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HFA 05-01-2012 03:44 PM

Congrats on the 10 Months. Wow Lyddie your racking up those days. Glad you both are doing well.
I am doing fine, not drinking. I did have a day or two where i screwed up a month or so ago. I was so upset about my weight. I am only 5ft 6, but I was up to 240 lbs!! I was tired I could not move. That started the spiral, but it didnt last long. I felt even worse. GO FIGURE!!!!
I pulled myself back together and started just being overall more healthy. No fast food, eating better and exercising. Someting I have not done since I left my trainer (to much $$$). I did a 3 day juice fast (finally got to use my juicer I bought last year). Then ate for a while. Today is the last day of my 8 day juice fast.
I have am now down to 222lbs (101Kg). That is 18 lbs (8.2 kg).
Sorry I was away so long. I just needed to focus and get my **** together.

Glad you both are doing well.

Love Me

Dee74 05-01-2012 04:01 PM

congrats on 10 months Beth :)
good to hear from you too HFA - glad you pulled out of that spiral :)


lyddie 05-04-2012 05:18 AM

HFA - Exercise and eating right really do help make life better. That's one lesson that I keep learning too. Really glad that you pulled yourself out of your pity party and have made progress getting back to better living. I keep spending those big $$ to keep working out with my trainer. I only meet with her once a week but it really really helps to keep me sane. Thanks for letting us know how you are. Stay strong and take care of yourself.

HFA 05-21-2012 03:18 PM

Sup peeps. Just wondered how everyone is doing. Working on my second juice fast. On day 4. I always feel real good when doing these (this is my 3rd) but it is kinda weird not eating. I dont feel hungry, its just weird. I am going to try and go 20 days this time. I did a 4 day and a 10 day before.
Hope everyone is doing fine.

Dee74 05-21-2012 08:11 PM

Hope everyones doing well :)


lyddie 05-21-2012 09:02 PM

HFA - Wow - I am impressed that you can do a juice fast. I just cannot not eat real food. Good to know that you are still around.

I am still here. Lots of stress which I have found leads to lots of drinking dreams. That subconscious wish to drink still keeps trying to take over even after almost 2 years. Just keeps me mindful to be strong.

HFA 05-24-2012 09:42 PM

If you ever decide to juice spinich.....don't....bleeeeech

Dee74 05-24-2012 09:57 PM

sage advice HFA :lmao


alexvt 05-27-2012 03:18 PM

Hey Guys! I am sorry it has taken so long for me to check in. I have been busy but not that busy. I really don't know why I can't seem to check in more often. Lazy I guess! LOL
Today is 11 months! I just happened to check my app today. I was pleasantly surprised and yelled out a 'Wahoo' and fist pumped the air. lol

So, I have signed my lease for my house in Ga for a year, I got the child support finally agreed on, and I am planning on leaving Cali at the end of July. I have been very busy:) It's funny but it will be over a year sober when I move. I didn't plan it that way, but I think it's best it worked out this way. I am stronger and able to make much better decisions. I have a long way till I repair the damage that alcohol caused me both physically and mentally. I am a work in progress, and I am ok with that.

DD is almost 3 now! I can't believe how time is flying by....

I love being sober. It is the best thing that has ever happened to me!!!!

HFA- I have gotten so fat!! Gained 15lbs in 5 months! I have been having huge night time sugar binges. What juice fast are you doing?

Lyddie-I can't wait for you to quit your job!! LOL! We should try to have lunch before I go. Inbox me:)

Dee-How are you my sweet friend?

Thanks you guys for helping me to get better:) I am forever grateful for our June Group+Dee+AW!

Month 11:)) WHOO HOO!!!!

Dee74 05-28-2012 12:45 AM

All good here B - congrats on 11 months - glad everything is going so well for you too :)


HFA 05-30-2012 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by alexvt (Post 3419003)
........HFA- I have gotten so fat!! Gained 15lbs in 5 months! I have been having huge night time sugar binges. What juice fast are you doing?........

It is not really a juice fast in the stict sence. I leave in the fiber. Most fast strain it so to have only juice. This shuts down the digestive system and is a true cleans/fast. I left it in so I still go to the bathroom( I know TMI). Down side is I still get hungry between juices cuz im still digesting.
On netfix there is a show called "fat sick and nearly dead". It got me reading. I mostly drink a juice made of
green apples
Today is day 14, today was really hard. I about thru in the towl and went out to dinner. Glad I did not. I am close to my goal of 20 days with no solod food. I am down to 213lbs from 243. I did not loose it all in these 14 days, so don't worry.
The excess weight put me into the 'pitty party' as Lyddie rightly called it, and caused my last round of drinking. When I go back on food next week I have to be carefull of what I eat as to not trigger a drinking session. I read a book about a hypoglycimia link to drinking cravings. I am beginining to believe it.

alexvt 06-04-2012 11:03 AM

First off Thanks so much for taking the time to post all the info HFA! It actually sounds tasty to me.. I need to buy a juicer. Very interesting. I will let you know when I start:)

Hunger use to be a trigger for me too but not anymore. I am surprised how nothing makes me want to drink again. The very thought of alcohol makes my head spin like you get when you have the very first couple of sips. I never like that feeling. Plus I just remember how violently ill it use to make me in the mornings, riddled with anxiety and guilt. I remember nothing of it as being fun just a colossal waste of time and energy.

