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lookinforward 04-13-2012 08:45 AM

250K FOR 5 years isnt so bad lofty.....think about it...all expenses paid. Room, board, entertainment....lots of dates in the showers........ well maybe the up front investment on the copyright is better.:)

Well the fishing trip was changed to yesterday....I wish it would have been today. The weather is much better, But we did catch a decent fish and it was a good day out of the box.

As for sports. I played them all until my sophomore year of high school. I was pretty good and had scouts look at me in baseball and express interest..My football team was ranked high in the state and eventually went on to be number 1 in my senior year after my departure.I guess ladies and beer changed my outlook on things. I guess it was really the beer. I am really paying for all of those years in football. My knees are like an 80 year old now. In college I focused more on tennis and beach volley ball. The volley ball for obvious reasons. Did you see the scene from top gun....that was us...trying to impress the ladies and look like we were something.:) I guess it worked...I met Kelly in that era. One of the ways I drank beer was a sport. I was going to drink more and be better than anyone else....for a long time I was....then my athletic edge slipped away so to speak.
Now...I fish...I swim a little and bike not enough. Knees wont let me run and some days I do good just to walk. But hey...the heart is pumping and the lungs are breathing. I am alive but I do miss competition at a level that makes you feel that feeling of.......Hell yea! I am good!

mirage- I hope that your boy did well!!!!!!!Hugs.

PBC Here i s your hug as well. run. There aint nothing like it. I still have running dreams where you hit that zone of air under your feet and all that you feel is the wind in your face and all it right with the is your hug.

Aussie hug and smile

dee man hug

lofty man hug

the world a big hug.

Peace to my peeps

mirage 04-13-2012 08:58 AM

Here a hug, there a hug, everywhere a hug hug....

I hear that so much about knees and football. I really hope my little one doesn't want to play when he gets older. I don't think it's worth it.

The boy did great, Dave!! He was supposed to get the nitrous oxide before the novocaine, but I guess when he got in there, he said he didn't want it. (Little bugger saved me $45! haha) He was feeling great right outta the he's up on our bed watching War Horse. He loves that movie, so I bought it for him so he could watch it today while he was laid up a bit. This kid is a serious trooper!! I told him he makes my job so easy!

Oh, and he said that he didn't want the laughing gas cuz he didn't want something affecting his brain, that he liked his brain clear. Of course I took the opportunity to say that I think that's awesome and that that will serve him well as an adult when people offer him drinks or drugs, and that I agree that having a clear mind is the best way to be. I'm not sure I could have said that before when I was drinking. I would have felt so hypocritical.

LoftyIdeals 04-13-2012 09:29 AM

Wow! Could it have gone better? I think not! Congrats, Mirage. Just goes to show what our minds can make something we dread out to be that they don't turn out to be. Congrats, Tony, too!

Was that Dave who breezed by? Wow! I had almost forgotten about that rascal! It was nice of him to come slumming with the little people, wasn't it? ;)

See y'all....

lookinforward 04-13-2012 09:33 AM

twas I said the fly.

RosieTheRiveter 04-13-2012 12:44 PM

Hello Marchers!!!

I know it has been ages since I checked in, sorry. I've been in a weird place the last couple of months, not fully depressed but not not depressed either, just kind of funky. Withdrew from all forums I usually frequent, except joined a weight loss one.

I have been reading, celebrating, cheering, praying, laughing and crying with you all, though sometimes days behind. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers, for your private needs and your continued sobriety.

I'm still in this weird place. Good news - still sober! Passed a year last month. Since then had two weird drinking dreams, one which had me believing I had actually drank and I did wake up feeling hung-over, which was so strange. DH continues to be sober as well, so it is easier for each of us, and I am so grateful for that.

Been procrastinating like crazy, haven't paid bills in a month though have the money just sitting in the bank, freaking out about this and it is sapping my energy. I KNOW that procrastinating is way worse than actually dealing, yet here I am. Also, started taxes, finally, but have to finish them.

