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360shoes 01-07-2015 05:24 AM

You got it Toots! That's what I want. PT husband! Hahaha. I'm sure they wouldn't want to be around me much either.

I've decided to call x mf "Lord of the Implies". He needed a nick name. It fits.

Great job Sass and Babs! You can do it! Life ain't so bad sober. It's pretty good actually. I always keep the hangovers in the back of my mind. I would go to pretty much any lengths to not have one of those ever again. And the good news is I don't have to have one ever again.

I'm not that funny. I'm more sarcastic. Im not so sure people would appreciate my sense of humor. Haha.

Sorry about Budtruck. Yay Google. Answer to all prayers. That and WD40 and duc tape.

Well. Must bundle up for work. It's artic cold here. Excellent day for baggy sweater and uggs. And pants. Definitely need pants. Just haven't decided which ones.

Feel better soon V!! I missed you! (Hug)


Saskia 01-07-2015 05:33 AM

Good morning, Marchers!

(((V)))! So sorry to hear you had a truly awful experience in hospital but happy to hear you sounding better. These days hospitals are not always very safe places to be!

Toots, I didn't realize that not seeing Mr. T much of the time has been a longer-term thing. I've often thought that the one way I would enjoy a relationship with a man would be to live in separate residences and have regular "dates"!

Thanks for the congrats! I am not complacent yet feel I have "settled into" sobriety. Realizing the impact of gastric bypass surgery has helped with my mind set. It's an "external" factor that I know will never go away so I have few thoughts about ever drinking again and those few are easily dealt with by thinking things through.

I've noticed that my greatest growth as a person comes when I have to face difficult things. When I think about it, that's not really surprising. It is, however, a big positive in the challenges i face. What doesn't kill me does make me stronger. The challenges I have overcome have, I believe, made me a better, more compassionate person. So even addiction can result in growth if we let it.

Babs1234 01-07-2015 07:07 AM

Congratulations Sass---wow---5 months is great!!! yaaaaah Whoooooo
its 10 below here today with 30 below wind chill===think I will stay inside today.
although hubby and I need a break from each other----starting to get on each others
nerves. :headbange
hugs to you

BuddinK 01-07-2015 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by tootsl1 (Post 5122401)
Bud glad the problem with the Budmobile was easy sorted. Does it have a wife-removing ejector seat?? :lmao:

It may get one soon!!!!!

BuddinK 01-07-2015 09:11 AM

i love the idea of a guy for just a few days a week, once many years ago i had a boyfriend who overheard me saying this to someone else, that i was perfectly happy to just see him 3 times a week and that was plenty for me. he did not like that one bit.

v xx[/QUOTE]

Are you saying that's not the normal limit on significant others?

A few days a week, for a week, is my standard relationship shelf life!

Northlander 01-07-2015 09:13 AM

Marcher, so glad you are feeling better. Grief can overwhelm me at times, even years later.

Babs, the wind chill is so bad here they closed the schools today. Kids can’t wait for the bus without getting frostbitten. Cabin fever gets bad this time of year – hang in my friend. Big congrats on 1 month!

VC, glad you are back home and away from the hospital. I’ve really enjoyed the new Star Trek franchise films, but I think my all-time favorite Sci-Fi is Blade Runner, a noir film starring Harrison Ford.

Sass-a-frass, huge congrats on 5 months!

Trach, how is the new job coming along?

Toots, right now I don’t think I can ever have a double cheeseburger again – good on you for still enjoying mussels. I am not a foodie (give me meatloaf and spuds any day over pan-seared-this and deconstructed-that), so we will see how long my cheeseburger-free diet will last.

Duff, I haven’t read Toots’ book yet – thanks for the review.

Chuff, if you are lurking, please rejoin us!

1day, like you, I wish I had Bud’s ability to take things apart and put them back together again. I mean, I can do it, but there is always seems to be bits and pieces left over.

Bud, I am counting the days until Key West. Will pm you as the date approaches for a f2f. We will be in Old Town, a couple blocks off of Duval Street.

Big love to all Marchers!

BuddinK 01-07-2015 09:21 AM

North, hang in there until next month, we're keeping it warm, been in the high 70's here.

