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dingodog 10-02-2014 11:00 AM

Knb sorry.bbfly is right. Make him history girl!

pinklinzangel 10-02-2014 11:17 AM

evening folks!

dingodog - we will miss you! please come back and check in, keep in touch!!!

BBF - 50 days!!! woohoo!! well done :-)

1step - I think your insight into your past and behaviours is your key to control - I admire your attitude - stay strong and focused!!

Hobbers - massive congratulations on 53 days, amazing!!

knb stay strong - thrash it out at the gym, you are being so brave, I hope you can stick to your guns - you can be independent - you are strong - you got this!

london - telling real life people is a huge thing. only do it when your ready and if you want to - its such a personal decision.....once you say the 'A' word, you can never take it back - think your answer was perfect!

sober 808 welcome back, lovely to meet you!

Scooter - hope you enjoyed your swim. Sorry to hear about our soup - I think it sounded awesome! Just think how you may have found solace in that loss before - bet it wouldn't have been chocolate, so well handled there!

Brach great news on the job leads. good luck!

sorry if ive missed anything else!!!
hope everyone is having a good day today, Im thinking of you all.

Im having a celebratory 5 weeks virgin cocktail :-)

pinklinzangel 10-02-2014 12:18 PM

grateful; - hope your day is going well!!! getting up early was something unheard of in my drinking days - there is so much extra time now! Enjoy!!

rah555 10-02-2014 12:36 PM

Wow! What a busy day! I've been trying to check in all day but have been so busy!! Today is day 5! Feeling good ;)

pinklinzangel 10-02-2014 12:44 PM

congrats Rah!!! day 5 already :-) xx

CuteNGayYay 10-02-2014 12:48 PM

Nice Rah! Day 6 here.. Congrats Brach ! I remember not too long Ago we both weren't having any luck. Scooter from the names I'd rather have your soup haha. Knb I know exactly how u ex was and still is a huge trigger for me. *hugs It is back to being 100 degrees here again the next few days ughhh! Everyone have a strong n sober day!

pinklinzangel 10-02-2014 12:53 PM

cute congrats on day 6!!! its cold here, I need some sunshine!

Applekat 10-02-2014 01:50 PM

I want to have a drink or 4 so badly.
I want to escape where I am right now. But there's no where to go.

Just had to post, to start.

CristinaN 10-02-2014 02:10 PM

No Applekat. Don't do it. You've done so well. I'm so proud of you!!! Trust me. It's not worth it.

pinklinzangel 10-02-2014 02:21 PM

Applekat don't! Play the whole Tape in your head. If you drink now,. What does the end of the tape look like, what does tomorrow look like? You are strong, look how far you've come, stay on here til it passes. Eat something sweet, get your sugar up, jog, scream, do anything but drink. Thinking of you xx

Dee74 10-02-2014 02:22 PM

Congrats on 50 days BBF :) (and congrats to you Hobbers on 53)
well done cute and rah - great to see you both rebuilding :)

Knb - I had great self esteem problems when I was 'partner picker' was set to a very low standard.

Cupids been a lot nicer to me once I started to be a lot nicer to myself - sounds like this guy is way way less than you deserve?!

Applekat - whats going on to have you wanting escape?
remember these tips - they're lifesavers :)


ScooterBoo 10-02-2014 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by knb02 (Post 4931851)
Just barging in with my post as its just happened. I received a call off my ex boyfriend and we had another heated argument. Now I feel sad, rejected, ugly, unwanted. This guy cheated on me two years ago and yet I allow him to come in and out of my life to feed me little seeds of hope, just enough to keep me in the background. But in reality he doesn't want to commit to me and this whole relationship is messing with my head.

He is a massive trigger for me to get absolutely hammered but guys! NO MORE! I am sick of feeling that I am not good enough!! Sick of the way he plays with my mind.this has been going on for years!! I wish I had left him two years ago when he told me he cheated!

I am done with him for good!!!! Delete ing and blocking his number, gonna get rid of all pictures, sentimental messages of him.

But I am gonna go to the gym and sweat it out first. Just gonna process these emotions healthily. Ifeel so rejected by him and it's an awful emotion to deal with. But not gonna drink on it.

Time to change my destructive attitude and this is another text. I am scared but just gonna do the sensible thing for once in my life. Gonna let the mum part take care of the child part of me now

Sod you AV! And sod you ex!!!

Delete his number, block him , unfriend him, get him out of your head. I guess there are now more than 50 ways to leave your lover ! ! !

