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Kris47 06-22-2014 04:37 PM

Ditto to the above.

We're lucky people.

SilentCinemaFan 06-22-2014 11:37 PM

I just got done going through all my old emails that managed to clutter my space for the past 15 months. It was over a years worth of emails that were never deleted so it was like going through history and reliving those moments where I was in distress. I saw apology emails, emails that contained pictures of my car accident etc. I even had emails dating back to my mom's grave being arranged and it brought back some mixed emotions. It was a great feeling to just delete everything and flush everything out. I didn't realize how much my email clutter had accumulated but I'm glad I was able to finally spend time tonight deleting and cleaning up everything. Now I feel so much better.

I'm glad everybody had a nice weekend, and adee I missed you.

Day 168 soon to be 169. Looks like we are all heading close to our 6 month marker. Good luck to all!

Wendolene 06-23-2014 03:35 AM

Hello, January classmates.

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Did anyone get up to anything nice :)?

I spent yesterday shopping 'til I dropped, and bought far too many clothes. I came away with three new dresses, a top and a pair of shoes, in the hope that this summery weather will continue. If course, I have probably jinxed myself. I also had a nice Italian meal with my partner and his friend, and practiced some piano.

Odelle 06-23-2014 05:43 AM

Good morning class. I had a nice weekend and I am into my 6 month countdown week (June 26). Saturday I lost a filling in a tooth; dentist today at noon. The day improved though, I went to a concert with my sister, an outdoor venue with some of the top talents in contemporary Christian music (or gospel?); have been in my own little bubble the past few decades, I was amazed at the talent of the bands, WOW!

My sister and I had long heart-to-heart talks of many buried emotional scars, having had grown up in a alcoholic disfunctional family. It is a step forward, reaching out and reconnecting with my sister. This weekend, I plan on spending the day/evening with my mother and brother (belated BD celebration, also on the 26th). Ties between siblings severed more than 15 years ago after an emotional rollercoaster dealing with the damage of caused by the actions and words of my late sister, her death a result of alcoholism.

Well, I'm letting go of the past and trying hard not to fixate on the future. Living in the moment seems to be the easiest path to follow.

Have a great day everyone!

adee 06-24-2014 08:28 AM

Good morning class. Odelle and SCF, it sounds like you have both been on adventures in clearing out the past in different ways. What great stories. Wendolene, yay for new clothes and nice weather! Isn't is great to do nice things for you?!

Day one of vacation. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :) I stayed up late watching a movie w/ my 13 year old and then slept until almost 8 (I usually get up at 4:30 or 5). I can tell my body really needs rest and I'm inclined to give in to it. I have some loose ends to tie up for work but I can do them at my leisure of the next few days and then we are off to the family vacation.

Have a great day everyone!

Kris47 06-24-2014 01:55 PM

Have a wonderful vacation Adee!

Odelle and SCF, Good on you for throwing out the past that you no longer need and keeping what is right.

I hope all the rest of you are right where you aught to be.

Still nursing a cold and some nerve pain. Otherwise, it feels good to be on the same road as all of you.

northof49 06-25-2014 05:30 AM

Morning class! Checking in to say hello, and progress of course. I presume we are all getting straight A's in our course of sobriety! lol

Adee, have a fantastic vacation! Being the owner of a small business and vacation time don't seem to fit in the same sentence.... but I manage to steal a few days here and there to extend my weekends so the Missus and I have time for ourselves...

SCF, I do the same thing on occasions, delete old emails, text messages, contacts, etc. It gives me the feeling of having a fresh, clean start!

Odell, the big day tomorrow! How is the time going with family?

Wendolene, seems shop till you drop is a woman's thing lol I go in, get what I need, and get out, but it's nice to hear that the money you are saving on not drinking is being spent on something more important, you!!

Kris, is that darn cold finally letting up?

Have a happy hump day everyone, let's all keep it on the safe and narrow eh........

adee 06-25-2014 06:33 AM

Good morning. Enjoying vacation immensely. :) I ran across this today and thought of all of you.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Kris47 06-25-2014 09:54 AM

Enjoy Adee! Love your quote and I agree.

North, I too am a small business owner. I get what you're saying.

I think this darn cold won't give up cuz I'm still not sleeping. Taking it real easy the last few days. Weekends are busy, busy. Feeling a little better today.

Goldcoastgirl 06-25-2014 01:58 PM

Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and say hi it my Jan 2014 friends. I have missed you but seeing I have been on and off the wagon recently I didn't feel it fair to post when you are all doing so great.

I haven't given up. I am not drinking every day, but still want to totally stop. All I can do is keep fighting the fight. I am going to an all day healing and meditation retreat on Saturday held by my wonderful meditation teacher and Saturday can't come fast enough.!

