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MrPL 08-18-2016 11:39 PM

Hi everyone,

Checking in, day 10!

RikkiM85 - amazing work, the first days are really hard, you're doing great.

sunshine72 - I am sure it'll be great! If you've been friends for 20 years surely there's more to it than drinking together? Did you tell your friends you won't be drinking? (Also if you happen to get near the stage please tell Axl to come to the UK.)

Elicia - it's crazy isn't it? Las week at the festival I actually witnessed a man crawling because he couldn't walk and remembered I've been there. Happy new days ahead for us!

Antman - well done for day 3! Like Quincy I saw a lot of positive things about AA. Not using it myself but I am sure you'll make real progress there.

Fridays used to be my big ones, AV will complain when I leave work today but he can go and f**k himself!


Elle126 08-18-2016 11:52 PM

Great post PL. I think Friday's are difficult for all of us as it's the beginning of the weekend and the whole world wants to party. I always up my meetings at weekends, just to keep me safe. It's the only thing that works for me. Elle

Trees39 08-19-2016 12:00 AM

Well done to us all

Kayak63sc 08-19-2016 01:25 AM

Good morning.

TGISF-- Thank God I'm Sober Friday.

Everyone have a beautiful sober day.

Day 4

lovehoops 08-19-2016 04:44 AM

Good morning class,

Happy Friday!!!
Welcome to newcomers, chick chick and Julia..nd if I missed someone else. There were lots of posts to catch up on which is great that we are all here to support each other...

Never thought, I remember you as well ...and bexxed. Glad to see us again!!!

Another busy day ahead and not much to post. But, again, busy is good for me! Alone is my worst trigger...

Lots of problems with my family cars which is costing me tons of $$$. Ugh :(

All in all things are okay. I believe this is day 13 for me. Happy to be sober and hungover free.

Have a great day xo

kgirl41 08-19-2016 04:47 AM

Originally Posted by sunshine72 (Post 6097522)
Flying out tomororrow from NC. caught myself fantasizing about partien as soon as we get picked up at the airport with my best friend. I can't I just can't. I hope I'm not dull and boring. We are wild and crazy girls and have been friends for 23 years. We have already partied like rock stars a ton in our 2 decades. So I just don't know what to do or say. I feel like time will go by so slow... I can't wait to go and I can't wait to feel comfortable not drinking around her.

Hi sunshine, if you have been friends for so long, maybe just be honest with her? Then relax and have a great time. I think you will be surprised how much fun you are without alcohol!! As a former big "partier" when I had my 11 months of sobriety I was able to go out and have a lot of fun without alcohol, actually, more fun! The notion that you can only have fun with alcohol is all your AV manipulating you!

With all that said, have a great time and good luck!! Try and pop on here if you can :)

kgirl41 08-19-2016 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by cwood3 (Post 6096776)
kgirl, AA was great last night. It was also good this morning, leading me to believe that it will be just as good tonight! Two days, two meetings. Tonight will make two days, three meetings. I encourage to get to a meeting if you haven't. It's very inspiring and warm.

I'm so glad to hear that cwood and great job with the 2 and 2!! I am going to find a meeting and commit to attending one next week, you have inspired me! :tyou

kgirl41 08-19-2016 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by Neverthought (Post 6096810)
Yes, kellbell. I absolutely remember you. I'm glad we're "all" here supporting each other.

I'm so glad you pointed out that we are not giving up and still fighting. I went back to add that to my post and my boss showed up at my desk and I had bail-out of SR.

So, I came back to add what you wrote. I hope l didn't send a negative vibe and offend anyone :scared:. I have a tendency to think to much, but only because I worry about inadvertently being insensitive.

No worries here Neverthought!! I am so happy we are meeting again, seriously, yesterday when I read that you, fishy, and chick chick were back in my circle, I got goosebumps and tears in my eyes! :grouphug:

kgirl41 08-19-2016 04:54 AM

Originally Posted by Elicia08 (Post 6097639)
Just checking in after an interesting evening. I went to a local watering hole with some friends (who all know I've quit drinking and are highly supportive) to watch a football game and listen to some live music. I didn't feel uncomfortable and didn't have any desire to drink, but I was hyper-aware of the level of drunkenness of everyone I came in contact with. At 7:30 pm there were people there who were already so sloshed they reeked of liquor, were slurring their words, and couldn't even stand up. Then it hit me--and it hit me hard... That was me. That was SOOOOOO me. Dang. If I had entertained any thoughts of drinking before that, they went out the window. So grateful to be coming up on 12 days (in a few hours as my last drink was at about 3am). Grateful to be home, sober, cuddled up under the blanket watching Netflix. And grateful to be here with y'all...

Elicia - you are very brave to hit bars this early in the game but I am so glad it worked out ok and that you remained sober and even gained some insight!

Kayak63sc 08-19-2016 04:56 AM

TGISF-- thank God it's sober Friday.

Good morning everyone
I always like to start a challenging day with a poem.

When the daylight fades and the shadows fall*
Let the light from the lighthouse shine on me...
And the sun sinks low in a troubled sea
Let the light from the lighthouse shine on me
And the night winds blow and the rain falls free
Let the light from the lighthouse shine on me.
Unknown author

kgirl41 08-19-2016 05:11 AM

MrPL - double digits! Whoop!!

lovehoops - you're almost to the two week mark....keep on keepin on!! you're doing great!

