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Free2bme888 05-27-2022 06:17 AM

Hev, yes, the hygienist shouldn’t hurt or draw blood, and at our age our teeth should be stable. I had one that actually invented cavities to make money.

Turs, hope your dental visit was like the spa….

PS, glad you had some bonding with new boss. I NEVER bonded with my bosses, different line of work of course.

Hev, your hubby sounds like mine, I would need that kindness at 0300 too.

Vik, FBL,aamirk glad to see you!

CP, YES!,! Coffee, so grateful for it. Almost panicked and had withdrawals, couldn’t find my new stash, but did. I’ll take that panic and almost the shakes over coffee rather than booze ANY day

least, I’m so GLAD you are reunited with Billie

Free2bme888 05-27-2022 06:21 AM

Grateful for a hike with friends, a nice hard long one
Grateful to meet a fellow SR member for the walk it will be our first time
Grateful I started a 14 day challenge with my Pilates videos - day 2 today. Goal—-tone
Grateful I had some laughs with eldest on phone last night
Grateful other daughter arbitrarily texted “I love you” yesterday
Grateful I followed through with making ginger cookies, bringing them to excavator on lot before hike, and Dr Free is ok with it, it adds 50 minutes to our hike commute
Grateful for all of you and your posts

CBS62 05-27-2022 06:55 AM

Hello Grat Packers. I took another little break while I was out of town for my mother's celebration of life. It went as well as it could. My daughter's got up together and spoke for about 15 minutes. They did a great job. My older daughter took the lead and my younger daughter was kind of the comic relief side kick. I am so proud of them! I prepared a 10 minute slideshow of my mother over the years with some of her favorite songs: Send in the Clowns sung by Judy Collins, Imagine by John Lennon and The Way We Were by Barbra Streisand.There was not a dry eye. I am still grieving of course but it is not what I expected. It comes in waves but I am managing to go on living. I just feel a big void. Every time something big happens good or bad I think about calling my mom and then I am like oh I can't do that. I am busy working on the estate now as I am co executor with my sister and she has pretty much assumed that I will do it all. And that is okay because she has some cognitive/memory issues and is not a "doer".

Grateful to be home.
Grateful for my daughters stepping up especially because I did not have the wherewithal.
Grateful that the Unitarian Church was so helpful with the service. They provided a piano player, some singers and refreshments.
Grateful for safe travels.
Grateful I have somehow stayed healthy through all the traveling.
Grateful to be back on SR.
Grateful for my sobriety. 526 days. It is getting easier.
Grateful my mouth is slowly healing and I am able to eat more normally.
Grateful for "Wellness Week". I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday.
Grateful for the Grat Pack.
I will try to catch up.

Fearlessat50 05-27-2022 07:18 AM

CBS, so glad you are back and glad the celebration of life went well. Send in the clowns was/is on my Dads celebration of life playlist too. So sweet. Thanks for the memory ❤️
Hev, how nice of your husband to kill the annoying fly in the middle of the night. Lol
least, thank goodness for the free for seniors dog licenses!
Palmer, I love being an early riser too
Free, thanks for posting that scrumptious pic. Glad your son is safe
Grateful neighbors are giving us a big screen TV at a serious discount
Grateful to receive my Venus package
Grateful flights are booked for Alaska cruise in a month
Grateful for a nice compliment for a work/client project
Grateful sonny boy had fun at a school band concert last night. Also, he had a helpful therapy session yesterday. So glad this went well for him. So grateful
Grateful sonny boy and Mr F are playing golf with friends today and sonny going to a movie with friends tonight
Gratful for lunch plans with a friend

aamirk614 05-27-2022 08:00 AM

Grateful for Fearlessat50^^^ for reminding me of how a sober life is worth it!
Grateful for the ability to move forward
Grateful for patience
Grateful for a week clean
Grateful for still having a parent who cares about my well-being

