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bloss 12-09-2012 10:03 AM

Morning May Group

New day, I'm going to put it into high gear and do some house cleaning today. I'll see how it goes. Blossom holding her own, if condition worsens, then surgery. For now, meds and eye drops, she is ok...handling it better than I would.

Saskia: you sound positive about working out :)

Jeni: feels good to relate/share with a close family member, sisters can be nice...most of the time

Lilac: walk in the swirling snowflakes for me, so pretty

Lee: I do not miss those wretched days I was hungover, stay strong friend

All of you have a Pleasant Sunday

FrenchPink 12-09-2012 04:47 PM

Happy Sunday, May mates! What a gorgeous day to be sober. Rainy, cold, dark at 3:30pm, but I had slept in for a delicious 8 ½ hours this morning and finally felt free from winter funk. I hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday in sobriety.

Dee: Seven elephants for seven months! That hadn’t occurred to me, sober mate. I was thinking more of the literal transition from smaller/weaker to bigger/stronger in the sober journey. Love the pic and it’s staying with me. :)

Bloss: Big hugs to you and Blossom. It’s tough watching our beloved pets struggle through pain and endure the medicine applications. Wish we could explain it to them somehow, but I’m sure your furry baby feels your love. I’m digging your newest avatar, classmate. Last month it was pumpkin pie and now cookies making my mouth water.

Saskia: Thanks for the elephant jewelry suggestion. I’d need very large cuffs customized to fit around all four feet. :) And, yes, cruises are awesome! I like the side trips away from the ship, too. “It can feel like a loss even though positive.” I believe you nailed that one for me, iPad G-ma. Thanks!

Teacher Jeni: Wonderful that you had a nice heart-to-heart with your sister. Belly laughs are good for your health and your soul. And hold up, now… you want our wise leader, Dee, to have a working vacation on our Mayan royal cruise? I’m thinking he could use a break, too. ;) You’re in my thoughts for your Monday at school, my friend. Wishing you a calm day and sober strength.

Lilac: Your long-awaited snow is here, yay! I’m glad you’re having a great weekend, sober mate. Here’s to a terrific work week, too.

Bionic Lee: “I feel a lot of strength now for the holidays.” I am so proud of you for muscling through the first hard 60 days, classmate. Excellent that you’re already prepared for a sober holiday frame of mind. Keep up the great resolve.

OneLess: Big hugs to you, my cherished sober mate. I think your comment was perfectly okay. How is your Sunday treating you?

You-Rock: I’ll bet you’d make an expert cruise director, my friend! Thinking you’d find all the cool places for us to go, things to do, and best eateries. Well-written thoughts of yours about Dee. Hoping your work week goes quickly and you get good rest.

Sundays go so freakin’ fast, don’t they? Got lots of errands done, but still have so much more ahead. Just have to parse it out over the week. Looking forward to a few days off around Christmas to rest up.

I keep forgetting that I have a ways to go in my surgery recovery. Seems like early October was long ago. But yesterday, when my cat inadvertently jumped on me and dug a paw onto one of the largest incisions, yikes and holy moley, I was seeing stars for a few secs. Small stuff in comparison to what was, but whining is meant to be shared.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a beautiful Monday in precious sobriety, my phenomenal boaters. Big Mammoth hugs of love and support to all of you. :)

OneLessLonely 12-09-2012 04:54 PM

FP I'm so sorry to hear you've been a bit depressed. I can certainly understand the lack of light being a downer. After December 21st, it starts staying lighter later, which is close! So keep that in mind. I can't wait for spring! I wonder if many of us can relate somewhat to your newly found pain-free issue. I think I feel similar in that I'm free of the pain of drinking and hangovers, and that I should be more appreciative, accomplish more because of it, and just be generally happier because of it. I can't imagine having twice that feeling because of physical pain being gone too. Big hugs to you. And good job on your sober strength through it. "This too shall pass."

