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Saskia 10-17-2016 03:09 AM

Have a merry Monday, Overs!

FBL 10-17-2016 03:50 AM

Have a Magnificent Monday!

waywardson8260 10-17-2016 04:39 AM

Good morning everyone. I made it through the crazy weekend at work and only 5 more working days left! I finally get the stiches out of my back tomorrow.

Hi glee!!

Gave a good day everyone.

Rusty Zipper 10-17-2016 05:03 AM

condolences on olive drake

thats always sad news

stargazer016 10-17-2016 06:23 AM

WWS, I kind of laughed to myself when reading that you had thought retirement would just mean that you could drink full time. My retirement vision was to travel around the country and the world and explore new beers and wines. When I quit drinking, I thought to myself, why bother going anywhere else, because I can't drink anymore? It is amazing how alcohol warps our logic!

Enjoy your last week of work. I am glad that you will have the time to devote to your recovery now.

Have a great day all!

IWLSAST 10-17-2016 09:42 AM

Crapola - lost my post...

Well, here is an abbreviated version:

Drake, my best as you grieve the loss of Olive. I've been thinking about you and hoping that you are back on the road to recovery. Trust me, I now far too well how challenging that can be.

Mags, thank you for your post on how you combat the past and the importance of recovery - good stuff!

Glee, you totally had my mouth watering with those dishes...I need some veggies in my life soooo bad!

Finished my drive from FL to PA. Was quite cold at first, but, assimilation is happening. Old home group AA, old body-pump gang and an hour with my old therapist to kick this off today...

Enjoy the week, O's.


Mags1 10-17-2016 11:25 AM

Evening overs.

I'm liking the Halloween theme, in the avatars.

We don't have many children knock on our door on Halloween but a few all dressed up in witches and wizards and ghosts, their mums take them round, which I'm pleased about but sad it has to be like that nowadays.

Anyhow, they're advising in our local newspaper not to dress up for Halloween with all this clowning about what's going on. One clown got beat up yesterday in our town. I think what was a stupid, silly prank, with weapons in their hands, turned out malicious and dangerous. I don't know.:dunno:

Take care friends.:grouphug:

Itchy 10-17-2016 09:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Amen. Folks who have never lived outside of the US, or others who have never lived in the US and traveled here or there have no idea! Here is a map of Europe turned sideways so that Italy fits right into Florida and the whole of Europe does not fill even half of the US:
Europe Size Compared to United States - Bing images
Pretty astounding. Many folks would never venture anywhere in a country where they spoke a language they did not know to speak or understand. Except for guided bus, train, and plane tours. Lots of folks on base never went anywhere from fear and discomfort. I think a lot of the fear is because they project on others how they think.

At the bottom is a pic of the forms for the culvert end caps. I haven't taken pics of the finished concrete yet. That's not me in the pic but the concrete guys I hired as trowel work on my knees is out. I have to take it slowly as I have been out for a couple of days after lifting up a steel wheelbarrow onto my friend's truck like a dummy. Guys forget to take it easy, even when we know better.

Great post, deep, not heavy. I hope you have laid those incidents aside after forgiving yourself for taking blame and guilt from fear and shame. You were a child and not alone. We all are the same inside child as before we took on the veneer of grown ups. Atoms must go through fire to harden up. Humans can only harden a shell. We are still the wonderful humans inside, and sometimes, we let ourselves out to play with others. Sober Recovery is my playground too.

We are rural with no sidewalks and my place is spooky at night because we are 300 (100 meters) feet back from the road. NO trick or treat'rs here! Ands we used to do a really good haunted house in costumes with scary music and sound effects. Enjoy it.

Hi Gil!

We are getting there too. Still hot here mid day.

I'd be run aground with your schedule! I like to do a lot too. And have to overcome my inertia because everything really can wait its turn.

In the military we call that four days and a wake up call (left.) You're short!

Hey Dharma, RZ!

I thought retirement was kick back, drink, and enjoy life. Addiction came and screwed that pooch. :headbange

Sorry ypou lost a post. Glad you made it safely in the heat wave! Philly cheese steak sandwiches . . .Yum!

Treerat66 10-18-2016 12:42 AM

Good morning Overs.

Drake- sorry for your loss.

Have a good day everyone.

stargazer016 10-18-2016 03:26 AM

I love your map of Europe Itchy!

Helps put things in perspective for all of us.

Have a great day all!

FBL 10-18-2016 03:52 AM

Another warm day (it's 72F as I type this) for this time of year. Looks like shorts weather for at least another day.

Busy with my latest book project. Beats working:)

Having fun with FaceBook. Keeping up with a couple of SR peeps. If any of you want to be friends there, drop me a PM.

Have a Terrific and/or Tolerable Tuesday, overs!