Hevyn 05-27-2022 09:10 AM

PalmerSage - I looked forward to not having to get up early - but now that I don't have to, I really enjoy it. :) It's all quiet - just me & the birds before stuff starts happening. :)
Free - The cookies look lovely, & ginger is good for us. :) Need me some.
CBS - It sounds like a wonderful service to honor your mom. So nice that the girls spoke for 15 mins - they must have said many meaningful things. (Those favorite songs of hers are 3 of my favorites too.) :hug:
Fearless - Looking forward to hearing how you like the cruise.
Aamirk - Big congrats on your week clean - that's fabulous. :)
Least - I'm so happy you & Billie are reunited.
Grateful for the beautiful flowers we planted. Hope the chipmunks leave things alone.
Grateful for the soft rain to water everything.
Grateful we've decided to have salad for dinner a couple times a week. I must get serious about a better diet. (Last night was pizza. Night before spaghetti.:boggled: Need adult supervision.)
Grateful for all of us on this thread. We are very cool & know stuff. :yup:

tursiops999 05-27-2022 09:41 AM

CBS, the service sounds really lovely, so glad you got through that milestone. I relate to that feeling of wanting to share news & updates with our loved one --- I have it all the time, wanting to tell Mr. T and my parents as well. Now I just go ahead and talk out loud, and tell them.
Grateful to read your updates.
Grateful I eventually went to sleep last night.
Grateful I've been diagnosed with sleep apnea because now at least I can get treatment for it, which hopefully will help my sleep.
Grateful for the dogwood tree blooming in the backyard neighbor's yard.
Grateful for plans with friends this evening.

FBL 05-28-2022 04:06 AM

Grateful for the 3 day weekend ahead.

Grateful for another day sober.

Numblady 05-28-2022 04:40 AM

Grateful to be back after missing a day for carpool and kid graduation chaos.
So grateful to see least and that she is reunited with Billy.
Grateful to see aamkirk and vik coming back.
Grateful CBS made it through the service and it sounds like it was really beautiful.
Grateful for the early-rising inspiration. I used to be so good about getting up before or by 5 but I’ve just gotten in such a slump about it. I need that time so much to work out, to meditate and pray, to not have noise. Hopefully I can get back on track.
Grateful for the tenacity of plants. They grow in crooks and crannies and in ways that seem impossible. I went looking for an image of a lotus flower to post on my other gratitude group (the sober lawyer mom FB group) and grateful to see several repeats of the line “no mud, no lotus.” Also grateful for “bloom where you are planted.” And grateful this all started because I saw a crape myrtle itty bitty baby just humbly trying to grow in a bunch of rocks and leaves yesterday.
Grateful for what Fearless wrote about the meditation group. I’m still just trying to sort through my view of a higher power and it definitely has something to do with the higher essences of people, like their core—as undisturbed by the frequency of things like ego, self-pity, etc.—together like a fabric. So we can give to it and draw from it. Kind of woo woo but I like it.
Grateful for this line in the AA daily reflections “Depending on my attitude, I an view newcomers to A.A., family members, and friends as menaces or as teachers. When I think of some of my past judgments, it is clear how my self-righteousness caused me spiritual harm.”
Grateful to have a meeting this morning. I am really white knuckling for some reason. I think a lot because booze is just freaking everywhere and all my friends and everyone around me who is over 21 seems to love to drink. But I want to see my friends. I just wish it didn’t feel like swimming upstream.
Grateful my keyboard hasn’t crapped out yet. I’m getting the ominous blinking warning.
Grateful for Free’s note about weekenders. I will have to check that out. Love me some Mags so all the more reason!
Grateful for this lovely group.

Alpine 05-28-2022 05:13 AM

Trying to catch back up to what's going on here
Grateful I picked up Mr. Alpine at the airport last night
Grateful Riley is asleep next to me
Grateful for all of you

Free2bme888 05-28-2022 05:57 AM

CBS, congrats on the wonderful celebration of life for your mom, those are GREAT songs, and your 526 hard earned days of sobriety.

Fearless, we will JUST miss each other in Alaska! It will be my first cruise. Or maybe on the same one. I’ll PM you.

aamirk, as an orphan, and hearing CBS and Fearless’ fresh grief, it IS nice when you have a parent around. Grateful to the GP who still have their parents.

Hev, it’s a great plan, Plast night pizza too, and about 30 Bavarian pretzels. Feeling a little guilty and BLOAT today myself.

Turs, glad you are getting that treated. It causes long term brain and heart damage if left untreated too long. Husband uses Smart Nora, A non invasive thing. It’s wonderful for both of us,

NL, glad the program and support of AA is working for you!

Alpine, grateful you are back again and posting. Hoping your new plan is working well.

