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Stubbs16 12-17-2014 06:43 AM

Howdy folks. Hoping all are holding tight!
Im doing ok so far this week. Job interview tomorrow.Hoping it works out for me.
Have a great one class.

brynn 12-17-2014 07:40 AM

Will be thinking of you tomorrow, Maximus. Fingers crossed! :)
Job interviews are so much better sober!

Tonks 12-17-2014 08:31 AM

God i remember showing up to my last job interview 4 years ago with the shakes from having gone on a bender with military friends the weekend prior. It was in front of a board of 5 people and I had to make an excuse that I was still acclimating to the weather.

Sigh, so dumb.

lilsmum 12-17-2014 08:43 AM

Today marks day 17 sober. Im starting to be bored by it. I keep trying to rationalize my drinking which I know is the wrong thing to do. So today I will just try and keep busy and remain sober. I am kidless till Monday my kids left for Hawaii and until Monday This means that I am going to worry about them non stop for 6 days. Then add the stress of the holiday's and work ..... I already feel overwhelmed and its day one without them.

JT0626 12-17-2014 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by lilsmum (Post 5081478)
Today marks day 17 sober. Im starting to be bored by it. I keep trying to rationalize my drinking which I know is the wrong thing to do. So today I will just try and keep busy and remain sober. I am kidless till Monday my kids left for Hawaii and until Monday This means that I am going to worry about them non stop for 6 days. Then add the stress of the holiday's and work ..... I already feel overwhelmed and its day one without them.

That's your addictive/alcoholic voice (AV) talking to you. Ignore that voice in your head & shut it down. I have had to literally say STFU out loud before; with no kids you certianly can do it too! ;-)

Follow your own advice & stay busy. You can do this!! I believe in you!

brynn 12-17-2014 09:10 AM

Tonks...blah! I've actually gone to interviews drunk...reeking of booze I'm sure...never could understand why I didn't got those jobs which I was clearly over-qualified for! (Note sarcasm) :)'s hard to stay on track when our regular routine is disrupted cause we immediately see it as an opportunity to drink. I've been making lists of things I want to do and need to do now that I've got all this extra time that used to be my drinking time. When I start losing focus I just refer to my list.
Congrats on 17 days!

Deniselarkin 12-17-2014 09:19 AM

Hello everyone, day19 for me , and I feel wonderful, off today and I plan to start exercising , send me a blessing this is not my strong point LOL. For anyone interested if you are having a problem with anxiety . Or mood try St John's Wort , and to help repair your liver take Milk Thistle, and dandelion root. Befor starting Google it and read , you will be able to find the first 2 at Walmart of ant pharmacy, you may have to go to a health food store for the dandelion root. Everyone have a wonderful sober day.

ClearLight 12-17-2014 09:37 AM

Hello folks-

Day one for me. Feeling low - as I always do the morning after. I plan on going to an AA meeting tonight. I've tried everything else and nothing has worked.

I think they call this your birthday in AA so I'll wish myself a Happy Birthday.


forabetterlife 12-17-2014 09:38 AM

So great to read so many positive posts today! Only day 3 for me but I recover quickly so I feel really good today. Unfortunately like a few of you have mentioned, feeling good and getting used to being sober can be dangerous. A few days from now, especially Friday when my 16 day vacation begins, I'm just scared that it will all start again.

I guess taking it one day at a time is the best thing for now. I know I won't drink today and tomorrow I'll feel that much better for it!

BirdsAteMyFace 12-17-2014 09:49 AM

I guess today is day 12? I'm trying really hard not to count It makes it seem harder for some reason. I picked up a shift at work tonight, it will be my first time back since my meltdown, so I'm feeling pretty anxious, and still kind of embarrassed.

I meet with my sponsor tomorrow night. I don't really know her, so I'm anxious and nervous about that, too. But it's something I have to do, so I'm trying to be brave.

Looking forward to a sober Christmas. My family relations have improved so much lately, I'm praying that it only gets better.

Have a great day, guys.

Stubbs16 12-17-2014 10:02 AM

Thanks all for the good luck wishes tomorrow! I will be nervous and shaky enough without adding booze issues to the mix. Thank goodness!

Hey clearlight, hope you feel better soon. Day ones are hard, but it gets easier.
Way to go everyone on your days! No matter the number.

Midwest1981 12-17-2014 10:06 AM

Welcome clearlight!! Good luck Maximus on your job interview! Deniese- I am proud of you for starting to exercise today. It does help a lot!! Birdsatemyface- that's wonderful that your relationships are getting better.

ClearLight 12-17-2014 10:25 AM

Birds - Congrats on getting a sponsor.

I went to a speaker meeting Saturday and it took everything I could muster just to walk in the door. Left the second the meeting was over.

Tonight I will try and share and connect.

So I know how hard it can be. Congratulations!

Dee74 12-17-2014 01:14 PM

welcome aboard clearlight - I'm glad you're thinking of more support :)

best of luck Max!


JL2014 12-17-2014 05:40 PM

Wanted to drink tonight. Fought it off. Not easy.

brynn 12-17-2014 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by JL2014 (Post 5082319)
Wanted to drink tonight. Fought it off. Not easy.

So very proud of you, JL! Seriously good work!
Was something going on that made you want to drink or just a craving in general?
I'm really glad you're here and that you posted.

Midwest1981 12-17-2014 06:00 PM

Good job JL. I also thought about drinking tonight but I knew the craving would pass and I would feel guilty tomorrow for ruining two weeks of sobriety! My DH is drinking wine and I am ingoring it.

forabetterlife 12-17-2014 06:06 PM

Good for you JL, it's such a relief when that craving passes, isn't it?

I considered it tonight also, but as usual, once I ate it passed.

I do feel I need something more than SR but I'm not sure what. It feels great to be sober but when those cravings hit and re situation is just right, it's like nothing else matters.

forabetterlife 12-17-2014 06:14 PM

Also, I look forward to sleeping more than I think I should. This is typical during my sober periods. I'm not depressed, but the escape of all the pressures and worries when I'm sleeping is almost similar to escape I feel while drinking, but healthier of course. I don't sleep too much .. 8 hours at most and I can't ever nap. I felt this way even back when I had 2 months sober.
Anyone else feel like this?

Marcellina 12-17-2014 06:15 PM

day 5 for me, still hanging in there. Seem to be getting little blessings showing me I am doing the right thing, feeling pretty good, sleeping well, not perfect but really, really want to do this.

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