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BBQBiker 02-18-2015 08:00 PM

Sorry you had another stressful day Kitty. Glad you are home and can rest.
Congrats on 15 days (or there abouts).

BBQBiker 02-18-2015 08:04 PM

It's -8 here and dropping. Nice to be inside with the woodburning stove cranked.
Goodnight all. Sleep tight.

brynn 02-18-2015 08:39 PM

Good night y'all!

I've read everyone's posts and I'm thinking of you guys!

Mld...let us know what your lawyer says...I'm thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!

Dax...hope your feeling better brother!

Shannon...I would love to babysit Bella! Can we dress her up?? :) and your granny have been in my thoughts all day. Grandmothers hold a special place in our hearts. My granny was a constant in my life and provided me the security and stability I didn't get at home. It's a special bond, indeed. Hugs to you my dear friend. ❤️

I told myself that this is the last day I'm going to let myself wallow around in this ridiculous self-pity. I'm going to actually go IN to work tomorrow and act like a regular person. Thanks y'all for being here for me and for all the awesome support. I owe you guys HUGE!!

brynn 02-18-2015 08:40 PM

By the way...Sis B...I smile everytime I see your little guitar smiley too!! :)

Tonks 02-18-2015 08:43 PM

Mmm, it's ok to be sad brynn. I think allowing yourself to feel these things without guilt is just part of learning how to live without our addictions. With that said, its probably not good to sit around for too long either happyface: I hope you rest well tonight and have a great day tomorrow <3

MLD51 02-19-2015 03:54 AM

Good morning littermates!
-12 here this morning. Ugh.

Kittycat - the diversion program is a program for qualified offenders that involves treatment, home monitoring, meetings and other things that will reduce penalties. I got into it no problem, since I've already done treatment, already going to AA, and my risk of reoffending is considered very low. There are hoops to jump through but I'll do whatever it takes.

Della1968 02-19-2015 04:29 AM

Hope your lawyer has good news Mld.I am going through a lot of stuff with my DWI right now as well.

Have a great day everyone.

BBQBiker 02-19-2015 04:49 AM

Good Morning Lovely Littermates.
Day 76 for we Royal Veggie Triplets.
Bitter cold here - probably going to be record breaking cold.
Brynn - it's smart to go to work today. be kind to yourself.
Mld - I'm sure that you will let us know when you hear anything from your lawyer. Fingers crossed and all that.
Della, what is happening with your DWI?
Big, I do not know how long you are in Chicago visiting your granny but try to stay warm.
Do good out there litter.

kittycat3 02-19-2015 04:55 AM

MLD I hope the fact that you're already taking accountability thru your diversion program will be a great lever for your lawyer to use to show that the DA is just playing games :)
Sorry for your troubles too Della. I've probably said this before but I got a DWI 12 yrs ago, one of the scariest things I ever experienced. I'm proud of you both for handling it with grace!

Tonks I like what you said to brynn. It is sad brynn so it's ok to be sad! But getting out will help you realize that life goes on and perhaps someday you'll see the positive of this experience. I wonder if there are support groups for this so you can talk to other women who are dealing with the same thing?

Love u all. It's friggin cold here too.
I'm still flexing that patience muscle with work/life....not gonna let my stress drive me back to thinking I need a drink to take the edge if that's what it does anyway!!!

Happy Thursday!

MLD51 02-19-2015 05:05 AM

Kittycat - I'm not sure the DA gives a crap about what I'm doing. But from what I hear, the judge is a reasonable guy. In the end, it's his call. I'm thankful that my lawyer is a former DA himself, and knows the ropes.

I refuse to let this stress get to me. I know damn well that drinking wouldn't solve a single thing, and would only make things worse. Plus, I get my license back tomorrow, along with an interlock device. So keeping my nose clean is not only desirable, it's 100% necessary if I want to drive, which I desperately do. I'm sick of being completely dependent on others to go places. However, it's been a good way to learn to ask for help, which I'm historically very bad at. The license will be restricted, only work and shopping and other necessary stuff, and only at certain times of the day (which I can determine). But to be able to run to the store is a huge thing for me. And in this super cold weather I've been walking to work, about a mile each way. Brrrrrrr.

brynn 02-19-2015 05:40 AM

Good morning y'all!

Just a quick check in before work!

Sending hugs and support to everyone...especially Della and mld as you're dealing with fallout from dwi crud. I've been there and it's nerve racking I know. Keep looking forward and know that it will be behind you soon. ❤️

Stay warm and have a great day everybody!

CristinaN 02-19-2015 06:27 AM

Good morning everyone.

Brynn- I hope you're feeling ok. Thinking of you

Mld and Della I finally got sober in dec because I drove drunk and totaled my car. Somehow I made it home without a DUI or worse killing someone or myself. I say this because I could easily be in your shoes right now so I'm praying for the best outcome for both of you.

Alcohol is a bitch. Nothing good comes from it yet I still crave it almost daily. I have 60 days tomorrow and I just pray daily that God will keep me sober and take away the obsession.

You all have helped me so much. When I feel low I just read all your posts and it brightens my day so thank you to everyone. Have a wonderful morning.

Midwest1981 02-19-2015 07:09 AM

I lost my post! eerrrrr.

I hope everyone has a good day. proud of all of you!! Day 16 for me, Kitty, and Erin8.

Cristina- I am so glad you are here.

Brynn- I hope work goes well today. It will probably feel good to get back into the swing of things.

Mld- I hope you hear from your lawyer today! I have a feeling all of this is going to work out. You are doing exactly what you need to do. :)

Della- I hope your DWI situation works out okay too.

Kitty- congrats on day 16!! Don't worry about the 20lbs. You can loose it!!

Dax- hope your feeling better.

BigShoe-hope your traveling safe.

BBQBiker- hope you stay warm today.

Tonks- I hope you get in a run for all of us today.

Tonks 02-19-2015 07:23 AM

Middy! I just finished my run and im still out here just watching the sun rise over the mountains. Beautiful today. You still in Colorado? I used to be in the Springs a lot, really awesome there.

Della!! *hug*

Bwynnevere, have a lovely day my lovely friend.

Hi Christina Ballerina! Really glad you've joined us!

Kitty, you're doing great happyface:

Love to all my littermates, be safe!

Midwest1981 02-19-2015 07:34 AM

Tonks- yes I am still in Colorado for one more day. It is beautiful here. The high will be 61 F.

It sounds like you have a beautiful view!! What a great way to start the day.

MLD51 02-19-2015 07:40 AM

Oh Christina you are doing the absolute right thing. I know people (myself included) who have driven drunk with a similar outcome and just kept at it. I had accidents (pretty bad ones) with my two recent DUi's I was good for a while after the first accident but got complacent and did it again. Thankfully, neither I nor anyone else got hurt. I got sober after the second accident. That was when I realized I could not trust myself and that things were really out of control. It was like flipping a switch for me. I had a "come to Jesus" moment while they were handcuffing me and that was it. Not even an urge to drink since then. Good for you for figuring it out before anything truly bad happened.

MLD51 02-19-2015 07:42 AM

Sorry - spelled your name wrong, Cristina.

MLD51 02-19-2015 07:44 AM

Duplicate post...

Midwest1981 02-19-2015 07:46 AM

Mld51- have you ever made English muffins? I seen some homemade ones on facebook the other day. They looked awesome. Reminded me of your bagels.

MLD51 02-19-2015 08:08 AM

I haven't, but they are on my list to try.

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