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Dee74 05-22-2011 04:54 PM

Class of December 2010 pt 7
old part is here:

Carry on guys :D


mygrandfather 05-22-2011 06:05 PM

wow another thread!

Hope it was a great Sunday all. Ran, got a 30 min chair massage, went to a soccer game, ate too much, relaxed. I'll take it.

Oh, this morning grabbing the paper from the front desk of my building, I ran into my former landlords who happen to be staying in my building at their friend's place. They were always big party-ers and the way they looked this morning just made me realize they still are.

Isn't it nice not to LOOK that way in the morning let alone feel that way?

GirlFromCO 05-22-2011 08:05 PM

Wow, part 7! Today I went on a hike with my man and our puppy and we were drenched in a thunderstorm, so naturally when we got home I made biscuits and gravy and some hot coffee. It was to die for, if you're into that kind of thing.

It's been about a week since I last drank, and I can feel my body getting stronger. Today was the first day in a long long time that I didn't have to take a 3 hour nap (no nap at all, in fact) and that's kind of a big deal for me. I'm beginning to connect the dots between some of the physical crap I'm going through and drinking. I never wondered why I always had to sleep 14 hours a day, but now I am and I think I see the problem... duh. Chronic fatigue? No, just an everlasting binge.

I'm coming to the realization that I'm getting married in two months, so I had better get planning! LOL. We don't even have a venue yet, but it's okay because I'm really good under pressure ;) *fingers crossed that that's still true*

Anyway, that's all the blahblahs I've got for now. I hope everyone is doing great this Sunday. Anyone have any new Netflix? I'm all out of Frontline, bummer.

BoozeFree 05-22-2011 09:07 PM

Another new thread, we sure must post a lot!

Sounds like everyone had a pretty good weekend. Mine was good, I got a lot of errands done today. Now it's time for a little Tv and sleep. I watched both the roommate and no strings attached today. The roommate was ok, makes me want to never have a random room mate for sures. And the other one was ok too. Nothing I loved though. I think I'll watch Due Date tonight, I can't get enough of that French Bulldog Sunny!

ReadyAndAble 05-23-2011 06:06 AM

New thread, new week! Hope everyone starts it off right. :)

Happy b-day, VC!! (and congrats on 90 days too!)

Soph 05-23-2011 06:43 AM

Happy Birthday, VC!!

Mr. Banana is rockin your birthday too!!!!:nanarock:nanarock:nanarock

Hope you have a great day!!

Maryjan 05-23-2011 07:03 AM

Happy Birthday, VC!

girl, so exciting about your wedding! I know what you mean about feeling better physically.

Last night, neither mynhusband or I drank, and ww ended up going for a long walk around the 'hood with the kids and dog...this is something we just wouldn't have done if we were drinking...wanting to be near the fridge. Exciting, how many ways your life changes...

mygrandfather 05-23-2011 08:42 AM

VC best wishes on your birthday!

Have a great day and a great week everyone.

Biscuits and gravy? GirlfromCo, you better believe I am into that kinda thing heh heh.

GirlFromCO 05-23-2011 12:57 PM

Happy birthday VC!

Dee74 05-23-2011 03:42 PM

:day1 VC - and congratulations on that 90 :)


Hooped 05-23-2011 06:34 PM

Happy Birthday VC and congrats on 90 days!

GFCO...biscuits and gravy?..mmmm....I think I'm a pseudo Southern man.

MJ you betcha... these life changes are great!

MG, I too noticed people today that looked extemely hung over. Glad not to be in their shoes that's for sure.

BF I talked to the vet about my dreadlocked cat. Gotta take him in to get shaved. How's your mom?

R&A, Soph, nota, north, Dee & everyone ....keep on truckin !

This was a long weekend up here. What a treat to be sober throughout.
Sun finally came out today too. Nice.

ReadyAndAble 05-23-2011 10:53 PM

Glad you had a good weekend, Hooped. You deserve it!

Soph 05-24-2011 06:35 AM

Good morning Peeps!

I love reading my daily "Keep it Simple" because 1. it tells me what day it is ;-) and 2. it gives me a little something to think about.

So here I am going to share with you guys what today's reading is.

May 24
"The way to love anything is to realize it might be lost" - GK Chesterton
Every day we take so much for granted. But we can count certain blessings: a roof over our head, food, clothing, family and friends, freedom, a Higher Power we trust. These things are special. Thinking about them wakes up our happiness. Our recovery program shows us how to be happy...Each evening as we think about our day, we can give thanks for the things we love: our recovery, our health, and the special people in our lives. If we spend part of our day thinking about these important areas, we won't lose them.

