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Sazzle 05-22-2013 11:28 AM

Congrats on your 6 month milestone GreatGatsby. You're amazing!

Nomis & FMFT, great to see you too. Always think of my fellow Novies with a fondness.

S x

veryready 05-24-2013 01:14 PM

Hi Everybody. I hope you all enjoy the long weekend in the US.

I am still on SR regularly. I post to the kicking asphalt thread at least once a day. I have always enjoyed exercise and running and biking especially, so I feel really fortunate to have that thread to read and post to. I read the newcomers thread, but I am starting to have a hard time relating to those posts and don't feel like there is much I can offer. Sometimes I do, but I am starting to not 'feel' where they are coming from if that makes sense. I will stay here though as it does remind me where I was 6 months ago. I have to say I don't really have cravings, but I have been thinking about it a lot lately. Maybe the weather, but beers have been on my mind. I find myself worrying about not drinking and have to kind of remind myself that it's over. Weird.

I am taking the boys for a quick overnight backpack trip tomorrow. Just one night and we will see how far we get. Last year we made it a mile. Should be better this year. :)

nomis 05-24-2013 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by veryready (Post 3982075)
Hi Everybody. I hope you all enjoy the long weekend in the US.

I am still on SR regularly. I post to the kicking asphalt thread at least once a day. I have always enjoyed exercise and running and biking especially, so I feel really fortunate to have that thread to read and post to. I read the newcomers thread, but I am starting to have a hard time relating to those posts and don't feel like there is much I can offer. Sometimes I do, but I am starting to not 'feel' where they are coming from if that makes sense. I will stay here though as it does remind me where I was 6 months ago. I have to say I don't really have cravings, but I have been thinking about it a lot lately. Maybe the weather, but beers have been on my mind. I find myself worrying about not drinking and have to kind of remind myself that it's over. Weird.

I am taking the boys for a quick overnight backpack trip tomorrow. Just one night and we will see how far we get. Last year we made it a mile. Should be better this year. :)

I hear you VR. I log on almost daily, usually have a quick puruse of the newcomer's section and get the same feeling as you. The good thing about there though is it's not only newcomers. For instance, our fellow Novie Sazzle has started a couple of threads.

Good on you for kicking asphalt. I run on the hamster wheel (treadmill) and have more or less kept to it since I've put down the bottle. Can't say I've lost much weight, still to scared to get on the scale, but I feel I've lost a tiny bit. My diet is pretty poor and need to work on that.

veryready 05-24-2013 09:24 PM

Good to hear from you Nomis. have a good weekend.

veryready 05-31-2013 01:48 PM

TGIF - Last day of school for the kids today. I know by August I will be ready for them to go back, but for now I am thinking it will be easier to not have to deal with school for a little while. Have a good weekend everyone.

Dee74 05-31-2013 01:50 PM

have a good weekend all :)


nomis 06-01-2013 08:24 AM

Nothing special planned here. It's hiking season, so hopefully if the weather holds and the missus isn't too tired from work today we're off for a picnic in mother nature tomorrow.

Have a good weekend folks.

BarbieKen 06-01-2013 10:55 PM

First time checkin' in
After reading, reading, and reading some more on this board I decided to come public this week. Sober birthday 11-12-12. Sober Recovery Forums absolutely are a tool in my sobriety. I also go to daily meetings, and am active in volunteering, being of service. My husband of 25 years is 7 1/2 years active sobriety as is our son, 5 years sobriety in September. Hello Everyone!

Dee74 06-01-2013 10:57 PM

welcome BK :)

ForMeForThem 06-03-2013 04:43 AM

Hello BarbieKen and welcome! Congratulations on your nearly 7 months, that's wonderful! I wish you and your family continued health and happiness.

BarbieKen 06-03-2013 10:10 PM

Hi Dee74,
When I first started reading these forums back in December '12 I found ANOTHER support group. A Home Group, right here in my that!!
I also noticed the message that is part of every reply you post. Our son, 21, will be getting a tattoo that says "Everything will be ok" for his 22nd natal birthday in September. The day after he celebrates his 5th Birthday. Life is good.

Dee74 06-03-2013 10:17 PM

That's great BarbieKen :)


Coldfusion 06-06-2013 10:48 PM

Welcome, BarbieKen! Hope everyone is enjoying their "seventh heaven" month.

