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soberforme06061 12-08-2016 09:38 AM

6 months and 2 days!
Well guys I made it to 6 months! :c011: Pretty proud of myself even though now it's just a lifestyle and doesn't even seem like it's anything I'm working at anymore. It took my husband longer to accept it then it did me! LOL

Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well and continues on this journey through 2017 and for life!
I'm pretty content so I think this is just me now and I don't need/want to drink anymore. I see my old drinking buddies posting on Instagram their nights out at the bars and all I think about is how sad. I know them pretty well and they tend to drink in the mornings as well. They seem to post when they are sloppy drunk and when they sober up the next day they delete them which is pretty entertaining. They slammed me when I quit and I guess the friendship was based around drinking and that was it because it's gone now. Oh well...

NMD: keep on keeping on, you're doing great!

JG: dont stress, the buyers want your house and will be happy to have a Christmas in a new place! I'm still working on my rent house, this thing is stressing me out so bad I could cry! One thing after another is going wrong. I will leave to run to the store real quick, walk back in and my husband will say, "we have a small problem". After the 3rd time of that happening I threw the paper that was in my hand and said, "EFF this place burn it down" and got in my car and drove home. I'm normally a leader but man there is only so much a person can take!

Triyin IT: congrats on weight loss, I've lost some weight too but didn't really need to. I run alot so I assumed I would gain but I'm down 5 pounds and at 115 now. I noticed my belly is pretty flat and my clothes fit so much better now. It took six months but I'm finally dressing nicer at work, fixing my hair and makeup again. I used to just do that on the weekends but now its every day. I've been shopping alot for myself now and actually wearing the things I'm buying. Proud of you for sticking with this and doing the marathon! wow, I'm too chicken to do that! Do you do it alone or do you have people that go with you?

Merry Christmas guys I'll check in later!


Dee74 12-08-2016 02:46 PM

congrats to all you 60 dayers :c014:

theVman31 12-08-2016 07:34 PM

Pretty cool SFM.
Hello JG and NMD.
Nice to meet you Trying IT. I wish I had the courage to prepare and run a Marathon.
Its great to be coming up to xmas without the burden of addiction.... and feeling good about oneself :)

nmd 12-09-2016 03:41 PM

Hey guys, congrats on 6 months!!

nmd 12-09-2016 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by JG62 (Post 6236367)
Nmd - I hope your friend is recovering. My thoughts on prayer are a little mixed but it never hurts does it?
I don't know how many days for me but it's 6 months on the 22nd. My daughter is back from Madrid for 2 weeks on the 23rd so maybe a little celebration in a tea shop with lots of cake! Still surrounded with boxes and being told our buyers definitely want to move before Christmas! Going to stay with the husband until our purchase is sorted which I am not sure will be great. No broadband :( need to sort all the utilities etc out but with no date I can't even begin to start cancelling ............ Hate this stuff that I have no control over. Hope everyone is busy Christmas shopping and not struggling with sobriety. Heading for a sober Christmas, first since 2006. Looking forward to it :)

Thanks for the kind words. She's still in the hospital but out of icu anyways. She's high risk for a stent to deal with a blockage so we are just hoping for the best.

I am also looking forward to a sober Christmas (and new years)!

Dee74 12-09-2016 03:55 PM

best wishes for your friend nmd.


nmd 12-09-2016 07:11 PM

Thank you Dee

soberforme06061 12-10-2016 04:56 AM

Good morning people! It's Saturday morning at 6:45am in texas and I am bundled up on my couch with no lights on but my Christmas tree. No hangover and I'm feeling pretty darn good this morning besides my slight migraine but that's common. I get lots of headaches since I quit drinking not sure what that's about but I just deal with it. I'll be at the soccer fields all day with my daughter, her and a group of friends joined a Christmas soccer tournament for fun. These girls named themselves Dashers and we all had little Christmas shirts made with their numbers on them to wear for jerseys.. I'm sure the other teams they're playing have no idea they'll be competing against club soccer players so this should be pretty fun to watch. Plus it's local so no out of town play and it's all for fun not so much the trophy! No stress yay!!!

What's everyone's weekend plans? Do any of you have any weird after affects from not drinking anymore? I get headaches now and anxiety will randomly hit out of nowhere. What's yours?

Nmd: Prayers for your friend and you.

Happy SOBER Saturday!


nmd 12-11-2016 03:57 AM

Sfm, I'm only two months sober now and I'm still in the early bedtime stage. 9/10pm and I'm done, I just can't function late. On the upside, I used to collapse in the early afternoon, falling asleep after lunch no matter how hard I fought it. My sober symptom is I can stay awake all day.

I used to drink a ton of coffee as well, up to two pots a day. Cutting back to a few cups in the morning reduced my anxiety and nervousness

I started getting migraines late in my "drinking career". Mine were preceded with and ice pick headache, a sudden feeling like I'm being stabbed in the eye socket, followed by a massive headache and light/sound sensitivity. I haven't had a migraine sober.

Thank you for the prayers

TryingInTexas 12-11-2016 04:54 PM

Six months! Celebrated with the half-marathon. I've done a few of them before. I am no speedster, I run more than I walk, but that's about it. And my training got all messed up because I was out of town for most of October and November. So I was even less of a speedster than usual. BUT, I confirmed something that I thought would be true - that I just wouldn't feel all that bad when it was done. Yeah, I've lost some weight, and I try to eat well and stay in decent overall shape. And I did a good job "carbo-loading" this time around, so I didn't "hit the wall" by running out of muscle glycogen with a couple of miles to go. But my theory was that in addition to all that, just having all the poison out of my system - and after six months, it's pretty much long gone - would just make everything work better. And while I can't prove it, I sure think I was right. Didn't have any muscle cramping, aside of my back tensing up a little right towards the end. Yeah I'm a little sore, and will be sore the next couple of days, but nothing too crazy. YOUR BODY CAN HANDLE MORE STRESS WHEN YOU AREN'T PUMPING IT FULL OF BOOZE.

