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workoholic 09-15-2014 01:20 AM

Back at work today after a long leave. Keeping quiet about my plans for next year. Will request a meeting with my boss as Soon as I've signed the contract. Slowly wading through the swamp of my past in step 4, trying to get as much as possible down on paper. I hope everyone is doing well.

Br00ksie 09-15-2014 06:19 AM

Woooo hoooo Kane and Nightswimming!!!


Br00ksie 09-15-2014 06:21 AM

9/13 was a year without booze for me.
9/28 will be a year w/out pot! Yay us!

Good to hear from you, 1Step! :hug:

BLKDIESEL 09-15-2014 07:02 AM

~~Feeling Some Anxiety Today!!!!~~

Good morning class,

I'm feeling very anxious today and can't quite put my finger on the cause, its not alcohol related as far as a trigger or craving either. I'm about to make a major move in my life (moving to another state) and its a major decision and i'm feeling trepidation and anxiety as I've put the things in motion. I'm a little fearful and anxious because Im not sure how it will turn out but I've prayed on it and I'm having faith in my instincts to make this move. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and its a bit uncomfortable right now for me. I just need some input from anyone who has ever encountered this or had any experience with it. Anxious morning need some insight guys. Thanx.

Kaneda8888 09-15-2014 08:46 AM

Originally Posted by BLKDIESEL (Post 4899676)
~~Feeling Some Anxiety Today!!!!~~

Good morning class,

I'm feeling very anxious today and can't quite put my finger on the cause, its not alcohol related as far as a trigger or craving either. I'm about to make a major move in my life (moving to another state) and its a major decision and i'm feeling trepidation and anxiety as I've put the things in motion. I'm a little fearful and anxious because Im not sure how it will turn out but I've prayed on it and I'm having faith in my instincts to make this move. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and its a bit uncomfortable right now for me. I just need some input from anyone who has ever encountered this or had any experience with it. Anxious morning need some insight guys. Thanx.

Hey Blk

I have insomnia for some reason so good timing ! I think you actually know the reason for why you're feeling anxious:

"I'm a little fearful and anxious because Im not sure how it will turn out"

I believe your feeling this way because you are projecting and there are elements beyond your control. Whenever I am feeling anxious it's usually because of the above. My mind starts to create expectations, scenarios, negative outcomes, etc. However, they are simply mind games. No one can predict what the future may hold. Things may work out beautifully for you or they may not. It doesn't matter now as you cant control it and it hasn't happened. Let those thoughts go !

My recommendation is that you bring your mind back to the present. Commit to focusing on now and what you are doing right now. Also, get moving (physically) and get some fresh air. Walking around usually clears my head and I get a new perspective.

BLKDIESEL 09-15-2014 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by Kaneda8888 (Post 4899810)
I believe your feeling this way because you are projecting and there are elements beyond your control. Whenever I am feeling anxious it's usually because of the above. My mind starts to create expectations, scenarios, negative outcomes, etc. However, they are simply mind games. No one can predict what the future may hold. Things may work out beautifully for you or they may not. It doesn't matter now as you cant control it and it hasn't happened. Let those thoughts go !

My recommendation is that you bring your mind back to the present. Commit to focusing on now and what you are doing right now. Also, get moving (physically) and get some fresh air. Walking around usually clears my head and I get a new perspective.

Really appreciate the insight Kane, I agree that my mind is creating these expectations and outcomes and its all mind games. I have to get a hold of this mindset and let those thoughts go and replace them with the positive. I'm focusing on the present and the now. This was timely and I thank you for the perspective. Blessings.

Dee74 09-15-2014 03:32 PM

Congratulations again Br00ksie :)
BLK my recent move turned out great for me - I had a lot of fear about that too beforehand but I'm glad I went ahead.

I hope you'll look back and find the same :)


1stepup 09-15-2014 03:39 PM

Congratulations on a year sober Brooksie, hugely inspiring and truly deserved, well done!! x

GotGrace 09-15-2014 05:53 PM

Congratulations, Brooksie! So happy for you. You did good, friend!

BLKDIESEL 09-15-2014 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by br00ksie (Post 4899608)
9/13 was a year without booze for me.
9/28 will be a year w/out pot! Yay us!

