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SoberForMySon 06-03-2013 08:50 AM

I love being a mom! It's really wonderful. And I'm so excited to be a totally sober mom for my son! He deserves it. I may not have been a bad drunk by any means, but the future could have held that, so I am so glad I quit now. I hope we can all keep sharing and keep this thread going. It feels like a safe place.

ImperfectlyMe 06-03-2013 09:33 AM

Thanks Anna you run an amazing outlet for us so much thanks to sr

ImperfectlyMe 06-03-2013 09:35 AM

Dolly I too love Monday now use to hate them probably from all the iverendulging id do on the weekend! When I first quit drinking every afternoon I'd miss drinking now it mostly weekends and don't have to worry about them during the week. Hopefully someday soon they won't bother me on the weekends either!

Dollyangel17 06-03-2013 11:07 AM

Yeah...Mondays used to be miserable for me because Sunday night was my night for insomnia. I know I would always have a hard time sleeping because my mind would be racing with worry about all the drinking I had done over the weekend. I was always so exhausted on Mondays.

It's so great to be free of that dark cloud!!

Ladybug2 06-03-2013 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by InperfectlyMe (Post 3996846)
Dolly I too love Monday now use to hate them probably from all the iverendulging id do on the weekend! When I first quit drinking every afternoon I'd miss drinking now it mostly weekends and don't have to worry about them during the week. Hopefully someday soon they won't bother me on the weekends either!

Wow, reading this made me think and realize that it IS getting easier during the week :) I don't think about drinking EVERYDAY at 4pm anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still have those days, but not as frequently. Weekends are still very hard, but I am getting stronger with each weekend I make it through sober. Tomorrow will be 30 days for me and I can already hear AV whispering its lies. Things like, "you made it 30 days, now you can have a glass of wine to celebrate" or "just try and see if you can moderate now"..... :gaah SHUTUP!!!!

How is everyone else doing today?

Dorris 06-03-2013 02:43 PM

Checking in quickly before I hit the hay :24:

Ladybug tell your AV to do one!!! You've done so well to reach 30 days and your going to reach 30 more.

Mondays for me, I would usually wake with a stinking hangover, making the most of Sunday being the end of the weekend. I would rush the kids off to school so I could go back to bed, only to drink again Monday evening because I hated Mondays. I would have Tuesday and Wednesday off and start the weekend early on a Thursday and not really remember much of Friday and Saturdays.

How different my last week has been and I feel great for it :0)

ImperfectlyMe 06-03-2013 03:27 PM

Lady bug I'm so proud of you if your AV acts up tomorrow read done if your old posts when you were struggling more. It helps me to remember where I was. Great job momma!

Midlifecrisis 06-03-2013 04:40 PM

Those avs are pretty sly sometimes. Well done ladybug and dorris.

I'm feeling so sick today. Was up all night feeling nauseous and couldn't switch my brain off. Some of the withdrawal symptoms have come back over the last couple of days. Please everyone considering going on anxiety meds, be careful if they want to prescribe you Benzos. This is pure hell. It's been weeks since I had any, grr.

Off to the Bolshoi ballet with my eldest daughter (6) and my mother and sister tomorrow. I would normally have a couple of champagnes at this sort of thjng (on addition to a stack of pills) so I need to be careful to stay away from the bar. My mum and sister will probably have a glass. We have to drive 4 hours each way so if I don't drink right at the beginning I should be safe seeing as I have to drive.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Dollyangel17 06-03-2013 05:22 PM

Have fun Midlife! Sounds like a nice evening.

ImperfectlyMe 06-03-2013 05:35 PM

Hope you feel better have fun mlc

Midlifecrisis 06-03-2013 05:54 PM


Ladybug2 06-03-2013 06:48 PM

Great job, Dorris, on doing so well! It does start to get better and it sure beats hungover mornings and foggy days.

