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OnMyWay7 04-12-2015 05:16 AM

Good morning everyone. I hosted a 7 year old sleepover last night so I ended up sleeping on the basement couch because they were scared. Times like this I'm happy I don't drink because it make last night much less complicated. I didn't have to figure out how to get my alcohol in and this morning it's easy to make breakfast.

A good day not to drink.

Soberwolf 04-12-2015 08:33 AM

Thats awesome Teebee

saoutchik 04-12-2015 02:40 PM

Oh well done Teebee a 7 year old sleepover is definitely up there on the stress scale

Glad your going well MITA

Soberwolf 04-13-2015 03:53 AM

Have a nice start to the week Januarians

waywardson8260 04-13-2015 04:38 AM

Good morning. Not much new going on. I'm going for a walk then to work.

Eleven weeks sober now!!!

Sisterbobby 04-13-2015 05:05 AM

day 20 for me. Time is not standing still this time around.
Household here is being hush hush about everything, back to normal (or what it has been for some time Now) Usually, I would drown it all out in a bottle of gin and continue on. What a pitiful life I have been living. I so enjoy sobriety and the clarity it provide oneself. Oh, did i mention it's day 20 today. :a122:

OnMyWay7 04-13-2015 07:33 AM

Sister - great job on 20 days. I've been thinking about you and sending good mojo. Things have calmed down for me as my SO goes for the mental help she needs. We'll see if the medication helps.

It's different for you - I couldn't imagen coming home to comeone drinking and not being supportive at all. I hope you know we're here for you.

Hi Lovehoops? What have you been up to? MITA, Saoutchik, WWS good to see you all going strong

saoutchik 04-13-2015 10:44 AM

I think you are handling things really well SisterBobby and to all intents and purposes you're coming up for 90 days so congratulations.

Early start for me tomorrow as I am off to Glasgow in Scotland for work. I have various samples and presentation materials to take which means unfortunately I have to drive. One good thing is that I am driving up in my bosses big Audi which will make things a bit less tiring. I originally agreed to the trip some time ago as it meant that I would be driving back on Wednesday which is my birthday (so no temptations). Wish I hadn't now as I feel like I should be OK anyway.

Incidentally for anyone who does not know of Glasgows reputation, going there to avoid booze is like going to Las Vegas to avoid gambling

Dee74 04-13-2015 03:51 PM

It may be difficult but I know you can triumph saoutchik :)
If nothing else you need to get the bosses car back in one piece :)


OnMyWay7 04-13-2015 06:21 PM

Yes. Drinking while using the bosses car. Not a good idea. Lol

Tired night here but it's getting warmer out which is nice.

Started reading some of the big book - just a few pages at a time but getting through some of it

Sisterbobby 04-14-2015 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by saoutchik (Post 5316056)
all intents and purposes you're coming up for 90 days so congratulations.



saoutchik - be careful rubbing elbows with the Glasgow's. Kick some butt. I read somewhere, here maybe, can't remember exactly how it was stated, something like this, "nothing more powerful then to be the sober guy amongst big drinkers (??)"

OnMyWay7 04-14-2015 05:50 AM

Hi all – I find that the more I’m not in a good place the more I post and check here – not a surprised I guess. So I’ll just keep posting as I can’t drink.

So after trying to split up about a week ago SO and I are going back to couples therapy… I agreed to delay the break up if she gets treated for depression and really starts doing the work she needs to. Not sure if it will work (I know a bunch of you are shaking your head basically knowing it won’t work) but I just don’t know what else to do. The kids don’t want us breaking up and sometimes it’s hard enough to get all the kids where they need to be with the two of us in the house. She is going to go to a shrink and a therapist and get her medication adjusted and start doing real work to address her co-dependence issues. I hope she does. I just want to have peace in the house and be responsible for my own happiness and raise my kids. Not responsible for her and her happiness.

