao

courage2 11-12-2018 07:48 AM

were they holiday stamps?

Gilmer 11-12-2018 08:16 AM

I tried, but they seemed to be out of the kind I wanted on the USPS site, so I had to order forever US flags.

stargazer016 11-12-2018 04:16 PM

I am glad that you found your credit card Kathy! I would be freaking out if I were you. My wife misplaced hers a couple of weeks ago and cancelled her card. It turned up underneath an empty laundry basket in the basement. Guess it fell out of something she had worn, and disappeared for a couple of weeks. It was good for a laugh.

Courage, how did the floor turn out? I used to do the wooden floors in our house with Murphy's Oil Soap three or four times a year, but that's down to one or two now. They take so long to dry, and the house is seldom empty long enough to proceed.

Fifteen minutes before leaving work today on my "Friday" my boss took me aside and told me that I had made a hundred dollar error on a deposit and would be receiving a write up for it. That means that I will likely not qualify for a raise this review period, and being only three months into it , I probably won't see a raise until August of 2020. All for a hundred dollar error. Needless to say, that left me bummed out heading out the door. Had a brief "screw this life" moment with accompanying drinking thoughts, but they quickly passed. Had another coffee instead. Of course, I am now simultaneously yawning and jacked up, after getting up at 2:30 this morning.

Can't believe you are getting snow already FBL. Do you put snow tires on the Corolla?

Any word Glee on the job?

How is/was Nebraska Carlos?

Have a good evening all!

Gilmer 11-12-2018 04:36 PM

Oh, I’m so sorry, SG!

Maybe your standard excellent performance over time with be enough to counterbalance this write-up—especially since there’s so much time left till the review.

Here’s hoping!

I’m glad you resisted the temptation to say, screw it.

courage2 11-12-2018 05:13 PM

:( sg :( It sounds like your company's business model has lost its humanism. Dogmatic adherence to a rule book is just another form of superstition.

I'm pretty sure my brain is edging the boundaries of some kind of episode. My mood ranges from no affect to strong irritability to bleak, though I'm trying very hard not to allow introspection, and the buzzing in the back of my head is full-on back; it keeps me awake at night. The plan is to give it another week or so and if it doesn't pass, contact my psychiatrist. :(

On the good front, my son is arriving on Friday and we'll have a dog to stay, at least for one night! If I'm not cheered by a long-haired chihuahua, I definitely need more medication!

TeeJayVerm 11-12-2018 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by FormerBeerLover (Post 7048309)
Thanks, Dee!

If I had my way, we'd do away with Daylight Saving Time. I'm an early-to-bed, early-to-rise type and it's tough trying to get to sleep with the sun shining in the summer. I've thought about boycotting DST, but I can never seem to stick to it more than a week or so.

This is why I am thinking about moving to Arizona. :)

TeeJayVerm 11-12-2018 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by stargazer016 (Post 7051262)
Courage, my depression is actually leveling off a bit. Mine seems to hit hardest in early October when the shortening days, cooler temps, falling leaves, etc hit. I hope you can ride this through.

I have a light therapy lamp that I bought with Dee74's advice. The jury is still out on its effectiveness. I think it is helping my SAD! :)

Gilmer 11-12-2018 05:30 PM

Mine is helping me. Because I'm bipolar, my psychiatrist recommended it with reservations: sometimes bipolar people who use it for depression can swing into agitation.

Agitation was certainly not anything I needed to add!

So I have mine on the lowest setting and duration: 5000 lumens for 10 minutes.

As far as I can tell, it's been great.

I may have had a bit of agitation on the second day, but absolutely none since.

Gilmer 11-12-2018 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by courage2 (Post 7054027)

On the good front, my son is arriving on Friday and we'll have a dog to stay, at least for one night! If I'm not cheered by a long-haired chihuahua, I definitely need more medication!

Oh, what fun to have a dog visitor! I hope everything goes great and your son bolsters your mood!

courage2 11-12-2018 06:54 PM

Hi TeeJayVerm :wave:

FBL 11-13-2018 03:32 AM

Originally Posted by stargazer016 (Post 7053981)
Can't believe you are getting snow already FBL. Do you put snow tires on the Corolla?

What little snow we got is pretty much gone now. No snow tires necessary as I live in the city and they keep things nicely plowed and salted.

Have a great Tuesday, gang!

Gilmer 11-13-2018 04:24 AM

You too, FBL!

stargazer016 11-13-2018 05:09 AM

Hello TeeJayVerm and welcome!

Looks like you cleaned the kitchen floor just in time Courage.

I need to clean up and use my lamp once again. The unending dreary weather in this part of the country is not helping my mood disorder.

Make the most of the day everyone!

courage2 11-13-2018 08:09 AM

Good Tuesday. :)

What are you all eating for lunch today?

Gilmer 11-13-2018 08:46 AM

I just wolfed down a bunch of cookie dough--"overflow" from some cookies I made. I only ate one of the finished product because I'm afraid I'll get an insulin spike and get ill. My daughter and grandson are coming over--plus I'll send a dish to my tenants--plus I'll send some home with my pastor, who will be paying me a courtesy call later.

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