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jaz06 09-11-2012 05:06 AM

Welcome to Bosko too! :)

Fdm 09-11-2012 05:11 AM

Originally Posted by jaz06 (Post 3572893)
Good Morning to all of my SR friends!
Day 6 for me. I'm not going to worry about what's going to happen tomorrow or the next day...but TODAY, I'm not going to drink. Join me.

Wifi, sorry to hear about what you're going thru. Seriously hope all turns out ok. As much as you want to, you & I both know that drinking will only make matters worse. Hang in there, my thoughts are with you my friend.

FDM, Bless you & thank you for being there on 9-11. I know how devastated I was & I wasn't there, I can't even imagine what you went though. Thank you.

Welcome Mark & Laceup. You're going to find a lot of wonderful people here to support & encourage you. Come & see us often. Without this family, I would not be where I'm at today. Thanks to them I made it thru my first sober weekend in many, many years!!

Everyone have a wonderful & sober Tuesday!!
Hugs to all!!

Oh, you may have misunderstood. I wasn't there. I was on duty here in Alabama.

jaz06 09-11-2012 05:11 AM

Originally Posted by jaz06 (Post 3572894)
Welcome to Bosko too! :)

Wow! Looks like we have several newcomers! I'm loving it!! Welcome to you all!

jaz06 09-11-2012 05:17 AM

Originally Posted by Fdm (Post 3572901)
Oh, you may have misunderstood. I wasn't there. I was on duty here in Alabama.

Well, I was right there with you with the feelings of fear, anger & uncertainty! A big THANK YOU for what you've done on a daily basis in your career!

Dee74 09-11-2012 05:17 AM

Welcome Bosko :)


soberjim 09-11-2012 05:28 AM

Morning Everyone.... Welcome bosko... Tuesday...Nice to wake up with a clear mind. Another day...yeah..

We can all do this...WWG...glad to see you had a good nite last nite...way to go..

Jaz...nice post...yes I think I will join you today...


Fdm 09-11-2012 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by jaz06 (Post 3572907)
Well, I was right there with you with the feelings of fear, anger & uncertainty! A big THANK YOU for what you've done on a daily basis in your career!

De nada

ivehadenoughnow 09-11-2012 05:39 AM

Originally Posted by lefthook (Post 3572610)
Made it thru day 6 despite incredibly strong urges. I faced the devil head on. My AV even had me scheming and developing a plan on how to drink and get away with it but I managed to shut it down. Since I've been on here I've learned tools to fight back with and I realized it wasn't me thinking that stuff it was the addiction and I was having a great time with my babies which were the biggest motivater to stay sober. And once again I was rewarded with getting to keep them overnight! We had fun playing with their toys I just got them. My daughter is getting too mobile too fast for me and rolled off the bed when I was making her a bottle I almost had a heart attack but she's fine. she was just scared for a minute. Tomorrow is day 7 and I will have gone a week after I beat it! Thanks everybody for the support. I'm becoming a good dad again. That means the world to me.

Oh gosh, that is the "THUD" sound that most parents have been through and I know it well! They always seem to be the most mobile when you walk away for just a second. 7 days is awesome man. Keep up the great work!

Marjoram 09-11-2012 05:39 AM

Good Morning to September 2012. I originally joined the July 2012 class, but just kept doing my same old tricks and decided I should be a part of September. I will continue to check on my June classmates as well as they are going strong and I enjoy their strength and support, but I need to be honest with a fresh start, and September will be it.

I will read above and try to get a grip on who everyone here is, and where they are at with their journey.

I'm tired of the lies to myself. The hiding of the bottles, the destruction of my body, the stopping at different party stores to hide my problem from the clerk, the breath mints, the bad reasons why I deserve a drink, waking up with regret, etc, etc.

I'm a positive person, a strong person, and need to grab this by the horns and ride this bull out. It's beyond time.

To everyone here, I look forward to being part of this class, if you don't mind. I made it through the day today, and am pushing on to day 2!