Jeni26 12-09-2012 10:03 PM

FP-you are just so lovely x

Monday morning, cold, windy and dark. Yuk! I'm counting down the days til work finishes. 2 weeks, 10 working days. I'm feeling a little sad to be leaving my class behind at Christmas though, it is often the kids that pull me through. I love them. One of the parents cried when she was told I wouldn't be teaching her son next year!!! It sort of left me with a lump in my throat too. I am going to make the most of my time with them. Great kids-lots and lots of issues but I relate best to disturbed kids, guess cos I'm one of them in essence!
Anyway, another night of waking at 2 with anxiety. I am tucking it away and my days are so much better recently it is much easier to do that.

I hope you all have a great sober Monday guys.

Love to you all xxx

Dee74 12-09-2012 10:28 PM

I haven't the chance to read your post before now - thanks Rock - and everyone :)


MalkavianEmily 12-10-2012 01:58 AM

hi folks, not a bad day yesterday. did some christmas shopping, had a nice burger, and spent some of my costa points to get a couple of free coffees. just a shame about the pain. my fault for standing up on the bus a little too soon, i think.
anyway, regardless of who's fault it was, or wasn't, i had to spend most of the afternoon lying down and resting. lying down doesn't help very much, if at all, normally, but it did a little yesterday.
today, i have an appointment to see a counsellor unless i can't spell, and i'm seriously considering taking those wretched co-codamols with me. this last week has rubbed my nose in things... that while i can accept, i don't really like to think about.
why doesn't a normal dose have any effect? because i've built up tolerance to codeine by using it. why does it make my head such a noisy place? because it makes me want to use again. why? because i'm an addict. even if it did reduce the pain, it would still make me want to use.
i thought that i'd be better off if the doctors didn't know, because it would stop me getting pain relief. now i see that it makes not one jot of difference, and that i might as well have taken nothing. [i always wanted to bring out a headache tablet called nothing because of all the free advertising from all the people who say that 'nothing is better than our product']

onelesslonely - the doctor did suggest a chiropractor, but i'd have to pay for it, as it's not something the nhs does. also i'd have to track one down first. one thing i read was from somebody who'd been to one and found it had made things worse... anyway, i'm thinking about it.

fp - sorry to hear about your depression. and no, lack of sleep is never good. as to not knowing what to do now your life isn't ruled by pain management, that's understandable. when the possibilities seem endless, where do you start? i don't know the answer to that one, but i'm having a bl00d good think about what i'm going to do next before i jump into anything.
and yes, that quiche does sound good.

saskia - thanks for the advice. i'm not good at sitting - or even worse - lying - down and doing nothing, and i may have overdone things on saturday when the pain was a lot less. i need to remember the 'gentle' part of the 'gentle activity' and not take it as a cue to walk for miles through the shopping multitudes.

bloss - hope your weekend went well.

jeni - sorry you had a bad night, but glad that it seems to be getting better quicker, and you're not getting so stuck in things.

to everyone i've missed. you're not forgotten, but i have to head off to my appointment, so i'll have to catch up with you all later.

have a good day folks. be gentle with yourselves. take care.
love and hugs to you all.

OneLessLonely 12-10-2012 06:25 AM

Good Monday morning Mayans,
I am officially giving up caffeine today. I think it may be a factor in my anxiety and irritability. I've always known it can be a factor but I didn't really see the correlation in my own situation. Until yesterday. After having an extra afternoon cup of coffee, my whole evening and part of my night was spent worrying about money- between the house, Christmas shopping, starting a family, and work. Then each worry spirals to more and more. After a good Friday night and Saturday, my weekend was ruined. So no more coffee and we'll see how it goes. I also want to buy or make up some snack pack type things to have on hand. I'm really sick of these "bouts" or anxiety and irritability, so I'm going to try different things to improve it, rather than wait for it to improve on it's own. Drinking really gave me a break from this cycle, but now I have to find other solutions. On one hand, I feel really strong in my sobriety, as I went out with friends for dinner Saturday night and didn't feel that pang in my chest as I was about to order a soda. On the other hand, I got nervous that I didn't feel it. I don't want my diligence to wane, I don't want to become complacent, I don't want non-sobriety thoughts to sneak in. So I just keep coming here. And I'm so grateful you all keep coming here too.

