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nmd 10-23-2016 04:52 AM

Congrats on 4 months JG!!!

soberforme06061 10-23-2016 06:43 AM

139 Days
Good morning June peeps.
It's been 139 days since my last drink. Im proud of myself and am thankful every morning I wake up without a hangover. Lastnight I went to my inlaws as my mother in law is altering my daughters Halloween costume. We got hungry so we decided to go to the truckyard to get a phill cheese steak, this place makes them right in front of you and they're pretty damn good. Anyhow after 9 it's strictly for adults but since it was only 7 we went to grab a few to take home. While we were standing in line I noticed everyone was holding a alcohol beverage. It didn't bother me I was more interested in how they acted so I just watched. There was this really pretty blond standing in line, she was dressed cute, nails and make on point etc. but she was so drunk and loud it made her gross. She was trying to use her looks on the manager to get a discount and he was just looking at her with disgust. She yelled at him that he was rude and walked off. All I could think of was that I'm so glad that's not me anymore. Drunk does not look good on anyone I don't care who you are! When I woke up this morning I thought of that chick and I'm almost 100% positive she has a major hangover this morning. It was just disgusting and my 8 year old was watching it too. I'm so thankful I'm on this sobriety journey and my daughter sees me too. I know I'm setting the perfect example now and have not one single regret other than I wish I did this a long time ago.

Happy SOBER Sunday!!! We are all doing so good!!!

JG62 10-23-2016 09:48 PM

Sfm - you put it so right! So glad I am not waking this morning with a hangover - Urgh.............

theVman31 10-23-2016 10:40 PM

WL really glad the jobs going well !
Whats that in your avatar JG... is that the sun i see.. are you trying to trick us :)
Howdy and Hiya U75 :)
Soberforme i like your post !
Hello NMD

U75 10-25-2016 09:17 AM

Hi guys. Hope all is well. Been busy lately, but still clean and sober.

Day 127.

JG62 10-25-2016 11:47 AM

Hi U75 - that must mean 126 days for me then :)

Dee74 10-25-2016 04:25 PM

Congrats to both you guys :)


Wastinglife 10-25-2016 08:09 PM

Day 157. I have reached a certain comfort level in my sobriety. I haven't had any cravings or thoughts about drinking in a long time. Life is simple. I go to work and AA meetings. That's it. I've accomplished more in 5 months of sobriety than I did in 5 years of drinking. I am excited to see where I van be a year from now.

U75 10-26-2016 06:32 AM

Yesterday, I actually went home early, with enough energy to work on installing cabinets and counters in my SIL's kitchen. Never, ever would have happened when I was drinking.

Day 128. Peace all!

U75 10-27-2016 06:37 AM

Quick check in and a bump. Plumbed my SIL's kitchen sink after work last night. Looks like a pro job, if I do say so myself!

Day 129.

soberforme06061 10-28-2016 05:39 AM

Day 144 for ME!
It's FRIDAY... not that it's a huge deal or whatever but it is Friday. I've been dealing with some BS lately and kind of frustrated. I'll be spending tonight and all of tomorrow at my kids school for their Fall Festival/Carnival. Yes, it's a Catholic school and yes they celebrate Halloween. It's been a crazy couple of weeks with this school. Ever get the feeling that people you're around are fake... yeah well that's how I feel about them. I'm different then alot of these people, they're very into the church and I'm not. I don't really go to church much and I'm busy with an outside life with my kids who play soccer. I don't spend my extra time there and they all do and they're all friends. I'm younger than these parents and just feel out of place or something. I guess this is me stepping out of my comfort zone. Last year it was a requirement that the 7th graders work the 8th grade graduation (my son was in 7th at the time). I was forced to be there as well but I was drinking back then and had a few beers to help me prior to that and now all I have is my for real self. I'm more quiet now I'm not as outgoing and just don't want to do this. I'm still learning how to live without that crutch and just don't want to do this. Ughhhh :cry2

My husband told me the other day he wishes I'd drink again and it caused us to fight. He said we don't have friends anymore etc. I feel resentment now. I'm pretty upset with him and just told him that I'm not going to start drinking so we can have friends again that's stupid. I told him if he wanted out of the marriage then he needed to let me know. Of course he said no but I was pretty straight forward about it and told him that he needs to accept me as a non drinker and to not give me crap anymore then. Life is not all peachy and crap as being sober makes you deal with stuff head on. I'm already not that nice of a person so not drinking puts me in another category of dealing with my own emotions. This is why I run so often so it keeps me fit and it keeps my mind healthy.

Anyhow, other than that, my renters will be out of my house this Saturday and I get to enter it and start working on it Sunday. I'm pretty pleased about getting started on that house. It's my new project and just ready to get it shined up and fixed again.

I hope everyone has SOBER Friday!


nmd 10-28-2016 06:24 AM

Hey gang, I'm still here and doing well, Day 19. This weekend I'm camping with my boys boy scout troop. God help me and their 7th grade attitudes (from my own kids).

