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tootsl1 04-11-2013 12:18 AM

WWG into day 18, and I bet it feels great! Hold your family close and think about what you could have lost if you hadn't chosen the right path. Your hiking companion will keep you strong.
Babs, you are doing so well, you too have chosen your path and are striding determinedly along it. The more we put our heart into it the less of a climb it seems.
Grace, hope the finger is better now. As for the days, I count only the weeks this time and erm it's 4 today! Yay! So I get my cap and gown on Saturday! This time I promise not to drop out and take a gap month!!!

Grace2 04-11-2013 01:03 AM

9.00 Thur

Good morning all.

Not sure Dee, I've read that many, I just remember one that was all about what to expect in early recovery, it could well be the one that E.Q mentions.

Excellent WWG, thanks for your support too. You really are showing that A.V that you mean business.

Thank you E.Q, no links needed with that post, it says it just how it is.

Thats wonderful Toots, I can't wait to see you there, the days have flown by and I know that you will be sticking with it, I have no doubts about that at all.

Anyway, I've got to dash, got to take my Dad to a Doctors appt.

Back later

Stay safe, clean and sober Unders.


Just for today, work hard and honestly.

EternalQ 04-11-2013 01:24 AM

Grace, don't ever change! We all love you just as you are. Your family is so lucky to have you.

I remembered today all about my 30th day of sobriety. I had made plans to meet a sister at a play after work. At the time, I was saying yes to all invites in order to keep busy and not be home alone, as that was my trigger: being home alone.

Anyway in order to do this, I had to drive home at lunch and let my dog out, since I couldnt go home after work. And as I left work at lunch to drive home, the AV popped in for a visit.

AV said: "Why don't you drink on your lunch break, no one will ever know!"

I couldnt believe it! Really AV? On my one month Anniversary, you're here??? Have you no shame?

Well the answer is, AV doesn't have any shame. See, AV had handed all its shame, to ME. And I had taken it. It was a long process giving that shame back. AV kept trying to regift it. But I learned to stop putting my hand out. Don't take the shame guys. It isn't yours anymore.

HarleyDad 04-11-2013 01:51 AM

Hello everyone
Good morning...Just checking in. 0445am 0c winter storm warning in effect (WTH). enough already. Freezing rain, ice pellets with acumulation 10-15 cm (about 5 inches I think). Harley Dad is getting sick of this poop.

Went to bed about 9pm last night that's why i'm up so early. Usually can't drag my ass out of bed.

I'm doing well after my planned drinking while on vacation in early March. I was surprised how easy it was for me to turn the tap back off once I got back.

I hope everyone else is doing well. Keep up the good fight!


walkingwithgod 04-11-2013 04:10 AM

Day 18, and I am amazed that I made it this far.

Grace2 04-11-2013 05:36 AM

13.30 and raining

Quick hi

Aww thank you E.Q, what a lovely thing to say. Do you know what, I've had the A.V trying that one with me too!! 'Gracey' it said, ' just have a couple to celebrate how well you're doing.' Ha, as if, I'm not falling for that one again! No way!

Hi Harley, good to see you here, your weather seems as bad as ours! Stay sober, stay strong and stick close.

WWG, you are a pretty amazing person, your so very nearly on 3 weeks, no going back now. Just take it one day at a time.

Back later


Babs1234 04-11-2013 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by EternalQ (Post 3910255)
Grace are you thinking of the PAWS link that Dee puts up sometimes?
I would say what to expect in early sobriety:
Absolutely ANYTHING.
I've never heard anything yet that I didnt experience myself. Lotsa sleep and no.sleep. lotsa appetite and no appetite. Mood swings and serenity. And on and on.
We are creating our NEW normal.
What we had was ABNORMAL.
So it takes quite awhile...
It is intensely hard to be patient with all of it.
Just keep chanting: I accept this, I accept this, I accept this.
At least the transformation won't be held up by your resistance.
But seriously I was a basketcase. So, my advice is, let it ride....

thank you sooo much Eternal and Grace---I have terrible mood swings and I just can't seem to get along with my spouse. We just can't even be civil to each other. But, i'm determined to make it through all this. I'm going to read paws again. It helps just to put it down here at this site and going to work and being around other people at least i get a change of scenery. I'm such a B---- sometimes but, just can't help it. thank you again for listening to me. Be strong everyone. If i can do this ----so can YOU !!!

EternalQ 04-11-2013 08:23 AM

I've been meaning to mention, to those just quitting, some recommended reading. It is "Allan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Drinking" book.

I read it about three weeks out and boy did it ever help me. It took away all desire to drink for months.

Now bear in mind, there are spots where he minimizes AA because it did not work for him, and his way, did. I do not use AA, but I have found some of its readings and practices helpful. It certainly has helped millions of people!