Free2bme888 05-28-2022 06:00 AM

Grateful I’m upset with husband, I will take the opportunity to address the issue with information and hopefully stern respect.
Grateful I am not letting my anger build into a resentment in this marriage
Grateful for coffee
Grateful the garden needs watering and the hummingbirds need fed. Glad to be needed.
Grateful golfing 18 after volunteering to usher the local Christian High School,graduation.
Grateful hubby said he’d help me water before my 6 hour volunteer gig this morning.

Alpine 05-28-2022 06:05 AM

Thanks Free! I am refocused. Grateful for my determination.

PalmerSage 05-28-2022 06:18 AM

CBS, so happy you're back! That's wonderful about your daughters getting up to speak.
NL, sometimes if I was white-knuckling it was a sign I was trying to do too much - even one day completely off the social scene is really restorative for me. I totally understand the craziness of graduation and end of school year stuff. It can really feel like a lot.
Free, thanks for the comment about weekenders, I never make my way over to the main board anymore but I need to!
Turs, the sleep apnea machine (CPAP?) has been life-changing for my husband, as well as me who had to listen to him snore for decades, ha!
Fearless, is your son going to see Top Gun? My husband and boys are going tonight too, and I realized it's been forever since they went to see something in a theater!

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for some pretty productive work interactions yesterday. Sometimes I feel like I'm just pushing a boulder uphill.
Grateful the weather is sunny and beautiful.
Grateful I was able to sleep in (despite my comments about waking early, oversleeping is one of my last available vices, and I do love it) :lmao
Grateful my younger son is focused on getting his money's worth from his gym membership.
Grateful he is so independent at such an early age.
Grateful my older son is almost finished with his high school (and we're done with it as a family since my younger son attends a different school). They don't communicate well and the principal is definitely phoning it in.
Grateful to be sober, and for everyone here in this amazing group.

CBS62 05-28-2022 06:23 AM

Free I saw you have 5 children. You must have been a very busy lady when they were growing up.
PS I agree about 1st world problems. When I put it is perspective I stop feeling sorry for myself.
Fearless I hope you enjoy your Alaskan cruise. I have never been on a cruise but that is one I might try someday.
amir welcome here it is good to see you.
Hev I hope the chipmunks leave your flowers alone. I have trouble with squirrels digging up mine. I use a repellent spray and that helps some.
Turs I talked to my mom last night and cried. Thanks for the advice. I will keep doing it. I miss her so much.
NL I like Weekenders. But I am not as regular there as here.
least I am so glad you and Billie are reunited.

Grateful my daughter and granddaughter are okay and vaccinated. My granddaughter has Covid. So far just a fever and headache. I hope she does not get too sick. We were supposed to babysit tonight. We saw them briefly Wednesday and granddaughter tested positive Friday. Wonder if she was contagious then?
Grateful for the rain yesterday. Won't have to water the garden today.
Grateful for sunshine.
Grateful for a tennis match this morning.
Grateful for the French Open. I love watching it.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for this time off to rejuvenate and get things done.
Grateful for SR and the GP.

This is one of the sunsets when I was at the Gulf of Mexico for my mom's celebration of life.

ClearPath64 05-28-2022 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by Numblady (Post 7808797)

I’m still just trying to sort through my view of a higher power and it definitely has something to do with the higher essences of people, like their core—as undisturbed by the frequency of things like ego, self-pity, etc.—together like a fabric. So we can give to it and draw from it. Kind of woo woo but I like it.

Just popping in quickly this morning as I have a three year old demanding papa's attention.

NL, this jumped out at me this morning as I was thinking about the great time I had with my granddaughter at the playground yesterday. Watching the kids form immediate friendships, and their unfiltered joy at just running around and being kids. Kids are really the highest essence of ourselves, aren't they?

Absolutely beautiful picture CBS! Thanks for sharing.

