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Babs1234 06-06-2014 08:01 AM

CONGRATULATIONS.---BF and Dorothy and Drake

tootsl1 06-06-2014 08:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm not sure how your girl really looks BFree but I do imagine her being this happy for you..

tootsl1 06-06-2014 08:44 AM

DG, I hope today is a better day for you. The end of a relationship is not the end of the emotional attatchment to it. But remember, you wanted to move forward and grow in your sobriety, your bf was unable or unwilling to change any part of his life and will remain emotionally stunted until or unless he does. The gap between you would have continued to widen. Do not feel guilty, even if his text was a guilt trip. If he cared so much about the relationship, there were opportunities at the time to do something more. He didn't. By all means have fond memories of the good times, you should. But let go now, let him go, tell him you loved him, but it's time for him to let go the past and move on. Xx

Dottie I'm doing my happy dance!!

Drake congratulations on 14 months x

Courage! 'Mon!! The suspense is killin me here!!

Carlos huge love and healing hugs for your friend, and for you as it is obviously hard on you to my love.

Gilmer glad the party went ok. I'm getting so anti political these days I can't even remember who the current King of Scotland is!

GF, my gson is one sore loser, he gets the trippin lip an everything. I really need to sort him out, he has gotten his own way for too long I fear!

Looks like I am heading home on 2nd July regardless. Possibly until early next year if we don't get our extensions, possibly just for a couple of weeks to check out the house and visit my baby girl if we do, the. We would be here until early Oct or Nov depending on whether we got a 3 or 4 month extension. Confused? You will be on next weeks episode of 'Soap Dodgers'

Hi Aly I hope you are ok today

Kris, I would be tempted to swim under the boat and,poke a wee hole in it. I've just realised I am evil borderline psychopathic. I can live with that.

Hugs to all my Undie friends

Gilmer 06-06-2014 08:48 AM

Originally Posted by tootsl1 (Post 4699383)
Kris, I would be tempted to swim under the boat and poke a wee hole in it.


DG0409 06-06-2014 08:56 AM

Carlos- Sending warm thoughts to you and your friend.

Drake- Congrats on 14 months!!

Well, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and it's a new day here. I put some flea medicine on my cats last night- only one had them that I could see, but with two of them I know there is a good chance of cross-infestation. The one that I could tell was infested has already lost most of the little buggers so the stuff appears to have worked. Now I just need to wash everything in the house to make sure there aren't any hanging around on the curtains, furniture, etc.

Other plans involve unpacking and doing some chores and things around the house that need done. I really am enjoying having my house back to myself and being able to continue to make things nicer.

IWLSAST 06-06-2014 09:22 AM

Congrats on the milestones BF, Drake and Dotti P.

When I type one of those congrats, it funny, they never just roll off of my fingers. How can they. It's not like a birthday that will happen regardless. The sober-versary is from our hard work. Same as a wedding anniversary, stop working a marriage and that just becomes another day. I've made that conversion, April 4th did matter, now no longer.

More relevant to this site in my past would be Sept 22, my first sober-versary. I had that for 11 consecutive years. I remember the first 5 or 6 to be more important and celebrated than my birthday with my family.

That AV was cunning, baffling, powerful and oh so patient. It helped me to turn 4/4 and 9/22 into just another day's. It also altered my birthday celebration. Spent that at dinner with two AA friends that are yacht chef's in St Thomas and not with my family. Not complaining, dinner was great, but...

Staying with the date theme...reading your post DG only adds credence to the fact that it is suggested that you wait a year until you make any serious life changes. Those feelings you are having for your ex bf are strong, even though they are not for wanting him back. You have a toolbox, you are grounded, you are still working your recovery, you are content in your sobriety. You are able to make decisions that put sobriety first. That is a powerful lesson for us all, my dear!

The news on my friend is status-quo. I am off for a mid afternoon tee time.

In other news:


Toots, oh no...more visa drama?! Wonder what that file indicates following trip to Atl, NO and NYC? No matter, I just hope that you get what you want in your heart!

Kris, if it were me, and imagine the effect it might have on three dudes...I would just shed all clothing until they just couldn't take it any longer.

