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Wastinglife 06-28-2016 11:05 AM

Day 39. I'm getting a least one strong craving for alcohol everyday now. Just for the last week. Oddly, I wasn't getting cravings for the first 30 days. No wonder I haven't made it past 30 days for years. I start to entertain the thought that I deserve a few pints. It tends to pass after 5-10 mins but it comes on strong. I just think about the bad things that happened to my life due to alcohol and that usually ends the debate in my head. My mental health really suffers when I'm drinking and it's taken 5 weeks for my anxiety levels to go from 8 out 10, to a 4.

Sorry to see you back at day zero Csaw. The therapy group not working?

Optimist4ever57 06-28-2016 11:14 AM

I am so thankful that I made it to Day 4. Day 3 was my stumbling block and while yesterday was very emotional, I made it with the help of my sponsor. I didn't have any cravings yesterday, but today, as some weekend plans are coming together, I'm feeling anxious.

I've always been full of anxiety, even as a child...I just thought that was how life was. So I'm checking in to stay accountable. No stops on the way home and my meeting is tonight so that should get me through...I'll stay at work as late as I can and that will hopefully keep me on track.

GAHaley 06-28-2016 11:52 AM

Welcome back Siesta! :c009: I too looked into WFS, but couldn't find anything in my area. You may want to look into SMART Recovery. They have meetings here and they were extremely helpful while I was in treatment.

JG, I hope all goes well with your husband today. I would second everything Ambuler said. That was great advice. We will be here to support you what every happens...
And yes, I definitely think my body misses all the sugar from the alcohol and is craving sweets because I am usually more of a salty kind of girl... a 20 mile bike ride! That's awesome. I really need to get back to running...I miss that post-run mellowness...Hope your boys win tonight!

Optimist...ahhh...gotta love FB...I have finally come to the realization that right now in early recovery it is not healthy for me. I would get on there a couple of times a day and find myself more depressed & I honestly feel that at times it was the tipping point over the edge when I was already wanting to drink. So for now, I am limiting myself. You are doing great!! Glad you found a sponsor you like. Hang in there.

luvmygirls...yes 20 minutes sounds about right LOL :lmao: Great story...makes perfect sense.

WL, Sorry you are having cravings again. But at least you recognize them and can talk yourself down. Do they come at a certain time of day? Or have a certain trigger?

Day 9. Still very tired. I got a full 7 hours sleep last night and feel like I could have slept another 7. Had a counseling session yesterday and we started to try to develop a plan. It's really nice to be able to open up, but in a way I kind of feel like I'm paying her to tell me stuff I kind of already know...just need to put into practice. She also spoke to me about getting on anti-depressants, which I am not necessarily against, but I think I want to see first if my mood evens out with some significant sober time. I know it did the last time I was sober. So we will see... Obviously alcohol is a depressant so I know it can "mimic" many other problems and illnesses.

Anyway...hope everyone has a great sober Tuesday!

CuteNGayYay 06-28-2016 12:03 PM

Day 8 here. Welcome to all the new people popping in!!! :)
JL my thoughts are with you today man.
Optimist- they usually do follow ups during the same show at the end..and usually visit older cases from previous years where they've been successful. Glad to see you're beating your cravings! :)
Hope everyone is having a soberlicious day. :-)

Caramel 06-28-2016 01:11 PM

Greetings, everyone. Day 14 for me - lookit!
Welcome to the new folks and to those returning after an absence. This class is very supportive :grouphug:
cairn on another thread wrote

...The alcoholic obsession is merciless. Self administered embalming fluid, in my case, I think...

which struck me as a stunning description, and which I'll remember if I felt tempted.
Take care, everybody. We're here for you xxx

JG62 06-28-2016 01:26 PM

Thank you everyone for all your support. Today with my husband went a lot better than expected and probably far more than I deserve. He's still going to rent somewhere (at the moment he is at his sister's, she really dislikes me). He's talking long term rental and us selling the house and me getting somewhere on my own........... But it was OK, I know he loves me, I don't think he trusts me but I can't blame him for that. After he left, I got all this strange stuff and feelings, like 'oh everything is OK now, so you could have a drink'! Why when I have been lying awake and crying and feeling horrible did I not want to drink and now when things don't look so bad does that rear it's head? :a043: Anyway, I didn't drink, well I did but it was a massive pot of coffee, then I got the paint brush out and have been painting a chair that I have meaning to sort for ages, which is why I am so late checking in. Nearly the end of day 7. Hope everyone else is doing OK

AAKitty 06-28-2016 01:56 PM

Hi... I'm new I think I just joined yesterday.