FP, our posts crossed last night, and I was happy to read your winter blahs may be lifting a bit. Always feel free to unload the burden in here. Does anyone remember when someone on this thread made the analogy of us all on a picnic blanket and some pulling the blanket while some sat on it and were pulled? We all take turns pulling and being pulled to get to our destination? That was nice and I still think of us as like that. I hope all our missing Mayans are doing well.
Jeni, although understandably sad right now, I hope your upcoming change in responsibility at work changes some dynamic that you will not be over-burdened and burnt out. What a compliment that a parent was so upset about you moving! Another indicator that you go above and beyond and are exactly the caring Jeni that we've all become lucky enough to know.
Emily, good luck with the counsellor today. I really hope you can get some things straightened out.
Bloss, hope your cleaning day went well! I love love love order and organization and cleanliness. Hahaha. A nice contrast to my cluttered head! Hope Blossom is doing well.
Saskia, glad to hear you are still working out and that it is helping with the winter blahs!
Lilac, I'm glad you got some snow! Half because you wanted it and half because it;s not me getting it! Hehehe.
HRB, love your elephant pic for FP! What is your avatar from by the way? Hope you're having good days.
Lee, you sound great. I am so happy for your strength and determination. Always remember if things get tough, you can always share that here too. I don't want anyone thinking they have to remain strong all the time.
Tanja, glad to hear you're continuing to get to meetings. Hope your weekend went well.
Dee, I hope you had a good weekend also!
SJD, hope your interview went well! Please check in with us when you can!
Kitty, how are you doing?? I actually thought of you when I was looking at kittens this weekend while out Christmas shopping. They were so cute!! How are your little fur babies?
wehav, hope you're doing well. Are you on your trip to California yet or is that coming up? Throw us an update when you can!
2mags, miss you too! Hope your training for your 5k is going well. Give us a shout!
Okay, over and out.

Saskia 12-10-2012 07:08 AM

Good morning, Mayans!

Bloss, hope the house cleaning got done- not my strong suit so mine didn't get done this weekend!

FP, yikes! That kind of whining is certainly meant to be shared. Somehow cats seem to have an unerring instinct for landing on the sorest spot. :-(. Happy to hear you are feeling better!

Jeni, I'm not at all surprised that you relate to the children. You are such a warm and caring woman and so empathetic yet strong. Great that you are continuing to feel better! I believe that you will conquer the insomnia, too.

Em, sometimes we don't see the obvious ourselves because we are too close to it, or rather, right in the middle of it. Perspective usually only comes with some distance, IMHO. You've had much on your plate and all good things take time. I believe in you!

OLL, wonderful post, thank you! Giving up caffeine sounds like a super idea. Some things can increase anxiety and I think that is surely one of them. I limit mine to 1 cup per day or I have trouble.

Rock, hope work is going well! I can't imagine working such long days/nights but can understand the attraction of some really solid time off.

Lilac, I hope your pay issues have been resolved! How much snow did you get?

Tanja, how are you doing?

Happy Monday to all of our Mayans!

lilac0721 12-10-2012 07:11 AM

Good morning, all!

It is very cold here. After the snow clouds left, now we have clear skies and single-digit temps. BRRR! Love it, actually.

FP, I struggle with depression too. Combined with anxiety so I know what Jeni deals with. I woke up last night, too with anxiety (mostly about not getting paid and wondering if the Federal government will fund the agency that pays my contract). Hugs to both of you. (((HUGS)))

OLL, I can't imagine giving up caffeine. Maybe when - if - I get to 7 months sobriety, I can tackle that! I am so impressed that you didn't feel a pang Saturday when ordering a soda with dinner. I typically cave. I'll have one or two drinks, but then within a week am back to by-myself binging.