DH has been travelling the last 3 weeks, and will be for the next 4, so strange after a long stretch of working from home.

DS will be returning from 1st year of college in about 3 weeks, really looking forward to having him home, though it will be a huge adjustment - I REALLY like the solitude and quiet around here.

Only success - besides continuing in my sobriety(!) - is that I have pretty much achieved my goal weight after working at it since Dec '11. I finally got back to tracking in Fitday and figured out cause of my two month stall - WAY low on calories, less than half of what I need! Started participating in a weight loss forum, eating more, and ripped off the last 19 lbs, for a total of about 70 lbs. Actually, part way into the journey I re-gained and then re-lost 15 lbs, but that is not included in the beginning to end total. This is the LAST time I am losing this weight!!! Was always slim but muscular, until a bunch of meds made me gain 60 lbs really fast. Went off those meds but fat stuck around. Have lost and regained that weight and then some 4 or 5 times in the last 12 years. DONE!

However, having been recliner bound for the last couple of years has taken a toll on my muscles, a fair amount of atrophy. I found a (new to me) great workout called T-Tapp that is just right for me, have done the 15 minute beginner workout for the last 3 days and feel really good about it. It is designed to work 5 or 6 muscles at the same time, making it very efficient, though there are increasingly difficult workouts available in the series that I hope to conquer as time goes on. Will continue this workout daily to develop my muscles, improve my bone density and cardiovascular health, as well as to increase my strength, stamina, and overall health. I expect to gain 5 to 10 lbs of muscle over time, which would be fantastic; it is not about the number, it is about my health and how I feel nekkid ;) One more cool thing: for the first time in my life I think what I see in the mirror matches reality! I have always had issues seeing myself as I am, so it is cool to look in the mirror and see a slim woman! In the past (before my weight gain), I always saw fat when it wasn't there, both in the mirror and in person. More reality in my life is another welcome change.

Have a call in to a Lyme and co-infections disease specialist, who is about 3 hours away, still waiting for an appt. Am determined to get as healthy as I can! Will be very expensive and not covered by insurance.

Also, learned of an innovative treatment for those with long-term depression whom meds do not give enough relief to. It is approved by the FDA, and is some kind of machine generated magnetic treatment, no discomfort but noisy like an MRI. The theory is that the pre-frontal cortex (? memory failing me, frontal lobe, I think) has somehow reversed in polarity and this machine, with regular treatments for a number of weeks, supposedly can put it back the way it belongs. Amazingly, the only doctor with this machine in my state is only about 20 minutes away! Usually these things end up on the rich side of the state, a couple of hours away if no traffic, so daily appts would be challenging. Anyway, at some point I am going to call and see if I qualify for this treatment. Have no idea if this will be covered by insurance, but if I am approved we'll find a way to pay for it.

Well, that is it for me. Still in a weird, procrastinating funk, trying my best to find my way out and start participating in my (online only, for now) life again. In my illness, I only leave the house for church each Sunday, and sometimes have been too sick for that. Looking forward to getting healthy enough to participate in real life again!

Take good care of yourselves and those you love!!!


LoftyIdeals 04-13-2012 01:32 PM

Rosie's Got A Year !!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!

That is just awesome! And don't let that sneaky dreambug get ya. It's just trying to mess with you.

I've missed your posts, Rosie! Glad you are back.

Sorry life is still beating on you a little, but it sounds like you've made headway, with your continued sobriety, and meeting your weight goal, and all!

I don't know what type therapy you are referring to, but my SAD light did help me when I needed it. The great news is that I haven't needed it! It's been a blessed, sunny spring here in Cincinnati! I've been loving life. I haven't even been bothered by allergies this year, probably because of my lack of beer. I think the mold in beer affected me. So...I guess I could tell people I'm allergic to alcohol, but I don't; I just say I quit. I'm sure that I quit smoking on 1/1/12 helps too.