They had a "free beer" thing at the end if you're into that sort of thing. I had a banana.

TryingInTexas 12-11-2016 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by soberforme06061 (Post 6236737)
Proud of you for sticking with this and doing the marathon! wow, I'm too chicken to do that! Do you do it alone or do you have people that go with you?

Merry Christmas guys I'll check in later!


Lots of supporters but I do the training and run by myself. I like it better that way - it's nice "alone time" - and since I am still basically a beginner I like being able to just poke along at my own pace for now.

nmd 12-12-2016 03:31 AM

Congrats on 6 months and the half marathon Trying! That's awesome!

I tried training for running again this year, but I have a sciatic or arthritis issue or something. My right hip and glute hurt for a month this fall after running. It hurt to sit and drive, the funny thing was i could walk or stand just fine. I need to get back into weight training and yoga, and leave the high impact stuff in the past. I miss running though, mostly being outdoors.

We picked out our Christmas tree and put it up this weekend but have not decorated yet. We also made sugar cookies with the kids last night. Stressful, but fun. My patience is sooo much better sober and I need it. My three boys will be 13 this spring and the hormones and talking back are at epic levels. (The oldest is 19 so less.of an issue)

Our friend went home from the hospital last night. She's on an experimental blood thinner which seems to be working. Our godson (her son) will go home after school today. She still has a long ways to go with PT and lifestyle changes, but I'm hoping for the best. It was a scary week, but we had a lot of fun and all the kids enjoyed the visit.

TryingInTexas 12-12-2016 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by nmd (Post 6241530)
Congrats on 6 months and the half marathon Trying! That's awesome!

I tried training for running again this year, but I have a sciatic or arthritis issue or something. My right hip and glute hurt for a month this fall after running. It hurt to sit and drive, the funny thing was i could walk or stand just fine. I need to get back into weight training and yoga, and leave the high impact stuff in the past. I miss running though, mostly being outdoors.

We picked out our Christmas tree and put it up this weekend but have not decorated yet. We also made sugar cookies with the kids last night. Stressful, but fun. My patience is sooo much better sober and I need it. My three boys will be 13 this spring and the hormones and talking back are at epic levels. (The oldest is 19 so less.of an issue)

Our friend went home from the hospital last night. She's on an experimental blood thinner which seems to be working. Our godson (her son) will go home after school today. She still has a long ways to go with PT and lifestyle changes, but I'm hoping for the best. It was a scary week, but we had a lot of fun and all the kids enjoyed the visit.

Thanks for the kind words. Hey I have never been much of a swimmer, but I know it is great exercise and it is about as low-impact as you can get.

nmd 12-13-2016 04:58 AM

Originally Posted by TryingInTexas (Post 6241727)
Thanks for the kind words. Hey I have never been much of a swimmer, but I know it is great exercise and it is about as low-impact as you can get.

that's not a bad idea. I would just need to get my self moving pretty early to catch open swim. no excuses really, I'm up early normally

PhoenixJ 12-14-2016 12:57 AM

Hi COJers.

nmd 12-14-2016 02:58 AM

Hey PJ, how are things

PhoenixJ 12-14-2016 03:13 AM

Not soooo bad, ta- W-NYorker

JG62 12-16-2016 02:24 PM

Wow - I seem to have missed a lot. Well done on the half marathon Trying and glad to see you are doing well nmd, do I understand correctly nmd, you have triplets? Not sure if that sounds fun!
According to SR calculator I am on day 178. In 6 days time it will be 6 months since I found SR.
The house sales are going through and I am surrounded by boxes. Both our buyers have now decided to wait until after Christmas to move - GREAT! They have been pushing for weeks to move and then change their mind. The husband asked if I was putting up a tree! No way am I unpacking the decorations and then repacking them. Call me a party pooper but I am done with packing.
Still hanging onto the wi-fi for now. I have booked a place to stay for a month, while we wait for our purchase to go through. The place has an indoor pool and I am looking forward to getting back in the water. Nmd, Trying is right, it's a great non weight bearing exercise.
sfm - I am with you on the headaches but I wasn't sure if mine were being caused by the stress, also my coffee intake has crept back up and I don't think I am drinking as much water as I was in the Summer. I need to get back on track :(
Hope everyone is looking forward to a great Christmas

JG62 12-16-2016 02:28 PM

Hey nmd - that pain sounds sciatic to me, a trapped nerve? (not an expert though) maybe caused by not stretching after running. I am rubbish at the stretching stuff and often suffer because of it.

nmd 12-18-2016 04:31 AM

JG - yup triplet boys, soon to be teenagers. :-| They were a walking circus when they were babies/toddlers but they are different enough now that most people don't even realize they are brothers. My poor wife shares a house with 5 guys. I've been working on adding a shower to our bathroom so we don't have to share one with the boys.

Have you considered a Charlie Brown tree, lol? (A table top tree or a tiny potted Norfolk pine or Alberta spruce) I really haven't been into decorating this year. I still haven't put out my outdoor lights and we just decorated our tree Friday (well, my wife decorated it). Too much going on. With your move it sound like a good year for downsized plans. Staying in a place with a pool sounds pretty sweet though. We have over a foot of snow on the ground. My biggest objection to swimming is I have very long hair and it freezes when I go outside with wet hair. (And I never particularly liked public showers in gyms. I keep a small set of weights and equipment in my basement)

Yeah, its probably sciatic pain and I'm bad about stretching. Worth mentioning to the doctor when I go for my annual but it's 95% better.

Congrats to gatorman on 6 months!

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