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Copper442 05-17-2015 05:44 PM

Hope and Boombox, glad you are with us.

Some really good things are happening in this class! I'm diggin it.

Tonight is rough for me. Not really cravings at the moment just more being completely uncomfortable. My skin feels too small and I can't seem to shake this feelings of rage. Can't really even pinpoint what is causing it. I might try to go to bed early and I hope I sleep. No more Benadryl so who knows.

Cissy 05-17-2015 05:51 PM

Copper, maybe it's the dreaded PAWS moving in right away. I forget how long you've been abstinent. Hang in there. Going to bed early sounds like a great idea. And decrease all sources of annoyance if you can. Read a good book or light some incense, candles, whatever.

Welcome newbies!!!

JL2014 05-17-2015 05:56 PM

I cried while my 6yr old son snuggled up and play ed a Lego game on his xbox. Made me think of what all I've missed by being shtfcd , while my kid are growing up.
Regret doesn't drive me to drink. I'm the only one that makes me do it.
Day 2

JL2014 05-17-2015 05:57 PM

Or 1.5 technically

CaseyW 05-17-2015 08:39 PM

Little underwhelmed at first viewing of the Mad Men finale but I'll watch it again in a couple of days and see how I really feel then.

Think I'm heading to bed now so that puts day ten in the books. Definitely no major cravings to drink today and not even really much thought about it at all. It just wasn't an option today. I'll try to sleep in a little tomorrow as it's not good to go applying for restaurant jobs until mid-afternoon after the lunch rush is over. I already know where I'm going first, got a couple of old work buddies who moved to a new restaurant in the last year who love it there. They seem to think it won't be an issue at all for me to get hired on with them, but I'm trying not to assume anything. If it happens, it happens, if not I'll pound the pavement until I find something that works for me.

As always, thanks to everyone who posted on here this weekend and helped keep me sober.

Cissy 05-17-2015 08:43 PM

JL, don't need to get technical. Call it day 2. ;) Great insight with your son, and may you experience many more such moments that will fill you up the way drink never could.

Casey, can't wait to hear what job you land. I'm sure you're going to find something much more to your liking.


Copper442 05-17-2015 09:18 PM

We'll, I'll be starting day 1 again tomorrow I hope. I hate that I do this but I just keep on. I don't know why I do this to myself

Cissy 05-17-2015 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by Copper442 (Post 5376678)
Tonight is rough for me. Not really cravings at the moment just more being completely uncomfortable. My skin feels too small and I can't seem to shake this feelings of rage. Can't really even pinpoint what is causing it. I might try to go to bed early and I hope I sleep. No more Benadryl so who knows.

Originally Posted by Copper442 (Post 5376967)
We'll, I'll be starting day 1 again tomorrow I hope. I hate that I do this but I just keep on. I don't know why I do this to myself

You obviously have some tough underlying things, aside from just drinking. Maybe you should vent a little bit about it here, where you know we won't judge and can offer some support. We all want you to succeed and that can't happen if you can't get past those uncomfortable feelings and sensations.

Like people always say, "Do you have a plan?" This is why we need one. I'm one to talk cause I don't have a concrete plan yet but I know when I hear them ask that I need to get me one.

Please use us.

chanty 05-17-2015 09:26 PM

Hello May people. I would like to join your group, if I May :). I was here 2 years ago, that's how long I have been trying to give up. I now drink more than ever. I have said this is the last time to myself so many times, I have a constant battle going on in my head. I ache. I look terrible, I feel terrible and I realize I can't do this alone. I need a support group!

JL2014 05-17-2015 09:50 PM

Copper believe me it takes a lot to admit the truth on here. Well get it. I've given up here and there, but here is where I know there's people who want to stop. That's who I need to be talking to. We've all been there on here, ( unless we're not for real).

Michtizz 05-17-2015 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by chanty (Post 5376973)
Hello May people. I would like to join your group, if I May :). I was here 2 years ago, that's how long I have been trying to give up. I now drink more than ever. I have said this is the last time to myself so many times, I have a constant battle going on in my head. I ache. I look terrible, I feel terrible and I realize I can't do this alone. I need a support group!

I think that there might be a few of us here in a similar place Chanty - I'm starting day 2 right now - we can all do this with the support of others - welcome to the group..

nmd 05-18-2015 01:02 AM

I caved yesterday. I should have taken a nap instead, I was exhausted. Back to day one but digging back in.

nmd 05-18-2015 01:05 AM

Welcome chanty

Dee74 05-18-2015 01:35 AM

Welcome aboard chanty :)


4thekidz 05-18-2015 04:26 AM

Day 11: Insomniac

I've never been a good sleeper. But just when I thought I might start sleeping again, last night happened.