Anyway, good luck with that therapy!

I hear you on the procrastination. Guess what I'm knee deep in right now. Yep, taxes. And I don't even think I'll owe this year, but I've been putting it off anyway. Got into a bad habit of extending the last couple years, and I'm bound to not do that this year.

I'll keep you in my prayers, Rosie. Glad your are here again!

Dee74 04-13-2012 01:45 PM

congratulations Rosie :D

have a great weekend everyone :wave:

LoftyIdeals 04-13-2012 03:23 PM

You too, Dee!

LoftyIdeals 04-14-2012 03:38 AM

Guten Morgen, Marchmeisters!

It's early on a Saturday, and taxes are going well. May even get a refund this year.

Well, the baby bunnies have jumped their coop. They were scattered about the yard on Thursday, and gone yesterday. We did our part. Even left some of the leafy innards of a celery stalk for 'em in case they get hungry, but they evidently prefer clover.

Times are a good way. I'm glad for it. This morning, I am volunteering with the Marching band for a fund raiser. I get to monitor the Dodge test drives. For every tester, the band gets $20. Pretty cool. Our marching band was announced this week as a participant in the Macy's 2013 Thanksgiving parade! Isn't that great?! Looks like we're headed to the Big Apple in the near future.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

frances2011 04-14-2012 04:38 AM

Morning morning morning!


Sending gratitude to the heavens and sparkly dancing sunmotes to you for your continuing improving health and recovery. Congratulations on your first year! I am inspired that you are seeking a new treatment for your depression and hope it works for you!

LOFTY, my friend, you are also inspiring me with your attitude of gratitude and life in purposeful action. Yay for taxes being done and FREE pool memberships and daily swimming.

MIRAGE, so glad your son did so well and can tell you about the strong, healthy ideas he has about protecting his health and body. That's amazing. As to football, speaking of heads, I'm sorry for all the busted knees but I'm more worried about concussions and traumatic brain injuries. I personally hope that the rules keep evolving to keep kids' heads safe.

On the girls night you are planning, I hear ya on people talking about booze booze booze. A friend went an all inclusive place in Mexico last month and I quizzed her about all the free booze. She and the person she went with are normal drinkers. So, they drank "all the booze they wanted!" and that netted out to....just a few and LOTS of water and non-alcoholic drinks. She said that they "drank the place out out of bottled water." Love getting data like that on what NORMAL DRINKING really is. Not a lot.

Maybe you can ignore the booze-comments, and plan some non-drinking girlie activities like nails and pedicures? Don't know where you are going but I hope you plan some things that are fun for YOU.

DAVE, thank you for the hug! Running feels really good, especially in the rain. I don't run fast but I do enjoy it.

A friend is running 22 miles this morning (last long run before her marathon) so our gang is doing shifts with her. I'm the middle with only 3 (because I have a race tomorrow). I am tickled pink that we coordinated so she has company for the whole darn thing.


mirage 04-14-2012 08:42 AM

Hiya Rosie..great to see you! So glad to hear you have the year under your belt and that you and your dh are still moving forward in your sobriety and your health, too. I hope those treatment options work out for you. And wow on the weight loss, girl! Good for you!! Well done on the weight training, too. :)

Have fun today, Lofty! Raining here, hope your weather's better. Very cool on the parade news!! Maybe we should all meet in NYC in 2013! That's actually not a bad idea.....

Thanks frances, we're doing lunch and pedis, and then back to my friend's house for the night...and of course one of girls made a crack about drinking during the pedis. Good lord, these girls are lushy. lol I'm fine about being around the booze, I just don't need the day to revolve around it and it will for the most part. I'll live. I may not stay at my friend's house late if they're stupid by then, tho. They know my deal, I reserve the right to bail!