Obladi - glad to see you here, too! And you thought you were stalking me. :)

And just as everyone else is....many thoughts of those that suffered great losses due to the devastation of 9/11. You see the stories of those that moved on, and have done their best to help others. And they continue to suffer - now battling cancer and other illnesses as a result. And they still push on. They are an inspiration to winning a battle and teaching others to never give up. They give us hope where one would think hope does not exist.

Bless everyone who seeks a positive change in themselves. It will only get better.

ivehadenoughnow 09-11-2012 05:43 AM

Originally Posted by Fdm (Post 3572818)
Good morning. Day 6 here. Pretty good day at work, busy and productive and I was quite engaging especially after a 35 minute walk in the afternoon.

I made my cranberry and club soda when I got home, and made pizza for dinner. I watched MNF until 1030PM or so. I did get a bit agitated late when my wife got home around 845PM after working late, that she used the debit card at the gas pump.

That's a cardinal sin to me. Skimmers are everywhere, so I got online and moved our $ in checking around for a couple of days. Instead of erupting or saying something that I would regret, I bit my tongue and tried to shrug it off.

Oh well, it's on to a good day, I hope. It's hard to believe its 11 years since the attacks of 9-11-01. I was on duty as a driver at the FD the day this happened. I can remember it like it was yesterday...fear, anger, uncertainty, etc. For the first few years after the attack, it would overwhelm me at times.

Peace and love to you all, ad please take a moment to remember the victims of 9-11, especially the 343 FDNY Firefighters who died that day.

Here's to you FDM. I admire and respect our fire fighters and I appreciate your service. This morning on the way to school I'm going to explain 9/11 to the kids. There will be a lot of "but why" questions that may not make sense to little ones, but they need to know.

walkingwithgod 09-11-2012 05:47 AM

What fun thing are you going to do today after work, or if you are home today?

ivehadenoughnow 09-11-2012 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by Marjoram (Post 3572931)
Good Morning to September 2012. I originally joined the July 2012 class, but just kept doing my same old tricks and decided I should be a part of September. I will continue to check on my June classmates as well as they are going strong and I enjoy their strength and support, but I need to be honest with a fresh start, and September will be it.

I will read above and try to get a grip on who everyone here is, and where they are at with their journey.

I'm tired of the lies to myself. The hiding of the bottles, the destruction of my body, the stopping at different party stores to hide my problem from the clerk, the breath mints, the bad reasons why I deserve a drink, waking up with regret, etc, etc.

I'm a positive person, a strong person, and need to grab this by the horns and ride this bull out. It's beyond time.

To everyone here, I look forward to being part of this class, if you don't mind. I made it through the day today, and am pushing on to day 2!

Obladi - glad to see you here, too! And you thought you were stalking me. :)

And just as everyone else is....many thoughts of those that suffered great losses due to the devastation of 9/11. You see the stories of those that moved on, and have done their best to help others. And they continue to suffer - now battling cancer and other illnesses as a result. And they still push on. They are an inspiration to winning a battle and teaching others to never give up. They give us hope where one would think hope does not exist.

Bless everyone who seeks a positive change in themselves. It will only get better.

Welcome! I must compliment you on your wonderful attitude about this! As some of my classmates will attest, I too frequently use "thinking about tomorrow" as one thing that really gets me through the cravings. For some reason when I visualize the headache, the upset stomach, the bloodshot eyes, the post alcohol breath, the disappointment, the lack of productivity, the short fuse, and overwhelming scarring of my body, my resolve grows stronger. This class is truly amazing and supportive. Just when you think you are feeling the urge, you refresh that screen to have a thoughtful reply from some of us and that goes miles in my mind. In fact if I could encourage everyone to faithfully comment as much as humanly possible to our fellow classmates we'll all grow stronger as a group.

ivehadenoughnow 09-11-2012 05:51 AM

Originally Posted by walkingwithgod (Post 3572859)
Good morning friends, it is good to wake up with a clear mind. I am on day 2 for the third time, but feel good. I want to wish you all a blessed and sober day. We can do this, and your stories and words help guide me to be better. Bless You All.