Be well today, guys!

(PS I edited a little and removed reference to Step 10 since some of us are but some of us are not AA types ;-)

BoozeFree 05-24-2011 09:03 AM

Hi guys! Stoked to be up sober another day!

VC happy 90days, hope your enjoying your bday vacay!!!

Hopped mom is chillen, still going out but I'm normally sleeping by the time she gets home.

I'm going to keep trying to stay positive this week. Looking forward to my 3 day weekend coming up!

ReadyAndAble 05-24-2011 09:50 AM

Good morning, guys.

Soph, that was a great post! I have an excerpt to share too—though a pretty grim one, sort of the yang to your yin. Still, I think it's life-affirming in a there-but-for-the-grace-of-God kind of way.

So anyway, I finally watched a documentary on Jack Kerouac I've been wanting to see. Parts of it were great, but it was really uneven and I can't recommend it overall. It did, however, make me want to read Kerouac's "Big Sur." It's the literary equivalent of "Rain in my Heart"—just this incredibly sad, ugly, brutally honest self-portrait written in the depths of his own alcoholism.

Just a couple pages in, he relates this moment of clarity he had waking up one morning in a fleabag motel in San Francisco:

And I look around the dismal cell, there's my hopeful rucksack all neatly packed with everything necessary to live in the woods, even unto the minutest first aid kit and diet details and even a neat little sewing kit cleverly reinforced by my good mother (like extra safety pins, buttons, special sewing needles, little aluminum scissors)... The hopeful medal of St. Christopher even, which she'd sewn on the flap... The survival kit all in there down to the last little survival sweater and handkerchief and tennis sneakers (for hiking) -- But the rucksack sits hopefully in a strewn mess of bottles all empty, empty poor boys of white port, butts, junk, horror... "One fast move or I'm gone, " I realize, gone the way of the last three years of drunken hopelessness which is a physical and spiritual and metaphysical hopelessness you can't learn in school no matter how many books on existentialism or pessimism you read, or how many jugs of vision producing Ayahuasca you drink, or Mescaline take, or Peyote goop up with -- That feeling when you wake up with the delirium tremens with the fear of eerie death dripping from your ears like those special heavy cobwebs spiders weave in the hot countries, the feeling of being a bent back mudman monster groaning underground in hot steaming mud pulling a long hot burden nowhere, the feeling of standing ankledeep in hot boiled pork blood, ugh, of being up to your waist in a giant pan of greasy brown dishwater not a trace of suds left in it... The face of yourself you see in the mirror with its expression of unbearable anguish so haggard and awful with sorrow you can't even cry for a thing so ugly, so lost, no connection whatever with early perfection and therefore nothing to connect with tears or anything.
So much loss and despair—that hopeful rucksack from his "On the Road" days surrounded by empty bottles. And the saddest part is that even after writing the book, he just kept drinking. It finally killed him a few years later. "One fast move or I'm gone." He never did make that one fast move; he never managed to put the bottle down and walk away for good.

Maryjan 05-24-2011 12:44 PM

Such inspiring posts today...thank you.

Maryjan 05-24-2011 06:44 PM

Hi again, good, low-key night here. Hope you all are doing well; thinking of you.

Lala salama!

mygrandfather 05-24-2011 07:08 PM

wow, those excerpts are indeed heavy stuff.

I'm off to the north woods of Wisconsin tomorrow. Will try to check in as much as possible but in case I do not get www, do not worry if I disappear for a week.

This will be a test for sure, last year saw much drinking on this trip. I hope I can make this year different.

Dee74 05-24-2011 07:14 PM

Jack Kerouac is one of my favorite writers - but it really is sad to follow his descent from book to book, R&A.

I never got through Big Sur - I was drinking at the time. Might be time to re-read - thanks :)


Soph 05-24-2011 07:58 PM

Wow, R+A, thank you for taking the time to post that. I also read some, but not all, of JK's books and this one is on my list now.

MGF, I have every faith that you will get through this trip just fine. You know you will! No reason to throw all your hard work away. Can't see you doing that. You've worked waaay too hard!

