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instant 08-10-2012 03:28 PM

It's a shame the wine company won't replace my brain and liver and give me a refund for the years of sub-optimal productivity. Where's the customer service?

LotusBlossom 08-10-2012 03:49 PM

Speaking of Windows 7 - I am waiting for the price to go down now that 8 is out.
I need to buy a full retail version as I only have 32 bit OEM. I need 64 bit for more memory as I crash a lot in this game I play (it's THAT intensive). However, I'm not buying an OS that is only one use/motherboard (OEM) when I know in a year I will be rebuilding a new system with a new board...which will make an OEM 64 bit useless.

sissy07 08-10-2012 04:47 PM

Hi there!!

I zoomed right over here now that I am home from work! Today is one year sober to me, so now I can add this thread to my daily logging in on SR....this has been a goal of mine. Thanks guys.

Dee74 08-10-2012 04:51 PM

Welcome Sissy :)


LoftyIdeals 08-10-2012 05:25 PM

Congrats, Sissy! We can learn the ropes around here together!

Kablume 08-10-2012 07:15 PM

Congrats on your 1 year Sissy and welcome!!!!

ReadyAndAble 08-10-2012 09:37 PM

Hey, Sissy, welcome aboard! I hope your dog gets along well with Lofty's!

Thanks for the head's up, Itch. I promise to report back at my first hint of dissatisfaction. :) Don't get me started on Google. You know they were recently fined for secretly bypassing the anti-tracking feature in the Safari browser? The fine was hundreds of millions of dollars; somebody crunched the numbers, and it turned out to equal just four or five hours of revenue for Google.

...Then again, a Google search led me to SR that very first day. That turned out to be pretty darn helpful...

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Itchy 08-10-2012 09:47 PM

Hey kiddo, it's a year already? I remember your first posts and many since.
Welcome to the club!

LotusBlossom 08-10-2012 10:08 PM

Welcome and happy birthday!!! :)

newby1961 08-11-2012 12:22 AM

Evening Overs,

:day2 :bday7 :a122: Congrats and Happy 1yr Sissy..

Itchy I had a survey with some Microsoft people and I got to try out Windows 8 and I can't wait till Oct either. It was so cool and so much better than Windows 7.

This weekend has so much happening. There is a Pow Wow going on, a tattoo convention, and a friend is rappelling off a sky scraper in down town Seattle, and lastly a festival at the boat launch. There is only one of me, so what is a girl to do?:rotfxko

Have an awesome weekend and remember :You_Rock_

instant 08-11-2012 12:53 AM

well done Sissy and welcome. I am 15 months in a few days. The time really flies and the sober life is really getting consolidated.

It is interesting having to handle all the ups and downs without having alcohol to immediately melt the feelings.

frances2011 08-11-2012 02:48 AM

Welcome Sissy! Congrats on your anniversary and glad to have you here.

ROCK IT LB. Your enthusiasm and confidence are inspiring.

Newby, I know, right? So many fun things to do. When did we ever have time to drink?

The best part about our dogs being here in cyberspace is that they ALL get along, never have to worry about that. My little dog says HI SISSY'S DOG.

Quick updates:
1. Long run this morning with my gang. 12 miles. 20K for the rest of the world. One mile at a time. :) (Training for a 30K in October.) Then to our friends' lake cabin for swimming.

2. My younger sis's girls could use some prayers. Two months to the day my sis's divorce from him was final, he applied for a marriage license in their VERYSMALL rural town. I'll leave out the details, just send prayers if you have spares.

3. Dog class last night was awesome. Joy, confidence, fun, learning, encouraging. The teacher is awesome. One of the classdogs is a shelter rescue from a hording situation. He is fearful and stressed. This dog's accomplishment was just being in the room with his owner. It's so cool that the teacher made room for this dog to unfold at his own pace.

4. Dreamed last night that I discovered that husband is a secret alcoholic and was taking drugs that would make him throw up if he drank booze. In the dream, he told me that he was getting smashed every night after I went to bed. It felt so real that I actually want to ask him if it's true. Weird twist on a drinking dream. :)

Overs, have a fabulous wonderful joyful day and night!

Kablume 08-11-2012 06:12 AM

frances, sending prayers out to your nieces.

Aren't dreams so strange? Mine seem like a carnival every night. I get a drinking one in there every now and then. I feel so relieved when I wake up though.

newby, sounds like a great weekend. Have lots of fun!

Have a great weekend overs!

Itchy 08-11-2012 11:13 AM

Prayers sent their way.