Yes it is! In fact I think I'm getting addicted to a clear head, is that possible? :):rotfxko

SoberForMySon 09-11-2012 05:52 AM

I am going to watch my show today! law and Order SVU marathon! My favorite show.

walkingwithgod 09-11-2012 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by SoberForMySon (Post 3572947)
I am going to watch my show today! law and Order SVU marathon! My favorite show.

Love that show, seen all the episodes multiple times.

SoberForMySon 09-11-2012 05:55 AM

Me too, but I still enjoy it! And it will keep me away from the store, I think. Can't go and miss a minute!

Marjoram 09-11-2012 05:58 AM

On a personal note - my Pop fought fires for nearly 30 years in Detroit. As a child, I never comprehended what Dad truly did. I just knew he'd be gone for a minimum of 24 hours at the Engine house with those beautiful shiny trucks and he wore lots of gear, and put fires out. Great to be a child - so innocent.

As I grew into an adult and began to comprehend what he did, my respect for him escalated even more. These men do this for others. They put their lives on the line to save others. And sometimes, it's to save structures. At the risk of their lives. They never become rich, they do it for the love of the game. He was shot at during the riots. What they see is horrifying on days. He said to this day he can still see burnt babies. He cut people out of cars that were engulfed in flames. He was running into buildings while everyone else is running out.

Firefighters hold a special place in my heart. And on 9/11, they sure went above and beyond that call of duty. The last alarm bell ceremony is something no one wants to hear. The sound of bagpipes puts a chill in my spine. They are truly brothers as the years go by. Family.

So, yes today, I will think of all those that thought of others before thinking of themselves.

We are surrounded by heroes, and many we would never expect. So FDM, I thank you for what you do.

Have a good day everyone.

Bosko 09-11-2012 06:14 AM

thanks people.

Bombshell 09-11-2012 06:17 AM

Hi everyone, mind if I join your class? :)

I'm a bit embarrassed to be trying again here as I've joined a couple other 'classes of...' and always end up falling. The longest consecutive sober run I've had in about the last five years is four days. Wow. I've woken up more days hungover than sober for as long as I can remember and that scares me.

I had to call in sick today for work as I stayed up late last night drinking 2 bottles of wine, despite promising myself I wouldn't drink in secret again. I feel so ashamed. I just couldn't face going in though and sitting in a meeting this morning stinking of booze, looking puffy and sick and having everyone talk about me. I think I made the right decision, even though I feel guilty as hell.

My drinking career has spanned about ten years now and it's ruined my looks, my health, my confidence and my ambition, and is starting to poison my relationship with my kind, caring and patient boyfriend whom I adore, but whom I treat like crap when I'm drinking. He deserves better than a crazy, paranoid, angry, lying girlfriend.

So I think I'm finally ready to throw in the towel now. I cannot drink alcohol. I think I'm finally starting to accept that. Thanks for having me guys :)

Fdm 09-11-2012 06:22 AM

Originally Posted by ivehadenoughnow (Post 3572935)
Here's to you FDM. I admire and respect our fire fighters and I appreciate your service. This morning on the way to school I'm going to explain 9/11 to the kids. There will be a lot of "but why" questions that may not make sense to little ones, but they need to know.


It's a tough thing to try to explain why hundreds of emergency responders died along with the innocent victims. Not only that, the heroes of Flight 93 and the tragedy at the Pentagon.

To this day, I have purposely avoided the film Flight 93. I just can't work myself up to see it, and as I type this, the image of the FDNY Chaplain, lifeless, being carried away by the FDNY, literally makes me well up with tears. He was giving last rites when he was killed.

The radio traffic of the FDNY that is widely available now is haunting.

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