I saw that Arctic has been struggling and sending all my love to her, and all you special people on this thread xxx

Dee74 06-25-2014 03:12 PM

I think it's probably even more important to post when you're struggling GCG - don't ever think you're not welcome :)

Have a good weekend :)


Odelle 06-25-2014 08:10 PM

I agree with Dee, GCG, you're always welcome here and we're always here to offer whatever support we can. When your time comes, you will know it! I think that is what has gotten me this far, being fed up with the whole vicious cycle. Enjoy the retreat on Saturday! Use what you learn there and apply it to beating this once and for all. Cyber hug coming your way!

Odelle 06-25-2014 08:14 PM

Kris my heart goes out to you! I spent decades battling with insomnia, who would have thought that the very thing I used to treat it actually was the cause of it! I know you've listed many of the products you've used unsuccessfully for relief but it just seems there must be something out there to help you sleep. Have you tried magnesium before bed?

Odelle 06-25-2014 08:26 PM

North, you sound so upbeat and positive, can you send some of those vibes my way? I'm so glad you joined our group, I'm actually smiling after reading your post!

Wendolene, how are you holding up? Shopping used to be one of my favorite past times, however, the older I got, the more unshopping I seemed to do (returning items after realizing I really didn't like them as well as I had thought).

Adee, enjoy that much needed vacation! I'm taking a few days off around July 4th for an extended weekend and plan on heading to San Diego with my son and daughter. That used to be one of my favorite places to go for a short getaway, the Zoo and Seaworld are two places I never get tired of visiting.

Tomorrow is the big 6 month milestone, yea! It's also my birthday, too bad I have to work! Hubby asked where I wanted to go to dinner and I requested that he bring home pizza from this great little Italian restaurant nearby. By the time I get home from work, I'm exhausted. Okay guys and gals, the snowball effect is in motion, bring on those 6 month milestone achievement messages!

Arctic, DON'T go back now, those down cycles are really tough, I know, but you can get through this and it will be so worth it. Hang in there honey, this too shall pass.

Goldcoastgirl 06-25-2014 08:55 PM

Six months! Yippee! Congratulations Odelle - you are a twinkling star! So proud of you xxx

Dee74 06-25-2014 08:58 PM

Congrats Odelle :)


adee 06-25-2014 09:27 PM

Congratulations Odelle!

And Happy Birthday!!

So glad to see you celebrate this milestone. :)

GCG - ditto to Odelle and Dee. Get your butt back in here and post when you are struggling. :grouphug:

Kris - I hope you feel better. I find it so hard to recover even from minor colds when my sleep isn't good. Hang in there.

Wendolene 06-26-2014 03:59 AM

Congratulations, Odelle! I am so happy for you. You are also an inspiration to me to keep working towards my milestone in the middle of July.

I'm holding up ok, thank you for asking :). I'm going to a friend's BBQ tonight where the majority will probably be drinking. I'm nervous, and tend to be very shy in social occasions, but a good friend of mine, who doesn't drink, is going, has persuaded me to do the same and is giving me a lift there and back, so I have tentatively agreed to this. I know there is not going to be wine there, which was my favourite drink, as my friend who is hosting it has not got any in, but, at the same time, I feel guilty that my drinking is kind of affecting others who will be going. I wouldn't expect them to change their behaviour around me. It was sweet of my friend to consider me, though.

I'm off to tackle the housework (boo!) and then practice for my piano lesson later. I don't think my rendition of Invention 4 is up to scratch, so I'm a bit nervous. I also seize up around anyone else while I am playing, not least someone who has been to music school. It's her job to give constructive criticism, I know, but I don't want her to think I don't care and I'm not trying, when in fact, I really want to be able to play nicely.

Odelle, I meant to say I love your avatar! Is that your kitty? Fellow cat lover here. My parents have a 1 year old moggy called Milo, who is such a dear, even if he needs feline obedience classes and can be quite destructive. I lost count of the number of times he toppled the Christmas tree over last year. I will have to try and find a picture. I'm expecting to visit my parents one day and find a pile of smoking rubble where the house was.

I hope everyone is having a good week!

Kiya 06-26-2014 04:03 AM

Good morning everyone. I figured I would stop by and check in. I'm on day 26 so still moving along since June 1 sobriety date. It would be nice if my 6 month date was around the corner instead of losing a month to drinking. But it's ok I can truly say I'm content in my sobriety right now. I had to take the journey I needed to get here. I'm trying to work through the portions of my life where I'm not content which is primarily financial and that's not anything that I can fix easily. I've really identified that as one of the major reasons I drank so that I could just ignore it.

Congratulations on everyone getting close to their 6 month dates :). I'm a little way's behind but I will get there.

Wendolene 06-26-2014 04:17 AM

Hi, Kiya :).

You are right not to beat yourself up about what happened - these things are part of a journey, and it is all a learning experience. It sounds to me like you know exactly what your triggers were, which is half the battle. I hope things manage to sort themselves out soon with regard to finances.

Sending lots of hugs and good wishes your way.


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