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gleefan 04-08-2014 04:46 AM

DG - congratulations on One Year!!!!!!

Revel in the day and enjoy your celebratory shopping trip for household goods.

I hope you do at least one thing that is indulgent and pampering an impractical today, Girl, because it's a special milestone. :)

gleefan 04-08-2014 05:34 AM

Courage -- I know what you mean about sitting through boring stuff for the sake if passing time and being social. I elect to stay at my kids' hockey practices, even when my husband is there, and I'm not filling a childcare need. It's a sober way to socialize and pass time - and I've made friends in the process. :)

Bruce -- hello and welcome! I'm more of a newcomer than you, at around 45 days. No such thing as too lengthy a post. Reading others posts can give me aha moments about myself, and posting about me helps me process through my issues. The Undies are a nice group.

Carlos -- It's a good day in UConn country. The women play tonight. Shirts on. (Haha).

I had a good night. I went to a party with casual acquaintances. These were the bread and butter of my social life while drinking - a place to sow my social seed in hopes of impressing someone, anyone, enough to want to invite me to their next party. It was fun, as these types of get togethers usually are, but I cut it short (something previously unheard of due to fear of missing out) to go to my weekly AA meeting. I'm glad I went to something deeper and more meaningful. I gained a great deal of wisdom from what folks had to share and someone gave me a Big Book.

Talk to you later!

tootsl1 04-08-2014 06:22 AM

GF, I have found that sobriety allows me to grow as a person, I have found I like the sober me better, she is more considerate and giving. Actually, she is the me I ought always have been if alcohol hadn't made me care so much about when I could get to my next drink.

Courage, I would have been too shy to talk to any of those ladies, let alone believe they would like me enough to want an invite back to mine! Though I'm sure I would have been susceptible to the depressed one, and gotten lumbered with listening to her all night!

Bruce, glad you mosied on over to the undies, not so sure we needed to know you were a cowboy who goes commando, but hey- way to let us get to know you better!!! Hahaha teasin sweetie. I remember how I felt at three months, both amazed at my perseverance and overwhelmed at the length of the road ahead. Then I stopped worrying about seeing too far down the road, I'd deal as I arrived, I just focussed on watching where I was walking, and next minute I had a year!

Carlos, you know you love having a harem, do not be pretending that you don't!! :)

I am all over the place with my days this week, hubby had yesterday off so today feels like a Monday. I have decided that I am going to give up the museum job. The more time I spent there, the more involved my post seemed to be. Originally I thought it was just a bit of admin and perhaps the odd evening convincing folk to become members, next thing I know I am supposed to be organising corporate presentations! To do that properly would take more time than I am willing to commit, especially as they want someone long term and shortly I hope to apply for a work permit and actually get paid for my time! The job with Learning Ally, ( which I recommend anyone in the USA with a few hours free a week to think about ) is totally flexible. I don't have to do any work outwith the studio and commit to just as many hours as I want. I also feel I am doing a more worthwhile job there.

stevie88 04-08-2014 06:38 AM

In on the new thread.....

Toots many thanks for your kind words....

Dee many congrats on 7 years...

DG many congrats on hitting a year...

Take care all.....Steve.

DrakeCKC 04-08-2014 06:43 AM

Congrats on a year DG! You caught up with me :)

What a ride it has been and will be. :c011:

:nyc :nyc

Babs1234 04-08-2014 07:58 AM

Here's a big hug for DG ----way to go !!!!


DG0409 04-08-2014 09:02 AM

Hi Bruce- Good to see you here. :) We love long-winded. Share as much as you like.

Courage- I think it's a positive thing that you stuck around for the business meeting and found something to do so you wouldn't be tempted to drink. Who knows, maybe you will be a positive force in the f-ed up ladies life and she'll change for the better. You gotta watch out for Dee, he's awful quick on the reply.

OK, I admit, I'm stumped with the duck. Then there is Stevie, MB, Toots, and I'm also not sure on the smoker, but whoever it is should join us on the 24 hour no nicotine thread!!

Drake, your post made me laugh. :)

Dee, Courage, SJ, Glee, Steve, Drake, & Babs- Thanks to you all. :)

The Undies has been kind of my 'home group' on SR. My April class has been pretty quiet after the first couple of months, so this has been my go-to place. Thanks to all here for the inspiration, support, advice, etc.

I am a world away from where I started a year ago. Pretty much every aspect of my life is different. There's money in my bank account, I do a better job at work, I eat healthy(ish), get a bit of exercise, make better decisions and have much more self-respect. Here was my first post: It's amazing how much has changed since then- I always laugh at the part where I call myself a 'well functioning alcoholic'. The only thing I functioned well at was getting smashed!!

I'm really looking forward to year two.

courage2 04-08-2014 09:39 AM

Hints: smoker = cool dude, don't fixate on the cig. Google word for male duck.

DG, you're fabulous! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3!

Gilmer 04-08-2014 09:56 AM

A hundred thousand congratulations, DG! Stay close and post often if you're lonely and at loose ends.

DG0409 04-08-2014 10:27 AM

Thanks for the hints Courage. So it's Drake and I'm going to guess WWG?

Thanks Gilmer.

courage2 04-08-2014 10:49 AM

Oh shoot -- I'd say I'd lost my marbles, but I'm not sure I ever had any. I was thinking Carlos -- I always forget what a sober baby he is!!

Just like me to ask a trick question by accident. You seriously do NOT want to take one of my statistics tests! ;)

Hey -- in place of Carlos, how does this work for Dotty? :dance: (more the name than anything makes me think of her).

courage2 04-08-2014 11:19 AM

How was last night, Babs? How's today?

Babs1234 04-08-2014 11:48 AM

last night was shakey----but, I went for a walk and cleared my head. I've gone through this before but, crap this was a tough one. I'm better today but, that old AV is still there. I'm going to keep busy after work again tonight. It's that time when I get home and find that bottle to sip on that I need to overcome. thanks for asking Courage.

DrakeCKC 04-08-2014 12:01 PM

:duck Love it! :scoregood

courage2 04-08-2014 12:52 PM

Drake, who is that dude on the right with the 9.9 and what's his freaking problem????

tootsl1 04-08-2014 01:20 PM

Courage, nobody's perfect!!! Hahaha

gleefan 04-08-2014 01:21 PM

Courage, clearly the dude on the right didn't take your stats class.... :)

abcowboy 04-08-2014 04:05 PM

Hi all! Just got back from Edmonton, all day training and certification seminar (boring) and popped in to say CONGRATULATIONS to DG!! :c011: Not much more I can say about this extraordinary woman that hasn't already been said! Enough time to shower, smoke some moose burgers, then head for my weekly meeting... will stop by after the meeting... being the newbie "undie" I'll have to so some catching up....

dorothyparker 04-08-2014 07:26 PM

DG, CONGRATULATIONS ! You've graduated! Be super proud of yourself. It's not nothing. It's HUGE. Bravo.:c011:

dorothyparker 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

Courage you're hilariou sabout the 9.5 dude. Ha ha ha.

But I'm totally lost about the name and being mentioned. What? Did I miss something?

Toots what on earth is Learning Ally? You're right about quitting the Museum volunteer job, looks like they don't have the budget to hire properly so they rely on "sucker" volunteers. There are limits. ;)

Everyone I've know on this thread over the last year is steadily graduating to one year. It's super cute. Congrats to everyone.


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