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FizzyWater 06-20-2009 01:30 PM

Didn't have the best afternoon, took the kids to the park in the car, thought about stopping and buying some vodka every time we passed a shop though, didn't, but haven't had thoughts like that in quite a while.

Kind of caught me a wee bit unawares, having the kids wth me helped though.

Nobody said this would always be easy though, did they ?

Dee74 06-20-2009 02:03 PM

Nope. It's the out of nowhere ideas that floor me too.
as long as they're just passing thoughts - it's ok I reckon :)


FizzyWater 06-20-2009 02:19 PM

I was probably closer to acting on those thoughts than I like to admit mate.

Haven't been sleeping to good with stuff I've got going on at the minute, think I'll have an early night tonight.

I'm always more vunerable to drinking thoughts when I'm tired.

Good eh, spend the next year pished up cos I got tired one weekend !!!!!!!!

Besides, wifes watching Russel Brand on telly, if thats not a reason to go to bed.

spen71 06-20-2009 02:27 PM

I was a bit the same today. I worked hard and was walking past a few outdoors. Each one I thought I could murder a drink. Managed to control it with thining about my family and things I can buy for the house.

least 06-20-2009 05:05 PM

I must be doing well. I've not had too many cravings lately, and they're just fleeting thoughts, they don't stay in my head too long.

I don't want to screw up my sobriety again either. I'd made over six months when I relapsed over four months ago and I don't want to have to start at day one again.... I've had too many of those already....

Ananda 06-20-2009 06:45 PM

I guess i've been alone like i do...i'm not often more than a half hour from my computer and SR and know me...when i crave i find some one or some thread to rant about it to. It's worked so far...If i can actually get it verbalized i can start to see the insaanity of the thinking that goes along with a desire to drink.

I guess thats why i'm really scared of the flights on my vacation..I'll be totally unable to contact anyone for 8 hours at least...there will be FREE liquer coming up and down the isles....I often get tremendous pain on landing cause my ears don't equalize correctly despite all the tricks....and of course, coming home I'm very likely to be devastated that my vacation can't last forever....'s over a month i won't sweat it today :)

Anyhow...i was gonna say that the people who have effectively helped me get through a craving did so not by areguling the logic of drinking (although they did some of that) but by really getting me to talk about what was bugging me...cause believe me...for ME there is ALWAYS something i'm not dealing effectively with behind the desire to drink. or at least behind the STRONG desires to drink that floor me.

I'm pretty sure you will stay on top of this Fizzy...Glad you're talking about it..partly cause it is nice to know I'm not the only one with over a year that still gets in these spots...I was kind of hoping at some point i would have it all down pat and sorta walk on water the rest of the way :)

Ananda 06-21-2009 06:04 AM

Happy Father's Day Fizzy :ghug

oh yeah...please tell me why in britain you celebrate fathers day the same day as us, but you mess around with mothers day and have to do it different????

or do i have to post that on the trivial question thread???

FizzyWater 06-21-2009 12:14 PM

Thanks Nands and everyone.

Yea Fathers day is today here as well.

Kids got me the box set of The A Team and some sweeties.

I'd forgotton that there was a different actor playing Face in the pilot episode of the A team !!!!!!!

We went and saw the folks dressed up as the soldiers at Bannockburn, I tried on some chain mail ( its heavy !!!!! ) and we had a picnic.

We stopped off on the way back and watched a Polo match ( yep that hockey on horses mylarky ), how posh does that sound.

Still not a good as I could be though, we were in Tesco's and the drink aisle was definatley calling out, keeping busy just now.

One of the things about drinking is it stops you worrying about things , the only thing thats important to you is the vodka, everything else pales away, ok I know its not a good thing in the good sense of the word but I sure could do with something just to blot everything else out just now.

FizzyWater 06-21-2009 12:16 PM

Saying that, the fitba's cracking right now, Brazil beating Italy 3-0 and USA winning 1-0 against Egypt means that either USA or Egypt have a great chance of getting to the semi finals.

FizzyWater 06-21-2009 12:32 PM

I was thinking today when we were listening to the history stuff about how we get stressed about things in this modern world.

We were hearing about the Battle of Bannockburn which was fought in the main between Scotland and England in 1314.

What I didn't realise until today though was that the battle was more or less organised a year in advance and so the Scots had that time to get ready.

The Scots had laid seige to Stirling Castle which was held by the English in 1313 and although they couldn't take it the governer of the castle agreed to surrender the castle to them if no English force arrived to relieve them by midsummers day 1314.

It was this huge relieving army with which the battle was fought the following year.

Imagine though that you are in the castle, a year of being beseiged, probably not a lot of food, strict rations,no phones or ways of communicating with the outside world, no way of knowing if an army was on its way to help or not. Just a whole year of waiting and hoping.