I did not much care what Allan Carr thought. I agree not one way helps all. I only mention this, because I don't want anyone reading it to be put off by his commentary. There is a lot of good in his book. So much so that I am thinking maybe I should read it again!!

tootsl1 04-11-2013 02:29 PM

Hi EQ I am reading it on and off now, it's actually called easy way to control drinking ( if anyone is trying to look it up.) I find it very thought provoking and definitely worth a read in the early days.. We just have to remember that there is no ' one size fits all' recipe for sobriety. It is important, especially when we are feeling strong and positive, to look at all the ways we can make sure we never reach for a glass again. If we wait until we are feeling weak, to look for help, AV is half way through the door.
WWG you ought not be amazed, you have the strength of your faith and the love of your family on your side, you are blessed. Stride forward into sobriety.
Babs do you talk to your spouse when you are calm, explaining your mood swings? It will not last forever, but perhaps you may want to think about what it is that is causing the moods. Is it not being able to reach for a drink, or is it something that drink was suppressing? I would not tell you to put a lid on your feelings, but maybe find an out? I found working out is a great way to focus aggression and get fit!
Grace, two more days! Haha I'm counting more just now than I have all month :)

Grace2 04-11-2013 07:31 PM

Dark o clock in the middle of the night!!!!

Hi, having a spot of the insomnia, so I'm sat up in bed posting, the O.H is fast asleep beside me like the living dead!

Babs, as they say 'this too shall pass' I would recommend what Toots has said there in her post. Talk to your spouse when you are both in a calm frame of mind and tell him how you're feeling etc. Vent as much as you like here, we all know where you're coming from and even just writing your feelings down helps put everything into perspective. Don't isolate yourself, stick close and post as often as you can.

I haven't read Allan Carr's book E.Q but I have heard a lot about it here, another one I may have to seek out and read I think.

Toots, it's really buzzing over there, it's manic at the moment, I'm waiting for Babs to come over with us too. Have a good day tomorrow (today)

Good night and sleep well


Dee74 04-11-2013 08:01 PM

The title is different in the US and the UK apparently but Carr was a really useful book for me.


tootsl1 04-12-2013 12:47 AM

Thanks Dee hadn't realised that. Although it is called control alcohol it is really about stopping.
WWG. Hope you have another good day today. Whenever you mention your comic books I can't decide whether you go to the store in the Simpsons or Big Bang Theory!!

Grace, that's all I need, another busy thread! What with this, Marchers! Limericks and than annoyingly addictive 5 letter word game, it's a wonder I get any work done! Lol
Hope you sleep better tonight.

walkingwithgod 04-12-2013 04:42 AM

Originally Posted by tootsl1 (Post 3912805)
Thanks Dee hadn't realised that. Although it is called control alcohol it is really about stopping.
WWG. Hope you have another good day today. Whenever you mention your comic books I can't decide whether you go to the store in the Simpsons or Big Bang Theory!!

Grace, that's all I need, another busy thread! What with this, Marchers! Limericks and than annoyingly addictive 5 letter word game, it's a wonder I get any work done! Lol
Hope you sleep better tonight.

More like The Big Bang Theory.

tootsl1 04-12-2013 05:11 AM

Haha I love that show!!

walkingwithgod 04-12-2013 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by tootsl1 (Post 3912970)
Haha I love that show!!

I am going to my first Comic Convention next Saturday. My wife thinks I'm 10 years old.

tootsl1 04-12-2013 06:40 AM

The wee boy inside you is! And you should nurture him. The most contented people you ever meet, are never far from their inner child

walkingwithgod 04-12-2013 07:31 AM

Originally Posted by tootsl1 (Post 3913088)
The wee boy inside you is! And you should nurture him. The most contented people you ever meet, are never far from their inner child

That is an amazing statement, Toots.

Grace2 04-12-2013 09:17 AM

Hi Unders

Another weekend is upon us, I can't believe how fast time is flying by.
I hope you all stay strong and focused over the next couple of days and do something that takes you away from your trigger zones.

Ha ha Toots, you should see how many I'm on! I really need to cut down and oh yes that 5 letter one is a pain, but you just have to do it!

WWG, the convention is something for you to look forward to, One of my 'just for today' manta's is ' Just for today I will take my inner child out to play.'

Wishing you all a good week end.

Stay safe and sober



Just for today Honuor your parents, teachers and elders

tootsl1 04-12-2013 09:27 AM

WWG I think our inner child keeps the magic in the world, we are able to enjoy simple things, we can laugh out loud with out worrying if folk will think us mad, we can feel free in a way that as adults with responsibilities cannot. In some ways, being drunk is similar, but instead of releasing our true inner child, we just release our inhibitions as adults, and poison the child within. There is no purity in drunkeness the way there is having a sober snowball fight with ones children, or laughing at cartoons, or swinging high on a swing.
Enjoy you're weekend, I am going to the football, where I will shout and cheer and hopefully celebrate, all with my inner child and not a drink in sight!
Grace, I don't know how you do it, you pop up everywhere, I decided at one point you must be cloned!!lol

Dee74 04-12-2013 03:03 PM

Happy weekend gang :)


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