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ThursdayNight 01-04-2013 07:11 AM

Hi Guys!

Just popping in for a quick hello to my successful Mayans. Congrats to all of you for remaining sober and starting 2013 a lot happier than you were in 2012.

I'm in the January 2013 class. Back again, this time with less fear and more resolve.

HRB described it perfectly when he described how "raw" us January newbies are. Come visit our thread and you will realize how wonderfully strong you Mayans have become through this process.

Okay, got to get ready for work. Love to you all! :Val004:

Jeni26 01-04-2013 07:55 AM

Hey TN, our cherished reason why you can't post on both May and Jan threads... I still post in March where I started my journey.
We are here to support each other wherever we are on our journeys. Xxx

Saskia 01-04-2013 08:14 AM

Welcome back, TN! Happy to see you are still working on staying sober. It look me from May until December to finally get it right. It's never too late.

Jeni26 01-04-2013 08:58 AM

Em-you stay strong with that codeine can do this. Keep close to us and we will watch your back xxx
Sassy-thanks for your kind words. I do feel strong at the moment. I think I should be feeling more emotional than I am in light of the memories returning, but I'm not. It's like the little girl inside me has found her voice at last. I'm pleased I was able to talk openly with my sister and H. So often I pretended I was ok when I wasn't at all.
I've had a busy day doing my housework. Everything is tidy and squeaky clean, that is until teenagers arrive home and leave a trail of their belongings from the front door to their bedrooms-coats, bags, shoes, scarves all just left where they've been removed. Sigh.
Out to a meeting later.
All good here. And long may it last.

Loads of love to you all.

FP-2 weeks nicotine free?! How bloody excellent are we? This is my 2nd sugar free day too. Soon we won't have any vices left...well, hardly any xxx

OneLessLonely 01-04-2013 09:27 AM

Thursday!! So happy to see you back!! You can make this time "it." It's hard. You know that. But every hump or hurdle you get over, the easier it gets. You will get to a point where there are more easier days than hard days. I've heard the phrase "progress, not perfection" more than a few times and its helpful. Best of luck and stay close!

OneLessLonely 01-04-2013 09:40 AM

Grats FP and jeni on two weeks cigarette free! You guys are so strong!
I'm going for no sweets at work today. So far so good. Trying to make tea (decaf) my treat. I bought lots of loose leaf for home but need to get some bagged for work so I have a variety. I don't think I'll ever give up something sweet after dinner. Some things are sacred. Haha.
I'm so happy it's Friday. I'm like giddy to get out of work. I want to get a lot done this weekend but it'll be nice that its on my schedule at my pace.
Have a good day everyone!

Leemzer 01-04-2013 10:27 AM

Great to hear from you TN! Sometimes we need new starts and a new year is an excellent way to recommit. I myself stumbled several times since our May group but I stay is day #87 for me. So good to hear from you!

No other news to report...just hanging strong. Hope everyone is well!

HitRockBottom70 01-04-2013 11:05 AM

Quick check in before I get ready.
Thursday!:) So good to hear from you! Glad you are back with sober resolve and starting the year off in a great way. Thanks for checking in.:ghug3

Saskia, Good luck with the closets today. Glad you are feeling more positive. Be easy on yourself. I know I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster for the first few months. It has gotten better. Not perfect of course, but much, much better. Another part of my better is time off soon :) yeah!

Em, Good luck with the scripts today, I hope you dont get the run around. Also great outlook on the codeine. Starting over again is just not a good option for us.

OLL, I am on board with you. No sweets anymore and I will limit my caffeine. I drink a lot of diet drinks so I think I need to taper. I already have a headache, and i dont get headaches...not even in my worst hangover. But i am sure it will be better for my moods if I take it out completely.

Jeni and FP great job on 2 weeks cig Free!

Tanja, Bloss, kitty, Soleil, thinking about you.

Lee, good to hear your hangin strong buddy.:c011:

bloss 01-04-2013 05:56 PM

Happy Friday everyone,

The day just flew by, so many posts! Sounds like everyone is in a pretty good place this fine Friday.

HRB: that was an awesome rhyme!

F.P.: can't wait to see your follow-up (to HRB rhyme)

Jeni: You're sounding very positive the past few posts, so pleased for you

Saskia: 3 closets, that is quite an undertaking, I can just imagine the piles I would have all over the place, it will be beautiful when you finish

Lee: 87, 90 is almost here!