After a full. Active day I went to bed at 9pm; tossed and turned, stared at the ceiling, had some sleepytime tea, and refused to take a pill. That added up to maybe 3 hours of light dreaming to culminate in a 4:45 am "up for good" mode. I wasn't even tormented by the parasite.

Short run today; I'm putting up fencing and staying outdoors as much as possible.

Good luck to all.


TENtx 05-18-2015 05:27 AM

Checking in, day #13.

Welcome Chanty. Congrats on the decision to join us. MAY the force be with you.

JL, your son is only 6. If you sober up now, you will have the best years with him. My kids are teenagers. I missed it. I'm not missing anything else.

Mondays are my toughest day. I have this irrational anxiety about going to work on Mondays. I think I'm afraid that in all of the things I ignored while I was drinking, there is a monster in there that I can't fix. Once the day moves on, the anxiety seems to fade.

I went in early last Monday and that didn't work. I didn't drink, but I still had a massive anxiety attack. Today, I'm trying something new. I don't have any meetings scheduled, so I'm going to trim some juniper around the driveway this morning before I go in, and then I'm going to stay late. Maybe that will work.

I'm fairly certain that none of us would be on SR if we hadn't failed repeatedly at stopping on our own. To the newbies here on day one or two, we hear you.

However, almost every success story I hear goes something like I tired x and y for years, but when I finally tried z something clicked and it worked.

I've never, ever, heard anyone say I tried the same x for years, over and over, and then one day it worked. Never.

My goal it to at least make new mistakes. One day I'm sure to run out and I'll be sober.

opalblue 05-18-2015 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by JL2014 (Post 5376695)
I cried while my 6yr old son snuggled up and play ed a Lego game on his xbox. Made me think of what all I've missed by being shtfcd , while my kid are growing up.
Regret doesn't drive me to drink. I'm the only one that makes me do it.
Day 2

Wow there are so many people on this thread. JL I related to your post. I have a 10 year old son and he complained yesterday that I never play cards with him...I felt awful because I too was always stfcd. Too busy doing the grownup "thing". i.e drinking

Anyway this morning we had some time to kill before the school run so I suggested the two of us played a quick game of cards. He was absolutely delighted ;-)

This is not the norm for a Monday morning....I am usually tired and hungover from my drinking all weekend. Grumpy, irritable, no energy with a face like thunder.

But this morning I woke up feeling good! This is the life I want to lead

AL is so addictive. ;-(

Incontrol15 05-18-2015 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by JL2014 (Post 5376695)
I cried while my 6yr old son snuggled up and play ed a Lego game on his xbox. Made me think of what all I've missed by being shtfcd , while my kid are growing up. Regret doesn't drive me to drink. I'm the only one that makes me do it. Day 2

Yup. It really is sad what we've done while our kids are young. They are the the most important people in our lives and it feels bad when we don't pay enough attention.

I have lots of regret on that front. The good news is, those thoughts change. After a few weeks of living a sober life and paying more attention to our kids, we are grateful for sobriety and proud of what we've done for ourselves and our children.

The pain of regret does pop it's ugly head once in a while still for me. I'm 1month sober. For the most part though, I just think "Thank God I am sober and not wasting anymore time."

Sober is the way to go.

Michtizz 05-18-2015 06:07 AM

Day 2 - lunchtime and feeling strong!!

I didn't say yesterday but I managed to lose my car key and house keys when I had my tumble. Managed to get into my house but not my car. Very nice man came out this morning and sorted me out a new one. I am insured but I had to pay up front. That was a shock.. Financially, we mess ourselves up by drinking - and that's before you even think about health and relationship stuff..

Heading North to see my partner in a bit before my trip away. She was so cross with me for the damage I caused to myself and I heard her so upset on the phone last night that I'd not really paid her full attention whilst I was away (she knew I'd banged my head and was understandably worried) - feeling lucky that I do have a chance to make amends but I realise that there's only so many chances before partners choose to move on...

Laters all..

AGAGONNHOJ 05-18-2015 06:45 AM

Its nearly 9pm here, just got in from another session of speed-walking - 10km this evening, 5km early morning at 5am before work.

Sat here feeling some cravings now - really, REALLY want some red wine or a beer right now. First time I've felt cravings for a long, long time. No way I'm going to have any booze, mind.

But might just have to have one of those bottles of cold green tea with lychee juice - even if that is a couple of hundred calories, it's better than having any alcohol!

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