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Soberjanedoe 04-28-2013 03:42 AM

Good night everyone!

Just a quick drop in to confirm I am going to bed sober on my 41st day of sobriety. Woohoo!

Saskia 04-28-2013 05:32 AM

Em, as usual I read every word of your post. You are very thoughtful and have really good insights. I especially appreciate your thoughts on the disclosure issue. It's particularly relevant for me because I think there's a possibility that there could be my own Date Pach in my future. I've met someone (or re-met) someone from my sober years' past. I don't know if it's going anywhere or not.

SoberJane, you sound so positive and are piling up those sober days! Great to hear!!

I hope all of you are having a great weekend!


FrenchPink 04-28-2013 09:43 AM

A lovely Sunday in sobriety! Wishing all of you an easy, relaxing day.

1,000 calorie diet restriction, Sas? Wow! I give you tons of credit for maintaining a steady course on that pre-op endeavor. At least it's not a permanent state, but I know I'd be one ultra cranky Pach with dreams of food around every corner.

Emily, it's great that you were able to share your wisdom and experience with your long-time friend on Facebook. Big hugs to you for continuing on in our sober wagon. Returning takes an enormous amount of courage and strength. So happy to see your posts again!

SoberJane, you go, girlfriend, on your awesome 41 days! Making all of us proud, you are.

Bionic Lee, it's always terrific to read your uplifting posts! Seems so long ago that you were struggling to get past 100 days, and look at you now. Successfully sober and happy all around. Love it!

Emily and Sas, thank you both for your thoughts on sober quest disclosure - or not. At present, MP has a temporary health issue that requires a fairly lengthy abstinence, so the topic won't be at the forefront for either of us for quite a while. Enough time to stretch out the issue in tiny increments, if/when I feel the need to 'fess up. Likely, though, I'll keep the lion's share of details tucked away in the past and only mention that my Off button in the wine department is non-functional. That seems like a powerful enough statement to get the point across, but if questions persist, I'll handle them as they pop up. MP and I have already had some serious heart-to-hearts about other sensitive personal revelations that require understanding and acceptance on both sides, and the love boat is still above water, charging full steam ahead. :-)

So glad you Mayans are getting a kick out of my seemingly endless supply of crazy Mammoth pics! I'd love to take creative credit, but as always, they are on permanent loan from whatever I manage to find, steal, and abscond with from the real artists uploading their talents on the Internet.

Many hugs of love and support to all of our May mates of past and present. I am grateful to be one among you. :)

Saskia 04-28-2013 09:57 AM

FP, I am hungry a lot of the time but I am very motivated to do this. It makes any kind of surgery that involves moving the liver much safer! It's not just the calories that are restricted but also carbs. We have to count calories, carbs and protein. I've already lost 4-5 lbs in less than a week. Last time I did this I lost 10 lbs but started at a higher weight. Another big motivating factor - my surgeon is a huge stickler for this. He says that after the anesthesia has us asleep and they get started, if the liver hasn't shrunken enough (evidence of lack of compliance with diet) he stops the surgery, closes, they wake you up and send you home. Supposedly he has actually done that for gastric bypass surgery though I don't have proof of that. I'm not about to test this out, lol!

Sass :-)

Jeni26 04-28-2013 10:58 AM

Hi guys, got a rare evening on my own as everyone has gone out....lovely. Got my music blaring and no-one to nag me about it!!

Sassy-I'm thinking of you lots on this restricted diet, I think that would be very hard for me. My doctor has tried many a time to list the foods that I should avoid because of my troubles with damage to my oesophagus and I do try to

FP-I think you should do what's best for you with MP and disclosing of the alcohol difficulties. It isn't something I've had to deliberate over in my life. Your relationship is in the here and now, and some things can stay in the past I reckon xxx

Em-it's so lovely to read of how you're doing, you sound much more like your old self, and we love you xxx

I had a minor temper tantrum this morning...I don't really do temper but I did it today unfortunately. Ended up punching the wall in frustration and have bruised my wrist. Very grown up huh?? I have spent a while getting my peace back and think it was a mixture of therapy which hurt a lot yesterday and worry about doing the main share at my AA meeting tomorrow. I think perhaps I should just learn to scream a bit because then it doesn't actually involve getting physically hurt! Anyway, back to normal now. All over. Bit embarrassed really. H was totally shocked, he went out and bought me some flowers and some chamomile tea....that made me smile. I asked him if I had to punch things every time I wanted flowers!!
Anyway, needless to say therapy is continuing for the time being....

