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anotherquitter 05-03-2012 11:46 AM

Day 9. Last night at my third AA meeting I said "Hello, my name is (anotherquitter) and I'm an alcoholic". First time I admitted that out loud. Weird thing was that 4 'shares' later another person admitted it for the first time too. Maybe I gave them a little courage after breaking the ice. Nice to think so.

Wildog007 05-03-2012 12:02 PM

Hello there... I'm a retread here on about day 4. I had nearly a year of soberiety at one time the blew it due to complacency and foolishness. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and let all you fellow short timers know I feel your pain.

NatalieN 05-03-2012 01:19 PM

Hello wildog007 and anotherquitter. Welcome to the April class. Quitter, I found that admitting I had a problem with alcohol and that I needed help was very freeing. I am looking forward to my 7:00 PM women's AA meeting tonight.

Dee74 05-03-2012 01:38 PM

glad you're both ok jberk and Natalie - and glad you're getting better Dispatches.
I'm rooting for you to make a healthy choice today NightmareinAZ

Welcome wilddog and congratulations anotherquitter:)

really glad to see everyone moving forward - it's tough some days...but it's worth it :)


jberk65 05-03-2012 02:38 PM

Thanks Justaride and Dee. And Natalie I'm so glad it all turned out well for you as well and that you're still in control of your AV!!
Keep fighting everyone.

Newatthis34 05-03-2012 03:36 PM

Hey all,

On Day 18 and feel ... meh. Just getting on with things. I guess the initial excitement of quitting has settled down and the normal travails of life came to the fore. Read the RR book and it really confirmed to me what and why I'm doing this. I recommend this program for anyone not into AA (I'm not anti-AA, it's just not compatible with my world view). It's pretty late here in Ireland so heading to bed. In bed early these days now that I'm not guzzling wine pretending to my husband I'm only staying up as there's something fascinating on TV.... Hope everyone's strong!

soberbythesea 05-03-2012 06:47 PM

Hi guys, day 13 here!

Confession: I haven't had that many cravings to drink over the past 13 days, but I really wanted a beer with dinner today. I had a shift at my volunteer job this afternoon, which can be emotional due to the nature of the work (I volunteer at a crisis hotline). I'm very used to using alcohol to wind down after a shift there. I went out for dinner with my husband, and of course they had my favorite kind of beer on tap. But I didn't have one. I knew I would regret it later if I did.

My husband actually was very supportive when I mentioned I wanted one, and encouraged me not to have one. He reminded me that the great food we were about to have, as well as a relaxing night ahead, would help me wind down just the same as a drink used to. He was right. It was nice to have his support since (as I've posted about in other threads) he hasn't always seemed to be 100% on board with this sobriety thing. I think he is coming around now.

I'm off to bed with a tonic & lime to read myself to sleep. When I wake up I'll have two whole weeks!

Dee74 05-03-2012 07:27 PM

congratulations on making a different choice and on getting to two weeks STBS


Dispatches 05-03-2012 08:28 PM

I was whirling again today but now I'm relaxed and peaceful. I hope to get some better sleep tonight.

Hope everyone is doing well :)

kittycat3 05-03-2012 08:34 PM

Hi all! not much to say but that I've enjoyed catching up with everyone here. 1 week tomorrow! Glad to see that those struggling seem to be on the mend :)
Good night April fools!

Newatthis34 05-04-2012 12:02 AM

SBTS - I'm glad your husband proved so supportive when it mattered. As we discussed before, my husband is also hit and miss with understanding my problems. But he is overall improving. I suppose I've said so often 'I'm never drinking again' that it devalues the words. This weekend is a bank holiday, the first one since I quit. Another milestone. Feel very strong about not drinking but I'm sure the AV is just resting before a full-on assault when the weekend begins properly. If the weather is dry we're going to go hiking so fingers crossed it will be.

donenow 05-04-2012 12:42 AM

Hey, Friday night here. Just dawning on me, that there are easy times and harder times with quitting drinking (like Friday night! come on! one beer or glass of wine couldn't kill me right? right? I deserve to relax, I've worked all week) Anyway, wish me strength over the weekend, which include three social functions. Need to chill out, feeling stress headache coming on.

