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MaryAnn100 12-18-2010 04:32 PM

Goooood moooooooooooooanin whiners anon,

Meet Noah, his first guitar, we asked Santa to magic it early, as Daddy plays and he wanted to jam with his papa.

and of course, you have to meet Woof, who loves taking over Noah's chair...

Ok, I had promised to do that. Done.

Take care y'all

OZboy 12-18-2010 05:10 PM

..hey..great pics..thanks heaps..

..oz n' dee can give him some guitar tips..

..give him a big hug..Ozy..:ghug3

IWLSAST 12-18-2010 05:24 PM

Very cute Away!!! Love the pictures!

Noah, oya como va, dude....

would love to join you, your dad and Ozy in a jam or two


oh yea, off to get my ice cream fix on... chocolate hangover here i come

Rusty Zipper 12-18-2010 05:39 PM

fands, ozy, he's wilding out on those dopey christmas stars!

sheesh, didn't know the "Ban Him!" would cause all the whiney ruckus

good seeing you here Bet,

and that your one of us.

queeny, were you singing,

"They call her flipper, flipper, faster then whineing"

thanks for the R62 reminder teach

Happy 60 BIL!

how'd you do it?

and there is the culprit! credit-card details have been 'compromised' by a third party..!!??
the the dopey stars did it!

Afi, that kids gunna be a, dare i say, Star

i got the timbales carlos!

and right behind you on the snack bit!

i have to pass this priceless one on

at a stop to Goodwill (i strayed) tonight

some lady comes up to me and ask's

"is this your shopping cart with the glass punch bowl in it?"

i said nope,

it might be the ladys in the next aisle

she says, well it's mine now!

she takes the bowl out, wheels off the carriage,

and the next think i know, thers a riot going on in aisle five!

least 12-18-2010 06:21 PM

Been developing a bad toothache the last few days... might be a sinus infection tho cause it's in the same spot as my sinuses inside my jaw.:wild Will try antibiotics for ten days and see if it gets better... otherwise will have to see a dentist...:a108: The damn toothache/sinus ache is making my whole head ache, especially my jaw. :gaah

OZboy 12-18-2010 06:32 PM

..come on zip!!!
..give the bowl back..:lmao

Hevyn 12-18-2010 08:06 PM

Away - What an adorable child and kitty...and someone's very attractive foot as well.

Least - Toothaches are the worst. Hope it magically goes away w/o a trip to dentist.

RZ - Don't you know we hang on your every word?

Oz - A picture for every situation - how do you do it?

IWLSAST - Tried a new flavor - apple pie. Surely it's good for us, being fruit and all....
Trying to find Haagen Daz peppermint bark, but it's nowhere this year.

HideorSeek - Glad your family is all safely together. Hope you have a great time.

One week 'til Christmas - will we make it?

LovesToTravel 12-18-2010 08:43 PM

How can you not like the stars? :Xmaskstar

Family party is over. My house hasn't been this clean since the last Christmas party in 2007! Of course my minivan is full of stuff for my dad's house and the Salvation Army! Party went great...problem is....I'm hungry now.

Dee74 12-18-2010 08:50 PM

[QUOTE+Oz].oz n' dee can give him some guitar tips..[/QUOTE]

do it for the love, not the money Noah :lmao

hope it is sinus and your toof gets better least :hug:

OZboy 12-19-2010 02:24 AM


..mrsoz asked me what did I want for xmas ???!!!

..I said.."no rain-dear"..:lmao

whine on..

..I'll just go n' do some thing,I guess..

least 12-19-2010 03:11 AM

The damn toothache kept me up a lot last night and woke me up early. :scorebad I'll give the antibiotics a couple days and if no improvement then it's time for the dentist...:gaah

Slept badly last night and had some upsetting dreams...:( Glad I don't have much to do today... maybe take a nap later on...

