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least 12-02-2021 07:58 AM

Aly, that was so good of your sister to help you with those important things. :) Glad she came thru for you. :hug:

I'd love to get a tattoo, two of them really, of my sweet old man Jack and my handsome tiger boy Freddie. If I ever have the money I'll do it. :)

This morning I'm grateful that the gabapentin seems to be helping a bit with the pain and numbness in my feet and legs. I know it takes a few weeks for it to take effect but it seems to be helping already.

Grateful for my beloved brother coming over every day before and after work to take care of Billie and the cats. :hug:

tursiops999 12-02-2021 10:07 AM

Grateful for my siblings making plans to travel here for the holidays, so I don't have to.
Grateful for an invite from my daughter-in-law for dinner.
Grateful that it's calm enough to go paddling this morning, if I can get off my chair and go do it. (any minute now...!)
Grateful for my 'grieving through art projects' support group yesterday. Lots of very real tears and support shared.
Grateful for my generally good health despite my inner ear problems.
Grateful for all of you good friends in the computer.

Hevyn 12-02-2021 11:14 AM

Tursiops - I'm glad you're comforted by the support group. :hug: Nice that you won't have to travel.
Least - It's good the pain has eased up a bit.
Aly - I was skeptical, but glad it worked out with your sister! :yup:
PalmerSage - I am a big fan of contemplation. Anyone can just jump in & start to do stuff. :tongue:
Grateful for unexpected sunshine.
Grateful to speak up more often when necessary, instead of always trying to keep the peace.
Grateful I dumped all my Christmas cards in the mail today. :)
Grateful for each & every one of you.

Willow00 12-02-2021 12:14 PM

Grateful that Least is getting some relief from the new pain meds ❤️
Grateful that Aly’s sister has been helpful :hug:
Grateful that I slept better last night even though I woke up at 4.30
Grateful for coffee
Grateful that I I can have a second coffee if I need one today
Grateful that I’ve done most of my Christmas shopping online
Grateful too for family and friends in the computer :) I’m so Grateful for all of you here ❤️
Grateful to have a clear head every morning
Grateful to be alive
Grateful for the beauty of nature

Alysheba 12-02-2021 12:54 PM

Hevyn, LOL, You weren't the only one who was skeptical. She's supposed to come around again tomorrow. We'll see. Thank you for always making me smile or giggle!! :hug:

CBS62 12-02-2021 02:10 PM

Least I am so glad you are feeling some improvement!
Aly, that is great that you got some help from your sister.
Fearless I love a fire in the winter. Still waiting for ours to get cleaned next week. It was deemed unsafe.
PS I agree cannot take good sleep for granted!
Sneezy this is my favorite thread on SR. I try to post and read everyday. Gratitude has been a key to my sobriety and to help me look for positive things even when things are really hard. I am still suffering from PAWs and I vowed to post every day to help me appreciate the simple things even when I am feeling miserable.
NL I am glad your travel went well.
Mags I like your new Avi.

Grateful for Thursday. I am usually off Friday so it is like a Friday for me.
Grateful for food in my refrigerator and pantry.
Grateful for 350 days sober.
Grateful my daughter and granddaughter are coming over to help decorate the tree tonight. This will be the first time doing it with no alcohol in my system since I was pregnant decades ago.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

Mags1 12-02-2021 09:50 PM

Tursiops, ‘grieving through art’ sounds a good group. :hug:
Least, I’m pleased the pain isn’t as bad. :hug:
CBS I like your Avi too. :)
Aly pleased you’re getting help from your sister. :hug:

Grateful my thick head isn’t due to a hangover. Those days are gone for good.
Grateful for my big mug of coffee this morning.
Grateful I’m having physio later.
Grateful for this thread and all the Grat Pack.:grouphug:

FBL 12-03-2021 03:59 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Canadian Koala 12-03-2021 04:12 AM

Grateful to be sober and clean this morning ☼

PalmerSage 12-03-2021 04:40 AM

Least, I’m so happy you have some pain relief (finally), and I’m thankful for your brother too.
Sneezy, perfectly said that “moderation” leads nowhere except back to the same old S#$@. And I’m also glad my judgmental dogs keep their opinions to themselves - sometimes I can see their disapproval on their faces, though. ;)
NL, glad you can get away and hopefully have some time to clear your head a bit, away from the daily grind.
Fearless, I’m also so thankful for YT and Google – literally everything we need to know, and MUCH more.
Hev, I always think of that quote: "You can act your way into thinking, but you can't think your way into acting" - something like that. Man, I hope that's not true because there goes my whole approach to life - overthinking!

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for telework.
Grateful that I faced the music and weighed myself. Up 7 pounds from this time last year, ugh. But honestly, it could have been worse. My lack of exercise and pretty poor eating habits keep catching up to me.
Grateful that my son will hopefully have some decisions from colleges fairly soon. Grateful he doesn't seem too stressed. Grateful he joined an indoor track program so he gets daily exercise - that's a huge benefit for him.
Grateful my younger son can sleep in today.
Grateful to mentally commit to pulling out the first round of decorations today.
Grateful I can get a bit of laundry done.
Grateful to be sober.

