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ANEWAUGUST 11-01-2010 08:21 PM

Zebra, Bdiddy...oh memories of Halloweens.

So thankful to be sober, to have enjoyed our little goblins and ghosts that came by the house.

Getting ready for our trip, one more day of work, and an early flight Wens morning wings us on our way to Aruba. I am so grateful for my program recovery which helped me to see that I needed to change. For awhile I worried about hubby still being able to drink, and focused way too much on him. That was just a way for me to avoid looking at myself. Now...I am at peace with myself, yet, still growing. So is my husbands and my relationship. Progress...not perfection.

bdiddy5522 11-02-2010 07:31 AM

Well if I don't get a chance to talk to you before your trip, have a GREAT time in Aruba! Soak up some sun and get some serious relaxing in. You deserve it.

I agree Zebra. I have been wasted pretty much every halloween for years. It has always been a huge party holiday. Especially in college. Now the holiday has taken on a whole new meaning. And that is spending it with my daughter and watching how excited she gets with everything.

Life has gotten a big stressful lately for me. Yesterday our washing machine quit draining. I spent the entire evening trying to fix it myself and it still isn't working so I had to call a repair place today. They are supposed to come today. I just felt last night that the whole world was just taking a sh*t on me. I was just pissed! And I know that is not a good emotion for an alcoholic. I had to sit down and take some inventory. Life really isn't that bad. My family is healthy, and in the grand scheme of things this is just a little bump in the road. It is amazing how quickly the old "stinking thinking" can come back. Today is a better day, and I know a drink would only make things worse. I know that isn't the answer.

Anyways, still plugging away. Have a good one everyone. And don't forget to vote. :)

ANEWAUGUST 11-02-2010 08:08 AM

Thanks Bdiddy..

You know, it is our nature as alcoholics to think that life has dumped its trash can all over our lives. It leads me into the stinkin thinkin, poor me state of mind that is just not where I want to be.

Glad you were able to think it all thru. Too often we become overwhelmed and that can lead us to a place mentally, physically and spirtually where we can't fight the good fight.

Life on lifes terms is still something I am learning without trying to enhance or alter it with alcohol.

I was also a bit more moody right before my year "birthday" arrived. Your one year mark is right around the corner...

bdiddy5522 11-02-2010 08:15 AM

Yeah, there is definitely a learning curve to this whole sobriety thing. I think I need to step up my recovery efforts. I am only consistently hitting one meeting per week. The last thing I want is to become complacent. Lately I have just noticed I am less happy and things seem to bother me more. The last thing I want is to become a "dry drunk". I need to find a way to get happier.

Thank you for the kind words. And yes, my "birthday" is a week from today.

ANEWAUGUST 11-02-2010 03:03 PM

More meetings would help, definetely. I need to make more then one meeting a week to keep grounded in my recovery, as well as work with my sponsor, and work the steps.

Working the steps really helped me this time around. Some things needed to be brought to the surface, to light, to be healed.

Getting soooooo excited about the trip. I think I have everything done at work, and lined up at home with my daughter, son coming to stay with her, their trips and arranging for the dog to be taken care of.

So blessed...and grateful!

bdiddy5522 11-03-2010 01:07 PM

Out little friend Anew is probably in Aruba by now. Maybe she will send us all a souvenir? :) Have a great trip Anew. You deserve it and need it. Come back refreshed :)

Zebra1275 11-03-2010 01:26 PM

I hope she has a great time. I think things are going to slow down around here without her posting.

bdiddy5522 11-03-2010 01:33 PM

Things have already really slowed down around here. I think you, Anew, and I are the only ones left. Sad.

Gofish 11-03-2010 01:40 PM

I'm still around. I keep up with the thread almost every day.

ANEWAUGUST 11-05-2010 02:01 PM

Hi all...we are here in Aruba. We went on a Jeep Safari tour this morning. Left here in the pouring rain (only a roof on the jeep) no side panels, needless to say it was an adventure. Then, as we go thru some water, the other jeep with us gets stuck. Half our group is on when side of the gulley, half is on the other side. We played "Survivor Aruba".

My hubby and I have decided speedo's and bathing suits need disclaimers. If it hangs over, hang it back up and don't wear it!

Midton 11-05-2010 03:08 PM

Checking in.

I've no idea how many days I'm at. Alcohol figures so little in my consciousness that I keep forgetting to count. We had a small house party last week and there are half empty bottles of wine lying around and I am honestly blase about them. I don't care if my wife keeps them for cooking, she doesn't drink at all, or dumps them.

Again, my total lack of craving and interest in alcohol and the ease with which I can not stop does make my doubt whether I really am an alcoholic. Regardless I seem to have replaced alcohol with other, more expensive, things. As I've always exercised I am not spending a lot of time, money and energy researching and buying things like good protein and supplements. I feel great just now.

Bdiddy, can I make a comment and I don't mean to be offensive, just in case it is but why on earth would a town ban halloween on a Sunday?

Zebra1275 11-05-2010 06:50 PM

Checking in,

Welcome back Midton and Gofish, it's nice to hear from you again. Myself, I'm doing fine. I don't know how many sober days I have going now and I don't really care much, as long as "today" is a sober day.

