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LovesToTravel 03-16-2011 01:13 PM

I knew it....I just knew it....I picked the seats on the plane to come home. Girls together in the back somewhere, Mr LTT in front of me, empty seat next to me (oh yah) and a sick guy in the window seat. He coughed, sneezed and snorted all the way! He even asked for my pen to fill out our customs paperwork (I lent him...ewww). When I got to the airport I ran to the bathroom and washed my face and hands ect....but I believe that I GOT HIS COLD ANYWAY!!! :react I guess better me than the other 3 since they all work...grrrrrrrr.

Hevyn 03-16-2011 02:57 PM

LTT - Not fair.

Welcome XWillowX - Nice first whine.

I'm not my usual lovely self. Woke up with fever, chills & stomach upset - sort of like Bam had recently. Maybe I shouldn't have drunk the 2 week old milk, even if it didn't smell sour. Ya think?

LovesToTravel 03-16-2011 03:27 PM

If not sure about your milk....pour in your coffee...if it doesn't curdle....your good to go..

Ann 03-16-2011 03:29 PM

Nurse Queeny is on the way to visit Whiners Sick Bay...chicken cheesecake for everyone.

Stevie1 03-16-2011 03:45 PM

Welcome XWillowX - I paint houses for a living (or part of my living) - it's hard work!

Ann - chicken cheesecake? Eww.

I have a legitimate whine now...I woke up this morning with such twinges in my neck I could hardly raise my head off the pillow. I figured it would "work itself out" but it hasn't...I spent much of the day up on a 24-foot extension ladder painting but I feel like Quasimodo, can't turn or lift my head, shooting pains and numbness down my right arm, pain. Ick.

Caved in and took half a Flexeril. Stopped at the butcher on the way home to get beef bones for the dogs to make up for me not walking anyone tonight, and to keep them quiet since the Flexeril will probably make me drowsy. I'm a real wuss with things like Vicodin and Flexeril, don't really like them but since I have two ruptured discs in my lower back which occasionally go nuclear on me, I tend to have one or the other on hand.

Contemplating a massage on Friday when I'm done with the job. :)

Ann 03-16-2011 04:19 PM

I just saw my first robin...Spring has arrived!!! :dance1a:

justjo 03-16-2011 04:37 PM

How fast can you eat a piece of toast ?
Well, I just bit my bottom lip, it hurt :c020:

Dee74 03-16-2011 04:43 PM

take a number...Nurse Queenie will be with you in moment Jo :hug:


Fandy 03-16-2011 04:52 PM

I AM SO VERY IMPRESSED!! with all the whining, but Stevie and Hevyn are a tie for winning the "Best Whine of the Day" award...

what's wrong Hevyn? it's not like Mr. H. can't bring home a cup of fresh milk from work????

Stevie how about some moist heat on your neck to help loosen the knots?

I have the movie The Fighter but am too tired to watch it tonight....i had a bagel, Lox and cream cheese for dinner...white food extreme, but i wanted one.

i've been drinking de-caff coffee the last 3 seems to cut my appetite????

Stevie1 03-16-2011 05:13 PM

I am running a bath as I type, and have an ice pack on the back of my neck right now too. :)

Coffee (I don't do decaf) cuts my appetite. I have some vegetable curry for dinner after my bath. And Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream. If I stay awake that long!

Fandy 03-16-2011 05:19 PM

Cherry Garcia is like valium!

oh and i forgot LTT....i seem to get sick every time I fly too....dirty air....hope you feel better soon.

i just started doing decaff after work, because i got sick of tea and it's still too cold for icey decaff hazelnut the AM it is full octane Kona and butter toffee..almost 6 cups to get me moving.

Fandy 03-16-2011 05:22 PM

Fandy and Pookie are patrolling the windows, there must be a critter outside, Fandy is obviously the Alpha cat and Pookie is his shadow...

and ANN, we are waiting on your kittens......soon we hope?????

Rusty Zipper 03-16-2011 06:04 PM

*****hell back up

try to keep the sugar level in check HG

Mrs C,

i remember cleaning house, sheesh, what an eye opener!

lost the pic of the eagle on the steeple, Drat!

get well soon LTT

welcome to whiners xw

chicken cheesecake

stevie, hope the old sacroiliac heals soon

slow down justo

as they say, take human bites!

and fands, your killing me!

Danae 03-16-2011 06:39 PM

Went to the gym this evening to work off some of the ice cream and .....
forgot my running shoes!!! I had already changed into my gym clothes but had to turn around and drive home, seething at my own stupidity. Too late at this point to go all the way back. I hate it when there is no one else to blame!

Now have a headache too, and I'm cranky :(

On the plus side I did spend a little time with the eagle cam today looking at the babies.

Hope everyone feels better tomorrow!

pattenat 03-16-2011 07:26 PM

:damnit: you guys posted a lot today! My whine: what's the sense?

Watched Eagles and Eaglits for a bit this morning. Saw baby out. Pretty cool stuff. I find myself at peace when watching. And remembering when my kids were babies.

L2T - I hate flying. All that recycled air. I always feel dirty when I get off the plane. And the long flights across the pond are killer! I have to take a couple Unisom so I'll sleep because I get freaked out about the rebreath!

Gotta run, the boys are fighting (my husband and son).

Ann 03-16-2011 07:34 PM

least 03-16-2011 10:46 PM

sigh... another 'can't sleep' night...:scorebad Oh well, at least I've got good company in my wakefulness.:hug:

newby1961 03-16-2011 11:33 PM

:e058: OMG your killing me with all these pics of these crazy ole women love the nurse.

Forgot my whine cause I am so busy:c008:

Happy Green day tomorrow:Witch7:

mtnmagic 03-17-2011 01:32 AM

Hi All -

Went to my reunion over the weekend and had a good time (I think).

Got home and leaped head first into a pool of pathetic, pity and pathelogical
recriminations towards myself that made me really sick. In other words,
I beat myself up a lot over what, I'm still not sure. Started coming back up
for air today and I feel much better. These early days are a real roller coaster.
Took a long while to get through all the whines while I was gone. Got
diverted by the eagle cam for awhile. That's incredible. Nice whining
right down the line.

Glad to be back!

Rusty Zipper 03-17-2011 04:13 AM

These early days are a real roller coaster
welcome back mt'n

next time, dont buy a ticket

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