MLC, hope you start to feel better soon. Enjoy your girls night out! You can make it through without champagne. Share a non-alcoholic drink with your daughter :) My 3 yr old has started taking sips out of whatever I am drinking so I am very grateful there is no longer any vodka in it!

Dollyangel17 06-03-2013 07:02 PM

Feeling so anxious all of a sudden. My little girl has a field trip to a zoo tomorrow. Hubby had put in to chaperone, but he wasn't picked. It's a little far away, and such a busy place. So nervous about some other parent I don't know being in charge if keeping an eye on my Dolly:-(

ImperfectlyMe 06-03-2013 07:06 PM

Awwww dolly try and relax I'm sure she will be ok and so will you! Your a good mommy!

I wanted to give you an awesome link if you want to get back into running again
The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan | C25K Mobile App

Have a wonderful night all
Good night

Dollyangel17 06-03-2013 07:10 PM

Oh thanks Imperfect! I will check out the link.

I know I am being a worry wart, guess its my nature. I didn't even give much thought to it til about half hour ago, then just suddenly got nervous about it.

Oh well...hope it's busy at work tomorrow so I won't be watching the clock til she is due back.

Midlifecrisis 06-03-2013 07:30 PM

C25k is really good.

I hate, hate, hate not being able to exercise. Cannot wait for these withdrawals to go away and my heart to settle down. Exercise has always been a constant for me. Good luck girls.

Dolly, I am sure your daughter will be fine and have a great time. I worry too and usually go along as a helper.

Dorris 06-04-2013 03:01 AM

Dolly I remember my sons first school trip age 3 I wrote my mobile number on his arm and in his wallet I wrote all contact information possible, told him what to do if he got lost. I was in a terrible state all day waiting for to arrive home, he had the most amazing day and since then I have had no trouble with either of my two going on school trips his last was a two night stay over and I was fine. I trying to say it's normal to worry and panic about our children especially when we don't have the control of care for that particular moment.

MLC good to see your doing ok,

Imperfectly I have the C25K on my phone and plan to start it in a few weeks, just want time to heal a little more

Day 10 for :)

sadsoul2011 06-04-2013 05:29 AM

Good Morning to all!

Imperfect - thanks for the link for C25K. I used to run and really want to get back to it.

Dolly - never fear; your daughter will have a great time and be safe. I wish you a peaceful day!

MLC - enjoy your wonderful day - sounds like fun!

Dorris - glad you're feeling so well! Sober mornings make the sober evenings so worth it :)

Ladybug - your daughter sounds adorable!

SoberForMySon - Welcome!

Anewpage - How are you?

I'm doing well - feeling good and no cravings at the moment. However, I'm on the lookout for my AV to start in on me. I'm trying to set up positive routines to make me stronger for those challenging times - we all know that they can strike at any moment and the AV is sneaky, sneaky....

Hugs to all that are having a hard day! I check in often during the day from work if anyone needs a positive word, kick in the pants or virtual hug!!

Have a great day!

SoberForMySon 06-04-2013 06:24 AM

Thanks sadsoul!

Doing well here!

Dolly, I'd be nervous too, but that's part of being a Mommy I suppose. I'm sure she'll be fine and have a great time!

ImperfectlyMe 06-04-2013 06:57 AM

Doing well here hope you are all the same.

I was wondering where anewpage was too! Hope she's hanging in there

Dollyangel17 06-04-2013 07:08 AM

Good morning moms!

Doing okay here today...trying to stay busy so I don't stress over the field trip. I know she must be having fun. I can't wait to get the full report later.

Hope everyone is having a great day.:SteprobL:

juststopit 06-04-2013 07:36 AM

Hi Everyone! I am a 37 year old stay at home mom to a 10 month old. I didn't drink at all while pregnant or for the first 9 months after my son was born. But for the last month I have really been struggling. He is sleeping through the night now and no longer nursing after 6:00pm so I start thinking about having "just one" beer. I caved a few times with no damage done (and only 1-2 beers consumed) but last night I had 5 beers and of course have a hangover today and am feeling pretty down on myself. I guess I convinced myself that since I had no problem not drinking for a year and a half that I was done with the whole alcohol problem. SR was so helpful to me my first few months of sobriety so now I am back here working on staying sober long term. DAY 1!!!!

sadsoul2011 06-04-2013 07:49 AM

Welcome JustStopIt!! Glad to have you with us! There is a great group of moms here - we all understand.