So grateful for all of you.

tursiops999 05-28-2022 09:11 AM

CBS, I'm glad you were able to talk out loud to your mom -- I know you must miss her so dearly. Grief programs suggest writing letters to your loved one ... at some point in the process (I wasn't ready to do this right away, it took me a few months). It can include things you want to tell them, and also perhaps things you think they might say back to you, if they were here.
I hope your granddaughter gets well soon. I'm wondering about covid myself ... I went to a gathering of my former employer a few days ago. It was supposed to be outside, but last minute was moved inside due to cold weather. I generally don't do indoor events, but I hadn't seen these folks for two years and really wanted to say hello, so I risked it (and then regretted it after I got home). I have not heard that anyone has turned up positive, but I feel kinda paranoid and started testing myself yesterday.
Grateful for a talk with my sister by phone yesterday. She's a pain sometimes but we also share our entire life history, which I now appreciate is rare and precious.
Grateful yesterday I puttered around the garage and got out my tools and did some minor projects, and cleaned up my vehicles. I like that stuff.
Grateful I just found out grandbaby #2, on the way, is also a boy. So my grandson will have a little brother.
Grateful to get out my pressure canning equipment. Going to can soups and stews for when the baby arrives and no one has time to cook.

Hevyn 05-28-2022 09:35 AM

Free - That's what I want for dinner tonight - 30 Bavarian Pretzels. :eat
Alpine - I'm glad MrAlp is home, & hope you have a fun weekend.
CBS - I've heard peppermint or Cayenne Pepper flakes may help deter squirrels. Haven't tried it though. What a stunning sunset!
Tursiops - Congrats on your grandson on the way. :)
Grateful to be kept busy by outdoor chores - definitely helpful when trying to avoid snacking.
Grateful the flowers are still alive 2 days after planting. :yup: Maybe I'm not horticulturally challenged after all.
Grateful MrH actually enjoys doing the grocery shopping & often goes alone.
Grateful the bad thoughts that pop into our heads at 3am often go 'poof' in the morning.
Grateful for all your posts.

Britbird80 05-28-2022 11:27 PM

Morning everyone

Been a hectic few days so not had chance to post much although getting around to reading everything and hopefully get back up to date soon.

CBS I'm glad it all went well as could and hope your doing as well as can be expected, sounds like your daughters were amazing and supportive, and you must feel so proud. Hope you dodge covid. Gorgeous sunset pic.

Grateful for all the posts here that remind me of the many things I often take for granted.

Grateful to have spent time with a family member that normally annoys me with continuous bragging and boasting! There was a little, but many times in the past with alcohol involved things have often got heated between us so I'm grateful I can rise above it these days.

Grateful for a break from work.

Grateful for treating myself this week and feeling no guilt just joy at the continuing self improvement/care I deserve.

Grateful to be sober and 3 days away from 5 months 🙏 this place has been one of the biggest things that's helped this time so thank you all.

Have A great day everyone 😊

Numblady 05-29-2022 04:41 AM

Alpine, I’m so glad you are back. I did not even realize you got unfocused. But whatever it was, glad you are determined and here.
Palmer, I think that is a good insight about just trying to do too many things. Right now it’s sort of just all the planning and coordination and uncertainty I’m juggling in my mind about what we’re doing, who’s living where when, when we’re telling the kids. And against that backdrop it just feels like to have any social life at all I have to be the odd one out not drinking. I want to see my friends. But they all drink. So while the stars are aligning for two of my wonderful old friends and I to get together while my kids are out of town, I just think that for them it will be a booze fest and for me it will be a fest. Idk. Hopefully we can catch up before anyone gets intoxicated and then I can just go to bed early. I think I can just be honest with them too that it’s a struggle and I’ll probably turn in early.
CBS, what a gorgeous sunset. i love the gulf. Of course I think I just love the beach. And also water. And also sunsets.

Grateful to get through a rather awkward 17th anniversary yesterday.
Grateful I made it to two meetings, one in person and one on Zoom. I find them regulating and yesterday I really needed it. I was mad at the whole world.
Grateful for baking a cake with my daughter. She has a whole grand plan about layers and design. Hope I don’t let her down with my lack of skill!
Grateful my son and his friend went and worked yesterday for our other friends and will make some money. And seem proud of themselves.
Grateful we have good friends that can offer opportunities like that.
Grateful my problems too are first-world. Doesn’t mean they’re not there but it helps to right-size my feelings around them.
Grateful for as overwhelmed as I feel with the to-do list, I don’t actually have any true obligations today or tomorrow.
Grateful that I finally got through the last of my scanning on this one project.
Grateful to read CP’s thoughts on the playground. It seems like you are regaining/growing in optimism.
Grateful I should be able to do a bike ride with a friend today. Which means i gotta run! Hugs to all.

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