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PurpleCat 10-14-2009 05:54 PM

Hi Breakfree ::waves:: Good to see you here again. Glad things are going well for you. I know what you mean about the computer. I spend too much time on it too.

KC1 10-14-2009 06:12 PM

TJ - I applaud you for taking the time to email your date about your "not drinking". I am about the same age as you..a bit older...but I agree with you. If you did not order an alcoholic beverage, your date might think he cannot. My mom has a friend who is an alcoholic and whenever my mom is with her, she won't order a drink because she doesn't think she is allowed because her friend does not drink. The friend has told her time and time again that it is SHE, not my mom, who is the alcoholic and my mom can order a glass of wine, etc. Will be waiting to hear about the date! Hope it works out!

As for me, I am pretty much bedridden tonight. I am propped up in my bed right now and have been here since I got home from work. Have ice packs all over my back and leg. My left leg is pretty much numb (not from the ice). Looking more and more like I have a pinched sciatic nerve. Great.......not much to do for that but rest and relaxation and that ain't gonna happen this week. Gotta get better for the Halloween Festival next weekend. The Halloween avatars have me thinking about a costume. I want to be something that no one will one. So something with a lot of makeup or some kind of mask I can buy. The Witch is the first thing that comes to mind. I can color my face green, etc. Like the Wicked Witch of the North. Ha ha ha my little pretties....oh man, I am losing it. Maybe the ice has gone to my brain. Costume suggestions are welcome!!!!!



traderjane 10-14-2009 07:33 PM

Hey everyone!!!

Breakfree! :c015:

KC -- So sorry to hear that. OUCH. Feel better. Love the witch costume idea. I just love Halloween in general!

Welcome back, ANEW!!!

Well here is the date report. He was a super nice guy. Really sweet. Upbeat and funny, a gentleman, we had a good time. (The problem: I'm not sure the physical attraction is there, at least for me. Ughhhh.... it's always the way.)

The not drinking thing worked out REALLY well. When I got there, he was sitting at the bar with drinking a club soda. I ordered my cranberry on the rocks w/ lime (YUM!) and we got some appetizers. He never once asked why I wasn't drinking alcohol, which is how it should be really. He was enough of a diplomat to not ask, or maybe he did not even care -- who knows? So this drinking of cranberry juice at the bar has opened up a whole new world of socializing for me. I don't need alcohol to socialize!!! I am just as fun, bubbly, silly, talkative etc without alcohol and probably more interesting! It got me thinking: why exactly do we think we need to drink alcohol at a bar anyways?

The other day (while I was still in my drinking phase....ahem...) I had to stop at the wine store for a bottle. This was when I was pretending I was not an alcoholic. I need to stop doing that --- in fact, I think I have. Anyways, my 6 year old son said, "Why do we need wine anyways?" I was actually stumped trying to answer his question. Children are so logical and smart at times. It is us adults that get mixed up with all sorts of stuff they don't need.

I can relate to the comptuer addiction, too. I spend way too much time on here in general as well. Too many websites and things to check on. You have to try to balance it all out somehow. Not easy.

Well, it's bed time for me. G'night!!!

anono 10-15-2009 12:02 AM

Hi all just caught up on posts
Tj I'm so glad u liked the meeting, I too have had positive experiences I have been going on a regular basis and am getting more and more out of them as time goes on. Also glad to hear date went well.
I'm on my phone doing this and it's hard to type so I'll log on later

Bye all

traderjane 10-15-2009 06:50 AM

Good morning!!! I am doing GREAT on this wet, cold miserable morning in DC!!!

My AA meeting yesterday was a real boost to my spirits. I finally feel like I'm getting a handle on this. I'm going to keep going to meetings and not drink.

So off to work and then yoga class! Have a great day, everyone!!!

ANEWAUGUST 10-15-2009 07:38 AM

Good Morning August peeps...

I experienced wonderful fall weather while on vacation. I feel invigorated!!!

I didn't realize how much I needed a break until I got one.

Glad to see folks still here, making positive choices with their lives.

Hoping everyone has a great day.

anono 10-15-2009 03:02 PM

morning all... i'm off to work have a good evening!

thirtybubba 10-15-2009 04:11 PM

Good morning, Aussies. And evening, West coast Americans. Night, East coasters...

I'm still here, I let this cold/flu/whatever I got get the better of me, and I'm feeling mighty down because of it.

Drinking too, don't know which begat the other, but I recall thinking that a shot or two would delay the onset of the sickness till I could afford to be sick. That's progressed by a couple bottles, and, more disturbing to me, a hallucinatory form of a blackout in which I've walked through the rain in my socks (got locked out of my apartment) and driven...

Finally off probation at school--finally (after 4 semesters of hunting) tracked down who had put me on academic probation, only to learn they had done so accidentally and they're sorry.


