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Goldcoastgirl 06-30-2014 02:18 PM

Congratulations on six months Adee. I always enjoy your posts, I still think you should be a writer!

I am thinking new financial year is a fresh start to put things in perspective, but I have learnt a lot over the past six months of how NOT to do things. Have a great day everyone xxx

Kris47 06-30-2014 03:59 PM

Congrats on 6 months, Adee!

Way to GO Girl. Keep walking proud.

northof49 07-01-2014 06:02 AM


northof49 07-01-2014 08:02 AM

G'day to all my "Janober" classmates! Seems like each thread has a nickname, so I came up with one for us, let's hear some more please.... It's Canada Day here, so the end of my 4 day weekend, my first July long weekend sober and hangover free!!

Was sitting reading through threads and posts this morning and wondering why there appears to be such a struggle with a lot of members.... it got me to thinking in rhyme....I posted it on the limerick thread, but also wanted to share it with my classmates....

It seems we always struggle
As we go on through our day
Why doesn’t it come easy
Is there no normal way

For us who battle demons
We didn’t ask for them I know
They just seemed to move on in
Over time and oh so slow

But soon they had us in their grip
There was nothing we could do
We lived our lives in a daze
No way to think it through

Somehow we had to give it up
Or no reason left to live
What more of us could he ask
We had no more left to give

Then one day we faced the fact
We could not go on this way
We had to quit killing ourselves
Just do it day by day

We wake each morning and have hope
Another day we’ll get through
By beating down our demons
Not an easy thing to do

We fight the battle for ourselves
And for those that we love
Learn to live a new way of life
And thank the Lord above

For giving us the courage
To keep up our lifelong fight
Take each day as it comes
And get easier, it just might

In one week I’ll have 6 months
A strong battle I have fought
To keep myself clean and sober
I use the tools that I’ve been taught

This is my way of saying thanks
To family and to friends
For helping me along the way
And I pray it never ends!

So my fellow classmates, let's make a promise to each other to never give up the fight, never stop helping and supporting each other, never judge or condemn when one of us slips up, but most of all, be here for each other through thick and thin! As Kris always says, together we are strong, and we can get through this together!


Kris47 07-01-2014 03:50 PM

Kudos to you North on your limerick and especially on your upcoming 6 month milestone!

Odelle 07-01-2014 06:59 PM

I hope that one month went as fast for you as it seems to have gone by here, Kiya. Congratulations!! :c011:

Odelle 07-01-2014 07:02 PM

Great limerick Northof49, thank you so much for sharing it here. God willing, I'm not going anywhere and together we can accomplish so much more than any one individual. Bring it on!

Kris47 07-02-2014 05:26 AM

Together we are strong!

northof49 07-02-2014 06:10 AM

Good morning Janobers! I chaired my AA meeting for the first time last night, I volunteered to be chair for the month of July, and it went well! There were 11 of us there, about normal, missing a few due to the holiday I think. I've never had any problem with being a public speaker due to my outgoing personality lol.

Anyway, I think I mentioned that 2 weeks ago, a member that just celebrated one year slipped, and all of us are concerned for him, but he is on holidays right now so we are hoping he comes back next Tuesday. Last night, a female member, 5.5 years sober, shared that she had slipped over the weekend. She thought that she would be able to handle moderation after so many years. It was a good lesson for all of us that there is no point in risking any amount of sobriety just for the taste of one drink!

Let's all have a productive day and keep it between the lines eh!

Kris47 07-02-2014 06:26 AM

Good morning Friends,

Just don't pick up the first drink. One day at a time works but the previous seems to work better for my mind frame.

Those long time slips just go to show that we are just one drink away.

Hope you had a great Canada Day North.

Have a fun holiday 4th of July weekend everyone but make it a sober one!

Goldcoastgirl 07-02-2014 02:17 PM

Hi everyone, just a quick check in before I head to work. It is cold here and wish I could have stayed in bed under the covers but not to be today, hopefully Saturday! Have got thru a couple of nights without picking up. Just day at a time again. Hope you are all ok x

Marymacsmith 07-02-2014 04:33 PM

Thanks for the message North. We just can not get complacent, no matter how long one has been sober.