Congratulations on your son and his sleeping through the night! Whoo Hoo :-)

Where you a heavy drinker before getting pregnant? I was - it was easy to stay sober when possibly pregnant, pregnant, and when they were little babies. But, as they got bigger and less dependent (quit breastfeeding etc.) I was drawn back.

Don't be too hard on yourself - sounds like you caught yourself right away! That's great!

What is your game plan for stopping?

ImperfectlyMe 06-04-2013 10:01 AM

Tous chez sad soul I was the same!

Welcome juststopit!

juststopit 06-04-2013 10:39 AM


I know, the sleeping through the night is AMAZING! I don't think I realized how little sleep I was getting until the second week when I realized that I really didn't need to go to sleep at 7:30 when the baby did because I was no longer getting up 30 times a night to feed him!

I used to drink a six pack most days of the week. I stopped a month before getting pregnant.

I wish I could get to a meeting but can't see how since I don't have anyone to watch the baby (my husband works crazy hours). I will start journaling again and checking in here daily...that helped a lot in the past. I also need to talk to my husband about it. I just need to be honest with him about how I feel (he comes from a family of fairly heavy drinkers so he has never seen me as having a problem. He occasionally drinks too much, but doesn't really have trouble stopping if he wants to.)

Dollyangel17 06-04-2013 12:42 PM

Update: Well of course my daughter had a great time on her field trip:-) It's so funny, because hubby takes her to gymnastics, he knows quite a few of the moms from school. Well when he told them he wasn't picked to chaperone, the other moms told him they would ask for my daughter to be assigned to them for the day. I guess he got a text from the other moms to let him know she was having fun:-) funny, he is such a Mr. Mom:lol:

sadsoul2011 06-04-2013 01:17 PM

JustStopIt - Sounds like you have a good plan! I don't do AA either - just SR and reading etc...

Do you have any hobbies that you like to do? I'm getting interested in my old hobbies that I let slide - knitting, crocheting etc... I'm finding new patterns and getting projects going. It works well for me because drinking and knitting do not mix LOL. As I get going I may set some goals for Christmas presents etc...

I'm finding that I enjoy puttering around with my projects and watching TV at night. My evenings seem so long now - which is actually a good thing. I work more than full time so it is nice to be able to stay awake after the kids are down and have some me time. <<me time always includes laundry of course, but that's ok - laundry doesn't talk back haha>>.

Dolly - so glad you're daughter had a good (safe) time. The story about your husband was so sweet - sounds like you all have some nice friends!

ImperfectlyMe 06-04-2013 01:34 PM

So excited my 7 year old is having her first sleepover at our house tonight. Her little friends mom is having a baby tomorrow. We're going to do manicures watch movies eat pizza and have a dance off! I know two months ago I was barely fit to watch my own kids at night let alone someone else's. so today is a great day to be a non drinker.

Dolly glad little dolly had a good trip:) I'm sure she will have some great stories for you tonight!

Ladybug2 06-04-2013 04:39 PM

Hi everyone,

Had a really busy and wonderful day with my daughter and mom. The weather was picture perfect today so we went to an amusement park we have season tickets for and spent a couple of hours there. I remember going last summer and always being hungover so today was like experiencing it for the first time?! I'm starting to realize how much hangovers really affect your memories :( My little girl is all I have and I don't want to miss anymore!

30 days today for me today so feeling happy and grateful for this forum and all of you special ladies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart :a194:

Dollyangel17 06-04-2013 04:47 PM

Congrats on your 30 days Ladybug!!!! You have worked hard! Glad you enjoyed your day with your little girl!!

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