Alpine 12-03-2021 04:58 AM

Been in a big funk. Very depressed. I guess I am grateful to still be here. Hope everyone is well

Numblady 12-03-2021 05:21 AM

Grateful you are here, Alpine. You are going through a lot right now—dealing with in-laws, family, and being separated from husband. Glad you are coming here to let us know you are struggling. Mega hugs your way.
Grateful this crappy headache I can’t shake is not because of booze.
Grateful to see family as well as meet/talk to other people who loved my grandma.
Grateful Palmer was able to handle what sounds like a difficult communication. I definitely rush to fix.
Grateful to have some time for introspection. I am staying with my grandpa to make sure he has help if he needs it but he’s still asleep. Granted I would be more grateful if I had some real coffee but hey, you can’t have everything.
Grateful for the reality check of this whole situation.
Grateful for improvising—yesterday did yoga and needed blocks but didn’t have any so i used stuff from th pantry, including a tub of Folgers coffee. When I pressed down on the lid the smell of coffee rushed over me. It was awesome. I may have to open a coffee ground yoga studio!
Grateful for this group and as others have pointed out, the compassion, support, positivity,, life lessons, etc.!

Introvrtd1 12-03-2021 05:26 AM

Grateful for another sober morning and day.

Sneezy 12-03-2021 06:04 AM

Big hug to you, Alpine.
Numblady, I wish I could send you a cup of real coffee through the computer! Your yoga story made me laugh :)
PS - how well I too know the dreaded scales!
Hevyn, I struggle to find my voice too. It's hard when I know people won't like it and I'm still learning to say what I need to with compassion.
Willow, glad you are sleeping better.
CBS - congrats on 350 days, that is really really great.
Grateful today for balmy weather, so appreciated as I am not a cold weather fan.
Grateful for opportunities to learn patience though it is very hard sometimes. Breathing helps!
Grateful for waking up to a little dog with his legs up in the air :) A goofy friend to start the day with.
Grateful for learning least's phrase "friends in the computer" :)
And grateful for my friends here in the computer, you are all amazing people, thank you for your support and care.

Fearlessat50 12-03-2021 06:31 AM

Turps, I love the concept of grieving through art therapy. I’ve always loved art therapy and combining it with grieving is great
Glad the meds are starting to work, least!
CBS, we rarely used our fireplaces before this year because of too many spare the air days and safety concerns. We finally bit the bullit and got gas inserts. Now we enjoy it every morning
Alpine, sending big and tight hugs. So sorry you are feeling depressed. Stay close to SR ❤️
Grateful my first attempt at tofu stir fry turned out really goo. Now I am obsessed with more tofu recipes
Grateful to get my booster later today. Grateful I have time to take off work to do it
Grateful all my Xmas shopping is done. Mr F is the gift wrapper so I only have to wrap his few gifts
Grateful to be back on track with Duolingo
Grateful for my comfy jeggings

CBS62 12-03-2021 06:37 AM

NL I hope your headache goes away soon.
Sneezy what kind of dog do you have?
((Alpine)) I sure hope you can get out of your funk soon. Stay close. Take a hike or a walk if you can. That always helps me.
PS I just started decorating too. Should be done this weekend.
Hev I have ordered my cards and bought Christmas stamps but they have not shipped yet. Yikes.
Turs I am glad you don't have to travel. I don't either. Going to have all three of my children home for the first time in six years or more.

Grateful for sunshine.
Grateful to be playing tennis this morning.
Grateful I finally got my flu shot this week.
Grateful my daughter brought me her GF chocolate chip muffins.
Grateful that the 17th of this month will be my one year sober date.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

Alysheba 12-03-2021 07:54 AM

Grateful for your lovely posts this morning.
Grateful to have had 2 PTs and 1 OT go over taking my mom for a walk in her wheelchair yesterday. I think it's good for her to get out of her bed and I'll take her for another walk today. God bless her therapists who seem to really care about her welfare. Prayers and blessings for my mom and anyone else sufferring. :hug:
Grateful for all of you so very much. Love and peace to you all. :grouphug: ☮✝☪💫💗❣😴😍

Hevyn 12-03-2021 10:30 AM

CBS - 350 days sober - how wonderful. :) Hope your cards come soon.
PalmerSage - Yes, overthinking. Spent half my life doing just that. Mostly to no avail.
Alpine - I'm sorry for what you're going through. Glad to see you.
Grateful for the article I read today about how beneficial coffee is. Just the reverse of what they said a few yrs. ago.
Grateful for the stretchiness of leggings. (Just the thought of zipping up jeans....:willy)
Grateful I had salad for dinner last night - I think I lost a half ounce.
Love to all!

least 12-03-2021 10:52 AM

Grateful for 350 days sober.
CBS, that's wonderful! :) You'll soon hit a year. :) You should be proud of yourself. :hug:

Today I am grateful for all the help I'm going to get thru the Passport program, from the area agency on aging. :) And not only that, but my brother is eligible to be paid for the help he gives me. :) I have to fill out a form and submit some documents but I'm sure he'll be glad to know that. :)

Grateful that the case manager who came to my house was a lovely lady and she loved Billie, and the feeling was mutual. :) Billie is always glad to meet someone new. :)

Grateful for coffee and for my good meals on wheels lunch today. Chicken fajita. Yum. :)

(((Alpine))) I'm sorry you're feeling blue. :hug: Sending you big hugs and prayers for peace of mind. :hug:

Mags1 12-03-2021 08:28 PM

Grateful to wake up sober this Saturday morning.

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