Love you all loads


Saskia 04-28-2013 11:10 AM

(((Hugs)))m Jeni! Sorry you had a rough time this morning! It sounds like H was right there for you which is, I think, fantastic! Doing the main share at an AA meeting for the first time must be anxiety-provoking enough and then the difficult times in therapy on top of that --- it's no wonder you had a mini-meltdown! Just remember that therapy will get easier with time and I believe you will feel more at peace and be more accepting of yourself. Hang in there, girlfriend. You will get through this.

Glad you're having some time to yourself.


Jeni26 04-28-2013 11:24 AM

Oh I'm ok now thankyou sassy, nothing that some very loud music can't cure! I was made to face some really unpleasant stuff yesterday, and I can't cry in front of anyone so it just sort of built up until it bubbled over. A few cross words between me and my daughter, nothing major, just usual teenage attitude at the wrong time, was all it took. But hey ho, such is life. I got it back anyway. Today has been fine. My wrist and hand hurt but I got some beautiful flowers and am a bit wiser than I was a few days ago.

I've been rehearsing my story to share with the meeting tomorrow. I have come a long long way and I think I might just leave out the punching bit!!

Thankyou for caring, you are SO lovely xxx

Aviva 04-28-2013 01:25 PM

Checking in here late ... yesterday was 11 months. Whew!

Hope you all are enjoying a beautiful day, in whatever way that's possible.

Saskia 04-28-2013 02:46 PM

Congratulations on 11 months+1 day, Aviva!!!

Lots of love,

MalkavianEmily 04-28-2013 02:47 PM

Well, today I've done a bit of digging, potted a few chillis, watered some of the stuff that I've potted up over the last few days, done a bit of weeding around the onions, and put a couple more stones around the compost bin to hold it down. So, all in all, a productive day, despite the lack of sleep.

I went to a meeting tonight, not one of my usual ones, indeed, I don't normally do a meeting on Sunday, but I'm looking for a chair for the meeting on Tuesday. I've got a few lined up for the coming weeks, but... Oh well, I've handed it over, and I'm sure that I'll find someone.

Jeni - I know what you mean about meltdowns. I managed to get the time of the appointment wrong, because the card was a bit sloppily written, not that the receptionist would admit it. The thought that I'd have to wait even longer for the result really freaked me out. I'd known I was scared, but I didn't realise how scared until I set off.
The truth is, I was more scared of having to tell people if it was bad news than I was of getting bad news. Because I worried what people would think of me. Or perhaps I should say, I was worried that I'd find out what people thought of me.
Hope your lead share goes well tomorrow. I remember my first chair, and how I had about 12 hours notice. On one hand, it was good because I didn't have much time to worry about it. On the other... The first time is always scary, from what I hear. I've done a couple more since then, both times I was asked when I got to the meeting.
I suppose the main thing is to not worry about what you're going to say. I know that I never quite say what I'd planned, and that I tend to forget bits, but that's life. Just be honest, say what's on your mind, and remember that after the first few minutes, it's not quite so bad.

soberjanedoe - I really like your sig. It's something I need to remember, because sometimes I tell myself that I can't get what I want to do what I want to do. Maybe I can't, but if I don't try, then it's a whole lot harder. As someone said, if you want to win the lottery, first you have to buy a ticket. And if I really want to get published, then I have to put the effort into finding an agent, rather than moaning about how I don't stand a chance to begin with.

