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FBL 05-20-2021 01:59 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 05-20-2021 05:46 AM

Aly, I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Luke. :grouphug: I'll be thinking of you.
Grateful for coffee.
Grateful I was able to get back to sleep after waking up very early, mind racing and with a headache.
Grateful for telework!
Grateful to have some time scheduled with my boss today.
Grateful my first of two evening presentations this week is behind me.
Grateful to meet up with a work colleague for lunch yesterday.
Grateful to be mindful of the need to rest.
Grateful to be sober.

Hevyn 05-20-2021 06:18 AM

Aly - We know how much it hurts. Right there with you. :hug: Luke was such a lucky boy to have a great life with you.
Grateful for a good check up yesterday - but as usual, the doctor's office scale was malfunctioning. :tongue:
Grateful for sun, birds, flowers.
Grateful to be planning a short trip - we're out of practice. :)
Grateful for you all. :grouphug:

Fearlessat50 05-20-2021 07:09 AM

Thinking of you, Aly
Grateful for an inspirational quote I saw on LinkedIn that said “the past is in your head, the future is in your hands”
Grateful for some very important insights that came to me when journaling yesterday that I expect will lead to more positive interactions with certain people
Grateful for a dentist appt today

CBS62 05-20-2021 07:53 AM

Aly I am so sorry for your loss of Luke 💕

Grateful for a beautiful day here in NC.
Grateful to be able to play tennis yesterday.
Grateful that my granddaughter came over and ran in the sprinkler yesterday. I call her my little antidepressant.
Grateful that my son got to visit his cousins in Santa Barbara.
Grateful for SR and all of you. ​​​​​

CharlesG 05-20-2021 09:22 AM

Grateful for my loving partner, grateful for our routines and for health exercises we take serious. Grateful for Sober Recovery and grateful for being able to be awake with little to no pain.

tursiops999 05-20-2021 09:40 AM

Aly, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your dear Luke. I am grateful for all the love and care I know you gave to him, and the love he gave to you.
Grateful this morning for clarity and feeling better.

Alysheba 05-20-2021 11:16 AM

Hevyn, I hate the way the doctor's scales misfunction like that!!! Glad your doctor's appt went well. I get white coat syndrome sometimes too.
Thank you all for your kindness regarding Luke. I miss him terribly, but it was his time to go. Grateful he is no longer suffering.
Love and peace to all.

least 05-20-2021 12:55 PM

Grateful to be sober today and every day. :)

Mags1 05-20-2021 09:03 PM

Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for home delivery shopping
Grateful to hear the birds this morning
Grateful to be here on Grats and all the lovely Gratters :grouphug:

FBL 05-21-2021 02:33 AM

Grateful that Mom is celebrating her 84th birthday today and that she's in relatively good health and good spirits these days.

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 05-21-2021 04:27 AM

Fearless, LOVE that quote! I'm going to share it wth my kids.
Hevyn, totally hate it when that scale malfunctions! Just ONCE I wish it would malfunction in my favor. ;)
Grateful for coffee.
Grateful that my second evening work presentation this week is also behind me.
Grateful that the only things on my calendar today are with people I really like.
Grateful for a sunny morning.
Grateful for incremental weight loss.
Grateful for a supportive boss.
Grateful to be sober.

Numblady 05-21-2021 05:05 AM

Oh Aly. I’m so sorry, but also glad Luke had you to look out for him and help him be released from pain when it was time. You were his protector to the end and I know he knew that. Huge hugs to you.

Grateful for Turs’ mention of dumplings. Do you really have a dumpling restaurant by you? that sounds amazing. I wish there was a dumpling restaurant in general where you could get Chinese dumplings, pieriogies, chicken and dumplings, spaetzle, and whatever else counts as a dumpling. There is something so beautiful and soothing about them. Crap now I am making myself hungry.
Grateful I’m not the only one to have been a victim of the mis-calibrated doctor scale!
Grateful it’s Friday.
Grateful for all of you.

Fearlessat50 05-21-2021 06:25 AM

CBS, I love that you call your granddaughter an antidepressant. I may borrow that. I wouldn’t exactly always say that about my son. But certainly it’s true of both my cats 🐱 😊
Charles, good to see you here
FBL, happy birthday to your mom!
Mags, I really like that quote by Rumi at the end of your signature
Grateful for the cozy fire
Grateful for the cuteness of my cats, both kneading on their blankets facing each other. So adorable
Grateful sonny boy is having a better semester, which will end in just three weeks
Grateful to have one short meeting today then have the afternoon to do whatever I want. Grateful for Home Depot

Alysheba 05-21-2021 08:57 AM

Thank you NL, for you kind words and for the kindness of you all. It still leaves a hole, but he's better off.
Love and peace to you all. So grateful for all of you. :grouphug:

cinrn 05-21-2021 09:22 AM

You know, just yesterday I said to someone whom I love; I think i'm starting to know what it feels like to be ME again. It is priceless to regain even a small amt of your true self, your soul. I am thankful for those who love me for who I am.

Hevyn 05-21-2021 09:39 AM

CharlesG - Good to see you. :) Grateful for you, too.
FBL - Happy 84th to your dear mama. :yup:
cinrn - Wonderful post. I'm so glad we can reclaim our authentic selves.
Grateful for the humor & wisdom of this group.
Grateful for another sunny day & the promise of a much better summer than last year.
Grateful to shop without a mask for first time in over a year - felt kind of naked. :)
Grateful for all of you.