ScooterBoo 10-02-2014 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by bblackbirdflyy (Post 4931976)
He does not deserve you and you do not deserve the way he makes you feel. Drop him knb. There are good guys out there and one will find you when you least expect it.

This is so, so, so true! DUMP HIM!

ScooterBoo 10-02-2014 02:55 PM

Apple, I suggest you eat something sweet, preferably something chocolate to squash the AV. I eat, eat, eat when my AV starts. Yet, I have somehow managed to lose 9 pounds since I stopped drinking beer and wine.

Pink, Ray, Cute - Congratulations on your milestones.

Cute, my soup was very good; spicy with hot Italian sausage, onions, carrots, etc. - but, the carrot-ginger soup was almost like a hot dessert, and it was the perfect color and aroma for a rainy Fall day, and it was served with homemade gingersnaps. The cooks did not vote, but I think I would have voted for the carrot-ginger soup if we had.

I am restless today. I had no plans after swimming this morning, and the rain has been miserable. I have two new books on my kindle and a few magazines, but don't even feel like reading. I think I will take my dog Scooter for a quick early walk and get into bed to watch FoodTV.

Tomorrow I am meeting a woman I worked with for years, who is a heavy drinker. The last time we met I told her I ordered a salad and told her I was doing low-carb. Now that I have managed to lose nine pounds (of fat and bloat) I might stick to that. I certainly won't tell her or anyone else that I have quit drinking because I finally admitted to myself that I am an alcoholic who must stop. Her family has a home on the Cape, and we usually meet here somewhere, but tomorrow we are meeting in Plymouth as she is not coming to the Cape for the weekend. I enjoy hearing what is going on with the people there, but I do not miss it for one minute.

sthlondonab 10-02-2014 03:13 PM

Hey all

Hope everyone is doing well.

Sorry to hear about your ex Knb. I hope the run helped and the advice from the kind people here.

Brach - good luck with the Step 5. PLEASE let us know how it all goes. I have mine coming up, just waiting for my sponsor to get back from an AA convention in the USA. (He used to live over there so catching up with his sponsor and old group) Good luck with the job news.

Hey Rah, glad things are starting to feel better on Day 5. Keep going!

Well done on the milestones people.

Applekat. Distraction, urge surfing, posting, do something nice for you, eat. Come on!! You got this one.

sthlondonab 10-02-2014 03:19 PM

So, with work I am going to go with the stoptober thing for now. I have no issue with telling friends, admitting to myself and others in AA and no problem with the word alcoholic.

Work is tough though, I work in a gossipy industry and to say anything about a drink problem would be bad for my future. I have to safeguard that. I am putting sobriety first. But I also need to think about financials and 40 hours a week with colleagues and clients. If they know about my alcoholism it will put the sobriety in jeopardy as I have drank before on fears of what others think of me. Hoping AA can help me find a solution here as I hear a lot of "what other people think of me is none of my business" but struggling to put that into practice right now.

I am thinking I just go with health reasons, fitness etc when the time comes. Or even, 'my life and job run better without the booze' which is completely true and I would feel entirely comfortable saying that. No stress! My boss won't care either way - he must get it anyway, he's not daft - my results are flying since I quit the booze, lots more productive and on the ball in meetings, more confident AND I am at my desk at the times I should be. He's an intelligent man and I am sure he will spot a I have been turning down lunches etc.

rah555 10-02-2014 03:23 PM

Went to dinner with my husband. Picked a place that offered something I wanted to eat vs a place where I like the bar. My husband wanted to sit in the bar but I went to the dining room. Ordered raspberry iced tea. I did good, I'm happy!

Also, I mentioned that we moved to a new town and were having trouble making friends. A woman I met a few weeks ago invited me to go the movies this weekend. I thought that was nice.

CuteNGayYay 10-02-2014 04:14 PM

Applekat - Don't do it. TOTALLY not worth it. We started together and you're way ahead of me. *hugs*

Yours still sounds better Scooter haha. The other sounds to froo froo for me :P I am obsessed with the Tuscana soup at Olive Garden so any sausage in a soup sounds amazing. :)

bblackbirdflyy 10-02-2014 05:04 PM

I'm drinking. I'll save you the I'm sorry. 50 days down the drain

Grateful11 10-02-2014 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by pinklinzangel (Post 4932117)
grateful; - hope your day is going well!!! getting up early was something unheard of in my drinking days - there is so much extra time now! Enjoy!!

Thanks Pink...the thing is I have been sober for over 50 days and still was not getting up early...this is not a new thing for me...

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