Am I reading this correctly? All you BL's are exercising, droping poundage, eating healthy and dissing your dudes. Sounds like Match.sober :)...kidding

I gots to boogie. Enjoy the weekend, Undies. Let's keep AV at a safe and secure distance, okay?

Carlos xx

DrakeCKC 06-06-2014 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by Gilmer (Post 4699264)
Congratulations, Drake! How is the Welsh conversation going?

Thanks Gilmer! :tyou

The Welsh lessons were postponed, the instructor cancelled the class for several reasons. There is likely another one this fall. Meanwhile, I just kind of dabble and am learning some songs.

tanja 06-06-2014 09:58 AM

Courage - Many Belated Congratulations on a 1/3 of a year of sobriety:c011:


BF - Congratulations on 2 months of sobriety:c011: Thank you so much for asking about me. The horrible malaise and headaches seem to have lifted on their own. Thank God. I was utterly miserable for 3 weeks. I have had 3 doctors appointments in 4 days. Yesterday, I got a CAT scan. My sponsor that suffers from depression insisted that I see my psychiatrist because she thought it might be depression. She was kind enough to give me a ride there. I told my psychiatrist of the symptoms and said that in spite of them, I still tried to enjoy the things I like. He agreed with me that it is not depression. I am so looking forward to getting to an AA meeting today.

Carlos - I am keeping you and your friend in my thoughts and prayers.

gleefan 06-06-2014 10:01 AM

BFree - Way to go on 60 days sober, and your weight loss. You're doing really well.

Gilmer - Awesome that you got into those shorts. I gained a bunch of weight when I stopped drinking this winter and laid on the couch, but eating well and exercising regularly is nudging the scale back in the right direction.

Courage - I'm in no rush for time to pass. Life is short.

DG - I wonder if travel, change in routine, the endorphins from spending time with Crush, contributed to the crash in your mood. Carlos' point is a good one - you have the tools you need to stay sober in the storm. I'm glad you're feeling more grounded today and secure in your choice to continue to move forward with your sober life.

Kris - You have some creative suggestions on how to get rid of those boaters....

Carlos - Agreed, we need to work at what's important to us. Up til this point, all of my husband's and my priorities were discussed and agreed upon, and the plan of action was mutually formed. The catch is that my codependency and addiction mindset and psychic pain was threaded into our aspirations and plans. I never wanted to live in the suburbs. I never wanted to stop doing social justice and advocacy work. I wanted to continue my education after college. Now here I am, almost 40, a living extension of his dreams and aspirations. I co-opted them as mine, because I didn't want to lose someone who loved me. I'm not mad at him. I trying to be true to myself, to express my differences, slowly and gently. I can that it makes him sad, and I am fighting the Codie part of me that wants to make it easy on him.

gleefan 06-06-2014 10:02 AM

Drake - Congratulations on 14 months!!!!!!!!!!

Tanja - Lost you on the cross post. I'm happy to hear your symptoms have eased up. Your sponsor sounds like a rock of support, which is just how I imagine you to be. :)

Elseware 06-06-2014 11:17 AM

I was sort of out of the loop yesterday. I had a bad day after some words with my husband and a difficult time with a horse. I'm more fearful than I used to be. This is hard learning to deal with things in a new way. Like without drugs and alcohol. Everyday brings new challenges.

Congratulations to everyone with their latest milestones. And they certainly are days to celebrate.

Tanya, I am glad that you are feeling better. It makes life so much harder when you don't feel well physically. Your sponsor and your psychiatrist sound like good people.

Gilmer 06-06-2014 11:22 AM


tootsl1 06-06-2014 11:37 AM

Kris, "if it were me, and imagine the effect it might have on three dudes...I would just shed all clothing until they just couldn't take it any longer."

Ooh yes! I agree with that one Kris! And if you could just PM me your address........ :lmao:

Elsie, it doesn't take much to upset the status quo some days, but remind yourself of how strong you are. At one time you wouldn't have gotten through a day like that without chemical assistance. Most of us built our sober habits and memories over decades, so don't be surprised that sobriety takes time to embed, along with learning how to 'deal' normally.