Good moaning indeed :tapping

Rusty Zipper 12-19-2010 04:16 AM


RZ - Don't you know we hang on your every word?
well stop hang'n,

boundries you know! lol

IWLSAST 12-19-2010 04:34 AM

My whine is that it is just crazy...her i am, up early, sober, no mess from last night to figure out and try to clean up...leaves me with NOTHING to whine about,,,BUMMER...:c020:

Ann 12-19-2010 04:41 AM

Originally Posted by Rusty Zipper
and the next think i know, thers a riot going on in aisle five!


We haven't needed a cleanup in aisle 5 for far too long.

Away, Noah is just darling and looks pleased with his guitar. :D

Least, sore tooth hugs sweetie, nothing worse than a toothache.

Where is CMC? I am needing some southern company here.

Hugs to all my whiny friends, I love to wake up to a good whine each day. :thanks

Fandy 12-19-2010 05:48 AM

Least run to the store or wallyword and get some iwll numb the pain so you can get some shouldn't take anti-biotics on your own my deer....hit the professionals up for help....anti-biotics destroy the good bacteria in your stomach and can make you more suceptable to other issues...(can we all say UTI loud and clear)???

Noah is a beautiful little musician in training...and so is Woof....he looks like he is IN CHARGE.

i feel much better mentally cakes are available for Fandy to sit on....i woke up to his fat buttisimo firmly wedged in my armpit.

I feel relieved that i have no obligations today...I am making some grilled chix breast later and brocolli and cavatelli for dinner and going to vegitate as much as i want!

Kaluha flavored coffee is on deck for the Kuerig and some fresh baked rolls. I need to get a stick of real butter out of the freezer...(i never use the stuff but sometimes i splurge)

least 12-19-2010 06:16 AM

Fandy, I've been using oragel for two days now... it numbs the gums but not the tooth itself.:( I'll be calling the dental clinic tomorrow to make an appt. I hope they just pull the damn thing, this is unbearable. :scorebad I've tried the home remedies: gargling with salt water, chewing on a clove of garlic, the whole shebang... it's getting worse so it's off to the dentist asap. My God I can tolerate labor pains better than this pain.:c020: It hurts so bad I feel sick to my stomach...:(

Fandy 12-19-2010 06:29 AM

i think chewing of garlic may just make you sick to your stomach and very stinky breath....?you might want to consider whining in person to the clinic they don't turn you into a 5PM might get the first chair?

least 12-19-2010 07:04 AM

Happy to say that the naproxen I took for the pain seems to be helping. It's just a dull ache now and more bearable.:) Still going to the dentist tho...

HideorSeek 12-19-2010 07:42 AM

Ah, teeth, least..don't get me started! I funded the dentist's kids entire education over the summer....hope you feel better! I am very empathetic. you got me thinking about those Limited Edition Ice Cream Flavors. Being the good alkie I am, those throw me into a tailspin. WHAT? I can't get any MORE? AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, then I'd best buy ALL YOU'VE GOT NOW. Can you say "Hoarder"??? Me, I loved the Edy's Gingerbread! I can't figure out how they get the cake to remain cake-like, but they do. Unfortunately, no such flavor here! B4 I left the U.S., my absolute addiction was to HD's "White Chocolate Truffle" I'm yearning......

HumbleBee 12-19-2010 07:52 AM

Hey Least...I think my dentist - Dr. Slaughter - is available!

It still astounds me that someone would go through dental medical school and decide to keep that name.

Fear tactic I think.

It worked (the first time).

Hope you don't have a dentist who insists on trying to "save" the tooth or charging $250 to pull it (ka-ching!) $$

If so, lemme know and I'll send the toofy fairy that RZ sent my way:

Yes, Raven needs a playmate buddy.

He's a reformed stray....3 years old.

What's better?

A kitten?

Male? Female?

He might hate me for it but I am the mother so deal with it. LOL

Awesome pics of Noah and Woofy. Thanks for sharing.

Noah's gonna be a heart throb...!

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