Emily, I hope your appointment goes well today and that the pain subsides.

To everyone else, hugs to all!

tanja 12-10-2012 07:17 AM

Good Morning Maymates,

Congratulations Lee on 62 days of sobrity:c011: You sound strong and very positive in your recovery.

FP - I am so glad to hear that you got a good night's sleep. Getting good sleep is just so restorative and can change your mood dramatically. I am so happy that you are free from your winter funk!

OLL - I can relate to the feelings of I should be doing more, being happier and more appreciative. However, it takes time and patience to change. Also, for me I have a bad habbit of comparing myself to others. That too takes a concerted effort on my behalf to change. Comparison inevitably leads to bad feelings. I try and remind myself that I have my own attributes. As for caffeine - it can definitely add to anxiety. I had reduced my consumption to one cup as opposed to my usual two and it really helped with feelings of anxiety. I have been drinking decaffinated coffee. I inadvertently put real coffe in the decaf pot. I drank two strong cups of that in the afternoon. My anxiety was off the charts. I was shaking uncontrollably. I am careful to not do that again!

Em - I would be hesitant to go see a chiropractor if you don't know what the root cause of your pain. It really could make it much worse. Can you see your doctor again and request an investigation into what could be causing a trapped nerve? Or see another doctor? It's a shame that you even have to ask your doctor to do this.

Jeni - I am so glad to hear that you had a good week-end and good chat with your sister. It's obvious from the parents at the school that you are much beloved; much as you are here:) Thank goodness you only have two weeks to get a much needed vacation.

Dee - I see you as a friend and mentor. Someone who is sharing their experience, wisdom, compassion and strength. Thank you for your continued kindness:)

Sas - I hope your vertigo is getting better. You are one strong lady! I had vertigo right before I retired. I think it was anxiety related. It was simply dreadful. I could not walk unless I was hanging onto the wall.

I have a good day planned today. My twin sister and I are getting together this afternoon and going to get pampered. This evening I am attending a AA meeting with my sponsor.

Hope everyone has a good day!

Jeni26 12-10-2012 11:06 AM

Evening everyone.

Em-I'm so impressed you are seeking counselling (yeah, correct spelling, it's our American cousins who get it wrong....). That is such a brave thing to do. I'm still thinking about it.. I really think its the right thing to be honest about your problems with codeine. This could really lead you down to a dark place and I care very much about you x

OLL- caffeine is definitely a trigger for anxiety for me. I gave it up a while back because it was giving me palpitations. Hope you start feeling calmer very soon, let us know how it goes x

Tanja-you have a twin? How cool is that?! Hope you have a lovely time x

I'm finding it really hard to get motivated to go out to my meetings lately. Forced myself out last night. I'm all settled and warm and sleepy right now and just want a bath and an early night. But I'm picking up a relative newcomer who was really upset last week and cried a lot, so I must make the effort.
It's so bloody cold out there. Moan. Moan. Sorry!
Ok the positives-a good day at work. H is laughing at some comedy rubbish on tv. Laughter is good. He is generally quite touchy lately. He has mentioned drinking over Christmas a few times. We have a sort of unspoken agreement that if one of us mentions alcohol, the other ignores it until the moment passes. Funnily enough I don't worry about how I will deal with not drinking at Christmas at all. He does. He keeps bringing it up. Oh well. Time will tell. But tonight he is laughing, there has been a lot of that in this house this past weekend. And that is what life is all about....

