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1stepup 02-06-2015 03:40 PM

Welcome Daylighter! Well another sober day nearly completed, got to AA meeting earlier and picked my girls up from school afterwards, such a lovely feeling being serine and clear headed with them and enjoyed a nice relaxing evening- despite Wales losing the rugby!

Dee74 02-06-2015 03:58 PM

welcome Pinkgstring, Dayliter and TXT. Gonnachange I think you posted here before but welcome anyway :)

Have a great sober weekend guys - I don;t recommend it this soon but if decide to you go out and be around drinkers, have a plan of attack:

be ready for questions about why you're not drinking.
No need to over explain. 'I'm not drinking' usually does the trick for 99% of people.

Have a glass in your hand at all times with your preferred non alcoholic beverage

Have an escape plan. Take your own car. Think ahead. If everyone is going to settle in to drink the night away and you don't want to be part of it ... don't.

Don't get drawn in to staying longer than you want to.

remember the tips here:

Think the drink through - all the way to the hangovers shame and guilt of the next morning

Remember the common trigger points:

H Hungry
A Angry
L Lonely
T Tired

Practice urge surfing. Observe the craving, don't be part of it - watch 'the wave' crash and die...

Being around drinkers is tough which is why I don't recommend it at this point. But, if you are, and the voices starting talking to remind yourself that it's your addiction talking, not you.

Believe in yourself - we can do this :)


Gigabit 02-06-2015 04:33 PM

Hi all.

Not much to say. Trying again :)

ANewDayNYC 02-06-2015 05:04 PM

Day 5 - still on a good path, was able to get home and not go to any bars. I may exercise tonight or just sleep, but I am very happy to be sober.

Dee74 02-06-2015 05:33 PM

Welcome back gigabit :)


neednewoutlook 02-06-2015 06:47 PM

Last night was my last drink. I too enjoyed being sober. February is the month for love. Hopefully sobriety teaches me to love myself again

Esspee 02-06-2015 10:24 PM

6.20am in the UK and I have no milk or bread. Was going to pick some up on the way home from the youth club I help at last night but my AV was slightly lurking so I came straight home.

But for the first time in over a year if I want to jump in the car and nip to the supermarket now I can! I never, ever drove if there was any chance of alcohol in my system (I didn't drive a lot !) so early morning dashes to the shop were a no-no but this morning I can ...... if it wasn't so chilly and my bed so warm!!! Point is, I have the choice. :-)

Dee74 02-06-2015 11:36 PM

good for you Esspee :)

welcome to you, neednewoutlook :)

ANewDayNYC 02-07-2015 08:23 AM

Hey everyone – just checking in Day 6.

My AV has popped up here and there but I am surprised how quiet it has been.
One thing I have noticed that is helping me is normally with alcohol I act like something is being taken away from me. However, I have changed my attitude to say I am grateful that alcohol is no longer part of my life anymore. I think this change in attitude has helped me. Allen Carr mentions this idea in one of his books, but I was never really able to embrace it until now.

I know it is still really early – but I feel at peace and want to keep this.

1stepup 02-07-2015 09:37 AM

Hi all, day 9 here and after feeling positive and upbeat yesterday feel down and sa this evening, taken my girls back to my ex and I have always struggled with this, hate coming back home to a house that was filled with laughter with them here and is now silent and I miss them already! Usually have them every Saturday nigt so its a new feeling for me tonight- I don't want to drink and don't have any intention to but I want this sadness to pass.

Also there are no AA meetings local to me tonight and I could have done with on, it highlights again that if it weren't for the relapse and alcohol I could have bought a vehicle and drive to one which I cant get to on the bus. Planning to call a few AA friends and do some readings etc. Got an early morning meeting tomorrow so just got to ride these emotions and have faith that they will pass.....

patricia68 02-07-2015 11:25 AM

Having a rough morning. Lots of anxiety for no reason. Shaky hands and jittery.

I went for a walk but didn't help much. The house is too busy for a bath. I might try to watch YouTube to distract myself.

Hope this gets better.

Esspee 02-07-2015 12:59 PM

Day 6 completed. There have been ups and downs but we got here!

ANewDayNYC 02-07-2015 02:38 PM

Hang in there Patricia - you can do this!

Dee74 02-07-2015 03:21 PM

Hope everyones doing well :)


lastchance77 02-07-2015 05:05 PM

Day 7 for me tomorrow. Spent entire weekend with wife and kid. Also cleaned the garage. In other words, kept really busy! First sober weekend in years so it was a strange feeling. Kept automatically heading to my old stash spots then remembering ! Hope everyone is hanging in there..

Esspee 02-07-2015 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by lastchance77 (Post 5188109)
Day 7 for me tomorrow. Spent entire weekend with wife and kid. Also cleaned the garage. In other words, kept really busy! First sober weekend in years so it was a strange feeling. Kept automatically heading to my old stash spots then remembering ! Hope everyone is hanging in there..

Day 7 for me too - just coming up to 5am so I guess it's started. I'm finding I'm getting more 'little jobs' done than I have in years.

Gonnachange 02-07-2015 09:16 PM

Ending another sober day. Some emotional stuff tomorrow when we take my son back to college and just as when my daughter went back to college a few weeks ago, more on my and my wife's part than his most likely, but I'm going to experience the emotions sober.

Good night classmates.

sleepie 02-07-2015 10:08 PM

Another day one now at 12:00 a.m.

Dee74 02-07-2015 10:10 PM

Stay with us Sleepie :)


sleepie 02-07-2015 10:11 PM

Thank you Dee I will. I am feeling foolish.

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