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Mark1014 06-07-2015 12:36 PM

Hi gang, I hope the weekend is wrapping up nicely for everyone. Doing lots of splashing about in the warm water. It's as beautiful a blue-green color as I've ever seen. At my son's request we're thinking of walking just down the beach this evening to an ocean -front restaurant with outdoor seating to celebrate his 20th birthday. Very casual and that goes just fine with my wind swept porcupine hair look.

So I have my little one properly satisfied with a snack and I hear those waves calling my name! Back to my little piece of the beach I go.

Briar 06-07-2015 01:18 PM

I'm currently at a graduation party for my niece. I looked over at the "party table" for a moment. You know, the one with the wine and beer where everyone is loud and laughing. I was always at that table, obsessing over how to get enough to drink without hogging it and looking like an alcoholic. Ha! Watching from another table, sober, I felt free.

Arbor 06-07-2015 01:43 PM

Yeah Briar it's good to not be part of that crowd anymore. Been there done that. The thing with most social situations anyway is they are over and done with in a blink of an eye. There's never enough time for us anyway to straighten up (if we ever even do). We can now sit there with a confident smile knowing we'll be alright. :)

Dee74 06-07-2015 02:15 PM

I'm sorry you're still having foot problems V.


Mark1014 06-07-2015 02:27 PM

I had to run up here to find my daughter's goggles. As I head up one of the guys tells me he'll have a cold one for me when I get back. Time to use that confident smile Arbor referenced and pronounce that I don't touch the stuff.

Good going Briar....loved your comment about feeling free. How sweet it is.

Conquest 06-07-2015 02:30 PM

Right on, Arbor! We will be alright.

Last night, we went to a graduation party and there was a ton of booze. I managed to find a sober lady to sit by and we chatted all evening, making plans to get together for a BBQ soon. It was lovely to just sit back, calmly and comfortably, without the obsessive thoughts. (I totally use to be the girl at the table too, Briar. Bleh. Never again!)

Sounds like an awesome evening plan, From! Food always tastes better with a little salt air on it. :)

I can't believe it, but I'm about to brave Walmart right now... Do we really need dog shampoo and bananas that badly?!

phoebe64 06-07-2015 02:45 PM

Awesome stuff, Briar! I noticed at the grad party I attended, that there was not very much wine. I was fetching seltzer and only saw a couple of bottles. That would have been a tough party at one time! Of course, I would have brought a couple of bottles for the hostess. ;). Yesterday, it was just my cat of guacamole and mountain of chips.

FAD, first, at least you have hair so that you can look like a porcupine after a day on the beach. Haha. My son has hair that gets so thick and curly in the wind and humidity on the beach. I have the cutest/funniest picture after a gusty day on Cape Cod. Secondly, and more importantly, glad to hear you feeling so strong about turning down that cold one. You won't regret that.

So the kids have been playing oat of the day outside with the neighborhood gang, and we never went anywhere. I took a little walk with husband, and puttered about. Grocery run, and fixing dinner.

phoebe64 06-07-2015 02:47 PM

Conquest, you are so lucky to have cowboy and friends to fix that for you! I need a cowboy! Isn't that a song?

Arbor, still waiting?

venuscat 06-07-2015 04:33 PM

Freedom from bondage.

I have read this phrase so many times and heard it so many times at meetings.
Yet it is only now that I really get it.
No more scheming to get to the alcohol table ever.
No more worrying that I won't be able to get enough to drink.
No more panicking because Oops I'm drunk and have to pretend I'm not.
No more hangovers.
No more shame. :)

I dreamt about you Arbor. The baby was coming. I guess it won't be long now.

I think I should drink my coffee and come back. I can't seem to wake up.
My foot hurt all night. Kept waking me up.

venuscat 06-07-2015 04:34 PM

Before I forget, have fun at your gig today Dee!

Briar 06-07-2015 05:59 PM

It's so true, V, freedom from bondage. I had no free will when I was at that table. And yeah, that terrible moment when you realize you're super drunk. Somehow I was always either not drunk enough or too drunk, there was no in-between.

Conquest - your man is handy? Lucky girl! Mine can't change a light bulb without burning half the house down.

Phoebe - it must be hard living with a partner who drinks. I'm very fortunate that my husband doesn't have a drinking problem and has no issue with abstaining when he's at home. I know he drinks socially and at work (that sounds bad, but he works for a winery, they just do that), but not at home anymore. That doesn't seem to help with his sluggishness, though, he's great at keeping his favorite chair warm.

FAD - nothing wrong with the porcupine look. Some people pay a lot of money for that. :)

V and Arbor - today as I was packing tomorrow's lunches, I cracked up thinking of people halfway across the world worrying about my avocados.

Speaking of which, in case anyone is interested, here's tomorrow's lunch. There's peanut butter in the little blue container and hummus in the pink one:

venuscat 06-07-2015 06:13 PM

Just love love love these lunches....and I really like the lunch box you showed us yesterday Briar. :)

One of the things I realised from this is that I don't eat enough during the day. The sandwich would be it for me, from morning until dinner. So no wonder I am always too stressed.

How is your back now phoebe? :hug:

Briar 06-07-2015 06:28 PM

V maybe it would be good for you to get a box like this and pack it for the day. Just keep it in the fridge (I keep mine in a fridge at work). You can plan it out so it's healthy and balanced, and it may help you remember to eat enough. If it's hard to remember to eat, maybe even set an alarm to remind you.

It might really help you feel better. I often mistake hunger for anxiety. When I eat every three hours or so, I notice my mood is more stable.

What you see there is my lunch and snacks for the day. It seems like a lot, but with all the veggies, I've actually been losing weight and have more energy.

venuscat 06-07-2015 06:30 PM

New job first, so I can afford more food, then the lunch box. :)

As a matter of fact, feeling anxious now. Have I eaten yet today? No.
Off to make some toast.

Briar 06-07-2015 07:18 PM

V - I don't know what's cheap where you are, but here things like dry beans and rice are cheap and healthy. Maybe you can stock up on stuff like that just to have more food in the house.

venuscat 06-07-2015 07:27 PM

Thank you ~ what I need is more things like vegetables. Which are expensive.
I have a good stock of dried things, just nothing to put with them...I don't mean it to sound like a big deal. Really. :hug:

phoebe64 06-07-2015 07:43 PM

Fresh fruit and veggies can be very expensive. Do you have food banks and pantries there, V, for people struggling? we have a busy one here.

I was thinking about your bento boxes, Briar, and exactly that they would be great for planning the food for the day, just to keep a balanced diet. It also makes it fun. I often have the right stuff in the fridge, but get lazy and eat what is fast and easy.

Mark1014 06-07-2015 07:47 PM

I agree on the not getting too hungry thing. Almost every time I have a thought of drinking these days I realize I'm hungry too. Not a problem at the moment as I'm stuffed.

I got a closer shot of the water today. Getting a pretty nice tan too.

I hope y'all have a great Monday.

venuscat 06-07-2015 07:47 PM

Really, I have had a lot of help. A lot.
I have to find more work.
I shouldn't have brought this up... :hug: s

That looks so beautiful from.
Really glad you are enjoying yourself. :)

Briar 06-07-2015 07:48 PM

I know what you mean. And I like to buy organic fruits and veggies, which can be really steep. I spring for it because I worry about my daughter eating all kinds of pesticides, and I want to help increase demand for organic produce so hopefully when she is of grocery-shopping age it will be cheaper. She is a great veggie-eater. In fact, right now she's eating some snap peas (which were actually supposed to be my snack, but she's a notorious little thief :)).

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