Loads of love to you all xxx

bloss 12-10-2012 11:29 AM

Good Monday Morning May Friends

Dinner with family was fine, a few ups and downs, nothing too drastic. It is hard to watch husband's mom's progression of Alzheimers. Yet, she seemed happy and content despite memory issues. I'm working on not letting small issues become so huge in my head, don't know if that makes any sense. One small unkind word from a family member can really get to me, bring me to tears. This is true in other areas of my life, so I'm aware of it, ready to find ways to deal with issues where I could use some improvement. No more using alcohol to deal with these sort of feelings.

Tanja: Yes, comparing oneself to others, I have this issue also. It usually leads to feeling less than, what a great idea you shared, look at our own positives and appreciate/rather than envy the other person's positive attributes

Lilac: bracing cold, puffs of smoke from one's breath, sounds so nice and crisp. Waking up in the night/Ugh! I hope you find out soon if your agency will be funded, good thoughts your way.

Saskia: Happy Monday to you too, yes I can work all the day around the house and still look and say, what a mess! Ha! Ha!

OneLessLonely: There was a sentence in your posting share that I really related to: the one where you (paraphrase) wrote about drinking giving you a break from the cycle. I used to feel the same, like things would build and build until....Boom, Bam, I was buying, drinking the alcohol. Then all the sick, remorse would follow, I would'nt be working or thinking about the other issues. I now realize, like you said there are other ways, solutions. Still, it takes effort, work and commitment. Sometimes, I just want to take a day off from recovery, then what? In my case I'd probably drink. Thanks for your post, so happy you ordered a soda and are trying new ways to improve your sober life.

Emily: I had a hard time sharing my alcohol addiction with my Doctor, finally I did, he didn't react, just asked what I was doing about it, I told him. He said good thing I told him, so he knew how to better treat me. Praying a way will be found to help you with the pain.

Jeni: Tucking away the anxiety, your words sound much more positive. How nice you enjoy and relate to your students.

FP: How wonderful, 8 1/2 hours of sleep, hmm...sounds heavenly. Winter Blahs, so glad they are lifting for you. I got some pamphlets in the mail about river cruises in Europe with all kinds of side trips. Sounds so exotic! Yes, food always catches my eye, I really look forward to my meals, so does Blossom. She is hanging in there.

May Each of you have a safe, sober Monday!

OneLessLonely 12-10-2012 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by bloss (Post 3711846)
I'm working on not letting small issues become so huge in my head, don't know if that makes any sense.

If that makes any sense? Does it ever! Haha, I tend to take offhanded comments personally and twist it around to something that hurts me, analyzing all the meanings that could exist behind it. Sometimes I think I do it because 1.) I'm not very forthright myself, and sometimes I will say things subtly but they have a bigger meaning, but I never do that to hurt people. And 2.) I had some very unexpected things happen in my childhood, and I hated that feeling of being blindsided, like I didn't pick up on hints of impending doom, wasn't prepared enough for it. I think that's where my anxiety comes into play too. But no amount of prepping for doom will ever be enough so I'm trying to let it go too. Just thought I'd share my insight into my own reasons behind it in case it could help you. I'm glad you could relate to my post about taking a break from the incessant thoughts, worries, etc. by drinking. I'm still trying to figure out those other solutions, those other ways to take a break. Running helped those 5 times I did it, but then I haven't done it again for two weeks. I may think about just getting up and doing jumping jacks or something. I've downloaded some relaxing music and some guided meditations which are sometimes helpful. Sometimes I play mindless games on my phone. Let me know what you come up with!

Originally Posted by Jeni26 (Post 3711809)
Tanja-you have a twin? How cool is that?!

I agree! I hope you have a great time getting pampered! Manicures? Massages? What'd'ya get?

Jeni, I'm glad there's been laughter in your home. Your hubby must see the correlation between the better home environment and not drinking. I'd bet he can see how drinking at Christmastime is not worth risking all you have two have built. Are you guys planning on doing all the same things you normally do? I wanted to tone down and trim our plans a bit, but I don't know how possible that will be with us having been hermits on Thanksgiving. If there's any threat to my sobriety though, that will be a different story.