Dreams are always strange when we don't like them, because we don't like them when they are strange! I saw the Richard Gere movie about the dog Hachi (Hachi: A Dog's Tale Hachi: A Dog's Tale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and I am 60, and love my pups. I guess you can guess that I dreamed about my own mortality all night, and it was not as unsettling as one might think. I can relate to the Gere character because we favor each other.

I didn't know about the doggie classes! Congrats! Mine are fully trained on and off leash, but I do need to spend more time with them taking them further and I just are getting lazy because I don't put them on a leash as often anymore. Good for you! Most folks never know how smart their furkids really are because they never tech them English. I do not use any threats with mine. No hitting and no raising my hand. They feel like they have been hit with a baseball bat if I say bad dog! (rare, usually just no is enough) I use treats and fun stuff like playing. I need the play as much as they do. People who don't make time for their pups don't realize that the one who is missing out is them. I know your pup is going to be as lucky having you as their human as mine and leasts and a few others that I know about. I love hearing about someone actually working at their relationship with their furkids. So many are abused and neglected. I only have time for my two that we actually call the kids. I am proud for you!

I find few that aren't Facebook addicts, and love Google, who offered to buy privacy for a free program or ten. I'd rather pay for my stuff and keep my business on my drive. Don't get me wrong I have nothing to hide, but I am not interested in ***** when the privacy policy specifically states that in return they can read your emails to send you targeted marketing instead of just spam. Then go on to say how they gather all the data anonymously. I can't believe people. They believe that and never think, "Wait a minute here, if it is not personally identifiable then how do they send me targeted advertising??"

DUH! :owned2: :groan

They just got through telling everybody that they will join all data together from all their services and folks don't think that means them.

They use your data from and from your system if you use Google Earth, Picasa, *****, Google Search, Google Maps, and they also listen in mechanically to your Google voice calls and social networks to better serve you . . .advertising! Post a bunch of wedding pics online and they target for that, show your boat in pics or a pet and well, you see. I use Magic Jack for about 70 bucks to start and then I paid 69 bucks for five years of Internet calling for nothing more anywhere in the US and Canada. What do I need Google phone for? I have my own domain for my website and my ISP gives me ten email addresses what do I need ***** for? Or hotmail/***** or any one of a dozen or more anonymous throwaway emails. I do not get spam, and know why. I have had the same email address for the last 10 years and before that the same one since 1996. I do not want my email available to multiple devices. I want them out of the cloud and on my hard drive. Not on any server. :rotfxko

The Windows 8 Operating System is even better with an SSD drive and max RAM! I have my test bed laptop, a new i3 Toshiba 14 inch L745 I got in March with 8 GB of fast Crucial Ram in it matched, and a 128GB Crucial M4 Solid State Hard Drive. I set it to boot directly into Windows 8, with no password screen to stop for, whenever the laptop lid is opened. By my watch, the boot time is 12 seconds from shut down completely. Wake up is less than a two second count fast. A tip. Make sure you make your factory restore disks. Then buy a spare hard drive SSD or cheaper mechanical hard drive, then load 8 on that fresh drive and then all your apps etc. keeping your Windows 7 hard drive intact in case you ever want to go back, and all your programs are in it and just need some updates.

They won't drop the price of Windows 7. If they did then they would not sell as many copies of the new Windows 8 Operating System. Windows 8 is not out retail yet. That will be October. What they are doing is offering for a limited time to sell Windows 8 Professional for 39.99 to folks who have a windows 7 machine not new enough to get the $14.99 offer. (Receipt required) What they are hoping, since all software is downloaded pretty much anymore, is that many folks will take them up on the cheap intro offer, which expires 31 January 2013, and lose their windows 7 that is on their machine now.

Android phones are outselling Apple iPhones 3 or 5 to 1, or more now, so with all the folks getting well versed in Android now, many folks are switching to Android for their tablets too. I did and now can't wait for Win 8!

That is why Apple is doing the Samsung lawsuit. They will not be able to make any claims to tablet design (Kindle was first in the light and thin design)as I expect the outcomes to show, but we will see. While Samsung and Apple, with Google who owns Android on the sidelines, all do battle in Court, MS will be releasing their competition in both OS' for tablets/phones. MS is also making the Googles and ad agencies of the Internet angry because they are setting the do not track to private do not track by default in Windows 8. Right now people have to learn how and enable do not track themselves. They are opted in for tracking by default now. MS is making a stand for privacy and let's remember their revenues are not primarily from hardware (X-Box is paving that road however as are the surface tablets) or advertising, but from sales of their enterprise and consumer software, OS', and office products.