Today is 15 days sober. My sobriety date is 06/13/16.

I'm doing an IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) through a local Rehab facility 3 days a week while trying to still work my 40 hours and get in as many AA meetings as possible. I'm married with a 5 year old. I think I finally found a sponsor that is willing to take things at a slower pace until I get out of the IOP program and some of my time is easier to manage.

I feel fairly numb but I think that's pretty much because of all the meds the IOP doctor has me on so I don't lose my sh!t but anyway, I haven't gotten to read this entire thread yet because my focus is WAY off but I'm slowly getting through the pages and just wanted to introduce myself.

SnazzyDresser 06-28-2016 02:01 PM

Hi, AAKitty! Congratulations on 15 days, that's great.

CaseyW 06-28-2016 02:38 PM

Welcome to SR and the class of June 16, AAKitty. I've found the support to be found and given here to be an absolutely essential part of my recovery plan.

Day 108 for me, Junebugs. Glad to see everyone here for another day sober. Keep on doing the next right thing. Remember you don't have to take that first drink no matter what.

CuteNGayYay 06-28-2016 03:17 PM

Glad to hear things went well JG.
Welcome AAKitty
Congrats on 2 weeks Caramel! :)
Amazing at 108 Casey :) I had 55 days in Feb/March . Felt great!

JL2014 06-28-2016 03:31 PM

Good to hear good news !
Aakitty welcome
WL- congrats on 39 !!
CNGY I appreciate you man- today blew.:(
My brothers son is back from France and living in New York with his partner. No ones every had contact with him as his dad( my brother) kept him as hidden away as he could. ( shame type behavior ).
That made the kid grow up turning his nose up and thinking everyone hated him. His drunkass dad calling him an abomination out of the bible verses, I'm sure built huge walls too.
Today I told him that his dad never wanted any connection with us that he couldn't control completely, but if he wanted to have a family in us he could. Still it was awful.
It's done though.
I'm so depressed and sad but hell, who has fun at a funeral (SOBER). Lol
Might pick up 30 day chip tomorrow.
Might just lay in bed and watch stargate reruns and eat junkfood all day.
I'm done. Exhausted

Caramel 06-28-2016 03:45 PM

JL2014 - you got through. Now rest and recharge. Well done.

Disonant 06-28-2016 04:38 PM

I'm on day 8, got some good sleep last night and I feel rested. Felt terrible yesterday, but I made it.

Welcome to the new posters.

Thank you to everyone in this thread, your posts are very helpful to me.

notgonnastoptry 06-28-2016 04:40 PM

I'm here. I hope this sticks. I've gotten more done in the past week than I had for six months.

letsdance 06-28-2016 04:43 PM

Oh my gosh. I cant do this. Will i ever be able to. I made it to 3 days and drank. I feel like a failure in so many aspects of my life right now. I'm fat, my job situation sucks, my son was just diagnosed with autism and i feel stuck. So i drink to feel instuck but then i feel worse, Like now i feel even more unstable emotionally then before i drank. Will i ever feel good about myself again?

letsdance 06-28-2016 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by notgonnastoptry (Post 6020051)
I'm here. I hope this sticks. I've gotten more done in the past week than I had for six months.

Glad your getting things done. I know how that is. We moved like 4 months ago and my house is still looks like crap because my husband and i drink all the time. So nothing ever gets done.

letsdance 06-28-2016 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by JG62 (Post 6018862)
Day 7 -
JL2014 - Thoughts are with you and make sure you rest as soon as possible.
Letsdance - don't ever allow the AV to tell you your husband will keep putting up with it, as drinkers we become manipulative but eventually he will have had enough :(
GAHaley - Whoop Whoop - Day 8 - don't let me get in front of you now, keep strong. Is the sugar craving to do with no longer having all the sugar from alcohol?
Ambuler - not seen you post, hope you are OK and still here with us in June class
Today is going to be a tough one for me. My husband said he would come over not to get back with me but for a chat. I think he may not come. I don't know which is going to be worse. If he doesn't come then I won't see him but then if he does come over I will have to watch him leave again. If that makes sense.
On a lighter note - the 18.5 km that I walked yesterday in under 3 hours has made my butt cheeks kill, walking down the stairs this morning killed!

Yep your right. I do worry he will leave me, but when i am drunk i have no brain and do stupid things. Of course my husband is not sober either so we both drink and argue so i think it is both if us and he knows it. We keep saying we will stop but never do.

Dee74 06-28-2016 04:54 PM

I'll catch up later...but, for now, a new thread :)


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