CBS62 05-21-2021 10:02 AM

Welcome CharlesG and Sinrn. Good to see you here too Mags!
Grateful for a beautiful day.
Grateful for my therapist who is helping me manage my worries/anxiety/health anxiety. I used to stuff it all down and self medicate with wine every night.
Grateful that I got to play tennis this morning.
Grateful that my daughter and granddaughter are coming over for dinner tonight.
Grateful for the weekend.
Grateful for 154 days sober.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

tursiops999 05-21-2021 10:42 AM

Welcome Cinrn and Charles G - grateful you have join us.
NL -- yes, a dumpling restaurant a 5 minute drive away, owned by a Chinese immigrant family that makes authentic dumplings and beef noodle soup. They sell them frozen too and I keep my freezer full of them. Boil for 10 minutes and voila, I have a fabulous dinner that I did not have to make! So grateful for that!
Grateful for a lovely sunny day, that I'm going to go outside and enjoy.

Daisybelle 05-22-2021 12:00 AM

Grateful to make it here to post this morning
Grateful that Aly did the kindest possible last act for her beloved Luke. Thinking about you lovely, Luke was blessed to have you as his human.
Grateful I was up early this morning, before the others in the house.
Grateful to feel well.
Grateful Loki kitten has stopped charging round like a mad cat for now and is asleep on my shoulder.
Grateful for all I have.
Grateful for all of you.

Happy birthday to your mum F.B.L xx

FBL 05-22-2021 01:50 AM

Grateful for an extra early start to my Saturday.

Grateful to observe 11 years and 11 months of continuous sobriety today.

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 05-22-2021 06:17 AM

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful I was able to sleep in this morning.
Grateful my bad dreams were not actually real!
Grateful I have my second vaccine scheduled for today.
Grateful my husband is back and can handle taking the kids to sports today.
Grateful to be sober.

Fearlessat50 05-22-2021 07:13 AM

Cinrn, beautiful post. So true. Grateful for sobriety allowing us to be free and true
Hev, shopping without a mask? I can’t imagine! CA is not yet down with the new CDC guidelines. Hopefully soon
Daisy, good to see you. Loki must be a small cat to sleep on your shoulder. Or you have a big shoulder. Lol. I am grateful to be sitting by the fire with my little Daisy cat in my lap, and Charlie right next to me.
Palmer, good luck today. My second is tomorrow
Grateful to be going for a long bike ride with a friend, then lunch
Grateful to plan time to plant some new plants in my zen garden
Grateful to order a gazing ball from Amazon to put in the garden
Grateful I got another article for work approved for the blog
Grateful Mr F and I had a long talk with sonny boy over his request to give up karate. He has been doing it since age three and got his black belt two years ago. He’s half way to a second degree. But he started to lose interest before the Pandemic. We’ve had this talk before. But it does t feel right to force him to continue something his heart is not in. This is not about me. It’s about him, and he made a good case for himself. So we will say goodbye to his instructor at his final class this morning. It makes me sad. But it is time for sonny boy to move on and explore other interests he is choosing for himself. Grateful he is excited about learning German and taking an engineering course over Summer.
Grateful Mr F and I are on the same page.
Grateful for a beautiful morning.

CBS62 05-22-2021 07:33 AM

Grateful for a pretty day.
Grateful that my PAWS dizziness let up a little this morning. I hope it is a sign of things to come.
Grateful to have my granddaughter spend the night tonight so her mom can cater a wedding.
Grateful for good decaf coffee that is processed without chemicals.
Grateful to hear the Cardinals calling to each other.

Hevyn 05-22-2021 09:48 AM

CBS - Me too with the anxiety thing. We were only making things harder on ourselves - glad we are over that.
FBL - 11 yr. 11 mos. - how wonderful. :yup:
Fearless - Hope you'll be maskless soon. It's still a little unclear in some places here - it's being left up to the individual businesses. Confusing.
Grateful for yet another sunny day - wow, this is a record.
Grateful I'm weighing myself regularly & facing the music. :)
Grateful for flip flops & summer clothes, but they are tight.....
Grateful for all your posts. :grouphug:

Alysheba 05-22-2021 11:49 AM

FBL, congrats on all that sober time. That is wonderful! :c006:
Grateful my sister who just moved by the bay took my mom and I out to lunch yesterday to try to cheer us up over Luke. She has a really nice place in a high rise with a great view of the bay and the city, SF. It was nice to get out.
I know I have some chores I should do today, but not sure whether they will. They're certainly not going anywhere.
Grateful for my gots!
Love and peace to all. :grouphug:

least 05-22-2021 02:00 PM

FBL, congrats and hugs on 11 years and 11 months sober! :hug: And happy birthday to your mom. :)

Today I'm grateful for my brother taking me to the store. :) Grateful that he is so good to me. :hug:

Grateful that it's cooler today and I was able to take Billie for a little walk. :)

Grateful for all of you here. :grouphug:

tursiops999 05-22-2021 08:53 PM

Dear Graters, I'm grateful for you all here. I need your prayers or thoughts.
Mr. T had a sudden medical event yesterday that he did not survive. I am beyond shocked, he was a very healthy man in his early 60s.
I am grateful that his two sons were with me, and that we made the decisions together, not that there was much to decide as mostly nothing could be done.
I am so grateful for love and support from my family of origin, and my family of choice that I formed with Mr. T and his kids.
I'm grateful I won't go through this alone, I've had calls and texts all day and my therapist has made herself available too.
I'm grateful for Mr. T and his beautiful life, my best friend the last 20 years.

Caramel 05-23-2021 12:35 AM

Sympathy to you, tursiops, in this sudden dismaying loss. Glad you have support.

Mags1 05-23-2021 01:10 AM

My condolences and prayers tursiops, to you and your family. :hug:

Grateful I’m sober
Grateful to see the sunshine for a little while earlier.

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