Rusty Zipper 10-18-2016 04:24 AM

hey itch

band has gig in stamford this saturday, dont know the name of the joint yet

Saskia 10-18-2016 05:12 AM

Itchy, lovely and insightful comment to Mags. I've had to learn the hard way that I need to tend to the needs of my inner child.

And love the map of Europe :-)

Have a good one, Overs!

Oh yes, I hope to post tomorrow but will be away for the next few days and have no idea if I'll have internet access.

FarToGo 10-18-2016 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by gleefan (Post 6175932)
FTG - Where did you find mindfulness class? What types of activities do you practice as a group? At home? I downloaded a meditative music app.

A good friend has been guiding me this way, she came much more into my life after my LTR break up. I'm seeing her as one of the fantastic gifts for being brave (hope that doesn't sound childish?)
The day long sessions are a mix, deep relaxation, traditional meditation, walking meditation, singing meditation (yeah really!), mindful lunch, readings, discussion and sharing. Magic, I'm loving it.
Not totally in the grove at home yet, but I've tried the free "Headspace App" and I'm considering subscription, will have to see on finances.

Happy Tuesday all.

Gilmer 10-18-2016 08:27 AM

Have a pleasant trip, Sass!

InParticular 10-18-2016 09:58 AM

Hi everyone!
Just slogging through so much rain here, it's been raining and raining for days. Oh well at least it's pretty warm.
Busy busy at work, hardly ever at home, oh and romance is in my life again as I started dating someone that I work with, it's been really nice so far, he's a very kind person and genuine and it's fun because we're keeping it on the down low for the time being.
He's an ex-addict, was addicted to speed for about ten years but has been clean for several years. He has a history of crime but he owns his past and seems to have it together now. What do you guys think of that? Should I be more careful?
He works really hard and does well.
I have another job after this one, the whole crew is going to work on a pilot co-written and produced by a pretty well-known actress.
It shoots for a month then HOPEFULLY I get to take a break! December off maybe? I've been working non-stop since I got that last job in July, I am so ready for a bit of time off! Also it's great that I'm being taken along to this next show. :)
Still considering going back to school, was looking at art schools over the weekend. Not sure if it would be worth it at this stage of the game though. I did decide that when I finally move in to my apartment I'm going to start working on my painting more seriously.
Anyway I should get back to work here. Have a Top-drawer Tuesday everyone and a Well-thought-out Wednesday.

Saskia 10-18-2016 03:12 PM

IP, IMHO it rarely hurts to be cautious. Although crazy busy, you sound good. Glad you were asked to move on to the next show :-)

gleefan 10-18-2016 06:29 PM

Mags - I think it's a real miracle when I can handle situations that I used to drink to avoid. I attribute my strength to my fellow people in recovery, and my only repayment is to share my story as freely as others share with me. :)

IP - I'm certainly not in the business of predicting others' futures. As a person in recovery I hope that others can see beyond my addiction to the person who I am. No matter who you get involved with, it's important to be practical, and take responsibility of you financial and legal wellbeing. If you decide to stay involved with your boyfriend, you may find it helpful to attend Alanon or read the friends and family side of SR to ensure you're maintaining healthy boundaries and keeping your side of the street clean. That's probably important whether your partners an addict or not!

Carlos - You're back up north just in time for the cold! Honestly it's been a gorgeous autumn here in CT. I hope you get to enjoy PA's seasons.

Toots - Too bad Itchy can't oversee renovations on your Spanish home.

Saskia - I hope you have a fun time off the grid for a few days.

Have a good night overs!!

Mags1 10-18-2016 09:54 PM

Morning overs

Thanks itchy, Europe is so small in comparison to USA. Good map! Puts it into perspective! I like the thought of lying way back of the road, although I live in a village and it is oh so quiet, we have a small road goes by us.
I use feet and inches though much is in metric. Confusingdotcom!

Sassy have a good time away, hope it's a fun trip.x

Inpar, what a life you're leading! Wow, girl, so exciting! Pleased you've got a friend, And yes, as sassy says, softly, softly, cautious.

gleefan, I agree, it is small miracles handling situations sober!

Hope it's a good Wednesday for you.x:grouphug:

stargazer016 10-18-2016 11:38 PM

Good morning all!

Safe travels Saskia!

Carlos, it is going to hit the mid 80s today on my side of the state. So much for escaping the heat of Florida, though it is dropping 30 degrees by the weekend!

Congrats on staying busy and enjoying work Inpar. In my mind, I would approach dating a fellow addict with caution. I just know how crazy my thoughts were while using, and the mood swings I experienced since quitting. To me, it seems that two people in recovery will face challenging interpersonal dynamics. On the other hand, no one knows how we think better than a fellow addict. For me, just navigating through a long term relationship with a normie has proven to have unique challenges in recovery. I know you will make the right decisions for yourself.

Have a great day everyone!

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