Saskia - hope the operation goes well, and well done for sticking with the diet. Thanks for your wise words to Jeni too.

FP - glad I could be of help. When I heard the step 9 promises tonight, it really meant something. Not just the bit about finding a new happiness and a new peace, but the whole thing, especially the part about 'no matter how far down we have gone, our experience can benefit others.
I'm not sure if I'll meet up with my old friend any time soon, but It'd be good to catch up on old times, and maybe he'll find the answers he needs. I hope so.

Aviva - congrats on 11 months.

Anyway, I need to try and have an earlier night tonight. Being up till 3am is not healthy, and a good nights sleep will do me the world of good. Today is nearly over, and with it's passing, it will take its problems. Tomorrow, well, that can wait for now. It'll be here soon enough.
Good night everyone, and sleep well. And may tomorrow be a good day.
Love and Hugs to you all. And may your higher power go with you. x x

Saskia 04-28-2013 02:52 PM

Em, love and hugs to you, too! I've missed your posts a whole lot. You sound like you're back in a good place and that makes me feel happy :-)


wehav2day 04-28-2013 07:59 PM


Sas, still feelin' for ya on the restricted diet. have you googled the master cleanse yet? :-) Guess the silver lining is it's easier not to drink when you know Dr. Dude is going to be spying on your liver soon? i'm sure he's going to take pictures of you for his "perfect adherence to my diet parameters" wall and your surgery will go super well.

FP,like everyone else says, what you tell MP is your business. you know how much you need or don't need to tell in order to look at yourself in the mirror, and that's what matters. trust your gut. like jeni, i haven't had that quandary. but the downside in my case is that my partner was there for all the "fun" that we all know one gets to experience when living with an alcoholic. i'm glad you are starting fresh.

soberjane,hope you had a fantastic, sober rest of your weekend!

Emily,you are writing a lot again, it's always so nice to see your personality in your posts. love your attitude. you should get an agent. you still plan to talk to us little people when you are famous for your work? :-) you will do great!

things are good here. only had today for my weekend because of the project at my park yesterday, but it was a very nice day off. slept in, woke up to a nice day. checked on our community garden plot, where they erected a chicken coop. the chickens are very cute. we fed them some dandylions and seeds. i need to see if members can buy the eggs. hope they are brown, couldn't tell because i don't know my breeds. (don't care what people say, brown eggs taste better. just like green m&m's.)

then we did some leisurely walking, wildflower and bird watching in a new spot.
it was a nice, mellow day, just what we needed. might sound weird, but it was one of those, "oh yeah, i remember why we wanted to spend our lives together. you are pretty cool!" days. we really needed one of those.

and not nearly as important for our lives, but still pretty cool: went to trader joe's for the shopping. picked my coffee out and went to grind it. as i'm holding my can to the grinder in one hand and cleaning off their counter (they provide a brush) with the other, my canister starts to over flow. eek! i turn it off only to realize that there must have been some beans from another order in the grinder, and most of mine got ground but i had some mystery coffee in there too. i told them at checkout, so it didn't happen to someone else. they offered to get me a new can, but i said as long as it wasn't decaf it's cool. it was no big deal. well she gave me the coffee for FREE!!! woohoo. so now i have FREE mystery coffee mixed with my peaberry. lol. i'll know tomorrow if it's fully caffeinated...

have a lovely new week, may mates. wehav

Jeni26 04-28-2013 10:00 PM

Congratulations on 11 months Aviva xxx

I'm, as expected, anxious and unsettled today. Luckily I suppose I've got another super busy day ahead. 3 meetings, 2 of which I'm chairing. I'm dreading this share tonight, don't honestly know how I'm going to do it. This is scary stuff for me. I hate talking publicly. Although I have to do it all the time for my job it still gives me that heart pounding slightly sick feeling. But the meeting tonight, that's on another level. I'm just hoping nerves don't get the better of me and I end up crying/ walking out/being sick.

But I know I have to stop running and hiding from difficult things. After all that's what I've done all my life.