Kris47 07-02-2014 04:53 PM

Good going GCG. Keep up the momentum!

northof49 07-02-2014 05:36 PM

GCG - thanks for caring about us, look out for #1 first ok?? We're here for you, if you ever slow down enough lol

Kris47 07-02-2014 05:45 PM


northof49 07-04-2014 05:51 AM

:a122: Happy Independence Day to my American classmates! :a122:

As you enjoy your long weekend, try to find a moment of silence and thank those who serve for our countries and for those who gave their lives that we can enjoy independence....

Let's all have an addiction free weekend guys and gals!!

ArcticSA 07-04-2014 06:49 AM

Well guys, I drank last night. I can't say I'm surprised since my thought processes have been going downhill lately. We had a big fire going out in the back yard. My husband was in such a good mood and drinking beer and laughing and then my Mother-in-Law came over with beer and was having a good time and all I thought was "Screw this, I'm sick of struggling with this"
So I went down to the crawlspace, grabbed a bottle of homemade Strawberry wine, had my hubby uncork it, and poured it into a tasteful wine glass. And I finished off the whole bottle.
I wish it would've gone worse. I really do, but I had a fantastic time. That's not to say I'm not panicking inside.
I do have a slight head-ache this morning and I think the only reason I don't feel worse is because my organs had a chance to heal.
I do regret I did it for the simple fact that now I am going to have to fight off the urges to drink again. It was pretty stupid.
I keep thinking "What if!?! What if I start again!?!" Very scared.
I need support. I really do, how it is going now is not working.

July 8th would've been 6 MONTHS sober(+ 1 beer) :(

Kris47 07-04-2014 07:15 AM

Happy 4th of July to my American Friends!

Good Day to you North! Thanks for your sentiments.

Today as I celebrate Independence day it reminds me to be Humble and Grateful. We here, can also celebrate our sobriety! We all have much to be thankful for. Each day is a blessing. Have a wonderful weekend!

Kris47 07-04-2014 07:27 AM

Dang Artic!

You need a Big Ole Hug.

You also need to figure out how to stay sober each and everyday. It almost sounds like you were working up to drinking again. I know I have been tested this week with a dozen people around all drinking and having fun. Thinking poor me. I can't say this won't happen to me but I am praying and trying hard. If you really want to stop drinking more than you want to drink, you'll make it happen. So today is another day. Just come back and make the commitment to stay sober One day at a time. We all love you and understand. Just don't pick up the first drink! You ARE stronger than the av in your head. Welcome back!

We're with you! Now figure out how to make it not happen again.


adee 07-04-2014 09:07 AM

Good morning and happy 4th to the Americans. Thanks so much for the good thoughts for six months. North - love the limerick, thanks for posting. GCG, keep it up girl. Arctic, have you considered AA? Or SMART or Women for Sobriety? I do think you are going to need more support because BTDT it is really difficult to pull out of a relapse when your AV is saying "it was FUNNNNNN!" Go back and read your posts on Jan 8, 9, 10 and remember how not fun it will become. You are standing at a crossroads and you have a chance to go one way or another. After my mom died, I found in her papers a scratch pad with this written on it: "if the path of despair and the path of hope led to the same place, which would you choose?" Drinking is the path of despair, and if sobriety *feels* like that, then I do think it means that you need more support so you can have reminders to turn it around and realize how good we have it when we don't drink. That AV is a real bastard and will tell you so many lies and ultimately you will see it clearly again but who knows when and how many years can be lost? I'm rooting for you really hard. We all are and we are here. :grouphug:

I'm still in vacation land - it's been a long vacation but good. A LOT of drinking going on around me but I wake up at 6am every morning and drink my coffee feeling hopeful and free. I excuse myself early if I need to and fall asleep with that heavy tiredness of physical days. I learned how to paddle board this trip - oh my gosh how incredibly beautiful it is to be paddling across a calm lake in the early morning. Incredible memories and good times. I am so incredibly grateful.

Stay strong everyone. For those celebrating, it's ok for the 4th to be just another day. I will be enjoying fireworks sober tonight.

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