Emily: tuna and noodles sound good to me, arcade games do bring back the memories, the good kind

OLL: I'm trying to eat more fresh vegetables prepared simply, fruit, whole grains, some nuts, seeds, beans and so on. Last January I ate vegan for the month, sort of fell off the 'wagon' regarding eating since I stopped drinking the wine/etc in April. By Christmas I was eating way crazy. Last night I had some steamed kale, avocado topped romaine, brocolli soup/ whole wheat crackers/hummus. Then I had currants and an apple. I was very full, but no heartburn in the middle of the night for a change. See how it goes, chocolate could be in my future. I have not given up caffeine though.

ThursdayNight: I joined the May group because my April group was very slow, I needed more support and the Mayans welcomed me, nice to meet you and glad you are back

Dee: Thanks for the advice and encouragement

Kitty, Tanja, Soleil and all those posting or taking a break from posting
Big hugs and have a good evening and night


OneLessLonely 01-04-2013 06:25 PM

Well I didn't even have time to have sweets at work this afternoon. It was so busy. An old habit thought of "How fast can I get to the liquor store and home to pour that first glass?" traipsed through my mind. I haven't been sober long for my busy season of work and I forgot how spent I get. And how my cure was to mix up a drink. Ugh. I squashed the thought, listened to music on the way home, and was fine. I'm getting sick which is a bummer. But I'm drinking tons of tea.
Dee thank you for your response. Don't ever apologize for brevity. I know you do a ton on here. How did you figure out what the void was? Hope you're having a good weekend.
Bloss that sounds like quite the healthy regimen! I need to get more seeds and beans in my diet.
Have a good night everyone.

FrenchPink 01-04-2013 06:38 PM

Good Friday evening, my beloved boaters! A loooong week at work, even with the holiday off, and I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning. Kinda cranky on the commute home for some reason. Usually the crankies rear up during the morning commute, instead, but with the no smoke/tapering caffeine combo, I suppose it was to be expected. That, and my Too-Fat Cat had poured forth a huge puddle of pee onto my bed just before I left this morning, grrr. She and I are going to have a chat about household courtesy. So, my exciting plans for tonight include a few loads of laundry before I can safely snuggle under the comforter again.

(((Thursday!))): Yay that you’re back with us, my bursting-the-*****-box-at-the-seams buddy! And, yes, as our wise boaters pointed out, please consider posting in both the January and May threads. I was truly missing you here, too. “…less fear and more resolve.” Awesome!

You-Rock: Hugs to you on the headaches, classmate. That’s common when you’re weaning off caffeine and should disappear in a few days or less. Excellent that you’re cutting down on that and sweets. So glad to see your mood has lightened; just in time to enjoy the slightly longer days (okay, by 10 minutes) and enjoy your well-deserved break. I can see for sure that you worked hard on that rap, and I appreciate every word of your effort. Thank you! Making Mammoth blow out the tusk rust to keep up with you, aren’t ya? ‘Fess up time that I had to Google “perfusion.” ;) Awesome job on fighting the tequila urge, strong quit buddy! And, yes, exercise partner, we are hopping back on that trail.

Saskia: “FP, are you aiming to become one of those insufferable people who quit everything even remotely unhealthy?!” Well, of course! I had potato chips for lunch and grabbed a chocolate-caramel square as soon as I walked through the door tonight. ;) Yes, our Rockin’ Archer’s rap will be tough to beat, but I’m already formulating some fodder for the fight. Big hugs to you for keeping strong on the sober path, iPad G-ma. I admire your gumption. Thank you for your continued posts of personal advice to our boaters. And have fun with those closets!

OneLess: You sound great! Love your phrase, “…my schedule at my pace.” And I’m with you on some sweets being sacred, as you say. With all of these quits, my thoughts in a cartoon bubble look like, “Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar…” Gotta try some loose-leaf tea with you, too. Supposed to be the freshest. Good for you on turning down the wine at your family get-together and beating the booze urges today, strong sober sis. And my favorite healthy meals would include pasta primavera with plenty of garlic, salmon any style, hummus dip, and guacamole. Exercise is on the to-do list for us!

Teacher Jeni: Big smoke-free hugs to you and me, quit mate! Keeping busy is the key, and a clean house is so comforting and refreshing. Wonderful how you’re embracing life fearlessly by revisiting the past to make peace in the present. “…the little girl inside me has found her voice at last.” Love this! So happy for you that you got a good night’s sleep. And I can’t wait to see your sonnets, girlfriend.