Carlos, we have been aware for a while now what the visa situ is, it's bearable, so don't be worrying about me :)
I'm glad your friend is stable, I hope from that there is improvement to follow.

Tanja, what a relief for you to feel better. And I am so glad you went to your psychiatrist, at least now you can confirm your opinion with his, that it isn't depression. ( just a shame you weren't to be believed otherwise! Enjoy your meeting, and long may your good health reign

GF, he is also possibly a little frightened of where the 'new improved' Gleefan is heading and where he fits in. You don't need to turn your worlds upside down in a day, reassure him constantly that while you are seeking personal growth, you still need his love and support. And list what you want to do, prioritise that list in terms of what is achievable or possible to initiate in the short term, and what you are looking to aim at long term. Find some comfortable common factors. And, as you have been doing, keep talking!

gleefan 06-06-2014 12:06 PM

Else - You are doing amazing. We all have good days and "off" days, and what matters is that you were sober at the end of it.

This afternoon I took a page out of the sobriety playbook of a really terrific kindred spirit. I got spiritual during my walk this afternoon and handed my discomfort about my life over to my concept of a higher power (which is in its infancy stage). What a relief to keep my nose pointed to peace and serenity, and allow life work itself out.

courage2 06-06-2014 02:49 PM

Congratulations, Drake!

Else, I hate bad days. They rattle me. They make me think doom & gloom, I'm going to end up f***ed again, blah blah blah. Turns out it's just a day. Maybe even a few days. But not the end of days, as long as I don't drink. We just have to keep remembering that :)

Tanja, I'm glad you're feeling a little better. At least your psychiatrist sounds sympathetic. I hope the CAT scan yields some information that will help you.

Carlos, you're rubbing off on Gleefan! Wow, what kind of mark does that leave?

Toots, hope you're well. See you soon!

DG, at least fleas are better than bedbugs. Still, I hate all itchy little bloodsuckers. If you catch a live one, think of your AV and pinch it right in half.

BoozeFree, it sounds like healthy habits are working for you -- keep them up!

courage2 06-06-2014 03:08 PM

Episode 3:
Morose but beautiful, emaciated Christian Bale as The Man in Lost Articles is about to lose his faith because his prayers to find little pink Elijah MP3 Wood have gone unanswered for almost 3 days. Late in the 71st hour he gives up hope & resorts to another god, Science, to clone a new EMP3W to send to Courage. It's a spiritual crisis for The Man in Lost Articles!

But LO, the dichotomy of Faith vs. Science was a false one! At the dawn (kind of) of the third morning of the vigil for EMP3W, what to Courage's wondering eyes should appear but two EMP3W's (one to be truthful a little knocked around). Fade out with the face of Christian Bale radiant with the ecstasy of enlightenment.

Cut to Courage--what a luxury problem! Two packages! One will have to be returned. How? To take it to a retail outlet would involve (shudder) human contact, precisely the problem she sought to avoid. But to return it by shipping would involve a telephone call, at the very least, to the scary giant Telephone Answering Robot at BB, and probably also a physical trip to the USPS, a slightly more comforting venue than retail but still Kafka-esque.

What to do, what to do? To start, she will open one package, the beat-about one, the original tho battered Elijah Wood, for whom she has tender feelings by now.

She scrambles at the wrapping. She struggles with the packing tape. It defies her. Her husband, that phantom, takes it out of her hands and opens the box and hands it to her. She probes into the contents. Packing bubbles, all packing bubbles. object. It's so small! So pink! So strange! Where are the instructions? Where's the plug? Where's the needle? How in the heck does this thing work? Courage bursts into tears.

Stay tuned, we're not finished yet. :)

Dee74 06-06-2014 04:06 PM



tootsl1 06-06-2014 05:10 PM

Oooooohhh, Courage, so very moving. You did say this was oscar nominated didn't you? I need time to recover before the next excerpt. And I need afresh batch of pop corn! :herewego

Dee74 06-06-2014 05:19 PM

Next part here:


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