The cravings and romance just went completely away for me this past year. Last year was a totally different story. I still wished I could have it and felt deprived because I couldn't, that is why I had 4 relapses which I am so grateful for, I think without them I would still be wondering if I could handle it. I feel completely done with it.

Dee s that how you feel? or felt when it finally stuck for you? Lyddie?

I find it a little scary sometimes that it is so easy for me this time. I dunno. I am just so very relieved that I feel this way.

On a side note. I find it crazy that I have never forgotten my original password. The one SR first issued me that makes no sense and is a long sequence of letter and numbers some which are capitalized some not. I can't even remember the ones I made up and use all the time. Pretty cool.

Anyway I hope all is well in every ones world!


Month 11

lyddie 06-06-2012 02:40 AM

Originally Posted by alexvt (Post 3429652)

The cravings and romance just went completely away for me this past year. Last year was a totally different story. I still wished I could have it and felt deprived because I couldn't, that is why I had 4 relapses which I am so grateful for, I think without them I would still be wondering if I could handle it. I feel completely done with it.

Dee s that how you feel? or felt when it finally stuck for you? Lyddie?

Month 11

The strong cravings went away for me after 6 months and the romance I think left a few months later. Now the wishings that I have when life gets a bit difficult are just wish - I wish I could but no urge to actually do it. On the other hand, I still get these intense food cravings when I am feeling stressed.

I am still working. It would be wiser financially if I stayed at least one more year so I am giving myself permission to quit in July, 2013. I will be taking most of next month off to take care of my mother.

Beth - Congratulations on almost 1 year. I think it's really good that you will have one year sober before you move home.

Dee74 06-06-2012 02:50 AM

I can't give you a time frame beth but it was second year I think.

I think, once you live sober and you learn to love it, there's very little reason to go back.
Great to hear you're doing so well :)


HFA 06-09-2012 09:10 PM

Been eating food since thurs' so that's 3days. Its a pain in the neck eating responsibly. Throwing veggies in a juicer was easier. I will probably do some mini fast here and there. Like 3or4 days. 20days got kinda hard. I am doing good so far, mostly Vegs. Very little chicken. No beer cravings. I think keeping my diet under control keeps the cravings away. We shall see.

lyddie 06-20-2012 02:09 PM

Our two year anniversary month of this thread is almost over. How is everyone?

HFA - I find when I am mindful of eating, sleeping and exercising, it is easier to get through the stressful times. Good luck eating responsibly.

Beth - Are you getting packed and ready to really leave? How is it going? Does your daughter understand what is happening?

HFA 06-20-2012 02:34 PM

Things going good. I was off the fast for 3 weeks. Ate really well. Cept the last two days. Had my kids over and we did pizza and a HUGE movie marathon. I gained a 4 pounds over the 3 weeks, which was to be expected since I am eating again.
Went back on the fast for a little. It just seems to clear my head and helps get things in order. I am on day 2 of 9.

alexvt 06-24-2012 01:15 PM

Hey Lyddie did I miss your 2 year anniversary?? A Huge Congrats to you if I did. If not I know it's coming so Well Done either way!

I am not leaving until mid- August. I am paying rent every month on my house in GA, and my mom is getting things ready for us. The movers have been paid for. Everything is in my name. So everything is there except us. I just wanted dd to have a little time with her dad before we left since the Summer is his slow time. We are going to throw her a HUGE Birthday party early so her dad can spend it with her and all of her preschool friends. You should see her cake its a 2 tier princess castle cake. We have faeries coming to paint faces and do a magic show and balloon animals!

I am having bouts of pure fear here and there but I know I am making the right decision. It's just the hardest one I have ever had to make. You know if her father ever asked me even once to stay because he didn't want his daughter so far away, I would of stayed. I even asked him if he wanted us to stay and he said well he would be working a lot anyway blah blah blah... I would never let my child leave the city I lived in let alone the state! So just so you know, I am not cold hearted. I have tried in every way to make this work for her father. Time to go..

So anyway, I almost have a year..11 months 28 days and 20 be exact. Yesterday dd and I went to one of her friends b-day parties and they had a full bar and lots of parents drinking. It didn't even phase me. I noticed but had no desire at all for it. It's like a non issue for me these days. 2 days from now when it's been a year it will just be another day for me. Its cool and looks good on paper but feels really natural. In fact it feels like it should be my 10 yr instead of my 1 year anniversary. I have no idea why..It's just not a big deal anymore. I am done with alcohol for good.

If i can get through all these crazy emotions without even a thought of alcohol, I am pretty sure it's hold over me has been dissolved. In fact the thought of drinking makes me glad I don't anymore! LOL.

That is all.I will probably stay signed in because it makes it easier for me to reply. lol. I have too much on my mind these days. I hope you guys are enjoying life!

Much Love-B

Month 11

alexvt 06-26-2012 06:00 PM

1 YEAR:) I made it!! It feels pretty damn good I must say. Thanks to all of you. Lyddie, Hfa, and Dee, and to those who left us but left an impact on me and helped me get Sober. The process started June 2010 and I am grateful for every post or answer I ever got on SR. I am at peace. Thank you from my soul!

Thanks my friends! Love you all! :ring

Year 1

Dee74 06-26-2012 06:05 PM

congrats Beth :bounce

seems like a good time to start a new thread lol


Dee74 06-26-2012 06:06 PM

we continue here:


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