Lilac, you can and will make it to 7 months and beyond. I didn't go out with many people at all the first few months because I didn't trust myself to order a soda. But with a few months under my belt, I tested the waters by going out with my husband, then with my husband and my least drinking-est friends, then with a friend by myself. I worked myself up the risk ladder. I am at a standstill right now and I have declined invitations to most group functions, especially with people I do not know. I have learned where my boundaries are right now and I am staying within them. You have actually been an inspiration to me in your career move decision. I do enjoy what I do and I am pretty good at it, but all that gets drowned out by coworker politics and my own anxiety. I spent a good couple hours today online researching something I think I would rather do. I'm not sure what the pay difference would be, and as I was up all night worrying about money last night, I'll have to think hard if it would be a good move.

Saskia and everyone who mentioned caffeine-related anxiety, thanks for making me feel less alone and less crazy for thinking it could help to cut back. Today, I have had water and finished off some low caffeine tea. I'm hoping to get some gift certificates to my favorite tea store for Christmas, and load up on low caffeine ones. I think the real test (of my willpower and the effect of cutting back) will be the weekend. I drink more caffeine on the weekends and think I'm more anxious then too. I wonder if decaf teas and chocolate will still be okay. Anyways, I'm feeling really hopeful about putting into place some measures for improvement and about looking into a new hobby that could turn into a career. I can live off mac and cheese for awhile, right?

HitRockBottom70 12-10-2012 01:46 PM

Hello Mayans,

Bloss, glad to hear blossom is doing well and that the family dinner went without any problems. I hope you have a good week.

Jeni, have a nice week and enjoy those kiddos. I can totally understand your problem with motivation lately. I am having the same issue. It’s my day off and I know I could put it to good use, but I am not. Maybe it’s the season or maybe getting into a winter funk. I thought moving to Miami would help this, but it has not. I think seasonal affective disorder must have more causes than just lack of sun…

Tanja, Loving the idea of getting pampered. Maybe I will make an appointment for a major hurt till your feeling no pain massage. Have a nice day and a good meeting.

Lilac, Brr…it does not tempt me one bit! Shoveling 2 feet of snow, NEVER again! I hope the politicians get their crap figured out so they don’t shut the government down and cause undue hardship on you.

Sas, I hope you are feeling better. You are an awesome inspiration and I your posts always help me through my days.

OLL, Ugh, the irritability may be caused by caffeine? I hope for your sake it is the cause and an easy fix, but if that’s it and I need to cut out caffeine, well I don’t know how I would survive. I consider it the most important of my vitamins. My avatar is an archer. I love Japanese anime, I am a Sagittarius, and at the time FP had a battle elephant with warriors on top. I figured I wanted to be an archer looking out for everyone so I chose the avatar. I’m starting to feel a lot less stable and less accurate as of late. Not when it comes to drinking, but personal issues, so probably not the best avatar anymore. I was thinking about changing. Either one of my orchids that is blooming that particular time, or maybe one of my plants that I started from seed over time. Watch it getting bigger and stronger as time goes on.

Em, I am glad the rest helped the leg yesterday. Good luck at the counselor. That takes some serious guts and I am sure it will help you down the path of recovery. I know it is time for me to do the same. Let me know how it goes because I think I will need a cattle prod or two to get me there.

FP, It really does seem like October was long long ago. Give yourself plenty of time and pampering to heal both physically and mentally. You have been through a lot these past few months. You are doing so well on the sober front, and in all reality that is the most important thing because everything else will eventually fall into place.

Right Dee? I am hoping so… Next month we will all be a little stronger and enjoying this crazy cruise ship even more!

Lee, Kitty, Jane, Deserto, 2Mag, Uninvited, Pink, Soleil and all other Mayans, I'm thinking about you and hoping you are doing well.