My wife seems to be cutting back slowly, though I'm not counting her drinks. I just see what we buy and recycle, which is a lot. Her back pain is as bad as ever though and she stubbornly does things she shouldn't be like vacuuming. Its frustrating to watch someone keep procrastinating doing what they need to do (follow up with the doctor, etc ) but hopefully she will.

Sfm, spouses drinking makes for a hard balance. My av says it wants me to drink again sometimes too. It's hard to separate someone speaking their mind carelessly from them making an actual request. I'm not sure it matters, but your husband could have just been expressing a passing thought. My wife might still might want me to drink at times, but I ignore it, or I don't open that door of conversation if I can avoid it. She also wants to cut back or quit drinking, which is obviously in conflict with us drinking, but that's how the av works. If anything, i just recognize the battle she's having in her own head. It can be really hard at times, but nobody is going to pour a drink down our throats either. The hardest thing is acceptting someone's faults without enabling them. Glad to see *you* are staying strong. Congrats on all the sober time!

Dee74 10-28-2016 03:33 PM

Having a drinking spouse is difficult but in the end it's what we do that matters...and there's always support here :)

Hope everyone has a good weekend :)

soberforme06061 10-30-2016 07:08 AM

Day 146
Good morning June peeps!
146 Days for today and I'm proud of myself. Looking back at the start of this, I really honestly did not think I'd go this far. I really thought I was was a fake stong person that was just pretending to be strong but I AM strong and I did stick to this. If it weren't for this forum and website I don't think I would've made it. I felt so alone when I made the decision and back at the end of May I was so upset with myself, I knew I was at a difficult point in my alcoholism and nobody knew the pain I felt inside. I looked for hidden help since I was hiding my struggle and pain. I found this site and all is history. I quit drinking and my life is better, my pain is no longer there, my sadness my hidden struggle is gone. I hope others find this site that feel like I did. I hope others in search of help find this...

Thank you all for helping me!!!

Happy SOBER Sunday!!!!

nmd 10-31-2016 05:10 AM

Good morning gang, hope everyone is doing well. I got some camping in this weekend with the boys. The rain held out and we had beautiful warm, dry weather and fall colors. I desperately need a free weekend to just get things around the house done though. I have a feeling that will be my evenings this week.

This is the first year in many years my boys won't be with me for halloween. They are also getting older so not as in to it, unfortunately. It's a year of firsts in a lot of ways. Kids grow up way too fast.

Take care everyone!

U75 10-31-2016 06:38 AM

Good morning Junes. My entire body is sore after 9 hours of raking leaves yesterday, and there's still several piles to move down to the curb!

Day 133.

JG62 10-31-2016 11:28 PM

Morning everyone - just checking in and wanting to check that everyone here is doing OK? It's really busy here with trying to sell the houses etc but I made some time for myself and I am away for a few days and just enjoying the peace and quiet ................. this is a first since June and walking in to the cottage to find a complimentary bottle of wine on the table sent my head in all directions. I moved it to a shelf and will take it home for my daughters when they next come over. It's strange, as I have wine in the house and it has never crossed my mind to drink it but seeing that on the table, can't describe but it also has left me feeling all grouchy.

nmd 11-02-2016 02:13 AM

JG- triggers and even just dreams do that to me too and effect my mood. You can save the bottle for your daughter, but don't feel bad about dumping it sooner if it gives you any more trouble. I would say just respect your own feelings. You don't need to save the bottle for someone else if it bothers you and its ok that it does bother you.

Been just crazy busy lately. We are watching our God son because his mother is in the hospital from a stroke. She seems to be recovering and might be home in a day or two to continue pt and speech therapy at home. Really scary stuff, but I'm glad she seems to be ok and past the worst of it.

soberforme06061 11-02-2016 07:33 AM

Day 149
Morning all - I'm on day 149 of sobriety :c011:

Life is crazy busy now that my renters moved out. They were some seriously nasty people. They lived there 3 years and I'm pretty positive that they never cleaned. I'm spending every evening there cleaning now. Lastnight I pulled up the carpet in one bedroom, still have two more to go. The dishwasher flooded and both toilets need to be replaced, yes replaced that's how nasty these people were. They asked for his deposit back as well.. :dee

Anyhow looks like i have a huge project to keep me busy for the month. If I were still drinking I wouldn't be handling these things the way i am now. I did have some severe anxiety which cause insomnia for 2 nights in a row but I took melatonin lastnight and got a good nights rest. I feel a ton better today and am making some decisions I know I wont regret because they're sober ones. I love being sober... I need a damn shirt that says that! LOL

I hope everyone has a a great SOBER Hump DAY!!

soberforme06061 11-05-2016 06:18 AM

Day 152
Good morning people, day 152 of sobriety for me! Come check in June folks!!

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