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BoozeBad 07-17-2012 11:09 AM

Sorry you're struggling Mel12 - my thoughts have been pretty messed up at times. I haven't seen a shrink in a while, but any help in any capacity is a good thing. My alcohol worker was suggesting I maybe go back and see one for some more support on dealing with the thoughts side of things.

Keeping fingers crossed for you. Hope it gets better.

BLC 07-17-2012 11:11 AM

Day 1 again

TodayisGood 07-17-2012 11:49 AM

I would like to join the thread. This is my third day of no drinking. Doing OK at the moment, but I know there will be challenges ahead. Stay strong everyone!

MyTimeNow 07-17-2012 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by BoozeBad (Post 3492419)
MTN - good to hear you're back on track again and looking forwards. Got the Olympics to look forward to now the tennis is over.

Thanks BB :) I'm not sure with it being the school holidays how much tele time I'll be allowed for the Olympics - 2 kids, 1 pushover adult... DD has no idea, she's seen the torch, now she thinks we're going to watch the owimpics at the cinema and buy a torch... on Sunday... erm ok?! Hows things with you? Are you just finishing off a day 17? That's amazing!

Hope you are ok Mel, talking to a shrink is no bad thing, when is your appointment? Hope you can manage to get some peace of mind in the meantime.

Great to see so many newcomers, welcome Bratforlife, BLC and TodayisGood :)

I'm going to hit the sack for some reading, trying to think of cheap things to do with youngest for the next couple of evenings (teenager is always out with mates) a nice summer July evening at the park would be nice... in the UK? No chance!

Have a great rest of Tuesday everybody!

lifewithoutbooz 07-17-2012 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Zazzzzz (Post 3492466)
I guess this would be me. I quit for three days and then drank again last night. And now tonight. This will be the month, I just need to stop being so self-defeating all the damn time...

Anyways, here's to the Class of July 2012. :a122:

I lasted a few days then gave in on the weekend. Day 2 again. All we can do is try again - not give up!

myjourney4me 07-17-2012 12:53 PM

Day 6...I think
I think it's day 6...cannot remember if I had something to drink after mid-night but if not day 5. Been struggling with the cravings but staying pretty close to the boards and trying to understand and figure out everything here. I think that's going to take me awhile. Was looking for a place to post everyday to keep me accountable. The last time I drank I drove after drinking and went to the casino and spent more money than I needed to(done worse before). I have every addiction known I think but the casino doesn't really cause any issues until I drink...well I don't go there unless I drink. I did read on the gambling boards but couldn't really relate because they didn't seem to have an alcohol problem as well except for the volunteer for the site. My oher issue is food and the overconsuming of it....I think I keep eating(ususally sweets) because I'm looking for something to give me energy like alcohol did. I'm dealing with a thyroid issue and the changing of my meds which aren't exactly where they need to be. I know when I was on my last antidepressant it helped me so much but couldn't take them anymore because they made my body ache? These cravings are driving me crazy...I will try to work in the toolbox and try to stay busy but it's hard. Just one of those days.....going crazy but still here.......

LitBit 07-17-2012 01:01 PM

Hi Everyone. Am 9 days in and feeling better than the first few. Not my first attempt but need to do this for me and for my family.
Thankyou for all the support and insight.
Hugs, Lit

Mel12 07-17-2012 01:05 PM

Hi Zazzz, what you say about this being the month sounds right to me: after all, we are the Class of July 2012!

Duane1, I’ve been rediscovering how good water tastes.

BLC, thanks for updating and best wishes on the new start.

Welcome to the thread, TodayIsGood; looking forward to your input.

Lifewithoutbooz, glad to hear that Tuesday is your 2-sday . . . :a213:

Myjourney, I know what you are saying about the energy gauge fluctuating and red-lining and failing to register, as in bad science fiction movies from the 50s. I hear you!

Really4Real 07-17-2012 01:28 PM

Welcome Z.... it's a nice place in here....

Mel... good for you - talking the stuff out will help a bunch. Praying that you find the right person to talk to. I've seen a therapist for about 10 years (total).... had some really horrific things to get over. Seeing him tonight - more healing...

Sorry, BLC on the slip - get back up and grab ahold of our hands - we'll help you.

Welcome TIG!! Great to have you here.

Sleep tight MTN - wake up refreshed in the morning!

LWB.... yep keep trying until it clicks.... it will click if you keep trying. But just remember none of us can really kick it on our own. Others around us are a blessing.

Journey.. I would say day 6... you did go to sleep at some point and woke up in the morning, I suppose. I would count that as 'last night'. Welcome... to our humble abode :)

Off to talk to my therapist.... I'll try to get back here later. Remember we're all in this together :grouphug:

katan 07-17-2012 01:29 PM

Why does every article I read, every commercial I see, every billboard I pass have people drinking alcohol??? It is making me crazy...I start to second guess myself and wonder if just one drink would be such a big deal. Then I kick myself (mentally at least) and wonder what am I thinking. Just putting it out there...thanks for listening

Really4Real 07-17-2012 01:29 PM

Hey D.... almost to 500 probably will flip before I get home tonight... kinds of cool when we go to a second page though :)

Really4Real 07-17-2012 01:33 PM

I know Kat.... it's like it's always staring at us with those beady eyes - ready to pounce. What to do??? :run

stevie88 07-17-2012 01:39 PM

Good to see you back R4R and good to see you are one day more sober than me....Told ya you could do it.......

Dee74 07-17-2012 02:33 PM

Welcome Zazzz, Bratforlife, BLC and TodayisGood

Hope the extra help will benefit you Mel12 :)

ok...we close threads at 500 posts and open a new one - saves on server wear and tear.

Closing this one a little early cos I won't be here much today :)

we continue here:

see you there :)_


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