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opalblue 10-01-2014 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by determined99 (Post 4929572)
Sing it Knb!! Well said!!!

lol. That made me laugh Determined

( STILL skipping and dancing )

opalblue 10-01-2014 06:30 AM

never learning how to celebrate without getting wasted.

Wow that so hits home with me. I use to think that alcohol was needed to make me a fun person but I have been socializing without it and I still have fun.

The lesson I have learnt is that when I get drunk I think I have "fun" but I am just wasted. I am not actually having real fun at all.
I watched my friends getting wasted in front of me last Saturday and we all had a great laugh but I felt and I was the only who was really laughing from my belly

opalblue 10-01-2014 06:33 AM

Geez I am in such a good mood today. I felt tired yesterday and a bit blah.
I am an emotional yo yo

calichris 10-01-2014 07:26 AM

A new month is upon us. Keep it going Team August!!!!!

Lots of us Augusteers will be celebrating 60 days (or 2 months) this month. First up: celestialwaves !! Congratulations !!!!!! Everyone else... bank up those sober/regret-free days one day at a time... we will all get there !

Love you all !!! -Chris

ScooterBoo 10-01-2014 07:40 AM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 4929399)
I drank because I wanted to escape - escape feelings, escape pain, escape self loathing...escape an inconvenient reality...

Several people said to me over the course of the decades that the only time they ever saw me relax was when I was drunk or stoned.

The tragedy for me was that alcohol and pot worked so well for me in the beginning I spent nearly 30 years trying to get them to work so well again.

I missed out on a lot of normal growing up things...problem solving, dealing healthily with pain, sadness, boredom and grief as well as never learning how to celebrate without getting wasted.

Not knowing that stuff just made me turn to the bottle more and more.

I think working out why we drank is vital - knowing why can help us work out how to stay sober....but it takes a bit of digging sometimes...

All of this is from hindsight. I had no real idea of my motivations when I quit either.

I think in time you guys will get to a deeper understanding than 'I drank cos I liked it', or because 'I was an alcoholic' :)


This really sums it up!

bblackbirdflyy 10-01-2014 07:59 AM

Good morning. I'm in clinicals at a long term care facility today. Tired. I thought about having a beer after work last night, but I didn't. I'm happy for that. Wednesdays are always really long days for me. Can't wait for my day off tomorrow. :)

Ultramarathoner 10-01-2014 08:04 AM

Fantastic Celestial! Great job on two months!

CristinaN 10-01-2014 08:30 AM

Morning everyone. I'm struggling a bit today. Lots of stuff happening in my household. I'm very emotional but I won't drink today. Hope everyone else is having a happy hump day.

calichris 10-01-2014 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by CristinaN (Post 4929865)
Morning everyone. I'm struggling a bit today. Lots of stuff happening in my household. I'm very emotional but I won't drink today. Hope everyone else is having a happy hump day.

Thanks for checking in CristinaN. Some days are definitely better than others but every day without a drink is better than a day drinking. Hang in there we are here for you!

Ultramarathoner 10-01-2014 09:12 AM

So I'm sitting at a bar.

I'm waiting to pick up a order called in by a client I'm having lunch with.

Two folks in their 70s just walked in and sat at the bar. Drinking bud light and staring blankly at a tv with no sound. They stare at their beer or away from each other when the tv goes to commercials. Wife asked about their tab.

I wonder how long they will stay and if this is their daily routine.

Anyway- hope everyone is doing well!

Applekat 10-01-2014 09:18 AM

Good job Cristina, I'm happy to see you here! And committing to not drink today. Post again if AV keeps speaking up!!

Grateful11 10-01-2014 09:39 AM

Hey Team! Just checking in. Grateful to be sober today. Grateful to be blessed with work. :23:

CelestialWaves - Congrats on 2 months! Fantastic! :bananadan

1StepUp - Hope today is a better day! :)

Y'all be future trippin'...saying you will still be here and sober in August 2015! I was thinking of how much that contrasts with sthlondonab's story about the woman at his AA meeting in his travels. She was 33 years sober - she said she did it by just staying sober one day at a time - she didn't say she would be sober for 33 years. She said "If I don't drink today, I can't get drunk today." I respect that wisdom.

For me I really do have to take it one day at a time. I hope I am still here and sober in August 2015 but I have no idea. I do know that I don't drink, don't want to drink and I am not drinking today.

Work it sober because you are worth it! Hugs to all of you!