Bionic Lee: Congrats on the 87, May mate! 3 more days until you’ve been sober for a quarter of a year! Keep up the wonderful sober strength.

Dee: Super advice to You-Rock and OneLess. Thank you for sharing your story. Words for all of us to embrace. “…don’t drink and be happy…bad days – not bad weeks anymore…” Well said, busy sober mate.

KittyCat: Terrific to see your posts, sober kitten! How are you doing? What’s new? Totally rockin’ limerick! Good job on the cig quit resolution. Glad you liked the pants reference from Emily’s and your recent Pach-wears-pants milestone pic. Hugs to you.

(((Tanja))): Wonderful that you’re staying strong in sobriety! Big hugs of love to you for your unpredictable and sometimes scary home situation. I hope your husband can make the decision to give up booze for good, too; for him and for you. Amazing how drinking can transform personalities in Jekyll-Hyde style for some. My spouse was like that with the constant cycle of drunken rages and then profuse apologies, over and over, but no efforts towards quitting drinking. It escalated into threats of violence against the pets and me. I came home one day to find the doors wide open, allowing the pets to run freely into our busy street. I had eventually turned into a stressed-out wreck and had no choice but to end our marriage. I hope you’re able to find peace and predictability that you deserve and can count on at home, my friend. Do you have a safe place to bring Peyton in an emergency where he can stay for a few days if needed? If all else fails, my Too-Fat Cat can visit to pee on hubby’s chair. I guarantee hubby wouldn't be thinking about Peyton after he sat down. And, wow, can Too-Fat run fast! Much care and love to you.

Emily: Super job on the 166/26, my friend! Always enjoy your long posts. Hope the inconvenience of having the boiler fixed/installed will pass soon. “Busy is good.” Agreed! Big hugs to you on continuing with your codeine quit. You can do it and you are doing it. We’re all right here with you to cheer you on. Best wishes to you on your upcoming move to new digs, too.

Bloss: Awesome that you’re feeling more positive. I’m with you on the healthy dinners! Gotta make up for my potato chips and chocolate snacking. And yes, “progress, not perfection” for various quits are a good way to go for many. And that broccoli soup sounds yummy!

2Mags: Hey, sober mate! A few more hours left tonight to keep that “post every other day” resolution. :) How are you holding up after the 5K? Any soreness? How are you training for the next one? Hope all is well.

Soleil: So glad you’re still with us, as I see your Thank You tags gracing our posts. I’ll catch up with you this weekend, sober mate. Hugs to you.

Ooooo, it looks like we’re getting close to the finish line on another thread part. Wonder who the lucky shotgunner will be this time? With all of these healthy quits and exercise streaks our classmates are accomplishing, it should be a fast-paced, energetic race to the sober station wagon.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend in spiffingly brilliant sobriety. Love and hugs to all. :)

kittycat3 01-04-2013 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by OneLessLonely (Post 3750859)
For a split second my mind was like "should I just pour myself a glass to be polite?"

OLL I think this way sometimes too - not sure I can do anything about that fact - can we really help what pops into our minds all the time? Good on you for NOT giving into peer pressure!!!:scoregood

Although these unwelcome thoughts occur not upon a gift of wine, but when offered a beer or something alcoholic to drink...
(Side note - I've got paranoia about being gifted wine by someone who doesn't know I don't drink....this has yet to happen tho!!)

kittycat3 01-04-2013 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by Saskia (Post 3752361)

Em, you have such a great way of phrasing things; “Hope that life is treating you well. Or perhaps I should say, treating you with a trip to the cinema rather than for cuts and bruises.” You sound so clear about staying off codeine. I believe you can do this. I know it’s hard but you are one very savvy lady!

Agree with you here Saskia - I love what Emily wrote here too. I actually hope to be seeing Les Miz at the theater soon :) - goodness though, it is 2 HOURS and THIRTY-SEVEN butt hurts just thinking about it. Wait a minute, I'm a cat, there is no way I could stay awake for that many consecutive minutes.....

Originally Posted by Saskia (Post 3752361)
KittyCat, always nice to see you post. How is Crispin?

Ok Sas, you asked....I had myself two very naughty kitties over the holidays...I've got a funny pic to post. This is gonna take a sec so I'll do it in another separate post...

Dee74 01-04-2013 07:55 PM

closin' early - I've done my shift :)
we continue below:

run Forrests run :roflmao

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