Old Town is the only place to stay, most everything within walking distance, and still lots of old charm left.

Bits and pieces left over are always the norm.

1Dayatatyme 01-07-2015 09:25 AM

North: You are going to Florida? Have a wonderful time and soak up the warmness... it sounds like you may see Ken??? I love to hear when the Marchers connect in person... like a tv show or something.

Venus: You have been through so much... I am sending hugs and prayers for you and your relative who had the accident! Morphin by mistake? How do you spell lawsuit?

Sass: Congrats on 5 months!! You made it through the holidays... wow!! You are right, you know the song, "What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us Stronger"... sounds like that is true for you.

Babs and Shoes: I feel your pain with the coldness... the national news is all about the frigid weather that has moved over to your part of the country... school districts are closed due to the frigid temps. I hope you all are staying as warm and cozy as you can. That coldness is no joke!

I got some good news... after applying for Obamacare in mid November, I am finally approved! The wheels of government turn slowly! There were some weird issues with my account, but I will not go into it, as I have gotten them all resolved through persistence and attention to detail. It is a good day in 1dayville!

1Dayatatyme 01-07-2015 09:27 AM

Does anyone know where Dee is?

BuddinK 01-07-2015 09:56 AM

I think Dee had a family get together that was postponed a few times.

Saskia 01-07-2015 11:35 AM

1Day, I'm finding that the more firmly I feel entrenched in sobriety, the fewer problems I have with over-the-top angry outbursts. I seem to have much more patience these days :-)

Speaking of cold - not too bad here yet. The only below 0 temps have been during a couple of nights when I am thankfully snuggled up. I do recall a friend of my daughter's describing growing up in Alaska. He said it was so cold they would burrow into snow banks to keep warm(er) while waiting for the school bus! When I went there one late summer, our guide was telling us that in Fairbanks, -50 degrees F (that's not a typo folks - that's really 50 BELOW 0) is not uncommon. That creates all kind of fun issues. Tires can be a big problem at those temps, cars often won't start, etc. although Anchorage is warmer because it's right on the ocean, even in the "city", people have been known to open their front door and find themselves f2f with a gigantic moose who wants to come inside for warmth, hee hee!

venuscat 01-07-2015 01:08 PM

Morning all.

It's so much easier posting from my phone.
Does anyone else use Swype? You just move your finger to the letters you want like drawing. And I can use either hand. Ah, I love technology.

So you are all freezing and we are in boiling hot hell.

I think Dee will be back today.

Sorry I didn't say toots, but although I haven't bought your book yet, I am loving the first few chapters.

Hmm, looks like quite a few of us like the idea of a part time love.

Marcher13 01-07-2015 03:05 PM

Good morning everyone :) Gosh it's hot, even by my standards but I keep reminding my bare January feet that they would kill for this temperature in July.

Toots de sweet thanks mr Marcher and I are pretty good now the shock is easing, the funeral is this afternoon.

Keep getting better North.

Take care peeps and have fun.

trachemys 01-07-2015 04:57 PM

By my standards, it's COLD! 22 right now, wind chill of about 10, headed for a low of 14 in the morn. Them's F numbers, ye internationals.

North, the new job is fun. Nice facilities, nice people, interesting work. Thanks for asking.

The rest of you: carry on carrying on. I'm doing laundry.

Saskia 01-07-2015 05:57 PM

Trachy, good to hear you like the new job. Fun is good!

Saskia 01-07-2015 06:28 PM

Oh dear! I just checked the weather report! It's currently a balmy 0 degrees F BUT with the wind chill, they are expecting the equivalent of -45 deg F tonight

venuscat 01-07-2015 06:35 PM

oh my god....i cannot begin to fathom how freezing that is.
i hope you all have good heating and lots of blankets. :(

360shoes 01-07-2015 06:46 PM

I'm -1 right now. :(

Budd...we are all coming down.

360shoes 01-07-2015 06:47 PM

And with this cold weather, my face is literally blue. :(

Saskia 01-07-2015 06:51 PM

Yep, Budd - I'm on my way...the heck with Maine!

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