VC, I hope all went well in the mountain're kinda quiet.. All okay, birthday girl? Tuckered out?:a227:

I went to a meeting tonight that was so friggin good...just what I needed...a visiting woman went...she cannot bring herself to say the "A" word...but she drinks an entire bottle of wine every night like clockwork at 5:30pm...has 2 in the grip of mental anguish but cannot bring herself to face it. Man....she was so familiar. Hearing her talk made me feel even more committed, stronger, even more serene. I do not miss the mental anguish! :react

Hooped, MJ, Nota, Boozefree, Dee, North (!), and GFCO...hope you guys are well...lala pajama!!

BoozeFree 05-24-2011 08:32 PM

Hi guys! I'm on my break right now at skool yawning away! Only 1 1/2hrs left though.

Later today everyone was talking about drinking and partying and for a couple mins I actually thought drinking sounded like a pretty good idea but then remembered there was a reason I wanted to get sober in the first place, drinking made my life miserable. I'm glad I was able to snap out of it.

I can't wait to be in bed sober with my dog and pass out! Only 3 more days of work till my 3 day weekend, woohoo!!

ReadyAndAble 05-24-2011 08:50 PM

MGF, you'll do great. You are a rock. I don't know anyone who's held as steadfast during their first months of recovery. My guess is the drinking that you'll witness will only reinforce your decision.

Soph and Dee, I always thought of Kerouac as one of the most romantic of romanticized drinkers. Right up there with Sinatra and Hemingway. Books like "On the Road" and "Dharma Bums" didn't lead me to drink, but they sure mirrored my perception of alcohol as a fuel for art and adventure. I wish "Big Sur" had been required reading alongside those earlier novels, because Kerouac strips away the glamour of his own life once and for all. We'll see how far I get though—it is an incredibly raw piece of work.

Really glad to be a part of our circle. Have a great night, everyone!

Dee74 05-24-2011 08:52 PM

I was like you R&A...I read the early stuff where everyone seems to be made of titanium and didn't get to Big Sur until later....

Have a great week MGF :)


ReadyAndAble 05-24-2011 08:53 PM

Way to go, BF! Looking forward to the weekend myself. Have you got plans to help keep you on track? Memorial Day weekend in So Cal.... it's going to be hard to find a place where people aren't drinking! ;)

ReadyAndAble 05-25-2011 06:11 AM

Good morning!

Today I have another light-hearted reading, this time from "Grapes of Wrath"...

Or maybe I'll just go with a bit of classic verse:

Everybody have fun tonight
Everybody have fun tonight
Everybody Wang Chung tonight

Soph 05-25-2011 06:51 AM

LOL Grapes of Wrath. Did you mean to make a pun on wine? Either way, I could easily relate with grapes of wrath...especially the day after too many grapes!!:(

I am a bit distracted this morning; coffee will help. Am definitely grateful to be sober today. Living a life without being medicated by alcohol. No words can express the freedom I feel inside.

Grateful for you guys. :You_Rock_

Maryjan 05-25-2011 07:27 AM

MG, sometimes it's hard for me at the start of the night (beer-thirty), but by 7, I am ALWAYS glad to be sober. Always. Well, mostly always. Most of the time.

VC, how was the cabin? Maybe you are still there.

Soph, I'm with you--my AA meetings are amazing. I go to a spot that seems to attract some rough characters, and once a week there's a story of someone whose life was saved with AA...literally saved. It's humbling...I also feel really grateful.

BF, you're almost to the weekend...nice work!

R&A, that is really moving. "Everybody Wang Chung" ... words to ponder. Are we truly Wang Chung-ing today? Middlesborogh says, "Hella yeah."

BoozeFree 05-25-2011 08:24 AM

Good morning everyone!

Soph coffee always makes the morning better! I actually was never a huge coffee drinker until a few weeks ago, its been a daily thing lately. Ive always been more of an energy drink person.

R&A not sure what I will be doing since like you said it seems everyone is focused on getting wasted. I might actually just stay home to avoid being around that. What will you be doing?

Soph 05-25-2011 10:19 AM

Talking about this weekend makes me feel like I need to get some plans in place... I tend to make plans for my son and his social life and then ignore mine.

Meetings for sure. Both Al anon and AA. And hopefully some coffee or lunch dates with friends from said meetings. Because that is really such a cool perk from going to women's meetings...I make friends with cool women! And they are in recovery! :-)

Ciao for now.

ReadyAndAble 05-25-2011 10:27 AM

My Saturday is action-packed: ballet and tap for the kiddo in the morning, then in the afternoon, we have her kid b-day party with all her friends at a park by the bay.

Sunday and Monday I'll keep busy with a long list of projects and chores around the house. Also planning at least a few hours of doing nothing at all: just reading and watching movies. I may not even leave the house those two days! :)

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