Well, I'm still here and nobody knows about me... yet. Don't know how.

I've been thinking a lot about that thread the other day "are you done?" I'd have to say I'm not, based on the proof provided by the fact that I keep going out. But I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to sober up for good... Can't tell y'all how much I want that. It just doesn't show out in my behavior, and I'm more confused than anything. I guess it's the addiction.

I oughtta be ran outta whiskey in a few hours, and then I reckon I'll be back. Starting over--again. I'm so sorry, but I'm running out of enthusiasm for even saying that. The powers that be at school either don't notice, have no sense of smell, or, what I'm thinking, don't care. I missed a major on campus event, but everybody is forgiving me because I'm sick--and I got the sneezing and the red nose to back it up...

Oh and I went to the AA meeting on campus... it was cancelled I guess, with no notice. Wasn't very heartening (opposite of disheartening?). I kinda needed it, or some evidence that someone might care that a sober me is better than this drunken version... Didn't get that evidence. I'm apparently doing just fine says a lot of people... I know I'm not, but I think I'm the only one who knows that.

Take care y'all,

Zebra1275 10-15-2009 04:36 PM

TB, I know you are going through some hard times. I don't have any profound words of wisdom, but know that I'm thinking about you and wish you the best.

ANEWAUGUST 10-15-2009 06:10 PM

TB-please know how much I care about you...and hate that you are struggling with drinking again...

Your avator reminds me of Count Chocula (not sure that I spelled that right)...


thirtybubba 10-15-2009 06:34 PM

Yeah, I was thinking Count Chocula too..

Thank y'all. I gotta get over this...


OceanBound 10-15-2009 06:46 PM

Day 4, sober and also wondering if I'm done.

TB, I'm sorry you are going thru this. And we all really want you to succeed at kicking booze's a$$ but you have to want it yourself too. Please give it another try and not just because you ran out of whiskey. :hug:


Zebra1275 10-15-2009 06:51 PM

Yeah, Count Chocula describes your avator very well. I can almost imagine the taste. Coco Puff's were one of my favorites when I was a kid.

PurpleCat 10-15-2009 06:53 PM

OB and TB, neither one of you are done. Don't quit quitting! (((hugs)))

traderjane 10-15-2009 06:56 PM

Hi friends! How is everyone tonight?

((((TB)))) Glad you checked in. Keep with us.

You guys are all so supportive and I couldn't have found a nicer group of folks to do this with. Just wanted to say that.

OB -- well done. Keep at it. I'm on Day 2 but not actually counting days this time because my sobriety day is going to STICK and each day going forward is a wonderful gift. No need to count. But Oct. 14th is the day for me.

Good night here on the east coast.


thirtybubba 10-15-2009 11:49 PM

Day 4 OB? (((hugs))) That's past the hard part... lucky you.

Well, not all the hard part (I'm assuming I'm not telling you anything new...), but still. Go for it! Wherever we're trying to get, you're closer to that than to where you're coming from... if that makes any sense. It's the mental process, somehow.

TJ, stay at it, you got your goal now...

Yeah, I can't really run out of whiskey... the store's got a whole lot of it. I know I gotta want to not go get some.


box3 10-16-2009 01:28 AM

OB and TB, lots of sober strength to you. Traderjane, congrats on your decision. Don't give up.

I've been dealing with a bad tooth ache for a couple of weeks. I need to get the tooth extracted or have a root canal. I'm finally on antibiotics and some mild pain relief. Consequently, I'm feeling pretty wiped out and lethargic. I've been keeping up with work and exercising, but it's been a struggle and I've been pretty grumpy. Still sober though. Stupid teeth.

It will be day 70 for me tomorrow. It does get easier. :)

thirtybubba 10-16-2009 06:43 AM

Ow, box3. Out of curiosity, does Australia have universal health care? Or any form there of?

Tooth surgery scares me half to death. You're mighty brave in my opinion. I'm afraid to go in for basic tooth maintenance, don't even have tooth problems. Even though my avatar claims I'm a cat (pre-costume), I actually don't even have canine teeth anymore. Go figure. I got 29 years on this planet and 28 teeth....


ANEWAUGUST 10-16-2009 07:29 AM

How is ready for the weekend??? I AM!

Anyone have anything fun planned for this weekend?

traderjane 10-16-2009 08:58 AM

Hey guys --- I just tried to post a couple of messages on the ***** thread and they disappeared. Wasn't Kate having this problem? Is there something wrong with it?

ANEW -- I have kind of a busy weekend planned. Having dinner with a high school friend tonight, hair appointment on Saturday, hopefully yoga too, and an AA meeting (!), meeting a couple of girfriends on Sat. night for Chinese food and then spending the day on Sunday with my kids at a school "pumpkin patch event." I actually prefer having a little more free time on my weekends.... but maybe I'll have to wait until next weekend for that!

Hope you all are good.

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