So glad you had a good weekend wehav-those taking a step back and reminding yourself of what's important moments are really special.

Lots of love to you all xxx

Saskia 04-29-2013 05:41 AM

Good morning all!

WeHav, haven't googled the master cleanse yet, lol. Dr Dude has an extremely dry sense of humor (I know him slightly from outside the OR). After the last time he saw my liver 3 1/2 years ago, he said my liver was "a thing of beauty". So I guess I did a good job with the preop diet. The cirrhosis still did show up on biopsy but at least wasn't far enough advanced to show on the outside of my liver! We'll see what the situation is this time. That's what I'm most worried about with this surgery.

In the interests of full disclosure, i was so discouraged by quitting and slipping so many times that i felt i needed to do something different. So i finally decided to take a short break and limit to one glass of wine 2-3 times per week for awhile. My liver doc said that was better for my liver than periodic binges of 1/2 to 1 bottle of wine. Since my difficulty in quitting was new since gastric bypass and addiction risks are higher due to the speed with which the alcohol hits the bloodstream, I worked on sipping one glass very slowly with very tiny sips. That resulted in no cravings for more.

However, I knew that wasn't a good solution for the long haul! I used that break to work on various aspects of mental preparation for quitting. I've had a minimal amount of alcohol since April 1st (and no binges) and completely quit over a week ago. Almost no cravings but I'm staying alert. I'm cautiously optimistic because I feel like I "did my homework" this time and was completely prepared. My inner feelings are very strong. I will not ever have another drink! I'm not recommending this method and can only say it worked for me.

I've decided to count May 1 as my permanent, forever, quit date just 'cause it's easy to remember and seems fitting for a Mayan :-). I hope you all are willing to let me stay here. You have all helped me so much to get through this in a variety of ways and I am very, very grateful.


tanja 04-29-2013 06:22 AM

Sas - Of course you can stay here! Your wisdom, positivity and encouragement has helped me more than you know. God bless you for sticking with that diet. I don't think I could handle a diet like that. It sounds like you got very positive results from your doctor. When is your surgery date?

Avivia - Congratulations on 11 months of sobriety:c029::You_Rock_:a122: That is a wonderful accomplishment. One year is close at hand and you have put a tremendous amount of effort in achieving this significant milestone.

FP - Thank you so much for the darling dog and elephant picture. It made my day! I agree with your reasoning about divulging your reasons for not drinking. Listen to your intuition and do what is right for you.

Emily - So glad to have you back! I am so happy to hear that you seem to be doing well.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Monday.

Saskia 04-29-2013 07:28 AM

Hi Tanja!

Surgery is next week on Wednesday (May 8th). Planned to be same day as long as they can do it laparoscopically. Keeping fingers crossed!


MalkavianEmily 04-29-2013 09:28 AM

Well it's day 9, and it's another good day, even if it did look like it was going to throw it down with rain when I left the meeting at lunch time.
The good news is I now have chairs for next week and the week after. The bad news is I still need one for tomorrow. This is what comes from being unwell, and not being able to get to as many different meetings as I really should. Also, the people I have in mind for chairs seem to be somewhere else when I do get there. Clearly, I'm not meant to ask them... yet.
But all's right with the world.
The bad news is that I really need to think about... not quitting smoking, because I don't really smoke. Ack. How does that sound? It's kind of a side effect of smoking cannabis, I guess, because every joint has tobacco in it. So, no cannabis means no nicotine. Or did.
So yes, that's something I need to nip in the bud asap.

I'm currently planning a game that starts in June. Oddly enough on the same day that I can get my crappy, broken mobile replaced. It should be fun, and all being well, the players will find it interesting, in the sense of the old Chinese curse...
The writing continues. I've got a couple of things that I really need to try and finish up soon, but at the moment, other characters are shouting louder, so their stories are getting told first.

wehav2day - if I ever do become famous, yes, I'll definitely still be here. My one vague concern is that people might jump to conclusions about me based on the stuff I've written. Part of it is the first person narration, and the feeling that the characters are sharing some fairly personal sh1t.
There are times when I'm tempted to go back and take the drinking and other stuff out, but the truth is, when I wrote it, it didn't strike me in any way as notable. Now I'm in recovery... yes, it looks different.