Wanted to take the boys to see The 3 Stooges movie today, but the little one says he doesn't want to go w/out Dad. Oldest is not happy about that.

aussieblue 04-14-2012 02:45 PM

Day 5 for me, I had a melt down, I was tired from working big shifts, depressed , noisy neighbours , no sleep and then the boys came over for a drink with my husband and I just gave up ,the house always has booze in it and I just didn't care any more. I have been sick ever since first with a hang over and now the flue. I could kick myself for being so stupid .

Dee74 04-14-2012 02:55 PM

I'm sorry C.

We'll talk more, but I hope you feel better soon.


PeanutButterCup 04-14-2012 05:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Aussie, I saw this today and thought of you! (and I've never posted a pic here .. I hope it turns out!)

PeanutButterCup 04-14-2012 06:00 PM

Yay! It worked. :)

I'm sending you so much love that you're gonna get squished. Now climb back on that wagon. And remember that now you're you with that much MORE information and experience. That's POWER.

aussieblue 04-14-2012 06:09 PM

Thanks PBC I am back on board!!!
and feeling the love!!!!
Great pic!!!!

mirage 04-14-2012 08:59 PM

(((aussie)))...sorry girl, I feel ya. I'm glad you're back on track, tho...and SUPER glad you're here. If it's any consolation I've been feeling like that too, lately. This sobriety stuff has really been on my nerves and I've found myself frustrated more than usual that I can't get sh*t faced occasionally. I'm not sure why. Hang in there.

aussieblue 04-14-2012 09:11 PM

Mirage don't make the same mistake I did , I have been probably "romancing the drink" for a while and I couldn't find any other release for the frustration I was feeling with what was going on in my life and decided to give in to booze but I am sorry I did.( not to mention the hangover )

mirage 04-14-2012 09:17 PM

Thanks aussie. That's what I keep telling myself. "Frustrated" is exactly how I'm feeling, too. Yeah, I don't miss the hangover for sure.

LoftyIdeals 04-15-2012 04:59 AM

Good Morning, Marchers!

Aussie...I am so sorry you had a slip. But, I'm REALLY glad for you that you learned from it immediately and jumped back on the bus. And that the little imp you may have been eyeing for romance b*tchslapped you in return. That's what a hangover is. Sorry you are still sick with the flu, though, and hope you get better soon. But, perhaps God allows us to come to rue our foibles?

I was just telling my wife this week about HALT, and that it's currently why I'm struggling to lose weight. I'll lose a few pounds and then go on an eating binge and go back up. But, I've negotiated with myself that it's, right now, acceptable to me to stave off the triggers of HALT - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Since I am a loner, Lonely doesn't trigger me. But Hungry, Angry, and Tired all do, especially in combination. I don't think I'll try to start the HAT movement, but thought I'd share that with you. Sounds like those letter may have ganged up on you.

Which is one of the things that makes this difficult. I believe we humans are wired to be in community with one another. When we make such socially unpopular moves as quitting the drink, we are voluntarily ostracizing ourselves from people, and, in a way, the world. It's easy to isolate. In your situation, which I've experienced similarly in my small college town, it can be difficult to re-assimilate in community at a new, sober level, in new ways. I sympathize with you. It's easier to make new friends with likeminded folk in larger cities.

I don't say this to discourage your journey. Actually, the opposite. I know us virtual friends are no match for the 24/7, but I'd strongly encourage you to develop a new circle - even if that circle is small, maybe just yourself for a short while - and surround yourself with at least one other like-minded person. Surely there has to be at least one other in your community who is not enamored with booze. I hope you can find them. I'd start with AA. You might be surprised at what you find. Right now, AA is saving my life, as much as I sometimes don't like to admit that. SR is right up there as well, but face to face acquaintances are important to me in this journey as well.

Aussie...we love you as a friend and comrade. Please come here as often as you need to stay strong.

And don't let one little slip define you. Learn by it, pick yourself up, shake the dust off your feet, and move on! It sounds like you are already doing that. Godspeed!

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