I don't like the tablet as a desktop or notebook replacement. I have the Logitech K-400 wireless keyboard and built in touchpad for my Samsung Tab 10./1 and it works great! But it is a pain to set up when i can for the same effort just boot the laptop and have a keyboard. Like R&A I detest tapping on glass to type. For tablet use I prefer it to just be in its folio leather light cover and no wires attached or tethered to a keyboard. I love it for news in the mornings but not for real work or posts like this one.

Anyway folks, I am also branching out to Linux and have my new Raspberry Pi micro computer on my desk just waiting for the 32GB SDHC card to arrive that is in transit, so I can start playing with it. Tech toys rock!

Tippingpoint 08-11-2012 05:41 PM

Running injury recovery is going well...feeling much stronger but still working with an athletic therapist a couple of times per week.

I'm enjoying doing the strength building work...push ups, ab work, kettle bell swings. Im feeling much stronger already and I'm sure it's in my head but I think I can already see the beginnings of difference in my body.

I had signed up for a 10 mile race some time ago. With the injury I wasn't going to bother with it but since I'm feeling so much better I picked up my race kit and am excited to hit the start line tomorrow morning at 8:30 am! I will likely push myself just a little to see if I can turn in a time of under 1 hour 20 mins. It will give me a confidence boost...much needed!

Manz 08-12-2012 03:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Honesty.....with ones own self is sometimes the hardest thing to do I have found, but often it is the hardest things that we face that end up being the best for us.

19 months ago I was needy, self delusional and 100% dishonest with myself. Today, almost 19 months after having my last drink I find that a pattern has once again come about. I find that I have been let down by someone I love....but this time I can see it, own it and realise that I too had a part in it.

Tonight I said enough is enough, I said I am worth more than this. It hurts, boy does it hurt...but it is the truth and I deserve more. to shed all of the kilos that I have piled on while trying to cover up the emotions. Geez.....what a long road, but one worth travelling.

I am sure that none of that makes sense, but it does to me anyway.

Honesty, keeping promises and not letting people down...these are very important to me. Along with the ability to belly laugh at yourself!

Manz 08-12-2012 03:53 AM


Sissy..Welcome to the Overs! and congrats on One year. :)

everyone else...all of this talk of operating systems etc has me confounded and shaking my head. Tonight I was cursing at my laptop because I cant figure out how to save my scans not as pdf. Ugh.....doing my head in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need/want to edit and fiddle aorund with some images and ....ugh...all too hard for me!

anyways.... tomorrow is another week, so must go get some sleep.

FBL 08-12-2012 04:31 AM

Yesterday morning I get up and fire up my #2 computer and the stupid thing won't get off the initial "HP Invent" screen! So, I call up my IT guy and find out that he's in surgery! He was in a motorcycle accident and shattered his kneecap (ouch)! He did call me late last night and gave me a couple of quick suggestions, but they didn't work. Luckily, this isn't my main computer, but I do have my vast music library on there, so would like to get it back up and running. My IT guy said to run it over to him next week while he's recovering...said he'll be looking for something to do as he won't be able to go back to work for a couple of weeks. What little I know about computers, I've just picked up on my own over the years, but I've never seen this particular problem before. Oh well, life goes on!

Have a great weekend, all!

LoftyIdeals 08-12-2012 08:13 AM

Knocked out 31.6 miles on the bicycle this a.m., and a mile in the pool yesterday. I imagine I'll be hurting by sundown.

You guys are getting me stoked about W8. There's a Microsoft programmer at one of my meetings and he brings in a new tablet every week, it seems. He's settled in on a Samsung slate and is using W8. Loves it. He's got 3 yrs, maybe I'll tell him to join in the discussion here.

Life keeps getting better. A little hiccup yesterday, but I'm over it. Looking for my physical presence, mental acuity, and emotional intelligence to improve this year. So far, a good start.

Have a great Sunday, all!

lyddie 08-12-2012 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by instant (Post 3528106)
It's a shame the wine company won't replace my brain and liver and give me a refund for the years of sub-optimal productivity. Where's the customer service?

Instant - I wish SR had a LOL button for this one. Thanks for the laugh.

lyddie 08-12-2012 10:32 AM

Welcome Sissy!

Piotr 08-12-2012 02:13 PM

Encouraged by Lofty, I would like to start posting here.

One year sober as of a few day ago. :)

Dee74 08-12-2012 02:59 PM

welcome Piotr...and now...a new thread lol


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