My oldest daughter came home from college today which was unexpected. We went out and had a nice family dinner which was great. I've played tennis the last 3 days now, and I'm beat. Hopefully a couple of good nights sleep is in my future this weekend.

We did have a bit of a crisis around here Wednesday night. One of my youngest daughter's friends was in the midst of an family crisis and suicidal. We found out that my daughter and a couple of her friends have been trying to counsel this kid for the past couple of weeks. When the xxx hit the fan earlier this week, we provided a safe place for her to spend the night since she is afraid of her father. The next day we helped her and her mother get hooked up with mental health services. We discovered that this kid had 56 vicodin in her pocket when she was here, which she was thinking of taking. We convinced her to give them to us. That's probably enough to kill a horse. Of course we didn't get much sleep but it was good to be able to help out a kid in crisis. Back in the old days I might have been too drunk to help.

This wasn't my first experience with a suicidal person. When I was 18 I talked a suicidal friend who was drunk and had a loaded gun, out of not shooting himself. In the midst of this crisis, to prove to me how serious he was he fired the gun and blew out the window above my head. I was pretty calm and talked him out of the gun and eventually got additional help. Afterwards I was a nervous wreck. I called up my girlfriend and we went out and got drunk. I think it was the first time I used alcohol to reduce stress. Unfortunately, that became a habit.

tallcactus 11-05-2010 07:12 PM

Hi everyone,
Just cheching in, all is good, still sober and pasted the one year mark at the end of July.
Glad to see a few familar screen names and so glad to see all of you doing well.
Congrads, bdiddy, Zebra, Anew, Goldfish and Midton.

ANEWAUGUST 11-07-2010 06:16 AM

Zebra, I am so glad you and your family were able to provide a safe place for this young girl.

A year ago a friend of my daughters took his own life. You just want to reach out and let these young people know that in a few years. the pain they are experiencing will be but a faint memory.

Packing up and getting ready to leave has been a wonderful get away!

bdiddy5522 11-07-2010 07:47 AM

Gees, I haven't checked in for a couple days because I thought it would be slow, and look at all the catching up I had to do. I love it!!!

Welcome back Midton and TC. Congrats to both of you on some good sober time. TC, you may be the one with the most sobriety in this group? You are awesome!

Anew, sound like you are having a great trip. As I see by facebook, you are on your way home today. I can't wait to hear more about it. I would like to point out that Anew sent me a one year sobriety card in the mail and I got it yesterday. Even though my official birthday isn't until Tuesday. So Anew, you must assume I am going to make it? haha. But thank you SO much. You made my day, and I had to show it to my wife. It is sitting on my dresser. Thank you for being an awesome friend in sobriety, and all you do for this group.

Midton, to answer your question about trick or treating on Sunday in my wife's home town, it is a very small town of about 1,300 people and they are pretty strict on religious values in that town. They are mostly a Dutch community with a Christian Reformed background. It is highly frowned upon to mow your yard on Sunday, etc. The fact that the real meaning behind halloween is almost a satanic holiday, they just don't condone it in their town. It isn't "banned" on Sunday, but they just choose to not do it. I don't care either way. It isn't like we are teaching our daughter witch craft on halloween. To her it is all about dressing up and getting candy. haha.

Anyways, have a great rest of your weekend. everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your extra hour of sleep. I know we didn't, since two year old's don't realize the clocks are set back, so she was up at her normal time.

PurpleCat 11-07-2010 04:21 PM

Hi all. I still come around, but generally only check this thread. I am glad to see you guys are doing well. Anyone heard from Bubba again? Or KC?

Dee74 11-07-2010 04:28 PM

Not since Bubba popped in here last time, PC.
I've not seen KC for a while.


bdiddy5522 11-08-2010 07:06 AM

Thanks for checking in PC. How are you doing with everything? I am so happy to see so many of you checking back in. It makes my heart happy. haha. No, I haven't heard anything from Bubba since she popped in last time either. I hope she is able to check in again soon. And no, nothing from KC for some time now. So KC, if you read this.... say hi. :)

Have a great week everyone. I leave Wednesday evening after work for the Black Hills of western South Dakota for a four day deer/turkey hunting trip. We go every year. Last year when we went, I was 4 days sober so it was a bit of a struggle but I made it through. This year will be even better!!!!

Tomorrow is my one year sober birthday and my wife told me yesterday that we are going out to eat with my parents to celebrate. Then we are coming to our house and eating some AWESOME dessert she made for me. Some oreo, mint, chocolate chip, fudge thing. OH MAN! I can't wait! haha.

Have a great week everyone.

Zebra1275 11-08-2010 11:24 AM


congrats on 1 year. That's awesome. I remember last year at this time Anew, you and I were all about the same place in our soberity. However, since I screwed up last spring I have to wait awhile now for one year. Looking back, last October both you and Anew were involved in AA. I wasn't. I think that may have been the difference. Hopefully now that I'm involved in AA I'll keep the soberity going.

Dee74 11-08-2010 02:47 PM

Congratulations bdiddy - great achievement - well done! :)


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