Sounds like you had a really good day. The pear blossom's out at the moment, and so's the cherry blossom. There may not be as much green space near where I live as in the past, but it still does me good to see the little - and not so little - flowers almost hidden away in corners, and behind fences. Spring is finally here, and nature seems to want to make up for lost time.
With chickens, from what I remember, you can tell the colour of the eggs by the colour of the ears. Or the equivalent. But yes, It's good to have relaxing days once in a while, nothing to do, and all day to do it.
Let us know how the coffee was, btw :)

Saskia - yes, I'm back in a good place. It feels good to feel good, which is an improvement over a few days ago, when I was giving myself a hard time about it. Hope the operation goes well.

Jeni - good luck with your share tonight, I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm not going to promise that you'll come away feeling great, but I know I did after my first. Nearly as good as when I'd finished my step 4 (apart from stuff that's come back since, but I can tell my sponsor about that next time I see her.)

Tanja - I'm really glad, and grateful to be back. Part of why I was gone was that I didn't feel that I should post until I was sure my relapse was over. And yes, I'm going to use that word. A day or two, that's a slip. Two weeks, that's a bit more serious. Plus I'm still sharing my laptop, and that's been an excuse. What I, perhaps, should have done, is say to my fiance, you can play Freecell anytime, I need to post.

You know, there was a time when I hated talking about me. Hard to believe, isn't it, but I found the subject of me to be totally boring, and I was happier to listen to other people talking about them.

Have a good day folks. Life is as good as we choose to think it is. It may not be easy, we might not have everything we think we want, we might, in a lot of ways, have problems that aren't of our own making (as well as ones that are). But how we react to them is up to us.
Love and Hugs to you all. And may your higher power go with you. x x

OneLessLonely 04-29-2013 09:37 AM

Hey all, it's a gorgeous day and it was a gorgeous weekend. I have been sooo busy between fun things I want to do and time-consuming less fun things I have to do. But I'm not complaining. I find myself still expecting perfection as far as my moods and interactions go, but I know logically that it's unrealistic, so I'm working on letting it go. I can't believe it will be May this week! Our month!!
FP I found a kick-butt picture for your one year anniversary. I hope I remember, haha.
Jeni, I believe you are going to help many people tonight with your share. You have been through and conquered much, and always with such a kind heart. I'm starting to think of doing uncomfortable things as feeling alive, a challenge even. Let us know how it goes.
Saskia, I'm hoping for time to pass quickly for you while you are doing this pre-op diet, and for good news about your liver after surgery. Will the recovery period be long or difficult do you expect?
Hi Tanja! Hope you have a wonderful Monday too!
Grats Aviva on 11 months!
Wehav glad you had a nice day with your partner bringing you guys closer again. Nice score on the free coffee!
Emily, sounds like you had a very productive day! Hope you find a good chair for your meeting.
SJD, grats on your 41 days! Hope things are going well for you.
HRB hope you're getting enough sleep for all those nights you're doing. Any fun plans for your days off?
Bloss what's the view like up at one year? Hope you're doing well!
Lee, happy to hear from you at 6.5+ months! Glad you're feeling close with your family also. So many benefits from this journey.
Kitty, great observation about everyone doing things that are scary. I agree it's pushing our limits of comfort, but it's important. Hope you are well!
Dee, hope you're doing well in your SR role changes and not overdoing it!
Sorry if I missed anyone! Take care everyone.

OneLessLonely 04-29-2013 10:41 AM

Tanja congrats on 9 months of sobriety!

HitRockBottom70 04-29-2013 01:07 PM

Hey Mayans,
Checking in. Just got through 3 grueling nights. My mind is kinda all over the place today but wanted to let you all know I am reading and wishing everyone well.

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