Well – rainy day here and dark – good day to drink coffee and get some work done. I’m looking forward to my trip to Amsterdam and am planning on taking a tour to the tulip place and a canal tour. It looks just beautiful there and I’m excited. Then I go to Disney World to watch my oldest perform in the ESPN center. They will also be televising the cheer competition – she’s very excited. Then I have to fly her up to Boston to meet up with her class for the class trip so she can graduate from 8th grade. I hope that things get calmer then…

Take care all -

saoutchik 04-14-2015 01:47 PM

Hi everyone,

I understand what you are saying Teebee. Threatening to go nuclear seems to have prompted your SO into some tangible action. Who knows maybe it will work, it depends on wether she is undergoing it in good faith or not.

I'm in my hotel room in central Glasgow. Left my flat at 5:30am arrived here at 1pm. 22C (72F) in London, cold and cloudy here. To be expected I guess.

Later I went to a precision engineering company that (among other things) are making the wheels for the next World Land Speed Record attempt. I was originally their customer as they made some bespoke parts for my old Lancia (cost me a small fortune). Getting a nice juicy order from them will more than pay for it. Had dinner with a couple of the directors - they assume all Londoners drink only mineral water and eat only lettuce so no problems there.

More people to see tomorrow, will probably have to stay another night, not normally an issue but as it is my birthday tomorrow I would really prefer to be in London.

The boss's big ass Audi is nice and relaxing to drive, decided to practise some handbrake turns at a motorway services stop on the way up (couldn't resist). Messed my samples up a bit

lovehoops 04-14-2015 04:52 PM

hi all...
on my way out again..

TeeBee, thanks for asking for me!!! Really busy with life and work blah blah but not drinnking. I hope your SO puts in the effort and makes the positive changes. Good luck with all your travels. safely in that audi!

Sorry to run off so quickly..Thinking of you all xo

OnMyWay7 04-15-2015 03:25 AM

Hi all. Going to NY to see Wicked (it was my birthday present) - glad it's going to be nice our we're going to try to catch the World Trade Center memorial as well.

Good day all

waywardson8260 04-15-2015 07:30 AM

Hi everyone. Well my car finally got out of the shop after a couple of parts delays. I'm glad to have that over with. Not much going on- pretty much another day at work.

Still sober!

Teebee, I'm wishing for the best for your relationship and family as you search for the happiness that you all deserve.

Saoutchik, I'm trying to think of something, but I can't think of anything good coming out of driving the bosses car. Good luck!!!

Sisterbobby 04-15-2015 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by lovehoops (Post 5318410)
TeeBee, thanks for asking for me!!! Really busy with life and work blah blah but not drinking. I hope you're SO puts in the effort and makes the positive changes. Good luck with all your travels.


thinking about you lovehoops

have the next five days off, nothing really planned.

Tax day :headbange

checking out a new campsite, have a few in mind...need a two day retreat from this place

saoutchik 04-15-2015 11:11 AM

Hi everyone,

Still in Glasgow, too late to be driving home now so will be spending the rest of my birthday in my hotel room. I did briefly consider driving to Loch Lomond but I'm too worn out.

I got all the business I expected and that is about 15-20% more than I told work to expect as I always underestimate so as to exceed expectations.

Secretly though I am a bit disappointed as I was hoping to pull a lot more but maybe that was just greed and wishful thinking on my part

Waywardson, there is at least one good thing about using the bosses car and that is a near thousand miles that goes on his odometer and not mine. In addition most of the miles have been on the motorway where it is quiet fast and comfortable and you don't notice how big the thing is (until you are back in town)

Enjoy New York Teebee and enjoy those days off SisterBobby

Sisterbobby 04-15-2015 12:34 PM

Happy Birthday Saoutchik. Hope you enjoy a restful day relaxing in your hotel room. Gets some rest.


saoutchik 04-15-2015 01:40 PM

Thanks Sis 55! How did I get that old?

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