Now that would be stress !!!!!!!!

Puts wanting a wee drink into perspective.

Ananda 06-21-2009 12:42 PM

Kids got me the box set of The A Team and some sweeties.

I'd forgotton that there was a different actor playing Face in the pilot episode of the A team !!!!!!!
Wow...i forgot that the very thing that would drive me to drink can keep someone else sober :e124:

That was one of Chris's favorite shows though...think he out grew it a number of years ago :)

My housekeeper is sober today thx god...

did you get a picture of you in the chainmail fizzy...i'de like to see that. I have a chainmail woman's hair peice that I got years ago..sorta cleopatra ish looking.... haven't ever worn it though...i think i was drunk when i bought it.

FizzyWater 06-21-2009 12:54 PM

USA 2 Egypt 0 , USA need one more goal to qualify, not that any of you Americans probably care cos they aren't wearing silly hats !!!!!!!

FizzyWater 06-21-2009 01:02 PM

3 - 0 USA now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FizzyWater 06-21-2009 01:25 PM

USA are through to the semi's against Spain on wednesday.

Will that even make the news over with you Nands ?

spen71 06-21-2009 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by FizzyWater (Post 2270279)
USA are through to the semi's against Spain on wednesday.

Will that even make the news over with you Nands ?

I doubt it as it happened outside of America!!!!!!!!!:e124:

Ananda 06-21-2009 04:31 PM

I am not responsible!!!!

Mom and i turned on "headline news" and the big item they had on was some gay guy named bruno adding for a movie....10 minites of that...

So..i stoped watching the news when i got sober...not real pleased and have been embarrased many times as i was always quite up on politicts...

I use to drink and yell and rage at the newscasters....then drunk dial everyone i knew to rag about how much I hate america....

Now i am living in relative oblivia regarding all the crp we do and i'm having a hard time subjecting myself to the stuff!

stone 06-21-2009 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by ananda (Post 2270500)
I am not responsible!!!!

Mom and i turned on "headline news" and the big item they had on was some gay guy named bruno adding for a movie....10 minites of that...

That will be Sacha Baron Cohen the guy who pays Borat. :)

Glad you made it through the urges, Fizz. :)

allport 06-22-2009 06:46 AM

Hello everyone :)

Being give a box set of the A-team might drive me to drink as well!

I had no idea you were having such a rough time Fizzy, apparently the strong silent thing only takes you so far.

A cautionary tale for you, I once had more than eighteen months of sobriety (yes I know its hard to believe).

During that time I found it all pretty easy despite the fact I went through the death of my mother and various other crisis, so when the cravings stepped up I pretty much thought I could deal with them.

Even when I finally gave in and had a drink, it was a case of thinking that i would have a few wild weekends then get myself back on track.

Here I am more than two years later struggling to string a few weeks together, (although the way I am at the moment is so much better than I was) it isn't always just a case of drink a bit then pick up where you were.

So whatever you do don't end up like me :(

Horselover 06-22-2009 10:40 AM

This thread sure is helpful. The urges have been strong for me also. I don't know if I expected after a year that a magic wand would be waved and the urges would be gone for good, but sheesh!

I was at a picnic at my Mom's on Saturday and the stress was overwhelming. My mom's husband's daughter and her family were visiting. Whole story there I won't go into, but she didn't know I had stopped drinking and actually asked point blank "Why?" Luckily, I was on the phone and my Mom answered it. She said "Sarah just feels much better without it." She then asked if my husband still drank and Mom said he stopped to support me and found he was better off too. They drank the whole afternoon and I hid under the coattails of the kids. Played with them and didn't do a lot of adult socializing. Really awkward day, but glad I stuck to the soda. Was a bit peeved about having to be around it as this is the first time since I stopped drinking that I have been. Guess I've been lucky.

I go back East in 4 weeks and I KNOW there will be alot of boozing it up at the lake because there always is. I am already trying to play that one out. There will be questions no doubt from the in laws even though they know I quit drinking because I never came out and said I was an alcoholic and they never saw it.

Any help would be really appreciated and Ananda you were right when you said we need to get this stuff out. I have been bottling these feelings up a lot and boy did it almost lead to a drink. I would have been devastated if that happened, but I'm still not 100 percent confident lately in that resolve.

Sorry to hijack your thread Fizzy.

FizzyWater 06-22-2009 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by Horselover (Post 2271453)
This thread sure is helpful.

Well thats the first time anyones said that anyway !!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Horselover (Post 2271453)
Sorry to hijack your thread Fizzy.

No problem at all, consider it called "More Horsie less Pop " for the evening.

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