Day 12 for me! Weekends are always hard for me but my I have a plan in place! When cravings strike, I need to drink water, maybe eat something. Come here and tell on my AV! Write down exactly what will happen if I drink and see it all the way through to the next morning.

Anyone else have big triggers on the weekends? If so, what is your plan when cravings/triggers hit??

I'm wishing you all a great and sober weekend :grouphug:

Neverthought 08-19-2016 05:12 AM

Good morning.

Also on to day (4). Yesterday was a long day. I didn't have any cravings, but was just a long day. My wife started school and a due to changes in the PA educations system, some schools were closed years ago and she got bumped to another wing without air conditioning. I don't think she would care, it's just that every other wing and school within that district has A/C. During the beginning and end of school her room is in the low 80's. The kids struggle too because of it apparently. Well, she is not pleasant during this stretch. So, usually when this happens we have a blow out and I say F this and head the liquor store. So, I've over the years, I got into the habit of coming home and grabbing a drink right off of the bat. This enable me to handle practically everything along with all of my baggage:lmao. Over the years coming home from work became a trigger......not good. And I'm a whiskey drinker. Funny, I went from smoking weed, to beer, to wine, to whiskey in a 20 year period. That is bad trend. The good news is that over years I've isolated it just to whisky.....well, that's not really good news, but I'm my perspective, it's only one habit to tackle. So, when I do abstain, which I have had some long stretches over the past 5 years, I don't fall back on anything.

Thanks for listening, I just had purge my bottled up thoughts.

I read everyone's posts everyday and I'm really compassionate where you're all coming from. I'm really glad I sucked it up and came back to SR. I tried to do this without SR over the past year, but.......I guess I got tired of letting people down, meaning SR friends, who I end up sharing more of my feelings to, rather than the people I am close to. Who would have thought.

Well, make it a great sober day gang.

kgirl41 08-19-2016 06:06 AM

I've done the same thing, Neverthought. Dodged SR from shame, or maybe deep down knowing I wasn't ready to commit full on. The support here is amazing, I feel like the people here are the only ones in my life that truly understand me and what I am going through.

have a great weekend :grouphug:

cwood3 08-19-2016 06:12 AM

Checking in. Day 7, all's OK. Let's see now, 3 days, 4 meetings. Now the weekend is here and I will be away from AA until Monday. I can do it.

MrPL 08-19-2016 06:29 AM

We got your back cwood, you re doing amazingly well, keep sober and enjoy your weekend!


bexxed 08-19-2016 06:53 AM

Good morning. Checking in here. Last night I had to go to a bar/restaurant which I had a plan for, but which I wasn't excited about. One of my coworkers/friends had a birthday and we took her out. She asked at one point what I was drinking and I said "soda water" and she laughed and said "you're rockin it out!" Which was actually really funny the way she said it and made me feel more comfortable. Although I wasn't feeling uncomfortable (I've done this before) it felt un-judgy. My partner's parents are coming for the weekend though and that does make me a little uncomfortable. They are lovely people with eyes like Hawks. They drink, especially the mother, although they are responsible about it they appear to be in the daily category. I think it's that I feel a little vulnerable. And I don't like when my vulnerabilities are noticed and commented on. Like I said at some point on this thread, today is 8 days. It's not a big deal. I'm not sober. I'm not making any grand announcements. Eight days is an achievement but we can talk in six months or a year about what a self defining lifestyle achievement I've come to. At this point I'm having a small slip from my lifestyle of drinking and eating like crap.

I am noticing that crappy food is crappy. Even heavy food is unpleasant. The wine always cut that and without it I just don't like it. I've been eating lots of veggies and yogurt and salads. Last night we were supposed to do that but I had forgotten about the birthday til mid-morning and my friend wanted to go to a place and share appetizers that were all cheesy etc. twelve hours later I still feel them sitting in my stomach. Yuck.

Other than that, I'm clear eyed and happy to be awake and looking forward to a sober day.

Neverthought 08-19-2016 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by kgirl41 (Post 6098111)
I've done the same thing, Neverthought. Dodged SR from shame, or maybe deep down knowing I wasn't ready to commit full on. The support here is amazing, I feel like the people here are the only ones in my life that truly understand me and what I am going through.

have a great weekend :grouphug:

Thanks Kgirl, for I'm not alone. And frankly, I'm aware that it's not just the two of us. I've had many conversations with SR contributors expressing the same feelings over the years.

Well, let's make a pact to us and everyone that there is no shame, but only triumph in the effort to forge-ahead on SR with or without setbacks. :grouphug:

Where do I sign?

suzii 08-19-2016 07:14 AM

Hi, I'm on day three, and I'd love to be a part of this class. I need so much support and motivation to see this thru.

Julia8 08-19-2016 07:25 AM

don't have time right now to read everyone's posts - i'm off to work - but checking in and letting you know i'm thinking of all of you! <3

kgr103110 08-19-2016 07:28 AM

Day 2
Here's to trying something new. It feels right so far.

Fingers crossed that I don't screw it up this time.

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