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SimplyFree 06-04-2017 11:21 AM

Day 50! Does that make me old?? I think I found another car project.....sold the last one. Mechanics are systematic and full of process. I get to take something broken and make it healthy. The very thing I can't do to myself.

Dee74 06-04-2017 03:49 PM

Congrats on 50 SF :)


SoberTyger 06-05-2017 02:34 AM

day 39.
Been feeling pretty low during the weekend and was close to relapsing. Friday was just a bad day at work, stress and a few mistakes happened or were noticed, a few was my fault, other was the fault of others or just bad luck, but overall the day was just one of those days when nothing worked and everybody was stressed and angry and I went home with the feeling that my work sucks and that I suck at my job, and I just couldnt shake off that bad feeling.
Yesterday I went to a metal music concert in the city. First time i went to a show since i stopped drinking, i was still feeling low and really in no mood for it at all, but having already bought my tickets i went.. When I arrived in the city i just felt so much like drinking to escape my bad mood and negative thoughts. I arrived early and started heading to a pub because I felt i needed to be around people a bit - I did manage to stay on non-alcoholic drinks but i really felt like i needed alcohol all the time, and i still felt in no mood for the concert, thinking i would feel akward there not drinking. I then headed to the venue still in a low mood, but hey! As the bands started playing I felt how the music slowly lifted my mood, and in the end I had a blast of a time there and really enjoyed the night! I even started getting into talks with other people and making a few new friends just like I used to do when I was drinking in the past... And even thought it looked to me like everyone besides me in the venue was drinking beer nobody really noticed or made any comments about me only drinking non-alcohol drinks. When the show was over I was invited to a private afterparty but i refused because I had to go home and my car was parked next to the venue... only then did my new friends realise I hadn't been drinking all evening :D

In the end it was an amazing night out, i enjoyed the music so much more and remember everything... and a great bonus going out sober is I can drive my car and park it right next to the venue, and drive straight home again, without worrying about buses, trains, taxis or having to stay up all night to catch the morning bus if I missed the last one home.

SimplyFree 06-05-2017 04:39 AM

I'm glad you were able to have fun at the concert, but also discovering who you are sober! Very cool!

SimplyFree 06-09-2017 03:06 PM

Sat is 8 weeks......I'm glad to be here. I don't ever want to start over again. There are too many other things to do with my time then give it to a thief. I know the weekend is hard for all of us so stay strong.

SimplyFree 06-11-2017 06:44 PM

Day. 57...

erin8 06-11-2017 08:30 PM

60 days! :dance6:
Going to a birthday party next Saturday. It's super kid friendly but alcohol isn't banned... I just hope none of our kind are there. I'm really looking forward to this (board games, slip n slide for the kids and movies) if no alcohol were involved it would be perfect.

Dee74 06-11-2017 09:35 PM

Congrats erin and SimplyFree :)


PippoRossi 06-12-2017 03:47 PM

I had 2 months on June 10th. Still hanging in there!

SimplyFree 06-12-2017 06:53 PM

Way to go Pippo!! I'll hit 60 days on weds. Very cool!

LilDeb007 06-12-2017 07:47 PM

2.5 Months of sobriety for me today. Wow ! Decades of alcoholism caught up to me in 2016. Got a DUI ( my 1st) & had a heart attack 2 wks later. Months later I knew it was time to ask for help. Too many ER visits to stop the seizures & meds to W/D safely .

So very glad to have SR to turn to for knowledge, understanding, & tips. Thank you All Very much.

Dee74 06-12-2017 07:47 PM

Congrats Pippo:)

SimplyFree 06-14-2017 04:18 AM

Day 60 today.

Dee74 06-14-2017 03:40 PM

Congratulations SF :)


erin8 06-21-2017 12:09 AM

70 days... things are getting better but I still feel crazy sometimes. . .

LilDeb007 06-22-2017 03:15 PM

Hi erin. Deb here. A bit confused about the monthly class sign in. You are doing Great.

Tertor 06-26-2017 06:56 PM

Hi Classmates!
I have been away from the forum for awhile but I am still sober! June 14 was 2 months for me. Thought I would pop in and say 'hi' to y'all. Glad to see your familiar names!!

Dee74 06-26-2017 07:06 PM

Hi Tertor - congrats on your milestone :)

ask away if you have any questions Deb :)


LilDeb007 06-27-2017 08:37 PM

Dee...Saw the We continue from here post & the thread jumped to Real time. Simply got confused. Love all the posts present and milestone pasts ☺

PS: Hello to everybody

LilDeb007 06-27-2017 08:44 PM

Three months of freedom for me. I will have the interlock in my vehicle for awhile but it's OK.

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