TigerLili 05-04-2012 01:05 AM

Day 10. The combination of Naltrexone and Campral are working really well at stopping the cravings but I do get to thinking about it when I'm on my way home from work, I'm tired and it's cold out.

Dispatches 05-04-2012 07:12 AM

I laid in bed and watched the lightning out my window last night, It was nice :)

I slept fairly well which leaves me feeling rested. My cold and allergies are at bay for now so I think I'll try and make it to a meeting tonight. Have a nice day April friends!

NightmareinAZ 05-04-2012 08:33 AM

Day 12

I made it!!! Dentist offered me Vicoden & I declined, the minutes leading up to when I knew he would offer my inner devil was making up reasons why I should accept the offer. 1) just get it and you will have it for storage in case you ever do get hurt 2) Just a few wont hurt you 3) Get them and give them to someone you know that will want them. All reason I made up so I could justify getting the pills.

But I declined so know it doesn't matter. For all of you having trouble sleeping I have been using something now for a week that I got off another thread here. Melotonin, its all natural and very affordable at Walgreens. 10MG and I am out in 30 min, its all natural but doesnt keep me asleep all night but its a start.

Off to work Go April Class of 2012!!!

jberk65 05-04-2012 05:03 PM

Hi Aprilites. start of Day 11 for me. The fog is finally lifting. That fear of losing my comfort drink to relieve my anxiety and stress WAS really just my mind (AV) stressed and anxious about the next drink. I'm soo much calmer now. I used to get so angry at my youngest daughter, she knew how to push the right buttons. I'd be telling her off constantly. Now, without the alcohol, I can listen and reason a lot better. It's like everything is in slow motion and I actually have time to think before I say or do. And of course my actions and reactions reflect on her..and we calmly talk it out. And all this time I used to blame her and use that as an excuse to calm down..what a joke. Alcohol or more importantly our addiction really sucks us in.

Have a great day everyone.!!

Jberk..enjoying the serenity in slo-mo. :)

NatalieN 05-04-2012 05:50 PM

Congrats to all of you doing so well..... Had a very productive day today. The vitamin B12 shot my doc gave me yesterday to combat fatigue gave me a spur of energy and euphoria earlier today that made me wanna drink for a little bit. It didn't last long though.

Ordered a used copy of the RR (AVRT) book from Amazon and spoke with a good AA friend. Overall a nice uneventful day.

My 9 yo is sleeping over at a classmate's home tonight and hubby is out of town until Sunday. This would've been the recipe for a perfect storm in the past, but not tonight. My plan is to spend sometime on this forum tonight, check and answer my email, a little facebook perhaps. I also want to watch a couple of Carl Sagan's Cosmos episodes on Netflix.

Bought my doggie some good quality soft food with the money I am not spending on wine. She was in heaven. I neglected her needs a lot during my relapse. She gets to sleep on my bed tonight.

Let's do this....

Dee74 05-04-2012 05:55 PM

awesome posts & awesome progress every one :)


soberbythesea 05-04-2012 05:59 PM

TWO weeks! Easy day today, a quiet night at home with my husband. Tomorrow night should be easy on me too -- dinner out with his parents; they don't drink.

NatalieN 05-04-2012 06:58 PM

I am in awe of how many people choose not to drink......when I drank I thought everyone got drunk like me. Soberbythesea, my father-in-law and husband like to share a six-pack of Corona whenever we vist them, but I have never seen my mother-in-law drink in the 24 years I've known her. Some people just don't like the taste of any alcoholic beverage. Now that I think about it, I have never been too crazy for the taste's the effect i was after.

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