I had a pretty serious temptation today. I work at a shellfish farm, and people come buy oysters then sit by the ocean to eat them, and sometimes have alcohol. I could actually drink at work and it would be okay, and I was offered some wine today while no one who knows me was around. But I quickly said "No, thanks" and thought about it later.

Sazzle 06-07-2013 12:59 AM

Hi all

And welcome BarbieKen! 7 months is amazing and you have a lovely sober family too!

I'm guilty Nomis & VR of not having much time to log in here daily but I do check the Newcomers Thread. I've had some personal battles but I'm getting through them. My latest quandary is my birthday this weekend. Two of my friends want to go to cinema and a meal to celebrate. They aren't big drinkers but one is a massive red wine snob (more so than I ever was!). Each time we go out in a group he pontificates over which wine they should get that goes with such and such. I went out just the 2 of us last week after work for a Chinese and he was taking so much time choosing a glass of wine to go with. It annoyed me if I'm honest. I have other friends who just order what they want when we go out, without starting a huge conversation, and that doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I don't think I can sit there, on my birthday, listening to this bullpoop. So. What do I do? I love my best friend and even though this guy has funny pretentious ways, I also like him too.

I really just want a quiet night in!

I'm so pleased I'm at 7 months. It feels like a lifetime and also like only last week I was drinking all rolled into one. I'm currently on Jury Service and loving the experience. The 1st week has flown by. I've applied for a new job at work and I hear next week if I've got through to the interview stage.

Life is good, just need to stop worrying over little things.

Hope you're all tickety-boo

S x

Dee74 06-07-2013 01:38 AM

Hope your birthday night out won't be too painful Saz :)


veryready 06-07-2013 05:47 PM

TGIF. Quick Week.

Sazzle - Happy Birthday!

Was talking to a guy at work this week and he was describing a recent drunk that resulted in the bed 'spins'. Ugh. Just one of those great moments that are the opposite of a craving. One of those thank God, if I stick with this I will never ever experience that again.

Dee74 06-07-2013 05:49 PM

Happy weekend guys :)


nomis 06-07-2013 07:29 PM

Seventh Heaven, Coldfusion. Sounds good to me.

Happy birthday Sazz.:bday7

Sorry to hear things aren't going as well as could be, but look on the bright side. You're still sober! And that's nothing to sneeze at :c014:

I have moments like that to VR, usually related to hangovers. Remembering that horrible, icky feeling of waking up at 6 in the morning, getting ready for work, still feeling drunk, and hoping to god that nobody smells booze on me. So happy not to live like that anymore.

FMFT hope everything is well with you, poke in and say hi sometime! Same Sisterella, it's summer time here so no more jealousy about the lovely Central American weather ;)

Can't believe it's been almost seven months (Monday). So much has changed in my life in such a short time, I almost get emotional thinking about it now.

That being said, in couple of weeks I plan to make a long post in the Newcomers section about all the good things and bad things that have happened in the seven months. I feel that one of the major causes of relapses is the idea that getting sober makes everything instantly better. When we stop drinking, bad things still happen. Some really crappy things have happened to me. But I've come to understand that's OK because I'm still sober and any problems I have now are problems minus the insanity and confusion that alcohol added.

As usual, I'm rambling, but all I really wanted to say was have a great summer weekend Novies! (or fall for those in the south).

veryready 06-07-2013 07:42 PM

Good words Nomis. Yep, we forget those nice details of starting the day with a nice headache, the sweats, shakey, etc. I always woke around 3:00AM with the sweats.

Also, so true about life is still life. I think there are a few things one needs to accept to make this stick, and that is one of them.

Speaking of rambling, I was thinking recently, if nothing changed when I stopped drinking except for waking up without a hangover, then it is worth it. Some people look for this and that in their sobriety. A clear head in the morning is more than enough to justify stopping for me. Any other good that comes from it is gravy.

Thanks and have a good weekend.

Sazzle 06-09-2013 12:07 AM

Wise words Nomis & VR. I naturally found myself in a place if simple calm yesterday. Just utterly grateful I don't drink anymore.

As Dee says, it's as complicated as we make it.

No more panic over what was said/done. No more sweats, greasy hair (I still can't get over that my hair lasts a good 2 days extra between washes now!), and bloating. No more disturbed nights.

S x

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