Good to hear from you, 1step! :hug:

~~~Congratulations Brooksie on 1 Year!!!!~~~

BLKDIESEL 09-15-2014 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 4900467)
Congratulations again Br00ksie :)
BLK my recent move turned out great for me - I had a lot of fear about that too beforehand but I'm glad I went ahead.

I hope you'll look back and find the same :)


Thanx for the input Dee, I've been dealing with some trepidations but i'm going with the notion "Feel the fear and do it anyway."

Kaneda8888 09-15-2014 10:45 PM

Br00ksie Br00ksie Br00ksie !
Yeehaaaawwwww !!
Super duper congrats on being booze free for ONE year !!!
You have been such a strong and inspirational battler;
I am full of admiration for you !!!!

Keep on going Br00ksie, you're a star !!!!

BLKDIESEL 09-16-2014 04:11 AM

~~Food for Thought ~ Thoughtful Tuesday Edition~~
~~Be Consistent~~

Welcome to the day that you realize that your success is a gift that needs to be unwrapped! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to practicing consistency!

It is a fact that if you ONLY want to win sometimes then you just have to do what winners do some of the time! But if you want to win ALL the time then it is imperative that you do what winners do all of the time! Simple mathematics like 1 + 1 = 2 but for some reason some of us are under the impression that if we just start but don’t follow through we will get favorable results! That couldn’t be more false than 2 + 2 X 0 = 4 (Ok, I know that was corny math joke but you get the point! LOL!)

The truth is that in order to win on a consistent basis you must do something everyday that will bring you closer to your destination! It’s great to have successes and celebrate how far you have come but the moment you become stagnant is the moment you LOSE!! If it’s not broke then don’t fix it!! If hard work and dedication got you some success then I guarantee that if you continue to work hard and be dedicated it will absolutely bring you more!!! Being great is not a singular act so make sure you are practicing consistency everyday!!! The World is Yours for the taking!!!!! GO AHEAD AND TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

~~Healthy Snacks~~
“To move ahead you need to believe in yourself…have conviction in your beliefs and the confidence to execute those beliefs everyday.”-Adlin Sinclair

“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”-Anthony Robbins

“Chance can allow you to accomplish a goal every once in a while, but consistent achievement happens only if you love what you are doing.”-Bart Conner

“Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.”-Shaquille ONeal

“The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-image.”-Brian Tracy

“If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.”-Pat Riley

“You can become an even more excellent person by constantly setting higher and higher standards for yourself and then by doing everything possible to live up to those standards.”-Brian Tracy

“Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits”-Robert Puller

phoebe64 09-16-2014 12:57 PM

:c011: Congratulations Brooksie!!

workoholic 09-16-2014 11:17 PM

Congratulations Br00ksie!! Happy sober year! :)

BLKDIESEL 09-17-2014 04:33 AM

~~Food For Thought ~ Wonderful Wednesday Edition~~
~~The Law of Dominant Thought~~

Whether you're thinking and talking about a tragic event or even a minor irritation, you're working against yourself and just perpetuating negative conditions. There is a Law of Dominant Thought, which states that we're always moving in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts. That's why it's so important to keep your focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. Said another way, what you focus on expands.

We don't attract wealth when we contemplate being broke. We don't get healthy by contemplating how sick we are. . . and how bad we feel. Even if you talk about the event while mentioning a desire to change it, you're still reinforcing the negative event.

For instance, you might keep saying to yourself and others, "I keep eating too much ice cream day after day and I need to stop doing that." Your mind hears "ice cream" and will want more ice cream! It's far better to think about having a healthy body and to start eating more fruits and vegetables.

Here's an important qualification: you're going to find that when you do have a painful experience, whether it's an illness, the death of a loved one or even losing your job, the wound is raw and you'll find yourself talking about the incident often. In fact, many people will ask you about it. Thus, talking about it is only natural.

Your mission is to put the event behind you as quickly as possible. In other words, stop thinking and talking about the past event as soon as you can. No one can tell you what length of time is appropriate. It depends on your unique situation. Remember, this isn't about denial. It's about moving your life forward in a positive direction.

Today, and in the future, notice when you find yourself thinking and talking about negative conditions or negative experiences of your past. . . unless, of course, you want to reinforce your pain and suffering and create more of it in the days to come. Now's the time to let go of the past, so you can tell a new, happier story in the future.

BLKDIESEL 09-18-2014 05:22 AM

~Food For Thought ~ Thoughtful Thursday Edition~
~Watch Your Thoughts~

Welcome to the day that you realize the power of your thoughts! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to changing your thought process!

Albert Einstein once said that “It is impossible to solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” A profound concept that simply means that if you want to change your life you must change your thought process! Those who are willing to change their minds are the only ones who are equipped to have meaningful change in life!

Understand that how you have thought is what has shaped your life thus far and how you continue to think will be what will shape your life going forward. Living a great life is not rocket science… It is as simple as changing your mind! Stop being stubborn and do what is necessary to get what you deserve!

As the saying goes… If you keep doing what you’ve always done you will keep getting what you’ve always gotten! Change Your Thought Process and get the greatness that is destined for you!

~Healthy Snacks~

“You can change your world by changing your words… Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.”-Joel Osteen

“When we have negative thoughts, we produce toxic responses in our body that make us sick. Make a conscious effort to change your thought patterns today for a healthier you tomorrow.”-Unknown

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”-Albert Einstein

“Changing Your Perspective…Changes Your Experience…”-Unknown

“Changing your life isn’t easy but you won’t regret it.”-Unknown

“You cannot change what you refuse to confront.”-Unknown

“The key to changing your life lies in your ability to commit to something and to stick with it even when it’s terribly uncomfortable.”-Unknown

“Dare to be free, dare to go as far as your thought leads, and dare to carry that out in your life.”-Swami Vivekananda


PeanutButterCup 09-18-2014 11:40 AM

I've been crazy-busy lately, but wanted to report that TUESDAY ...

was my 1 YEAR anniversary!!!!

My sister came and spent the day with me and attended my AA meeting and work meeting with me, which was awesome. She's quite the talker, and subsequently really knows very little about my life. It was cool to share this with her. She brought me a really pretty bracelet, too, and one of my AA friends gave me flowers. I got my 1 year coin, and I'm celebrating by having a family portrait taken next weekend. I wanted to choose a reward that was meaningful and could be built upon, and since I'm able to spend so much more time with my family now and that's been the greatest benefit I've experienced to sobriety, I thought the pic was a brilliant idea. And, each year we can do another and celebrate again.

I'm so excited about this! I truly would NOT have imagined that I'd make it a whole year ... it was so freaking hard to go even 1 day. But, you know what? It's not as hard as it was. I'm learning to live life sober. AA has been incredible.

And I now have a sponsee.

Oh, and I get to preach at the Sunday night recovery church service, too. Life is good!

Dee74 09-18-2014 03:16 PM

Congrats PBC :c014:

How are you doing BLK?


GotGrace 09-18-2014 06:38 PM

Amazing, PBC! Congratulations!!!

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