OneLessLonely 12-10-2012 02:02 PM

HRB, I think that was a good analogy about feeling like a less accurate archer lately. I understand there must be some big decisions you're making in your life right now. It may feel like they are inaccurate, but that may just be because you're not used to how making big decisions sober feels. While drinking, we were probably either impulsive- making rash decisions within seconds, or latent- letting decisions get made for us by not making any changes and just moving along the path of least resistance. So this whole thinking things through and actually making moves feels foreign to us. And nobody has huge confidence in their accuracy when doing things for the first time. We made bad decisions when we were drinking. It's only fair our decisions become good when we're sober. Haha. Another thing, our drunk decisions had pretty immediate consequences- hangovers, guilt, anxiety, fights, injuries, etc, etc, etc. Our sober decisions may take time to show their outcomes. But as long as we're not drinking, our accuracy has to be better. Just like in real archery. Big hugs to you.

Leemzer 12-10-2012 02:09 PM

Day 62 check-in. Tough day today but heading toward the holidays so getting lots done so I can have good family time....zing, I'm back tomorrow when I can hopefully catch a breath and write more!
Take care everyone!

Saskia 12-10-2012 02:13 PM

Lilac, you don't have to keep following the same pattern. I know patterns are easy to stay in but there are many benefits to taking a different path.

Jeni, I'm always amazed by how much progress you are still making. You just don't stop, dear friend, and you are so impressive!

Tanja, wow, a twin! And it sounds like you two are close. Going to get pampered is a great idea and I hope you both enjoyed it!

Bloss, love your post! And yes, I know exactly what you mean by letting small issues grow into gigantic ones! I'm truly surprised by how many people have that very same issue. I feel so much less alone :-)

OLL, like Jeni, I see so darn much growth when I read your posts that I am truly impressed! Sobriety seems to enable us to think more clearly and to figure out what's Important. WTG, May-mate!

Rock, for some reason many of us seem to be posting at more length. Perhaps more insights, perhaps winter blahs or even just chance. I always enjoy your very thoughtful posts. After so many years of therapy it's hard for me to remember sometimes just how hard it can be to start. One thing I have discovered is that for me, if a therapist desn't feel right for me within in fairly short period of time, I switch. Your posts are so very kind and I always look forward to them! Sorry to hear that you are feeling less stable but that will pass, too! An orchid avatar would be very meaningful since I gather that is a love of yours!

AFM: vertigo is slowly getting better and I can drive agin :-). I'm doing well! Still working but am hoping to have at least a month off soon. Doing well, staying sober :-)

Sassy sas

HitRockBottom70 12-10-2012 02:19 PM

OLL, You are spot on. Huge decisions to be made. Drinking covered a lot of things up and allowed me to numb myself to my world.
I know with time the right path will reveal itself. Thanks for your help:)

Jeni26 12-10-2012 02:30 PM

OLL-you are just so wise!!
Loved your post on decision making-that is me to a tee. I either make completely rash spontaneous decisions because they seem perfect at the time. Most usually they're completely off the wall. Or I don't make decisions at all because I spend so long over-analysing that I've missed the opportunity. This must change!
I'm completely inspired by your no caffeine commitment. Decided as from tomorrow I'm giving up sugar. I am a total addict. Today I've eaten 4 choc bars and about half a pack of choc covered biscuits. And that's about par for the course. I crave chocolate and the sugar rush it gives me. Then of course I get a dip. Hence my highs and lows I reckon! I told myself it was ok because I wasn't drinking and it won't kill me which of course is true. But I am gonna quit it. Do you know, it seems as scary as giving up drinking!

Going to bed now for my usual 2 hour nap and panic attack cycle....maybe the lack of sugar will help with that too? Not tonight though as I've just eaten half the contents of the biscuit tin at the meeting tonight....

Nighty night.

HRB-a special hug for you xxx

FrenchPink 12-10-2012 02:40 PM

Oooooh, I'm on post 500! You all know what that means....! Who will be our lucky shotgun winner for the next thread part? :)

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