Grateful11 10-01-2014 09:47 AM

Originally Posted by restlessanon (Post 4929328)
Hey Guys,
Restless checking in. Sorry it's been so long, been flat out, exhausted and without phone/internet.
All is well in my world, I am on day 47, which is my second longest ever. Doing AA and went to the psychologist today. Got the same question from both, why do you think you drink? Does anybody know why they drink? I have no idea (yet again)!
I'm currently struggling with step 2! I'm off to the spirituality section to try and suss out a higher power who would be interested in helping me sort my sh!t out.
Good to see you guys getting yourselves the sober lives you deserve.

Restless - Great to hear from you...I was just wondering how you are doing.

I definitely started drinking heavily to self medicate from major traumas - especially a violent attack in 2010. Then I became physically addicted and I drank because I needed to drink. I could not stop. Now I still get easily triggered by emotional situations because it is my first instinct when I need to escape from reality.

You are doing great on day 47 - keep on keepin' on Restless! :c011:

Grateful11 10-01-2014 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by knb02 (Post 4929309)
Yes. Absolutely 100 percent grateful for my sober journey so far.

I may battle with the AV, but I have not missed alcohol at all. I hated myself when I drank. It turned me into a hopeless, pathetic, miserable soul. I was so sick of feeling like a hamster in a wheel. Same predictable actions....drink, get hammered, hate myself, hangover, hate myself even more, resolve to stopdrinking, buy a bottle five hours later....Ugh. Alcohol is a serious addiction. As bad as heroin I have been told

So grateful to be sober.

My double chin is gone. I have to tighten my belt by another two notches.I am running and my heart is thanking me. My liver is thanking me!. I am thanking me!! lol

( skipping along the street with a big grin on my face)

My skin looks much much better. I am calmer.

The benefits outway the negatives by far!!

KNB - Love this post! I am so thrilled for you - thanks for your list of sober benefits. You are doing fantastic!



Applekat 10-01-2014 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Grateful11 (Post 4930016)
I do know that I don't drink, don't want to drink and I am not drinking today.

That. Right there.

sthlondonab 10-01-2014 01:28 PM

Evening all

I am back in London! And it's a new month.

I was going to head out to an AA meeting tonight but I am tired so stayed in and did the holiday clothes washing already. Ha ha, so pleased. What a difference from returning and straight to bed drunk and dehydrated from airport and plane drinking.

Feeling a little low tonight but bed time soon. This is just return home blues. I will get to an AA meeting tomorrow. I need a familiar and raw London one to give me a kick.

Hope everyone is well. Off to have a read back....

CuteNGayYay 10-01-2014 01:31 PM

I'm loving the why do I drink posts... I find similarities in myself in all of the responses. I will add boredom as one of my excuses. I pretty much know where my 'turning point' was when I went from a 'normie' to when it became problematic. It was A very tough time in my life...who knows that if that never happened if I'd be ok today. But truth is..that broke my seal. And there is no turning back no matter how good life gets. Today is Day 5. :) *hugs

dingodog 10-01-2014 01:58 PM

Hey Cute, I really get that. When life issues are the hardest, boy, its really hard to get it together. Going through that now. Congrats on day 5! :a122:
We will get there.
Today is my birthday, 50 something.. that's all I wish to add!
I celebrated by getting that much needed haircut. Then I got my butt outside, and did all my fall prep work in the yard. Put my pumpkins out, and my wreath on the door. It kept me busy most of the afternoon. And it looks so nice now. Wouldn't have given a hoot about all that if I was drinking. I'm trying to accomplish small things, and then give myself a huge pat on the back, for doing them. Good therapy.

Leeloo 10-01-2014 02:10 PM

hi team.

Wow, the A-Team is busy. I've been trying to keep up with your posts and even though i haven't posted just wanted to thank you all for sharing and congratulations on everybody's milestones.

According to Wolfram Alpha I haven't had a drink for 0.1 years!

That makes it sounds really good. 10 times that and I will indeed see you here next August.

1stepup 10-01-2014 02:26 PM

Glad you made it home ok London, took the last couple of days off to get well, feeling better tonight, still a bit weak though and elbow is still aching, was planning to get to two out of town meetings further afield but had to put those off for a week. Enough of my moaning though!

There are three good friends I Ive met in AA over the last year or so and all three have picked up after drifting away, all three are back on track now and Im so glad to be able to support them like they've helped me in the past, makes me grateful to be sober.

Used the time I had to myself today to get stuck into my step 4 work- written 36pages so far- think I may have gone OTT!!!! Still only halfway through!!! Its hard to look back at times, mistakes that still make me cringe etc, but Im trying to look on it as cleansing and moving forward so going to stick with it.

Happy birthday dingo!!:bc7

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